package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; public class EFeatureDialect { // ----------------------------------------------------- // Public property names // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * {@link EFeatureContext} instance ID. * <p> */ public static final String EFEATURE_CONTEXT_ID = "eContextID"; /** * Extension point id to an {@link EditingDomain} instance. * <p> * All readers and writers are forces to use given {@link EditingDomain} instance for read/write * EMF model access. * <p> */ public static final String EDITING_DOMAIN_ID = "eDomainID"; /** * The name space URI of the {@link EPackage} which the {@link EClass} with name * {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} belongs. * <p> */ public static final String EPACKAGE_NS_URI = "eNsURI"; /** * {@link URI} to the {@link Resource} which the {@link EFeatureDataStore} instance fetches * {@link SimpleFeature}s from. * <p> * The {@link URI} points to a {@link Resource} managed by the {@link EditingDomain} specified * by {@link #EDITING_DOMAIN_ID}. * <p> * All readers and writers are forces to use given {@link EditingDomain} instance for read/write * access to the {@link Resource}. * <p> */ public static final String ERESOURCE_URI = "eURI"; /** * A query that defines which {@link EFeature} folders to include in a {@link EFeatureDataStore}. * <p> * This parameter has the following syntax: * * <pre> * eFolders=<eFolder1>+...+<eFolderN> * * where * * eFolder = <eName>[:<eQuery>|$<eFragment>] * </pre> */ public static final String EFOLDERS_QUERY = "eFolders"; /** * A boolean flag indication if {@link EFeature}s can be * written ({@link EFeatureWriter#UPDATE} | * {@link EFeatureWriter#APPEND}). */ public static final String EFEATURE_WRITABLE = "eWritable"; // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureDialog methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Create connection parameter {@link Map} from required parameter values * * @param eContextID - id of {@link EFeatureContext} instance * @param eDomainID - id of {@link EditingDomain} instance * @param eNsURI TODO * @param eURI - {@link URI} to {@link Resource} containing {@link SimpleFeature} data * @param eFolders - {@link EFeature} folders query * @return a {@link Map} of connection parameters */ public Map<String, Serializable> toParams(String eContextID, String eDomainID, String eNsURI, String eURI, String eFolders) { Map<String, Serializable> params = new HashMap<String, Serializable>(1); params.put(EFEATURE_CONTEXT_ID, eContextID); params.put(EDITING_DOMAIN_ID, eDomainID); params.put(EPACKAGE_NS_URI, eNsURI); params.put(ERESOURCE_URI, eURI); params.put(EFOLDERS_QUERY, eFolders); return params; } /** * Parse {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} parameter into folders */ public String[] toFolderQueries(String eFolders) { return (isSane(eFolders) ? eFolders.split("+") : null); } /** * Get folder eName element in {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} specification */ public String getFolderName(String eFolder) { int i = eFolder.indexOf(':'); if (i == -1) i = eFolder.indexOf('$'); return i == -1 ? eFolder : eFolder.substring(0, i); } /** * Get folder eQuery element in {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} specification */ public String getFolderQuery(String eFolder) { int i = eFolder.indexOf(':'); return i == -1 ? null : eFolder.substring(i + 1); } /** * Get folder eFragment element in {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} specification */ public String getFolderFragment(String eFolder) { int i = eFolder.indexOf('$'); return i == -1 ? null : eFolder.substring(i + 1); } /** * Concatenate folders into a {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} syntax */ public String toFoldersQuery(String[] eFolders) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String it : eFolders) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append("+"); } builder.append(it); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Get folder query specification * * @param eName - name of {@link EFeature} folder * @param eQuery - {@link EFeature} query * @param eFragment - {@link EFeature} {@link EObject parent} fragment * @return a {@link #EFOLDERS_QUERY} folder query specification */ public String toFolderQuery(String eName, String eQuery, String eFragment) { String eFolder = eName; if (isSane(eQuery)) { eFolder += ":" + eQuery; } else if (isSane(eFragment)) { eFolder += "$" + eFragment; } return eFolder; } public boolean isSane(String spec) { return !(spec == null || spec.length() == 0); } }