package; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject; import; import; /** * * @author kengu * */ public class EFeatureContextInfo extends EStructureInfo<EFeatureContextInfo> { /** * Map of {@link EFeaturePackageInfo} instance */ protected Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> ePackageMap = new HashMap<String, EFeaturePackageInfo>(); /** * Cached {@link EFeatureInfoCache} for this context. */ protected EFeatureInfoCache eFeatureInfoCache; /** * {@link EFeatureInfoCache} voter */ protected EFeatureListener<EFeatureInfoCache> eFeatureInfoCacheVoter; // ----------------------------------------------------- // EFeatureContextInfo methods // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public boolean isAvailable() { if(super.isAvailable()){ for (EFeaturePackageInfo it : synchronize(this).values()) { if (it.isAvailable()) return true; } } return false; } /** * Get {@link EFeaturePackageInfo package information} mapped to * {@link EFeaturePackageInfo#eNsURI() namespace URIs} * <p> * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed}, * or in{@link #isValid() valid}. */ public Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> ePackageMap() { verify(); return synchronize(this); } /** * Get {@link EFeaturePackageInfo} with given * {@link EPackage#getNsURI() namespace URI}. * @param eNsURI * @throws IllegalArgumentException If not found * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed}. */ public EFeaturePackageInfo eGetPackageInfo(String eNsURI) { verify(); EFeaturePackageInfo eInfo = synchronize(this).get(eNsURI); if(eInfo==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "EFeaturePackageInfo [" + eNsURI + "] not found"); } return eInfo; } /** * Check if a {@link EFeatureDataStore} with with given * {@link EPackage#getNsURI() namespace URI}. * </p> * @param eNsURI - EMF model {@link EPackage package} name space URI * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed}. */ public boolean contains(String eNsURI) { verify(); return synchronize(this).get(eNsURI)!=null; } /** * Check if a {@link EFeatureInfo} instance is cached for * the {@link EClass} defining given {@link EObject}. * <p> * This is a convenience method calling {@link #contains(EClass)} * </p> * @param eObject - the {@link EObject} instance * @return <code>true</code> if given instance is cached * @see {@link #contains(EClass)} */ public boolean contains(EObject eObject) { return eFeatureInfoCache().contains(eObject); } /** * Get the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance cached for the * {@link EClass} defining given {@link EObject}. * </p> * @param eObject - the {@link EObject} instance * @return a {@link EFeatureInfo} if found,<code>null</code> otherwise. */ public EFeatureInfo eGetFeatureInfo(EObject eObject) { return eFeatureInfoCache().get(eObject); } /** * Get the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance cached for given {@link EClass}. * </p> * @param eClass - the {@link EClass} instance * @return a {@link EFeatureInfo} if found, <code>null</code> otherwise. */ public EFeatureInfo eGetFeatureInfo(EClass eClass) { return eFeatureInfoCache().get(eClass); } /** * Get the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance cached for * {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} and {@link EClass class}. * </p> * @param eFolder - the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo} name * @param eClass - the {@link EClass} instance * @return a {@link EFeatureInfo} if found, <code>null</code> otherwise. */ public EFeatureInfo eGetFeatureInfo(String eFolder, EClass eClass) { return eFeatureInfoCache().get(eFolder, eClass); } /** * Check if a given {@link EFeatureInfo} exists in structure. * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This only checks for <i>key equivalence</i>. If two keys are * equal within the same {@link EFeatureContext}, the two structures must * by definition be equal. * </p> * @param eClass - the {@link EClass} instance * @return <code>true</code> if given instance is cached */ public boolean contains(EFeatureInfo eInfo) { return eFeatureInfoCache().contains( eInfo.eNsURI,eInfo.eFolderName,eInfo.eName()); } /** * Check if a {@link EFeatureInfo#isPrototype() prototype} * instance is cached for given {@link EClass}. * <p> * Since a {@link EClass}es only contains information * about the {@link EPackage#getNsURI() eNsURI} * and EFeature {@link EClass#getName() root name}, this method only checks * for EFeature prototypes (does not belong to any folder). * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This