/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2011, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * (C) 2003-2005, Open Geospatial Consortium Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. http://www.opengis.org/legal/ */ package org.opengis.geometry.coordinate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem; import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition; import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedDimensionException; import org.opengis.geometry.MismatchedReferenceSystemException; import org.opengis.geometry.aggregate.MultiPrimitive; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.Surface; import org.opengis.geometry.primitive.SurfaceBoundary; import org.opengis.annotation.UML; import static org.opengis.annotation.Obligation.*; import static org.opengis.annotation.Specification.*; /** * A factory of {@linkplain org.opengis.geometry.Geometry geometries}. * All geometries created through this interface will use the * {@linkplain #getCoordinateReferenceSystem factory's coordinate reference system}. * Creating geometries in a different CRS may requires a different instance of * {@code GeometryFactory}. * * * @source $URL: http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/opengis/src/main/java/org/opengis/geometry/coordinate/GeometryFactory.java $ * @version <A HREF="http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/as">ISO 19107</A> * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) * @since GeoAPI 1.0 */ public interface GeometryFactory { /** * Returns the coordinate reference system in use for all * {@linkplain org.opengis.geometry.Geometry geometries} * to be created through this interface. */ CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); /** * Create a direct position with empty coordinates. * @deprecated Moved to PositionFactory */ @Deprecated DirectPosition createDirectPosition(); /** * Create a direct position at the specified location specified by coordinates. * @deprecated Moved to PositionFactory */ @Deprecated DirectPosition createDirectPosition(double[] coordinates); /** * Creates a new Envelope with the given corners. * * @param lowerCorner A coordinate position consisting of all the maximal ordinates for each * dimension for all points within the envelope. * @param upperCorner A coordinate position consisting of all the minimal ordinates for each * dimension for all points within the envelope. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If the coordinate positions don't use * compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If the coordinate position don't have compatible dimension. */ Envelope createEnvelope(DirectPosition lowerCorner, DirectPosition upperCorner) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes two positions and creates the appropriate line segment joining them. * * @param startPoint The {@linkplain LineSegment#getStartPoint start point}. * @param endPoint The {@linkplain LineSegment#getEndPoint end point}. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_LineSegment(GM_Position[2])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) LineSegment createLineSegment(Position startPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes two or more positions and creates the appropriate line string joining them. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_LineString(GM_Position[2..n])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) LineString createLineString(List<Position> points) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes two positions and creates the appropriate geodesic joining them. * * @param startPoint The {@linkplain Geodesic#getStartPoint start point}. * @param endPoint The {@linkplain Geodesic#getEndPoint end point}. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ Geodesic createGeodesic(Position startPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes two or more positions, interpolates using a geodesic defined from * the geoid (or {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.datum.Ellipsoid ellipsoid}) of the * {@linkplain org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system} * being used, and creates the appropriate geodesic string joining them. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_GeodesicString(GM_Position[2..n])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) GeodesicString createGeodesicString(List<Position> points) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes three positions and constructs the corresponding arc. * * @param startPoint The {@linkplain Arc#getStartPoint start point}. * @param midPoint Some point on the arc neither at the start or end. * @param endPoint The {@linkplain Arc#getEndPoint end point}. