package; import static; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.Condition; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.Not; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.EObjectCondition; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.eobjects.EObjectConditionAdapter; import; import; import; import org.geotools.filter.Capabilities; import org.geotools.filter.function.PropertyExistsFunction; import org.geotools.filter.visitor.IsFullySupportedFilterVisitor; import org.geotools.filter.visitor.IsSupportedFilterVisitor; import org.geotools.util.logging.Logging; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.BinaryComparisonOperator; import org.opengis.filter.BinaryLogicOperator; import org.opengis.filter.ExcludeFilter; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterVisitor; import org.opengis.filter.Id; import org.opengis.filter.IncludeFilter; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsBetween; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThan; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThan; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLike; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNotEqualTo; import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNull; import org.opengis.filter.capability.FilterCapabilities; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Add; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Divide; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.ExpressionVisitor; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Function; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Multiply; import org.opengis.filter.expression.NilExpression; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import org.opengis.filter.expression.Subtract; import org.opengis.filter.identity.Identifier; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Beyond; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BinarySpatialOperator; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Contains; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Crosses; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.DWithin; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Disjoint; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Equals; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Intersects; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Overlaps; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Touches; import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Within; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.After; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.AnyInteracts; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.Before; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.Begins; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.BegunBy; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.During; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.EndedBy; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.Ends; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.Meets; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.MetBy; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.OverlappedBy; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.TContains; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.TEquals; import org.opengis.filter.temporal.TOverlaps; /** * Encodes a {@link Filter} into an {@link EObjectCondition} statement. * <p> * This class is based on the source code by Chris Holmes (TOPP) * and Saul Farber (MassGIS) * * @author kengu * */ public class EObjectConditionEncoder implements FilterVisitor, ExpressionVisitor { /** {@link Logger} instance for this class */ private Logger LOGGER = Logging.getLogger(EObjectConditionEncoder.class); /** * The srid of the schema, so the BBOX conforms. */ private String srid; /** * Cached {@link SimpleFeatureType} instance */ private SimpleFeatureType featureType; /** * The geometry attribute to use if none is specified. */ // private String defaultGeom; /** * Cached {@link EFeatureInfo} instance. The following information is used: * <ol> * <li>Name of default geometry attribute, used if none is specified</li> * </ol> */ private EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo; /** * Whether the BBOX filter should be strict (using the exact geom), or loose (using the * envelopes) */ private boolean looseBBox = false; /** * Cached {@link FilterCapabilities} supported by {@link EFeatureQuery} */ private Capabilities capabilities; /** * Cached {@link EObjectCondition} built during encoding */ private Condition eCondition; /** * Stack of {@link Condition}s waiting to be logically combined */ private Stack<Condition> eConditionStack = new Stack<Condition>(); /** * Stack of {@link Expression} evaluation results waiting to be combined into an * {@link EFeatureFilter} expression */ private Stack<Object> eExpressionStack = new Stack<Object>(); /** * {@link EObjectConditionEncoder} constructor * * @param eFeatureInfo - {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * @param looseBBox - */ public EObjectConditionEncoder(EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo, boolean looseBBox) { this.eFeatureInfo = eFeatureInfo; this.srid = eFeatureInfo.getSRID(); this.featureType = eFeatureInfo.getFeatureType(); this.looseBBox = looseBBox; } public Capabilities getCapabilities() { if (capabilities == null) { capabilities = createFilterCapabilities(); } return capabilities; } /** * Determines if specific filter passed in is supported. * * @param filter - the Filter to be tested. * @return true if supported, false otherwise. * @see IsSupportedFilterVisitor */ public boolean supports(Filter filter) { return getCapabilities().supports(filter); } /** * Determines if the filter and all its sub filters and expressions are supported. * <p> * * @param filter - the filter to be tested. * @return true if all sub filters are supported, false otherwise. * @see IsFullySupportedFilterVisitor */ public boolean fullySupports(Filter filter) { return getCapabilities().fullySupports(filter); } /** * Determines if the expression and all its sub expressions is supported. * <p> * * @param filter the filter to be tested. * @return true if all sub filters are supported, false otherwise. * @see IsFullySupportedFilterVisitor */ public boolean fullySupports(Expression expression) { return getCapabilities().fullySupports(expression); } /** * Gets whether the Filter.BBOX query will be strict and use an intersects or 'loose' and just * operate against the geometry envelopes. