package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.opengis.feature.FeatureFactory; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.FeatureTypeFactory; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; /** * Geotools {@link DataStore} for {@link EFeature}s * * @author kengu * */ public class EFeatureDataStore extends ContentDataStore { /** * Publisher URI */ public static final String PUBLISHER = ""; protected final URI eURI; protected final String eNsURI; protected final String eContextID; protected final String eDomainID; protected final String eTypeQuery; protected final Query eDataStoreQuery; protected final boolean eWritable; protected DefaultServiceInfo serviceInfo; /** * Cached {@link EFeaturePackageInfo} instance */ protected final EFeaturePackageInfo ePackageInfo; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * A {@link EFeature} {@link DataStore} implementation class. * @param eContextID - {@link EFeatureContext} instance id * @param eDomainID - {@link EditingDomain} instance extension id * @param eNsURI - {@link EPackage} name space * @param eURI - {@link URI} formated string to EMF {@link Resource} containing * {@link EFeature}s * @param eTypes - {@link EFeature} types on the following format: * <pre> * eTypes:=<eType1>+...+<eTypeN> * * where * * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature type} * </pre> * @param eWritable - if <code>true</code> {@link EFeature}s are writable * ({@link EFeatureWriter#UPDATE} | {@link EFeatureWriter#APPEND}) * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any argument is invalid. * @see {@link URI#createURI(String)} */ public EFeatureDataStore(String eContextID, String eDomainID, String eNsURI, String eURI, String eTypes, boolean eWritable) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { // // Forward using same context factory as EFeatureDataStoreFactory // this(EFeatureDataStoreFactory.eGetContextFactory().eContext(eContextID),eDomainID,eNsURI,eURI,eTypes,eWritable); } /** * A {@link EFeature} {@link DataStore} implementation class. * <p> * @param eContext - {@link EFeatureContext} instance * @param eDomainID - {@link EditingDomain} instance id * @param eNsURI - {@link EPackage} name space * @param eURI - {@link URI} formated string to EMF {@link Resource} containing * {@link EFeature}s * @param eTypes - {@link EFeature} type query on the following format: * <pre> * eTypes:=<eType1>+...+<eTypeN> * * where * * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature type} * </pre> * @param eWritable - if <code>true</code> {@link EFeature}s are writable * ({@link EFeatureWriter#UPDATE} | {@link EFeatureWriter#APPEND}) * @throws IOException * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any argument is invalid. * @see {@link URI#createURI(String)} */ public EFeatureDataStore(EFeatureContext eContext, String eDomainID, String eNsURI, String eURI, String eTypes, boolean eWritable) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { // // Forward to ContentStore constructor // super(); // // Get context ID // this.eContextID = eContext.eContextID(); // // Get EFeatureStore information // this.ePackageInfo = EFeatureDataStoreFactory.ePackageInfo(eContextID, eNsURI); if (this.ePackageInfo == null) { throw new IOException("EFeatureDataStore structure not " + "found in context: '" + eContextID + "/" + eDomainID + "/" + eURI ); } // // Cache other information // this.eDomainID = eDomainID; this.eTypeQuery = eTypes; this.eNsURI = eNsURI; this.eURI = URI.createURI(eURI); this.eWritable = eWritable; // // TODO Create EFeature query from 'eQuery' (must be added) // this.eDataStoreQuery = Query.ALL; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Unsupported ContentDataStore methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link FeatureTypeFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public FeatureTypeFactory getFeatureTypeFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support FeatureTypeFactory"); } /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link FeatureTypeFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public void setFeatureTypeFactory(FeatureTypeFactory typeFactory) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support FeatureTypeFactory"); } /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link FeatureFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public FeatureFactory getFeatureFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support FeatureFactory"); } /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link FeatureFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public void setFeatureFactory(FeatureFactory featureFactory) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support FeatureFactory"); } /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link GeometryFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support GeometryFactory"); } /** * {@link EFeatureDataStore} does not support {@link GeometryFactory} * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported */ @Override public void setGeometryFactory(GeometryFactory geometryFactory) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("EFeatureDataStore does not support GeometryFactory"); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Overridden ContentDataStore methods // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public FilterFactory getFilterFactory() { if(filterFactory==null) { filterFactory = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null); } return filterFactory; } @Override public ContentEntry getEntry(Name name) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.getEntry(name); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureDataStore convenience methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a {@link EFeatureWriter} for the specified type name and transaction. * <p> * This is a convenience method for <code>getFeatureWriter(typeName,filter,tx)</code>, * which returns a writer capable of both updating and appending {@link EFeature features} * </p> * @param eType - (required) {@link EFeature} type name on the format: * <pre> * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * </pre> * @param filter - (Optional) {@link Filter} selecting {@link EFeature features} to be updated. * If <code>null</code>, {@link Filter#INCLUDE} is assumed. * @param tx - (Optional) {@link Transaction} controlling modifications. If <code>null</code>, * {@link Transaction#AUTO_COMMIT} is assumed. * @return a {@link EFeatureWriter} instance. * @see {@link #getFeatureWriter(String, Filter, Transaction) */ public final FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> getEFeatureWriter(String eType, Filter filter, Transaction tx) throws IOException { tx = ensureTransaction(tx); filter = ensureFilter(filter); return getFeatureWriter( eType, filter, tx ); } /** * Returns a {@link EFeatureWriter} for the specified type name and transaction. * <p> * This returns a writer only