only checks for <i>key equivalence</i>. If two keys are * equal within the same {@link EFeatureContext}, the two structures must * by definition be equal. * </p> * @param eClass - the {@link EClass} instance * @return <code>true</code> if given instance is cached */ public boolean contains(EClass eClass) { return eFeatureInfoCache().contains(eClass); } /** * Adapt given {@link EObject} into an EFeature. * @param eObject - {@link EObject} to be adapted into this context * @return new {@link EFeature} instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException If adaption failed. */ public EFeature eAdapt(EObject eObject) throws IllegalArgumentException { // // Get context // EFeatureContext eContext = eContext(); // // Get package // EPackage ePackage = eObject.eClass().getEPackage(); // // Verify that package is contained in context // if(!eContext.contains(ePackage)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EPackage [" + ePackage.getNsURI() + "] not found"); } // // Check if object is in cache // EFeatureInfo eStructure = eFeatureInfoCache().get(eObject); if(eStructure==null) { // // Create structure in this context // eStructure = EFeatureInfo.create(eContext(), eObject, new EFeatureHints()); // // Validate structure // eStructure.validate(ePackage, null); } // // Adapt directly? // if(eObject instanceof EFeature) { ((EFeature)eObject).setStructure(eStructure); return (EFeature)eObject; } // // Create an delegate // return EFeatureDelegate.create(eStructure, (InternalEObject)eObject, true); } /** * Adapt given {@link EFeatureInfo structure} to this {@link EFeatureContext#eContext() context}. * @param eInfo - {@link EFeatureInfo} to be adapted into this context * @param copy - if <code>true</code>, a copy of given {@link EFeatureInfo structure} is adapted. * If <code>false</code>, the structure is claimed from it's context (moved into to this context). * @return new {@link EFeatureInfo} instance if 'copy' is <code>true</code>, same otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException If adaption failed. */ public EFeatureInfo eAdapt(EFeatureInfo eInfo, boolean copy) throws IllegalArgumentException { // // Get contexts // EFeatureContext eOldContext = eInfo.eContext(false); EFeatureContext eNewContext = eContext(false); // // Get change flag // boolean eChanged = (eOldContext!=eNewContext); // // Update references? // if(eChanged) { // // Assume adaptation is required // boolean bAdapt = true; // // Check if cached instance exists with same key, use it if it // has same context as this (which is should have) // EFeatureInfo eEqual = eFeatureInfoCache().get(EFeatureInfoCache.createKey(eInfo)); if(eEqual!=null) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Use already attached instance it instead of adapting given? // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // This is an optimization, ensuring that adaptation only occurs // when absolutely required. It leverages the fact that // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if(eEqual.eEqualTo(eInfo)) { return eEqual; } } // // Try to do the adaptation? // if(bAdapt) { return doAdapt(eInfo, copy); } } // // Finished // return eInfo; } /** * Validate structure against the {@link #eContext()}. * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link #isDisposed() disposed}. */ public EFeatureStatus validate() { // // 1) Verify that not disposed // if(isDisposed) { return failure(this, eContextID, "Is disposed"); } // // Invalidate structure // invalidate(false); // // 2) Verify that a EFeatureIDFactory instance is given // if(eContext(false).eIDFactory()==null) { return failure(this, eContextID, "No EFeatureIDFactory instance found"); } // // Synchronize with EFeatureContext counterpart. // EChange eChange = new EChange(); Map<String,EFeaturePackageInfo> ePackageMap = eChange.synchronize(this); // // 3) Validate all packages // for(EFeaturePackageInfo it : ePackageMap.values()) { EFeatureStatus s; if((s = it.validate()).isFailure()) { return s; } } // // Commit changes to structure // eChange.commit(this); // // Finished // return structureIsValid(eContextID()); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void doDispose() { eContext = null; ePackageMap.clear(); } @Override protected void doInvalidate(boolean deep) { if (deep) { for (EStructureInfo<?