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if this encoder is going to do loose filtering. */ public boolean isLooseBBox() { return looseBBox; } /** * Sets whether the Filter.BBOX query should be 'loose', meaning that it should just do a * bounding box against the envelope. If set to <tt>false</tt> then the BBOX query will perform * a full intersects against the geometry, ensuring that it is exactly correct. If <tt>true</tt> * then the query will likely perform faster, but may not be exactly correct. * * @param isLooseBBox - whether the BBOX should be loose or strict. */ public void setLooseBBox(boolean isLooseBBox) { this.looseBBox = isLooseBBox; } public String getSRID() { return this.srid; } /** * Sets a spatial reference system ESPG number, so that the geometry can be properly encoded for * {@link EFeature}. * * @param srid - the code for the spatial reference system. */ public void setSRID(String srid) { this.srid = srid; } /** * Get feature type which EMF Queries are encoded for. * * @return a {@link SimpleFeatureType} instance. */ public SimpleFeatureType getFeatureType() { return featureType; } /** * Sets the {@link FeatureType} the encoder is encoding {@link EFeatureFilter} for. * <p> * This is used in the context for attribute expressions when encoding to * {@link EObjectCondition}s. * </p> * * @param featureType - given {@link FeatureType} instance */ public void setFeatureType(SimpleFeatureType featureType) { this.featureType = featureType; } /** * Encode given {@link Filter} into an {@link EObjectCondition}. * * @param filter - the {@link Filter} to be encoded. * * * * @throws EFeatureEncoderException If filter type not supported. */ public EObjectCondition encode(Filter filter) throws EFeatureEncoderException { try { eCondition = null; eConditionStack.clear(); Condition condition = (Condition)filter.accept(this, null); if(condition instanceof EObjectCondition) { eCondition = condition; } else { eCondition = new EObjectConditionAdapter(condition); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to export filter" + ex); throw new EFeatureEncoderException("Problem writing filter: " + filter, ex); } return new EObjectConditionAdapter(eCondition); } /** * Encode given {@link Expression} into an {@link Condition}. * * @param expression the {@link Expression} to be encoded. * * @throws EFeatureEncoderException If filter type not supported. */ public Condition encode(Expression expression) throws EFeatureEncoderException { try { eCondition = null; eConditionStack.clear(); expression.accept(this, null); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to export filter" + ex); throw new EFeatureEncoderException("Problem writing expression: " + expression, ex); } return eCondition; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // FilterVisitor implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Push {@link EObjectCondition#E_FALSE} to {@link EObjectCondition} stack * <p> * * @param filter - the {@link Filter} instance to be visited * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @see {@link FilterVisitor#visit(ExcludeFilter, Object)} */ @Override public Condition visit(ExcludeFilter filter, Object extraData) { eConditionStack.add(EObjectCondition.E_FALSE); return eConditionStack.peek(); } /** * Push {@link EObjectCondition#E_TRUE} to {@link EObjectCondition} stack * <p> * * @param filter - the {@link Filter} instance to be visited * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @see {@link FilterVisitor#visit(IncludeFilter, Object)} * */ @Override public Condition visit(IncludeFilter filter, Object extraData) { eConditionStack.add(EObjectCondition.E_TRUE); return eConditionStack.peek(); } /** * Create EMF query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsBetween BETWEEN condition} from given * {@link PropertyIsBetween BETWEEN filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * <p> * Literal values {@link Number}, {@link java.util.Date} and {@link String} are supported. Any * other {@link Literal} value will throw an {@link RuntimeException}. * </p> * * @param filter - the {@link Filter} instance to be visited * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link EAttributeValueIsBetween} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported */ @Override public EAttributeValueIsBetween visit(PropertyIsBetween filter, Object extraData) throws RuntimeException { // // Get all expressions // Expression expr = filter.getExpression(); Expression lowerbounds = filter.getLowerBoundary(); Expression upperbounds = filter.getUpperBoundary(); // // Get expression data type // Class<?> type; AttributeDescriptor attType = (AttributeDescriptor) expr.evaluate(featureType); if (attType != null) { type = attType.getType().getBinding(); } else { // // Assume it's a string // type = String.class; } // // Check if type is not supported // if (!DataTypes.supports(type)) { throw new RuntimeException("Type " + type + " not supported."); } // // For each expression in filter: // 1) Build expression recursively and put onto expression stack // 2) Cast expression result to expected type // expr.accept(this, false); PropertyName name = toType(eExpressionStack.pop(), PropertyName.class, "PropertyIsBetween expression is not a PropertyName"); lowerbounds.accept(this, type); Literal lower = toLiteral(eExpressionStack.pop(), "PropertyIsBetween lower bound expression is not a Literal"); upperbounds.accept(this, type); Literal upper = toLiteral(eExpressionStack.pop(), "PropertyIsBetween upper bound expression is not a Literal"); // // Get EAttribute instance from definition // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eGetAttribute(name.getPropertyName()); // // Found attribute? // if (eAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EAttribute " + name.getPropertyName() + " not found"); } try { // // Create EObjectCondition instance and push it to condition stack // EAttributeValueIsBetween eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsBetween(eAttribute, lower, upper); // // Push to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // // Finished // return eCondition; } catch (EFeatureEncoderException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create