package org.geotools.jdbc; public abstract class JDBCDateTestSetup extends JDBCDelegatingTestSetup { protected JDBCDateTestSetup(JDBCTestSetup delegate) { super(delegate); } @Override protected void setUpData() throws Exception { try { dropDateTable(); } catch( Exception e ) {} createDateTable(); } /** * Creates a table named 'dates' which has a variety of temporal * attributes, with the following schema: * <p> * dates(d:Date,dt:Datetime,t:Time) * </p> * <p> * The table has the following data: * * 2009-06-28 | 2009-06-28 15:12:41 | 15:12:41 * 2009-01-15 | 2009-01-15 13:10:12 | 13:10:12 * 2009-09-29 | 2009-09-29 17:54:23 | 17:54:23 * </p> * </p> */ protected abstract void createDateTable() throws Exception; /** * Drops the 'date' table. */ protected abstract void dropDateTable() throws Exception; }