package; import static; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import; import; import; import org.geotools.factory.Hints.Key; import org.geotools.feature.NameImpl; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.Property; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeType; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.feature.type.Name; import org.opengis.feature.type.PropertyDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * * @author kengu * */ public class EFeatureInfo extends EStructureInfo<EStructureInfo<?>> { /** * Mutable property: {@link #getSRID()} </p> * * @see {@link #setSRID(String)} - invalidates all {@link EFeatureGeometryInfo#getDescriptor() * geometry descriptors} * @see {@link EStructureInfo#addListener(EStructureInfoListener)} - listen for SRID changes. */ public static final int SRID = EFeaturePackage.EFEATURE__SRID; /** * Mutable property: {@link #eGetDefaultGeometryName()} </p> * * @see {@link #eSetDefaultGeometryName(String)} * @see {@link EStructureInfo#addListener(EStructureInfoListener)} - listen for default geometry * name changes. */ public static final int DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_NAME = 2; /** * @see #eUID() */ protected Long eUID; protected String eNsURI; protected String eFolderName; protected String eClassName; protected String eReferenceName; protected String srid = DEFAULT_SRID; protected CoordinateReferenceSystem crs; protected boolean eIsRoot = true; protected String eIDAttributeName; protected String eSRIDAttributeName; protected String eDefaultAttributeName; protected String eDefaultGeometryName; protected WeakReference<EClass> eClass; protected WeakReference<EClass> eParentClass; protected WeakReference<EReference> eReference; protected SimpleFeatureType featureType; protected SimpleFeatureBuilder builder; /** * Map of name to all geometry {@link EAttribute}s. * (optimization) */ protected Map<String,EAttribute> eGeometryMap; /** * Map of name to all non-geometry {@link EAttribute}s. * (optimization) */ protected Map<String,EAttribute> eAttributeMap; /** * Map of name to all non-geometry {@link EAttribute}s. * (optimization) */ protected Map<String,EAttribute> eAllAttributeMap; /** * Maps {@link #eClass()} attributes to attributes in {@link EFeature}. */ protected Map<EAttribute,EAttribute> eMappingMap = new HashMap<EAttribute, EAttribute>(); /** * {@link EAttribute} id to non-geometry {@link EFeatureAttributeInfo} instance {@link Map} */ protected Map<String, EFeatureAttributeInfo> eAttributeInfoMap; /** * {@link EFeatureGeometry} id to {@link EFeatureGeometryInfo} instance {@link Map} */ public Map<String, EFeatureGeometryInfo> eGeometryInfoMap; /** * {@link EAttribute} id to all {@link EFeatureAttributeInfo} instances {@link Map} * (optimization) */ protected Map<String, EFeatureAttributeInfo> eAllAttributeInfoMap; // ----------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Default constructor */ protected EFeatureInfo() { /*NOP*/ } /** * {@link EFeatureInfo} copy constructor. * <p> * This method copies the structure into given context. * <p> * If the parent structure is not found in the new context, * the new instance become a * {@link EStructureInfo#isPrototype() prototype}. * </p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method only adds a one-way reference from * copied instance to given {@link EFeatureContext context}. * No reference is added from the context to this feature. It does not * attach the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance with given * {@link EFeatureContext context} {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure}, * nor adds the {@link EClass#getEIDAttribute()} to the * {@link EFeatureContext#eIDFactory()}. This must be done manually. * </p> * @param eInfo - copy from this {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * @param eContextInfo - copy into this context * @see {@link EFeatureContextInfo#doAdapt(EFeatureInfo, boolean)} */ protected EFeatureInfo(EFeatureInfo eInfo, EFeatureContextInfo eContextInfo) { // // Forward (copies context, state and hints) // super(eInfo, eContextInfo); // // Mark as being structural equal to given structure // this.eUID = eInfo.eUID; // // Copy context path // this.eNsURI = eInfo.eNsURI; this.eFolderName = eInfo.eFolderName; // // Copy EClass information // this.eClassName = eInfo.eClassName; this.eClass = new WeakReference<EClass>(eInfo.eClass()); // // Copy parent EClass information (folder is an EClass) // this.eReferenceName = eInfo.eReferenceName; this.eReference = new WeakReference<EReference>(eInfo.eReference()); this.eParentClass = new