BETWEEN condition", e); } } /** * Create EMF query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsLike LIKE condition} from given * {@link PropertyIsLike LIKE filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * <p> * Only {@link String} literal values are supported. Any other {@link Literal} value will throw * a {@link RuntimeException}. * <p> * String pattern must comply with {@link Pattern} specification. An invalid pattern will throw * a {@link RuntimeException}. * </p> * * @param filter - the LIKE Filter to be visited. * * @return a {@link EAttributeValueIsLike} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public EAttributeValueIsLike visit(PropertyIsLike filter, Object extraData) { // Get LIKE clause information // // char esc = filter.getEscape().charAt(0); // char multi = filter.getWildCard().charAt(0); // char single = filter.getSingleChar().charAt(0); // boolean matchCase = filter.isMatchingCase(); // TODO: Verify pattern expression // Get expression and literal // String pattern = filter.getLiteral(); Expression expr = filter.getExpression(); // Get expression data type // Class<?> type; AttributeDescriptor attType = (AttributeDescriptor) expr.evaluate(featureType); if (attType != null) { type = attType.getType().getBinding(); } else { // assume it's a string type = String.class; } // Check if type is not supported // if (!DataTypes.supports(type)) { throw new RuntimeException("Type " + type + " not supported."); } // Build expression recursively and put onto expression stack // expr.accept(this, extraData); // Cast expression to PropertyName // PropertyName name = toType(eExpressionStack.pop(), PropertyName.class, "PropertyIsLike expression is not a PropertyName"); // Get EAttribute instance from definition // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eGetAttribute(name.getPropertyName()); // Found attribute? // if (eAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EAttribute " + name.getPropertyName() + " not found"); } try { // Create EObjectCondition instance and push it // EAttributeValueIsLike eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsLike(eAttribute, pattern); // Push to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // Finished // return eCondition; } catch (EFeatureEncoderException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create LIKE condition", e); } } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link Not <code>NOT</code> condition} from given Geotools * {@link org.opengis.filter.Not NOT filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(org.opengis.filter.Not filter, Object extraData) { // // Build filter recursively and put onto condition stack // filter.getFilter().accept(this,extraData); // // Invert condition // eCondition = new Not(eConditionStack.pop()); // // Finished // return eCondition; } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link Condition#AND(Condition) AND condition}  from given * Geotools {@link org.opengis.filter.And AND filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} * stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance */ @Override public Condition visit(org.opengis.filter.And filter, Object extraData) { return visit((BinaryLogicOperator) filter, "AND"); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link Condition#OR(Condition) OR condition}  from given Geotools * {@link org.opengis.filter.Or OR filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(org.opengis.filter.Or filter, Object extraData) { return visit((BinaryLogicOperator) filter, "OR"); } /** * Common implementation for {@link BinaryLogicOperator binary logic operator} filters. This way * they're all handled centrally. * <p> * This method iterate over all filter children, concatenating them into a single EMF Query * {@link Condition logical operator condition} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * <p> * Only {@link Not NOT}, {@link Condition#OR(Condition) OR} and {@link Condition#OR(Condition) * AND} operator filters are supported. Any other {@link BinaryLogicOperator binary logic * operator} filter instance will throw a {@link RuntimeException}. * </p> * * @param filter - the logic statement. * @param extraData - extra filter data. Not modified directly by this method. * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ protected Condition visit(BinaryLogicOperator filter, Object extraData) { // Initialize // Condition eCondition = null; // Get name logic operator // String operator = ((String) extraData).toUpperCase(); // Get filter iterator // Iterator<Filter> list = filter.getChildren().iterator(); // Is inverse operator? // if ("OR".equals(operator)) { while (list.hasNext()) { // Build filter recursively and put onto condition stack //, extraData); // Initialize? // if (eCondition == null) { eCondition = eConditionStack.pop(); } else { eCondition = eCondition.OR(eConditionStack.pop()); } } } else if ("AND".equals(operator)) { while (list.hasNext()) { // Build filter recursively and put onto condition stack //, extraData); // Initialize? // if (eCondition == null) { eCondition = eConditionStack.pop(); } else { eCondition = eCondition.AND(eConditionStack.pop()); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Binary logical " + "operator " + operator + " filter not supported"); } // No condition created? // if (eCondition == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Binary logical " + "operator " + operator + " filter not supported"); } // Push concatenated condition to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // Finished // return eCondition; } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsEqual EQ (==) condition}  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsEqualTo EQ filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported */ @Override public Condition visit(PropertyIsEqualTo filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsEqualTo.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsGreaterEqual GE (>=) condition}  from * given Geotools {@link PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo GE filter} and push it to * {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsGreaterThan GE (>) condition}  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsGreaterThan GT filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} * stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(PropertyIsGreaterThan filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsGreaterThan.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsLessThan LE (<) condition}  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsLessThan LT filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(PropertyIsLessThan filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsLessThan.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsLessEqual LE (<=) condition}  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo LE filter} and push it to * {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsNotEqual NE (!=) condition }  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsNotEqualTo NE filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} * stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Object visit(PropertyIsNotEqualTo filter, Object extraData) { visitBinaryComparisonOperator(filter, PropertyIsNotEqualTo.NAME); return extraData; } /** * Common implementation for {@link BinaryComparisonOperator binary comparison operator} * filters. This way they're all handled centrally. * <p> * This method iterate over all filter children, concatenating them into a single EMF Query * {@link Condition logical comparison condition} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * <p> * Only {@link EAttributeValueIsEqual EQ (==)}, {@link EAttributeValueIsNotEqual NE (>)}, * {@link EAttributeValueIsLessThan LT (<)}, {@link EAttributeValueIsLessThan LE (<=)}, * {@link EAttributeValueIsGreaterThan GT (>)} and {@link EAttributeValueIsLessThan GE (>=)} * logical comparison filters are supported. Any other {@link BinaryLogicOperator binary logic * operator} filter instance will throw a {@link RuntimeException}. * </p> * * @param filter - the logic statement. * @param extraData - extra filter data. Not modified directly by this method. * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ protected Condition visitBinaryComparisonOperator(BinaryComparisonOperator filter, Object extraData) throws RuntimeException { // LOGGER.finer("exporting SQL ComparisonFilter"); // // Initialize // Literal value = null; String name = null; Condition eCondition = null; // // Get left and right expression // Expression left = filter.getExpression1(); Expression right = filter.getExpression2(); // // Detect functions // if(left instanceof Function || right instanceof Function) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Functions are not supported"); } // // Detect implicit inner join // if (left instanceof PropertyName && right instanceof PropertyName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Implicit inner joint predicates not supported"); } // Verify left expression // if (left instanceof PropertyName) { name = ((PropertyName) left).getPropertyName(); } else if (left instanceof PropertyExistsFunction) { name = ((PropertyExistsFunction) left).getParameters().get(0).toString(); } else if (left instanceof Literal) { value = (Literal) left; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Left argument must be a Literal"); } // // Verify right expression // if (right instanceof PropertyName) { name = ((PropertyName) right).getPropertyName(); } else if (right instanceof PropertyExistsFunction) { name = ((PropertyExistsFunction) right).getParameters().get(0).toString(); } else if (right instanceof Literal) { value = (Literal) right; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Right argument must be a Literal"); } // Get EAttribute instance from definition // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eGetAttribute(name); // Found attribute? // if (eAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EAttribute " + name + " not found"); } // Get comparator // String comparator = (String) extraData; try { // Create comparator condition // if (PropertyIsEqualTo.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else if (PropertyIsLessThan.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else if (PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else if (PropertyIsGreaterThan.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else if (PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else if (PropertyIsNotEqualTo.NAME.equals(comparator)) { eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsEqual(eAttribute, value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Comparator " + comparator + " not supported"); } } catch (EFeatureEncoderException e) { String msg = "Failed to create " + "EObjectCondition (" + comparator + ")"; LOGGER.warning(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e); } // Push concatenated condition to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // Finished // return eCondition; } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsNull IS NULL condition}  from given * Geotools {@link PropertyIsNull IS NULL filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link EAttributeValueIsNull} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one expression is not supported * */ @Override public EAttributeValueIsNull visit(PropertyIsNull filter, Object extraData) throws RuntimeException { // LOGGER.finer("exporting NullFilter"); // Get filter expression // Expression expr = filter.getExpression(); // Build expression recursively and put onto expression stack // expr.accept(this, extraData); // Get PropertyName instance // PropertyName name = toType(eExpressionStack.pop(), PropertyName.class, "PropertyIsNull expression is not a PropertyName"); // Get EAttribute instance from definition // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eGetAttribute(name.getPropertyName()); // Found attribute? // if (eAttribute == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EAttribute " + name.getPropertyName() + " not found"); } // Create EObjectCondition instance and push to stack // EAttributeValueIsNull eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsNull(eAttribute); // Push to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // Finished // return eCondition; } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EAttributeValueIsID ID condition}  from given Geotools * {@link Id ID filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @param filter - the {@link Id identifier} filter * * @return a {@link EAttributeValueIsID} instance * * @throws RuntimeException - if no or more than one {@link Identifier identifier}s are given. * */ @Override public EAttributeValueIsID visit(Id filter, Object extraData) { // Get identifiers // Set<Identifier> ids = filter.getIdentifiers(); // // LOGGER.finer("Exporting FID=" + ids); // // Verify that only one identifier is given // if (ids.