capable of updating {@link EFeature features} * </p> * @param eType - (required) {@link EFeature} type name on the format: * <pre> * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * </pre> * @param filter - (Optional) {@link Filter} selecting {@link EFeature features} to be updated. * If <code>null</code>, {@link Filter#INCLUDE} is assumed. * @param tx - (Optional) {@link Transaction} controlling modifications. If <code>null</code>, * {@link Transaction#AUTO_COMMIT} is assumed. * @return a {@link FeatureWriter} instance. */ public final FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> getEFeatureWriterUpdate(String eType, Filter filter, Transaction tx) throws IOException { tx = ensureTransaction(tx); filter = ensureFilter(filter); ContentFeatureStore featureStore = ensureFeatureStore(eType,tx); return featureStore.getWriter( filter , WRITER_UPDATE ); } /** * Returns an appending {@link EFeatureWriter} for the specified type name and * transaction. * <p> * This is a convenience method for <code>getFeatureWriterAppend(typeName,tx)</code>, * which returns a writer only capable of appending {@link EFeature features} * (no filter is therefore required). * </p> * @param eType - (required) {@link EFeature} type name on the format: * <pre> * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * </pre> * @param tx - (Optional) {@link Transaction} controlling modifications. If <code>null</code>, * {@link Transaction#AUTO_COMMIT} is assumed. * @return a {@link FeatureWriter} instance. * @see {@link #getEFeatureWriterAppend(String, Transaction) */ public final FeatureWriter<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> getEFeatureWriterAppend( String eType, Transaction tx) throws IOException { tx = ensureTransaction(tx); return getFeatureWriterAppend(eType, tx ); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureDataStore methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Get {@link EPackage} names space URI as string. */ public String eNsURI() { return eNsURI; } public EFeatureContext eContext() { return ePackageInfo.eContext(); } /** * Get {@link EditingDomain} instance. * * @return an {@link EditingDomain} instance */ public EditingDomain eDomain() { return eContext().eGetDomain(eDomainID); } /** * Get {@link EPackage} instance. * * @return the {@link EPackage} instance. */ public EPackage ePackage() { return eContext().eGetPackage(eNsURI); } /** * Get {@link URI} to {@link Resource} containing {@link EFeature}s or {@link EFeature} * compatible data. * * @return an {@link URI} instance */ public URI eResourceURI() { return eURI; } /** * Get the {@link Resource} that contains the data. */ public Resource eResource() { return eContext().eGetResource(eDomainID, eURI, true); } /** * Information about this service. * <p> * This method offers access to a summary of header or metadata * information describing the service. * </p> * @return SeviceInfo */ @Override public ServiceInfo getInfo() { if(serviceInfo==null) { serviceInfo = new DefaultServiceInfo(); serviceInfo.setTitle("EFeature DataStore"); serviceInfo.setKeywords(new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList("EFeature", "EMF", "EMF Query", "EMF Transaction"))); serviceInfo.setDescription( "The EFeature DataStore module adds support " + "for spatial read and write operations to EMF models." ); serviceInfo.setSchema( ePackageInfo.eNsURI ) ); serviceInfo.setPublisher( ); } serviceInfo.setSource( ); return serviceInfo; } /** * Get {@link EFeaturePackageInfo structure information}. * </p> * @return a {@link EFeaturePackageInfo} instance. */ public EFeaturePackageInfo eStructure() { return ePackageInfo; } /** * Convenience method for calling {@link #getFeatureReader(Query, Transaction)} * with {@link Transaction#AUTO_COMMIT} as the transaction. * * @param query - the {@link EFeature} query * @return a {@link EFeatureReader} instance. * @throws IOException */ public EFeatureReader getFeatureReader(Query query) throws IOException { return getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); } @Override public EFeatureReader getFeatureReader(Query query, Transaction transaction) throws IOException { return (EFeatureReader)super.getFeatureReader(query, transaction); } /** * Get a {@link EFeatureReader} for given {@link EFeature} type name. * </p> * @param eType - {@link EFeature} type name on the format: * <pre> * eType := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * </pre> * @return an {@link EFeatureReader} of given {@link EFeature} type */ public EFeatureReader getFeatureReader(String eType) throws IOException { return getFeatureReader(new Query(eType,Filter.INCLUDE)); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // ContentDataStore implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the names of {@link FeatureType feature types} available * in this {@code EFeatureDataStore store}. * <p> * Since {@link EFeatureDataStore}s only have one name space by design, * this method is guaranteed to return a list of unique * names since the all unqualified type names are present in the same * name space. * </p> * The following naming convention is used: * <pre> * name := <eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder := the name of the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} which contains the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * eFeature := the name of the {@link EFeatureInfo feature} * </pre> * * @return names of EFeature types available in this {@code DataStore} * * @see EFeatureUtils#toFolderName(String) - parse type name into folder name * @see EFeatureUtils#toFeatureName(String) - parse type name into feature name */ @Override protected List<Name> createTypeNames() throws IOException { List<Name> eNames = new ArrayList<Name>(); for(String eName : ePackageInfo.getTypeNames(eTypeQuery)) { eNames.add(new NameImpl(eName)); } return eNames; } @Override protected ContentState createContentState(ContentEntry entry) { // // Forward to default implementation // ContentState state = super.createContentState(entry); // // Get EFeature structure info // EFeatureInfo eStructure = ePackageInfo.eGetFeatureInfo(entry.getTypeName()); // // Set SimpleFeature type definition // state.setFeatureType(eStructure.getFeatureType()); // // Finished // return state; } @Override protected ContentFeatureSource createFeatureSource(ContentEntry entry) throws IOException { // // Create FeatureStore containing EFeature instances matching current data store query // return eWritable ? new EFeatureStore(entry, eDataStoreQuery) : new EFeatureSource(entry, eDataStoreQuery); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Static helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- protected static Filter ensureFilter(Filter filter) { return (filter == null ? Filter.INCLUDE : filter); } protected static Transaction ensureTransaction(Transaction tx) { return (tx == null ? Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT : tx); } }