package; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import; import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.geotools.feature.type.AttributeTypeImpl; import org.geotools.feature.type.Types; import org.opengis.feature.Attribute; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeType; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; /** * * @author kengu * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class EFeatureAttributeInfo extends EStructureInfo<EFeatureInfo> { protected String eName; protected String eNsURI; protected String eFolderName; protected String eFeatureName; protected boolean eIsID; protected WeakReference<EAttribute> eAttribute; protected Map<Object, Object> userData; private AttributeDescriptorDelegate eDescriptor; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Default constructor */ protected EFeatureAttributeInfo() { /*NOP*/ } /** * Structure copy constructor. * <p> * This method copies the structure into given context. * </p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method only adds a one-way reference from * copied instance to given {@link EFeatureContext context}. * No reference is added from the context to this attribute. * </p> * @param eAttributeInfo - copy from this {@link EFeatureAttributeInfo} instance * @param eFeatureInfo - copy into this structure */ protected EFeatureAttributeInfo(EFeatureAttributeInfo eAttributeInfo, EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo) { // // Forward (copies context, state and hints) // super(eAttributeInfo, eFeatureInfo); // // Copy context path // this.eNsURI = eAttributeInfo.eNsURI; this.eFolderName = eAttributeInfo.eFolderName; this.eFeatureName = eAttributeInfo.eName(); // // Copy attribute // this.eName = eAttributeInfo.eName; this.eAttribute = new WeakReference<EAttribute>(eAttributeInfo.eAttribute()); // // Copy other attributes // this.eIsID = eAttributeInfo.eIsID; this.isAvailable = eAttributeInfo.isAvailable; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureAttribute methods // ----------------------------------------------------- public boolean isID() { return eIsID; } public String eName() { return eName; } public String eNsURI() { return eNsURI; } public String eFolderName() { return eFolderName; } public String eFeatureName() { return eFeatureName; } @Override protected EFeatureInfo eParentInfo(boolean checkIsValid) { // // Get EFeatureContext structure // EFeatureContextInfo eContextInfo = eContext(checkIsValid).eStructure(); // // Try complete structure first // EFeaturePackageInfo ePackageInfo = eContextInfo. eGetPackageInfo(eNsURI); // // Full structure exists? // if(ePackageInfo!=null) { return ePackageInfo. eGetFolderInfo(eFolderName). eGetFeatureInfo(eFeatureName); } // // No it dosn't, try EFeature cache // return eContextInfo.eFeatureInfoCache().get(eNsURI, eFolderName, eFeatureName); } public EAttribute eAttribute() { return eAttribute!=null ? eAttribute.get() : null; } public AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor() { if (isAvailable() && eDescriptor == null) { eDescriptor = new AttributeDescriptorDelegate(); } return eDescriptor; } public EFeatureStatus validate(boolean isID, EAttribute eAttribute) { // // Invalidate structure // doInvalidate(false); // // 1) Verify that reference information exist // if (this.eName == null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute mismatch: EAttribute name not specified"); } // // 2) Verify attribute name // String eName = eAttribute.getName(); if (!this.eName.equals(eName)) { return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute mismatch: Found + " + eName + ", expected " + this.eName); } // // Get feature structure // EFeatureInfo eInfo = eParentInfo(false); // // 3) Verify that the EFeatureID factory instance create IDs for given attribute? // // if(isID && eInfo!=null) { // // Get EFeatureIDFactory instance // EFeatureIDFactory eFactory = eContext(false).eIDFactory(); // // Verify that the EFeatureID factory instance exists and // creates IDs for this attribute // if(eFactory==null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute mismatch: " + "No EFeatureIDFactory found"); } else if(!