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Id filter " + filter + " has no identifier"); } else if (ids.size() > 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Id filter " + filter + " has more than one identifier"); } // // Get ID // Object id = ids.iterator().next().getID(); // // Is ID invalid? // if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Identifier is null"); } // // Get ID EAttribute instance from definition // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eIDAttribute(); try { // Create EObjectCondition instance and push it // EAttributeValueIsID eCondition = new EAttributeValueIsID(eAttribute, id.toString()); // // Push to stack // eConditionStack.push(eCondition); // // Finished // return eCondition; } catch (EFeatureEncoderException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create IS ID condition", e); } } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueBBox BBOX condition}  from given Geotools * {@link BBOX BBOX filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(BBOX filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, BBOX.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueBeyond BEYOND condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Beyond BEYOND filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Beyond filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Beyond.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueContains CONTAINS condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Contains CONTAINS filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Contains filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Contains.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueCrosses CROSSES condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Crosses CROSSES filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Crosses filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Crosses.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueDisjoint DISJOINT condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Disjoint DISJOINT filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Disjoint filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Disjoint.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueDWithin DWITHIN condition}  from given * Geotools {@link DWithin DWITHIN filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(DWithin filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, DWithin.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueEquals EQUALS condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Equals EQUALS filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Equals filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Equals.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueIntersects INTERSECTS condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Intersects INTERSECTS filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Intersects filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Intersects.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueOverlaps OVERLAPS condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Overlaps OVERLAPS filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Overlaps filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Overlaps.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueTouches TOUCHES condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Touches TOUCHES filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Object visit(Touches filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Touches.NAME); } /** * Create EMF Query compatible {@link EGeometryValueWithin WITHIN condition}  from given * Geotools {@link Within WITHIN filter} and push it to {@link EObjectCondition} stack. * * @param filter - the filter to visit * @param extraData - not in use * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException If one or more expressions are not supported * */ @Override public Condition visit(Within filter, Object extraData) { return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, Within.NAME); } /** * Common implementation for {@link BinarySpatialOperator binary spatial operator} filters. This * way they're all handled centrally. * <p> * This method extracts property name, geometry literal and descriptor and evaluates if property * name and geometry literal arguments are swapped. * </p> * * @param filter - binary spatial operator statement * @param name - operator name * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException - if one or more expressions are not supported * */ protected Condition visitBinarySpatialOperator(BinarySpatialOperator filter, String name) { // Perform some sanity checks // if (filter == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Filter to be encoded cannot be null"); } // Extract the property name and the geometry literal // Literal geometry; PropertyName property; boolean swapped = false; BinaryComparisonOperator op = (BinaryComparisonOperator) filter; if (op.getExpression1() instanceof PropertyName && op.getExpression2() instanceof Literal) { property = (PropertyName) op.getExpression1(); geometry = (Literal) op.getExpression2(); swapped = true; } else if (op.getExpression2() instanceof PropertyName && op.getExpression1() instanceof Literal) { property = (PropertyName) op.getExpression2(); geometry = (Literal) op.getExpression1(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only encode spatial filters that do " + "compare a property name and a geometry"); } // Get EAttribute instance // EAttribute eAttribute = eFeatureInfo.eGetAttribute(property.getPropertyName()); // Going through evaluate ensures we get the proper result even // if the name has not been specified (convention -> the default geometry) AttributeDescriptor descriptor = (AttributeDescriptor) property.evaluate(featureType); if (descriptor instanceof GeometryDescriptor) { // Forward // return visitBinarySpatialOperator(filter, name, eAttribute, (GeometryDescriptor) descriptor, geometry, swapped); } else if(descriptor == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute '" + property.getPropertyName() + "' not found in '" + featureType.getTypeName() + "'"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute '" + property.getPropertyName() + "' is not a geometry in " + featureType.getTypeName() + "'"); } } /** * Common implementation for {@link BinarySpatialOperator binary spatial operator} filters. This * way they're all handled centrally. * <p> * This method extracts property name, geometry literal and descriptor and evaluates if property * name and geometry literal arguments are swapped. * </p> * * @param filter - the binary spatial operator statement * @param name - operator name * @param property - property name expression * @param geometry - geometry literal expression * @param swapped - true if geometry literal is left expression (first) * @param eAttribute - EAttribute instance * @param descriptor - geometry descriptor * * @return a {@link Condition} instance * * @throws RuntimeException - if one or more expressions are not supported * */ protected Condition visitBinarySpatialOperator(BinarySpatialOperator filter, String name, EAttribute eAttribute, GeometryDescriptor descriptor, Literal geometry, boolean swapped) { try { if (BBOX.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueBBox(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Beyond.NAME.equals(name)) { double distance = convert((Beyond) filter, descriptor); return new EGeometryValueBeyond(eAttribute, geometry, distance); } else if (DWithin.NAME.equals(name)) { double distance = convert((DWithin) filter, descriptor); return new EGeometryValueDWithin(eAttribute, geometry, distance); } else if (Contains.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueContains(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Crosses.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueCrosses(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Disjoint.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueDisjoint(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Equals.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueEquals(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Intersects.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueIntersects(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Overlaps.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueOverlaps(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Touches.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueTouches(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } else if (Within.NAME.equals(name)) { return new EGeometryValueWithin(eAttribute, geometry, swapped); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Spatial operation " + name + " is not supported", e); } // Not supported, throw exception // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Spatial operation " + name + " is not supported"); } @Override public Object visitNullFilter(Object extraData) { return extraData; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // ExpressionVisitor // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Validate property against current {@link #getFeatureType() feature} and push it or the * {@link AttributeDescriptor} to the {@link Expression} stack. * * @param expression - the expression to visit * @param toAttribute - if {@link Boolean#TRUE TRUE}, push and return * {@link AttributeDescriptor} found in current {@link #getFeatureType() feature type}, * otherwise return {@link PropertyName} instance. * * @return a {@link AttributeDescriptor} or {@link PropertyName} instance depending on * 'toAttribute' flag * * @throws RuntimeException If {@link #getFeatureType()} does not define a * {@link AttributeDescriptor} with given property name. */ @Override public Object visit(PropertyName expression, Object toAttribute) throws RuntimeException { // LOGGER.finer("exporting PropertyName"); // // Get parse flag // boolean bFlag = (toAttribute instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) toAttribute : false); // // First evaluate expression against feature type // get the attribute, this handles xpath // AttributeDescriptor attribute = null; try { attribute = (AttributeDescriptor) expression.evaluate(featureType); } catch (Exception e) { // Property name not supported // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error occured mapping " + expression + " to feature type", e); } // Verify // if (attribute == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Attribute with name " + "[" + expression.getPropertyName() + "] not found"); } // Push to stack // eExpressionStack.push((bFlag ? attribute : expression)); // Finished // return eExpressionStack.peek(); } /** * Get literal or it's value. * <p> * * @param expression - the expression to visit * @param toValue - if {@link Boolean#TRUE TRUE}, push and return {@link Literal#getValue() * literal value}, otherwise push and return the {@link Literal} itself. * * @return a {@link Object value} or the {@link Literal itself} instance depending on 'toValue' * flag * */ @Override public Object visit(Literal expression, Object toValue) { // Initialize // Object literal = expression; // Get parse flag // boolean bFlag = (toValue instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) toValue : false); // Get literal value? // if (bFlag) { // Get literal value // literal = expression.evaluate(null); // If that failed, grab the value as is // if (literal == null) { literal = expression.getValue(); } } else if (literal == null) { literal = Expression.NIL; } // Push to stack // eExpressionStack.push(literal); // Finished // return literal; } /** * Binary expression ADD is not supported. */ @Override public Object visit(Add expression, Object extraData) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Binary expression ADD is not supported"); // return visit((BinaryExpression)expression, "+", extraData); } /** * Binary expression DIVIDE is not supported. */ @Override public Object visit(Divide expression, Object extraData) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Binary expression DIVIDE is not supported"); // return visit((BinaryExpression)expression, "/", extraData); } /** * Binary expression MULTIPLY is not supported. */ @Override public Object visit(Multiply expression, Object extraData) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Binary expression MULTIPLY is not supported"); // return