> it : ePackageMap.values()) { it.doInvalidate(true); } } } @Override protected EFeatureContextInfo eParentInfo(boolean checkIsValid) { return this; } /** * Adapt given {@link EFeatureInfo} to this {@link EFeatureContextInfo#eContext() context} * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method attaches the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * with given {@link EFeatureContext context} {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure}, * and adds the {@link EClass#getEIDAttribute()} to the * {@link EFeatureContext#eIDFactory()}. * </p> * @param eInfo - {@link EFeatureInfo} instance to adapt into this context * @param copy - if <code>true</code>, copy {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * into this context. If <code>false</code>, claim it (move into this context). * @return new {@link EFeatureInfo} instance if copy, same otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException If adaption failed. */ protected EFeatureInfo doAdapt(EFeatureInfo eInfo, boolean copy) { // // Clone EFeature structure? // if(copy) { // // Do a deep copy. // eInfo = new EFeatureInfo(eInfo,this); } else { // // Adapt structure to this context // eInfo.eAdapt(this); } // // ---------------------------------------------- // Attach to context // ---------------------------------------------- // This is an important step because: // 1) It makes the context structure aware of // 2) It allows the structure validation method // to map it to package structure (folder). // 3) If it fails now, nothing is yet added to // the context // ---------------------------------------------- EFeatureStatus eStatus; if((eStatus = doAttach(eInfo)).isFailure()) { // // Notify // throw new IllegalArgumentException("EFeatureInfo " + eInfo.eName() + " could not be adapted: " + eStatus.getMessage()); } // // Get this context // EFeatureContext eContext = eContext(false); // // Get EClass implementing EFeature // EClass eClass = eInfo.eClass(); // // Add ID attribute to ID factory? // if(!eContext.eIDFactory().creates(eInfo.eIDAttribute())) { eContext.eIDFactory().add(eClass, eInfo.eIDAttribute()); } // // Add package if not contained by new context // EPackage ePackage = eInfo.eClass().getEPackage(); if(!eContext.contains(ePackage)) { // // Add package to the structure // eContext.eAdd(ePackage); // // ---------------------------------------------- // Validate the structure from context down // ---------------------------------------------- // This is an important step because: // 1) It will add create "eURI/eFolder" // structures, which given EFeatureInfo // instance is added to if possible. // 2) More to come... // ---------------------------------------------- validate(); } // // Finished // return eInfo; } /** * Get {@link EFeatureInfoCache} instance. * <p> * This enables reuse of {@link EFeatureInfo} * instances, and ensures that only one * instance exists for each uniquely different * {@link EFeatureInfo structure}. * </p> */ protected EFeatureInfoCache eFeatureInfoCache() { if(eFeatureInfoCache==null) { eFeatureInfoCache = new EFeatureInfoCache(eFeatureInfoCacheVoter()); } return eFeatureInfoCache; } /** * Add {@link EFeatureInfo} to cache. * @return an {@link EFeatureStatus} instance. */ protected EFeatureStatus doAttach(EFeatureInfo eInfo) { return eFeatureInfoCache().attach(eInfo); } /** * Detach {@link EFeatureInfo} from context. * </p> * @return <code>true</code> if released was allowed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If release unexpectedly fails. */ protected boolean doDetach(EFeatureInfo eInfo) { // // Try to release from cache. // EFeatureStatus eStatus = eFeatureInfoCache().detach(eInfo); // // Allowed? // if(eStatus.isSuccess()) { // // Get parent structure // EStructureInfo<?> eStructure = eInfo.eParentInfo(false); // // Found (not dangling)? // if(eStructure instanceof EFeatureFolderInfo) { // // Cast to EFeatureFolderInfo // EFeatureFolderInfo eFolderInfo = (EFeatureFolderInfo)eStructure; // // Remove object from folder's feature map // EFeatureInfo eRemoved = eFolderInfo.eFeatureInfoMap.remove(eInfo.eName()); if(eInfo!=eRemoved) { // // Successfully removed structure from context // return true; } // // Remove object does not match given, add it again? // if(eRemoved!