WeakReference<EClass>(eInfo.eParentClass()); // // Copy ID attribute information // this.eIDAttributeName = eInfo.eIDAttributeName; // // Copy SRID attribute information // this.eSRIDAttributeName = eInfo.eSRIDAttributeName; // // Copy default geometry attribute information // this.eDefaultAttributeName = eInfo.eDefaultAttributeName; // // Copy other attributes // this.isAvailable = eInfo.isAvailable; // // Prepare new hash maps // this.eGeometryInfoMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(eInfo.eGeometryInfoMap); this.eAttributeInfoMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(eInfo.eAttributeInfoMap); // // Loop over all attribute structures, copy them and add to maps // for(EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eInfo.eAttributeInfoMap.values()) { it = new EFeatureAttributeInfo(it,this); eAttributeInfoMap.put(it.eName,it); } for(EFeatureGeometryInfo it : eInfo.eGeometryInfoMap.values()) { it = new EFeatureGeometryInfo(it,this); eGeometryInfoMap.put(it.eName,it); } // // Pass mappings directly (is copied when made immutable below) // eMappingMap = eInfo.eMappingMap; // // Optimize structure lookup methods // eOptimize(this); // // Make structure immutable (it is allowed to not be modified) // eImmutable(this); } /** * Unique ID which enables efficient <i>{@link EFeatureInfo structure} * equivalence</i> checking. * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This equivalence is not the same as * <i>{@link Object#equals(Object) object equivalence}</i>, * it only states that the structure is equal. Since the * structure is immutable, a single unique value is enough to * compare two structures for equivalence. Mutable fields like * {@link #getSRID()} is not part of the structure. It can therefore * not be assumed that if two structure have the same {@link #eUID}, then * the {@link #getSRID()} are also the same. * </p> * @throws IllegalStateException If {@link EStructureInfo#isDisposed() disposed} or * {@link EStructureInfo#isValid() not valid}. */ public Long eUID() { verify(true); return eUID; } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { // -------------------------------------------------------- // Is available and is a prototype or has at least // one geometry defined? // -------------------------------------------------------- // Prototypes must be available since prototypes are used // in queries matching all EFeature implementations. If // prototypes are unavailable, getFeatureType() returns // null, which breaks the construction of query instances. // // See EFeatureUtils#toEFeatureQuery(TreeIterator,Filter) // -------------------------------------------------------- // return super.isAvailable() && (isPrototype() || !eGeometryInfoMap.isEmpty()); } /** * Check if {@link EFeature} is a root. * <p> * A {@link EFeature} roots are not referenced (contained). * </p> * * @return <code>true</code> if EObject root. */ public boolean isRoot() { return eIsRoot; } /** * Get {@link Feature} name. * <p> * If this {@link #isRoot() is a root}, the {@link EClass} name is returned, else the name of * the {@link EObject#eContainmentFeature() containment reference} to this {@link EFeature} is * returned. * </p> * * @return the {@link EFeature} name. */ public String eName() { return eIsRoot ? eClassName : eReferenceName; } public String eNsURI() { return eNsURI; } public String eFolderName() { return eFolderName; } /** * Get EFeature {@link EClass} */ public EClass eClass() { return (eClass!=null ? eClass.get() : null); } /** * Get EFeature {@link EClass} name */ public String eClassName() { return eClassName; } /** * Get name of {@link EReference} referencing this {@link EFeature}. * <p> * This is only set if the {@link EFeature} is not {@link #isRoot() a root}. * </p> */ public EReference eReference() { return (eReference!=null ? eReference.get() : null); } /** * Get name of {@link EReference} referencing this {@link EFeature}. * <p> * This is only set if the {@link EFeature} is not {@link #isRoot() a root}. * </p> */ public String eReferenceName() { return eReferenceName; } /** * Get this {@link EClass parent} class. */ public EClass eParentClass() { return eParentClass!=null ? eParentClass.get() : null; } /** * Get name of EFeature parent {@link EClass} */ public String eParentClassName() { return eParentClass != null ? eParentClass().getName() : null; } /** * Get {@link EStructureInfo structure parent} instance. */ @Override protected EStructureInfo<?> eParentInfo(boolean checkIsValid) { EFeaturePackageInfo eInfo = eContext(checkIsValid). eStructure().eGetPackageInfo(eNsURI); if(eInfo!