visit((BinaryExpression)expression, "*", extraData); } /** * Binary expression SUBSTRACT is not supported. */ @Override public Object visit(Subtract expression, Object extraData) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Binary expression SUBSTRACT is not supported"); // return visit((BinaryExpression)expression, "-", extraData); } // /** // * Writes the SQL for the Math Expression. // * // * @param expression the Math phrase to be written. // * @param operator The operator of the expression. // * // * @throws RuntimeException for io problems // */ // protected Object visit(BinaryExpression expression, String operator, Object extraData) throws // RuntimeException { // LOGGER.finer("exporting Expression Math"); // // try { // expression.getExpression1().accept(this, extraData); // out.write(" " + operator + " "); // expression.getExpression2().accept(this, extraData); // } catch ( ioe) { // throw new RuntimeException("IO problems writing expression", ioe); // } // return extraData; // } /** * {@link Function}s are not supported. */ @Override public Object visit(Function function, Object extraData) throws RuntimeException { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Functions are not not supported"); // try { // List<Expression> parameters = function.getParameters(); // List contexts = null; // //check context, if a list which patches parameter size list assume its context // // to pass along to each Expression for encoding // if( extraData instanceof List && ((List)extraData).size() == parameters.size() ) { // contexts = (List) extraData; // } // // //set the encoding function flag to signal we are inside a function // encodingFunction = true; // // //write the name // out.write( function.getName() ); // // //write the arguments // out.write( "("); // for ( int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++ ) { // Expression e = parameters.get( i ); // // Object context = contexts != null ? contexts.get( i ) : extraData; // e.accept(this, context); // // if ( i < parameters.size()-1 ) { // out.write( ","); // } // // } // out.write( ")"); // // //reset the encoding function flag // encodingFunction = false; // } // catch (IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException( e ); // } // // return extraData; } @Override public NilExpression visit(NilExpression expression, Object toValue) { // Get parse flag // boolean bFlag = (toValue instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) toValue : false); return bFlag ? null : expression; } // private void encodeGeomFilter(BinarySpatialOperator filter, String function, String // comparison, boolean useIndex) { // // // This method blindly assumes that the filter is supported // // // Expression left = filter.getExpression1(); // Expression right = filter.getExpression2(); // // try { // //should we use the index? // if (useIndex) { // encodeExpression(left); // out.write(" && "); // encodeExpression(right); // } // // // looseBbox only applies to GEOMETRY_BBOX, so unless this is a // // BBOX, we will always generate the full SQL. // if (filter.getFilterType() != AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_BBOX || !looseBBox) { // if (useIndex) { // out.write(" AND "); // } // out.write(function + "("); // encodeExpression(left); // out.write(", "); // encodeExpression(right); // out.write(")" + comparison); // } // } catch (IOException ex) { // EFeaturePlugin.warn("Unable to export filter", ex); // } // } // // private void encodeExpression(Expression expr) throws IOException { // if (expr == null) { // out.write("\"" + defaultGeom + "\""); // } else { // expr.accept(this,null); // } // } // /** // * Turns a geometry filter into the postgis sql bbox statement. // * // * @param filter the geometry filter to be encoded. // * // * @throws RuntimeException for IO exception (need a better error) // */ // public void visit(BinarySpatialOperator filter) throws RuntimeException { // // //LOGGER.finer("exporting GeometryFilter"); // // short filterType = filter.getFilterType(); // DefaultExpression left = (DefaultExpression) filter.getLeftGeometry(); // DefaultExpression right = (DefaultExpression) filter.getRightGeometry(); // // // // // Figure out if we need to constrain this query with the && constraint. // int literalGeometryCount = 0; // // if ((left != null) // && (left.getType() == DefaultExpression.LITERAL_GEOMETRY)) { // literalGeometryCount++; // } // // if ((right != null) // && (right.getType() == DefaultExpression.LITERAL_GEOMETRY)) { // literalGeometryCount++; // } // // boolean constrainBBOX = (literalGeometryCount == 1); // boolean onlyBbox = filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_BBOX // && looseBBox; // // try { // // // DJB: disjoint is not correctly handled in the pre-march 22/05 // // version // // I changed it to not do a "&&" index search for disjoint because // // Geom1 and Geom2 can have a bbox overlap and be disjoint // // I also added test case. // // NOTE: this will not use the index, but its unlikely that using // // the index // // for a disjoint query will be the correct thing to do. // // // DJB NOTE: need to check for a NOT(A intersects G) filter // // --> NOT( (A && G) AND intersects(A,G)) // // and check that it does the right thing. // // constrainBBOX = constrainBBOX // && (filterType != AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_DISJOINT); // // if (constrainBBOX) { // encodeExpression(left); // out.write(" && "); // encodeExpression(right); // // if (!onlyBbox) { // out.write(" AND "); // } // } // // String closingParenthesis = ")"; // // if (!onlyBbox) { // if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_EQUALS) { // out.write("equals"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_DISJOINT) { // out.write("NOT (intersects"); // closingParenthesis += ")"; // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_INTERSECTS) { // out.write("intersects"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_CROSSES) { // out.write("crosses"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_WITHIN) { // out.write("within"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_CONTAINS) { // out.write("contains"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_OVERLAPS) { // out.write("overlaps"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_BBOX) { // out.write("intersects"); // } else if (filterType == AbstractFilter.GEOMETRY_TOUCHES) { // out.write("touches"); // } else { // // this will choke on beyond and dwithin // throw new RuntimeException("does not support filter type " // + filterType); // } // out.write("("); // // encodeExpression(left); // out.write(", "); // encodeExpression(right); // // out.write(closingParenthesis); // } // } catch ( ioe) { // LOGGER.warning("Unable to export filter" + ioe); // throw new RuntimeException("io error while writing", ioe); // } // } // // public void visit(PropertyIsLike filter) throws UnsupportedOperationException { // char esc = filter.getEscape().charAt(0); // char multi = filter.getWildcardMulti().charAt(0); // char single = filter.getWildcardSingle().charAt(0); // String pattern = LikeFilterImpl.convertToSQL92(esc,multi,single,filter.getPattern()); // // DefaultExpression att = (DefaultExpression) filter.getValue(); // // try { // out.write( " ( " ); // att.accept(this); // // out.write(" LIKE '"); // out.write(pattern); // out.write("' "); // // //JD: this is an ugly ugly hack!! hopefully when the new feature model is around we can // // fix this // //check for context for a date // if ( att instanceof AttributeExpression && context != null // && java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( context ) ) { // //if it is a date, add additional logic for a timestamp, or a timestamp with // // timezone // out.write( " OR " ); // att.accept( this ); // out.write( " LIKE '" ); // out.write(pattern + " __:__:__'" ); //timestamp // // out.write( " OR " ); // att.accept( this ); // out.write( " LIKE '" ); // out.write(pattern + " __:__:_____'" ); //timestamp with time zone // } // // out.write( " ) " ); // // } catch ( ioe) { // throw new RuntimeException(IO_ERROR, ioe); // } // // // } // // /** // * Writes the SQL for a Compare Filter. // * // * DJB: note, postgis overwrites this implementation because of the way // * null is handled. This is for <PropertyIsNull> filters and <PropertyIsEqual> filters // * are handled. They will come here with "property = null". // * NOTE: // * SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <column> isnull; -- postgresql // * SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE isnull(<column>); -- oracle??? // * // * @param filter - the comparison filter. // * // * @throws RuntimeException for io exception with writer // */ // public void visit(BinaryComparisonOperator filter) throws RuntimeException { // //LOGGER.finer("exporting SQL ComparisonFilter"); // // DefaultExpression left = (DefaultExpression) filter.getLeftValue(); // DefaultExpression right = (DefaultExpression) filter.getRightValue(); // LOGGER.finer("Filter type id is " + filter.getFilterType()); // LOGGER.finer("Filter type text is " // + comparisions.get(new Integer(filter.getFilterType()))); // // String type = (String) comparisions.get(new Integer( // filter.getFilterType())); // // try { // // a bit hacky, but what else can we really do? // if ( (right == null) && (filter.getFilterType()==FilterType.COMPARE_EQUALS ) ) // { // left.accept(this); // out.write(" isnull"); // } // else // { // //check for case insentivity (TODO: perhaps move this up to jdbc) // if ( !filter.isMatchingCase() ) { // //only for == or != // if ( filter.getFilterType() == Filter.COMPARE_EQUALS || // filter.getFilterType() == Filter.COMPARE_NOT_EQUALS ) { // // //only for strings // if ( left.getType() == Expression.LITERAL_STRING // || right.getType() == Expression.LITERAL_STRING ) { // // out.write( "lower(" ); left.accept( this ); out.write( ")"); // out.write( " " + type + " " ); // out.write( "lower(" ); right.accept( this ); out.write( ")"); // // return; // } // } // } // // //normal execution // left.accept(this); // out.write(" " + type + " "); // right.accept(this); // } // } catch ( ioe) { // throw new RuntimeException(IO_ERROR, ioe); // } // } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Private helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public Object visit(After arg0, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(AnyInteracts expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(Before expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(Begins expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(BegunBy expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(During expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(EndedBy expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(Ends expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(Meets expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(MetBy expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(OverlappedBy expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(TContains expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(TEquals expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public Object visit(TOverlaps expression, Object extraData) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Private helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- private static <T> T toType(Object object, Class<T> type, String message) { if (!type.isInstance(object)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } return type.cast(object); } private static Literal toLiteral(Object object, String message) { return toType(object,Literal.class,message); } private static Capabilities createFilterCapabilities() { // Create Capabilities helper class // Capabilities capabilities = new Capabilities(); // Add EFeature ID filter capability // capabilities.addType(Id.class); // Add Include All filter capability // capabilities.addType(IncludeFilter.class); // Add Exclude All filter capability // capabilities.addType(ExcludeFilter.class); // Add logical operators (AND, OR, NOT) // capabilities.addAll(Capabilities.LOGICAL); // Add simple comparators // capabilities.addAll(Capabilities.SIMPLE_COMPARISONS); // Add special comparators // capabilities.addName(PropertyIsNull.NAME); // Add spatial operations // capabilities.addName(BBOX.NAME); capabilities.addName(Equals.NAME); capabilities.addName(Disjoint.NAME); capabilities.addName(Intersects.NAME); capabilities.addName(Touches.NAME); capabilities.addName(Crosses.NAME); capabilities.addName(Within.NAME); capabilities.addName(Contains.NAME); capabilities.addName(Overlaps.NAME); capabilities.addName(Beyond.NAME); capabilities.addName(DWithin.NAME); // Finished // return capabilities; } }