=null) { eFolderInfo.eFeatureInfoMap.put(eInfo.eName(), eInfo); } // // Break out, try to re-attach to cache... // } else { // // Successfully removed dangling structure from context // return true; } } // // Try to add again // eStatus = eFeatureInfoCache().attach(eInfo); // // Validate state // if(eStatus.isFailure()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Release failed. EFeatureInfoCache is inconsistent."); } // // Not allowed // return false; } protected EFeatureListener<EFeatureInfoCache> eFeatureInfoCacheVoter() { if(eFeatureInfoCacheVoter==null) { eFeatureInfoCacheVoter = new EFeatureListener<EFeatureInfoCache>() { @Override public boolean onChange(EFeatureInfoCache source, int property, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { // // Only allow structures in the same context as this // by EFeatureCacheInfo#cache(EFeatureInfo) // if(newValue instanceof EFeatureInfo) { return eContext(false)==((EFeatureInfo)newValue).eContext(false); } return false; } }; } return eFeatureInfoCacheVoter; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Create a {@link EFeatureContext} instance from cached * {@link EFeatureContext} instance. * <p> * @param eFactory - {@link EFeatureContextFactory} instance * @param eContextID - {@link EFeatureContext} instance id. * @param eHints - construction hints. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the instance for some reason could * not be constructed. * @see {@link EFeatureHints} - Hints about attribute mappings etc. */ protected static final EFeatureContextInfo create( EFeatureContextFactory eFactory, String eContextID, EFeatureHints eHints) throws IllegalArgumentException { EFeatureContext eContext = eFactory.eContext(eContextID); EFeatureContextInfo eInfo = new EFeatureContextInfo(); eInfo.eHints = eHints; eInfo.eContextID = eContextID; eInfo.eFactory = new WeakReference<EFeatureContextFactory>(eFactory); eInfo.eContext = new WeakReference<EFeatureContext>(eContext); synchronize(eInfo); return eInfo; } /** * Synchronize given {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure} * with it's {@link EFeatureContextFactory factory} counterpart. * <p> * This is required since {@link EPackage packages} are * allowed to be added to and removed from the context. * </p> * @param eContextInfo - {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure} * @return a {@link Map} from {@link EFeatureContextInfo#eContextID() eContexID} to * {@link EFeatureContextInfo} instances. */ protected static final Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> synchronize(EFeatureContextInfo eContextInfo) { EChange eChange = new EChange(); eChange.synchronize(eContextInfo); return eChange.commit(eContextInfo); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Inner classes // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * @author kengu - 29. mai 2011 */ private static class EChange { /** * Cached {@link EFeaturePackageInfo} changes */ private Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> eMap; /** * Synchronize given {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure} * with it's {@link EFeatureContextFactory factory} counterpart. * <p> * This is required since {@link EPackage packages} are * allowed to be added to and removed from the context. * </p> * @param eContextInfo - {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure} * @return a {@link Map} from {@link EFeatureContextInfo#eContextID() eContexID} to * {@link EFeatureContextInfo} instances. */ public final Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> synchronize(EFeatureContextInfo eContextInfo) { // // Ensure thread safe access to package map // synchronized(eContextInfo.ePackageMap) { // // Get information // eMap = eContextInfo.ePackageMap; // // Get factory instance and context id // EFeatureContextFactory eFactory = eContextInfo.eFactory(false); // // Get context instance // EFeatureContext eContext = eContextInfo.eContext(false); // // Get current set of EPackage NsURIs // List<String> eNsURIs = eContext.eNsURIs(); // Initialize map of new store structures // Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> eNewMap = new HashMap<String, EFeaturePackageInfo>(eNsURIs.size()); // Add all packages // for(String eNsURI : eNsURIs) { // Get structure information // EFeaturePackageInfo ePackageInfo = eMap.get(eNsURI); // Not found or overwrite? // if(ePackageInfo==null) { // Create the package structure // ePackageInfo = EFeaturePackageInfo.create( eFactory, eContextInfo, eNsURI); /// Put to map of new structures // eNewMap.put(eNsURI, ePackageInfo); } } // Remove disposed packages // eMap.keySet().retainAll(eNsURIs); // Put new to current map // eMap.putAll(eNewMap); // Finished // return Collections.unmodifiableMap(eMap); } } /** * Commit cached changes to context structure * * @param eContextInfo */ public Map<String, EFeaturePackageInfo> commit(EFeatureContextInfo eContextInfo) { synchronized(eContextInfo.ePackageMap) { eContextInfo.ePackageMap = eMap; return eMap; } } } }