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_Arc(GM_Position[3])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) Arc createArc(Position startPoint, Position midPoint, Position endPoint) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes two positions and the offset of the midpoint of the arc from the midpoint of * the chord, given by a distance and direction, and constructs the corresponding arc. * The midpoint of the resulting arc is given by: * * <blockquote><pre>midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge×normal</pre></blockquote> * * In 2D coordinate reference systems, the bulge can be given a sign and the normal can be * assumed to be the perpendicular to the line segment between the start and end point of * the arc (the chord of the arc), pointing left. For example if the two points are * <var>P</var><sub>0</sub> = (<var>x</var><sub>0</sub>, <var>y</var><sub>0</sub>) and * <var>P</var><sub>1</sub> = (<var>x</var><sub>1</sub>, <var>y</var><sub>1</sub>), and * the bulge is <var>b</var>, then the vector in the direction of <var>P</var><sub>1</sub> * from <var>P</var><sub>0</sub> is: * * <blockquote> * <b><var>u</var></b> = (<var>u</var><sub>0</sub>, <var>u</var><sub>1</sub>) = * (<var>x</var><sub>1</sub>-<var>x</var><sub>0</sub>, * <var>y</var><sub>1</sub>-<var>y</var><sub>0</sub>) / * {@link Math#sqrt sqrt}((<var>x</var><sub>1</sub>-<var>x</var><sub>0</sub>)<sup>2</sup> + * (<var>y</var><sub>1</sub>-<var>y</var><sub>0</sub>)<sup>2</sup>) * </blockquote> * * To complete a right-handed local coordinate system {<b>u</b>,<b>v</b>}, the two vectors * must have a vector dot product of zero and a vector cross product of 1. By inspection, * the leftward normal to complete the pair is: * * <blockquote> * <b><var>v</var></b> = (<var>v</var><sub>0</sub>, <var>v</var><sub>1</sub>) = * (-<var>u</var><sub>1</sub>, <var>u</var><sub>0</sub>) * </blockquote> * * The midpoint of the arc, which is the midpoint of the chord offset by the bulge, becomes: * * <blockquote> * <var>m</var> = (<var>P</var><sub>0</sub> + <var>P</var><sub>1</sub>)/2 * + <var>b</var>×<b><var>v</var></b> * </blockquote> * * This is leftward if <var>b</var> > 0 * and rightward if <var>b</var> < 0. * * @param startPoint The {@linkplain Arc#getStartPoint start point}. * @param endPoint The {@linkplain Arc#getEndPoint end point}. * @param bulge The distance of the midpoint of the arc from the midpoint of the chord. * @param normal A direction normal to the chord. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_Arc(GM_Position[2],Real,Vector)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) Arc createArc(Position startPoint, Position endPoint, double bulge, double[] normal) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Takes a sequence of {@linkplain Position positions} and constructs a sequence of * 3-point arcs jointing them. By the nature of an arc string, the sequence must have * an odd number of positions. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_ArcString(GM_Position[3, 5, 7...])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) ArcString createArcString(List<Position> points) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Equivalents to the {@linkplain #createArc(Position,Position,double,double[]) second * constructor of arc}, except the bulge representation is maintained. The midpoint of * the resulting arc is given by: * * <blockquote><pre>midPoint = ((startPoint + endPoint)/2.0) + bulge×normal</pre></blockquote> * * @param startPoint The {@linkplain ArcByBulge#getStartPoint start point}. * @param endPoint The {@linkplain ArcByBulge#getEndPoint end point}. * @param bulge The distance of the midpoint of the arc from the midpoint of the chord. * @param normal A direction normal to the chord. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_ArcByBulge(GM_Position[2],Real,Vector)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) ArcByBulge createArcByBulge(Position startPoint, Position endPoint, double bulge, double[] normal) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Equivalent to the {@linkplain #createArc(Position,Position,double,double[]) second * constructor of arc}, except the bulge representation is maintained internal to the * object. The midpoints of the resulting arc is given by: * * <blockquote><code> * midPoint[<var>n</var>] = ((points[<var>n</var>] + points[<var>n</var>+1])/2.0) + (bulge * normal) * </code></blockquote> * * @param points The points to use as {@linkplain Arc#getStartPoint start} and * {@linkplain Arc#getEndPoint end points} for each arc. This list size * must be equals to the {@code bulge} array length plus 1. * @param bulges The distances of the midpoint of the arc from the midpoint of the chord. * @param normals The directions normal to the chord. This list size must be the same than * the {@code bulge} array length. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_ArcStringByBulge(GM_Position[2..n],Real[1..n],Vector[1..n])", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) ArcStringByBulge createArcStringByBulge(List<Position> points, double[] bulges, List<double[]> normals) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Constructs a B-spline curve. If the {@code knotSpec} is {@code null}, then the * {@link KnotType} is uniform and the knots are evenly spaced, and except for the * first and last have multiplicity = 1. At the ends the knots are of multiplicity = * {@code degree}+1. If the {@code knotType} is uniform they need not be specified. * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong> If the B-spline curve is uniform and degree = 1, the B-spline * is equivalent to a polyline ({@link LineString}). If the {@code knotType} is * {@linkplain KnotType#PIECEWISE_BEZIER piecewise Bezier}, then the knots are * defaulted so that they are evenly spaced, and except for the first and last * have multiplicity equal to degree. At the ends the knots are of multiplicity = * {@code degree}+1. * * @param degree The algebraic degree of the basis functions. * @param points An array of points that are used in the interpolation in this spline curve. * @param knots The sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions. * @param knotSpec The type of knot distribution used in defining this spline. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_BSplineCurve(Integer,GM_PointArray,Sequence<GM_Knot>,GM_KnotType)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) BSplineCurve createBSplineCurve(int degree, PointArray points, List<Knot> knots, KnotType knotSpec) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Constructs a B-spline surface. If the {@code knotSpec} is not present, then the * {@code knotType} is uniform and the knots are evenly spaced, and, except for the * first and last, have multiplicity = 1. At the ends the knots are of multiplicity * = degree+1. If the {@code knotType} is uniform they need not be specified. * * @param points Arrays of points that are used in the interpolation in this spline surface. * @param degree The algebraic degree of the basis functions for the first and second parameter, * as an array of length 1 or 2. If only one value is given, then the two degrees * are equal. * @param knots The sequence of knots as an array of length 2, or {@code null} if unspecified. * @param knotSpec The type of knot distribution used in defining this spline, or * {@code null} if unspecified. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_BSplineSurface(Sequence<GM_PointArray>,Integer,Sequence<GM_Knot>,GM_KnotType)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) BSplineSurface createBSplineSurface(List<PointArray> points, int[] degree, List<Knot>[] knots, KnotType knotSpec) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Creates a polygon directly from a set of boundary curves (organized into a * surface boundary) which shall be defined using coplanar {@linkplain Position positions} * as control points. * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong> The meaning of exterior in the surface boundary is consistent * with the plane of the constructed planar polygon. * * @param boundary The surface boundary. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_Polygon(GM_SurfaceBondary)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) Polygon createPolygon(SurfaceBoundary boundary) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Creates a polygon lying on a spanning surface. There is no restriction of the types of * interpolation used by the composite curves used in the {@linkplain SurfaceBoundary * surface boundary}, but they must all be lie on the * {@linkplain Polygon#getSpanningSurface spanning surface} for the process to succeed. * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong> It is important that the boundary components be oriented properly * for this to work. It is often the case that in bounded manifolds, such as the sphere, * there is an ambiguity unless the orientation is properly used. * * @param boundary The surface boundary. * @param spanSurface The spanning surface. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_Polygon(GM_SurfaceBondary,GM_Surface)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) Polygon createPolygon(SurfaceBoundary boundary, Surface spanSurface) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Constructs a restricted Delaunay network from triangle corners (posts), * breaklines, stoplines, and maximum length of a triangle side. * * @param post The corners of the triangles in the TIN. * @param stopLines lines where the local continuity or regularity of the surface is questionable. * @param breakLines lines of a critical nature to the shape of the surface. * @param maxLength Maximal length for retention. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_Tin(Set<GM_Position>,Set<GM_LineString>,Set<GM_LineString>,Number)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) Tin createTin(Set<Position> post, Set<LineString> stopLines, Set<LineString> breakLines, double maxLength) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Constructs polyhedral surface from the facet polygons. * * @param tiles The facet polygons. Must contains at least one polygon. * * @throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException If geometric objects given in argument don't * use compatible {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system}. * @throws MismatchedDimensionException If geometric objects given in argument don't have * the expected dimension. */ @UML(identifier="GM_PolyhedralSurace(GM_Polygon)", obligation=MANDATORY, specification=ISO_19107) PolyhedralSurface createPolyhedralSurface(List<Polygon> tiles) throws MismatchedReferenceSystemException, MismatchedDimensionException; /** * Placeholder to create a MultiPrimitive (or derivatives). * * @deprecated <strong>This method is temporary. It will move to some {@code MultiPrimitive} * factory when the creation of Geometry interfaces will be completed.</strong> * See <A HREF="http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEO-1">GEO-1 on JIRA</A>. */ @Deprecated MultiPrimitive createMultiPrimitive(); }