package org.geotools.styling.builder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.geotools.Builder; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.geotools.filter.IdBuilder; import org.geotools.styling.Description; import org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle; import org.geotools.styling.Rule; import org.geotools.styling.StyleFactory; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Id; import; public class FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> implements Builder<FeatureTypeStyle> { StyleFactory sf = CommonFactoryFinder.getStyleFactory(null); private P parent; String name; List<RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>> rules = new ArrayList<RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>>(); DescriptionBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> description = new DescriptionBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>(); LinkedHashSet<Name> featureTypeNames = new LinkedHashSet<Name>(); private IdBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> definedFor = new IdBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>(this); private Set<SemanticType> types = new LinkedHashSet<SemanticType>(); private boolean unset; // TODO : add semantic type identifier, provided it makes any sense to have it public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder() { this(null); } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder(P parent) { this.parent = parent; reset(); } public RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> rule() { RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> ruleBuilder = new RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>( this); rules.add(ruleBuilder); return ruleBuilder; } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> name(String name) { = name; return this; } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> title(String title) { this.description.title(title); return this; } public DescriptionBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> description() { return description; } /** * Accumulates another feature type name in the list of the feature type names for this * {@link FeatureTypeStyle} * * @param featureTypeName * @return */ public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> featureTypeName(String featureTypeName) { this.featureTypeNames.add(new NameImpl(featureTypeName)); return this; } public String name() { return name; } public List<RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>> rules() { unset = false; return rules; } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> rules(List<Rule> rules) { unset = false; for( Rule rule : rules ){ this.rules.add( new RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>(this).reset( rule )); } return this; } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> description(Description description) { this.description.reset( description ); this.unset = false; return this; } public LinkedHashSet<Name> featureTypeNames() { return featureTypeNames; } public void setFeatureTypeNames(List<Name> featureTypeNames) { this.featureTypeNames.addAll( featureTypeNames ); } public IdBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> definedFor() { return definedFor; } public void definedFor(Id fids) { this.definedFor.reset( fids ); } public Set<SemanticType> types() { return types; } /** * Accumulates another feature type name in the list of the feature type names for this * {@link FeatureTypeStyle} * * @param featureTypeName * @return */ public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> featureTypeName(Name featureTypeName) { this.featureTypeNames.add(featureTypeName); unset = false; return this; } public FeatureTypeStyle build() { if( unset ){ return null; } List<> list = new ArrayList<>(); for( RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>> ruleBuilder : rules ){ list.add( ); } FeatureTypeStyle fts = sf.featureTypeStyle(name,,, featureTypeNames, types, list); if( parent == null ) reset(); return fts; } public FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P> reset() { rules.clear(); = null; this.description.reset(); this.definedFor.reset(); this.featureTypeNames.clear(); this.rules.clear(); this.unset = false; return this; } public Builder<FeatureTypeStyle> reset(FeatureTypeStyle fts) { if( fts == null ){ return unset(); } = fts.getName(); this.description.reset( fts.getDescription() ); this.definedFor.reset( fts.getFeatureInstanceIDs() ); this.featureTypeNames.clear(); if( fts.featureTypeNames() != null ){ this.featureTypeNames.addAll( fts.featureTypeNames() ); } this.rules.clear(); if( fts.rules() != null ){ for( Rule rule : fts.rules() ){ this.rules.add( new RuleBuilder<FeatureTypeStyleBuilder<P>>(this).reset( rule ) ); } } this.unset = false; return this; } public Builder<FeatureTypeStyle> unset() { this.unset = true; return this; } }