(eFactory instanceof EFeatureVoidIDFactory || eFactory.creates(eAttribute))) { return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute mismatch: " + "EFeatureIDFactory does not create IDs for attribute " + eName); } } // // Set valid state // this.eIsID = isID; // Confirm that structure is valid // return structureIsValid(eName()); } /** * Validate attribute against this structure. * * @param attribute - attribute to be validated * @return <code>true</code> if valid. */ public EFeatureStatus validate(Attribute attribute) { // TODO: Better validation against information if (!getDescriptor().equals(attribute.getDescriptor())) { return attributeIsInvalid(); } // Confirm that attribute is valid // return attributeIsValid(); } /** * Validate {@link Property#getValue() attribute value} against this structure. * * @param value - attribute value to be validated * @return <code>true</code> if valid. */ public EFeatureStatus validate(Object value) { try { // Validate value type // Types.validate(getDescriptor(), value); } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) { return valueIsInvalid(e); } // Confirm that attribute value is valid // return valueIsValid(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void doInvalidate(boolean deep) { this.eIsID = false; } @Override protected void doDispose() { userData.clear(); userData = null; eAttribute = null; eDescriptor = null; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // AttributeDescriptor implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- protected class AttributeDescriptorDelegate implements AttributeDescriptor { private AttributeType attributeType; @Override public Name getName() { return new NameImpl(eName); } @Override public int getMinOccurs() { return eAttribute == null ? -1 : limit(eAttribute().getLowerBound()); } @Override public int getMaxOccurs() { return eAttribute == null ? -1 : limit(eAttribute().getUpperBound()); } @Override public boolean isNillable() { return eAttribute == null ? false : !eAttribute().isRequired(); } @Override public Map<Object, Object> getUserData() { if (userData == null) { userData = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } return userData; } @Override public AttributeType getType() { if (isAvailable() && attributeType == null) { // // Get value instance class // final Class<?> cls = eAttribute().getEAttributeType().getInstanceClass(); // // Create anonymous attribute type implementation // attributeType = new AttributeTypeImpl(getName(), cls, eIsID, false, Collections.<Filter> emptyList(), null, null) { @Override public Object parse(Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException { return DataBuilder.parse(cls, value); } }; } return attributeType; } @Override public String getLocalName() { return getName().getLocalPart(); } @Override public Object getDefaultValue() { return null; } } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Object methods // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + eName + "]"; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Create {@link EFeatureAttributeInfo} from given {@link EAttribute} * @param eFactory * @param eContextID * @param isID * @param eAttribute * @return */ protected static EFeatureAttributeInfo create( EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo, boolean isID, EAttribute eAttribute) { // // Create new instance // EFeatureAttributeInfo eInfo = new EFeatureAttributeInfo(); // // Set construction hints // eInfo.eHints = eFeatureInfo.eHints; // // Set context // eInfo.eFactory = eFeatureInfo.eFactory; eInfo.eContext = eFeatureInfo.eContext; eInfo.eContextID = eFeatureInfo.eContextID; // // Set context path // eInfo.eNsURI = eFeatureInfo.eNsURI; eInfo.eFolderName = eFeatureInfo.eFolderName; eInfo.eFeatureName = eFeatureInfo.eName(); // // Set other members // eInfo.eIsID = isID; eInfo.eName = eAttribute.getName(); eInfo.eAttribute = new WeakReference<EAttribute>(eAttribute); // // Finished // return eInfo; } protected static int limit(int value) { return value > 0 ? value : -1; } protected final EFeatureStatus attributeIsValid() { StackTraceElement trace = EFeatureUtils.getStackTraceElement(0,1); return success("Attribute is valid: " + trace.getClassName()+ "[" + eName() + "]#" + trace.getMethodName()); } protected final EFeatureStatus attributeIsInvalid() { StackTraceElement trace = EFeatureUtils.getStackTraceElement(0,1); return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute is invalid: " + trace.getClassName()+ "[" + eName() + "]#" + trace.getMethodName()); } protected final EFeatureStatus valueIsValid() { StackTraceElement trace = EFeatureUtils.getStackTraceElement(0,1); return success("Attribute value is valid: " + trace.getClassName()+ "[" + eName() + "]#" + trace.getMethodName()); } protected final EFeatureStatus valueIsInvalid(Throwable cause) { StackTraceElement trace = EFeatureUtils.getStackTraceElement(0,1); return failure(this, eName(), "Attribute value is invalid: " + trace.getClassName()+ "[" + eName() + "]#" + trace.getMethodName()); } }