=null) { return eInfo.eGetFolderInfo(eFolderName); } return eContext(checkIsValid).eStructure(); } /** * Get ID {@link EAttribute} * * @return an {@link EAttribute} instance */ public EAttribute eIDAttribute() { return eGetAttribute(eIDAttributeName); } /** * Get SRID {@link EAttribute} * * @return an {@link EAttribute} instance */ public EAttribute eSRIDAttribute() { return eGetAttribute(eSRIDAttributeName); } /** * Get default {@link EFeatureGeometry} attribute. * <p> * * @return a {@link EAttribute} instance, or <code>null</code> if no {@link EFeatureGeometry * geometries} are defined. */ public EAttribute eDefaultGeometry() { return eGetAttribute(eGetDefaultGeometryName()); } public String eGetDefaultGeometryName() { // // 1) Try hints first // // if (eDefaultGeometryName == null) { for(String it : eGetDefaultGeometryNames(eHints)) { if(eGeometryInfoMap.containsKey(it)) { eDefaultGeometryName = it; } } } // 2) If no hints was found, try to find a geometry attribute // if (eDefaultGeometryName == null) { String eFirstFound = null; for (Entry<String, EFeatureGeometryInfo> it : eGeometryInfoMap.entrySet()) { if (eFirstFound == null) { eFirstFound = it.getKey(); } if (it.getValue().isDefaultGeometry) { eDefaultGeometryName = it.getKey(); break; } } if (eDefaultGeometryName == null) { if( !(eFirstFound==null || eFirstFound.length()==0) ) { eGeometryInfoMap.get(eFirstFound).isDefaultGeometry = true; } else { eFirstFound = EFeatureConstants.DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_NAME; } eDefaultGeometryName = eFirstFound; } } return eDefaultGeometryName; } public EFeatureGeometryInfo eSetDefaultGeometryName(String eNewName) { String eOldName = eGetDefaultGeometryName(); if (!(eNewName == null || eNewName.length() == 0 && !eNewName.equals(eOldName))) { EFeatureGeometryInfo eOldInfo = eGeometryInfoMap.get(eOldName); EFeatureGeometryInfo eNewInfo = eGeometryInfoMap.get(eNewName); if (eNewInfo != null) { // // Update // eDefaultGeometryName = eNewName; // // Keep structures in-sync // if (eOldInfo != null) { eOldInfo.setIsDefaultGeometry(false); } eNewInfo.setIsDefaultGeometry(true); // // Notify change of mutable property // fireOnChange(DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_NAME, eOldName, eNewName); // // Change completed // return eNewInfo; } } // No change // return null; } public EFeatureGeometryInfo eDefaultGeometryInfo() { return eGeometryInfoMap.get(eDefaultGeometryName); } /** * Get spatial reference ID. * @return a SRID * @see {@link CRS} - utility class for converting SRIDs into a * {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem} */ public String getSRID() { return srid; } /** * Set spatial reference ID for all {@link EFeature} instances */ public CoordinateReferenceSystem setSRID(String newSRID) throws IllegalArgumentException { final String oldSRID = getSRID(); if (isAvailable() && !(newSRID == null || newSRID.length() == 0) && !newSRID.equals(oldSRID)) { // Update Spatial reference id // this.srid = newSRID; // Try create new CRS from SRID // try { CRSCache.decode(this, true); } catch (Exception e) { // Rollback to old SRID // srid = oldSRID; // Throw expected exception // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to decode SRID " + "'" + srid + "'", e); } // Keep structures in-sync // (use this.srid since decodeCRS may enforce default value) // setSRID(oldSRID, this.srid,; // Change completed // return; } // No change // return null; } protected final void setSRID(String oldSRID, String newSRID, CoordinateReferenceSystem newCRS) { // Update Spatial reference id // this.srid = newSRID; // Keep structures in-sync // for (EFeatureGeometryInfo it : eGeometryInfoMap.values()) { it.setSRID(newSRID, newCRS); } // Notify listener of changes mutable property // fireOnChange(SRID, oldSRID, newSRID); } public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() { if(crs==null) { try { crs = CRSCache.decode(this, true); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to decode SRID",e); } } return crs; } public SimpleFeatureType getFeatureType() { if (isAvailable() && featureType == null) { featureType = new InnerSimpleFeatureTypeImpl(); } return featureType; } public EAttribute eGetAttribute(String eName) { EFeatureAttributeInfo eInfo = eGetAttributeInfo(eName, true); if (eInfo != null) { return eInfo.eAttribute(); } return null; } public EFeatureAttributeInfo eGetAttributeInfo(String eName, boolean all) { EFeatureAttributeInfo eInfo = eAttributeInfoMap.get(eName); if (eInfo == null && all) { return eGetGeometryInfo(eName); } return eInfo; } public EFeatureGeometryInfo eGetGeometryInfo(String eName) { return eGeometryInfoMap.get(eName); } public boolean isGeometry(String eName) { return eGeometryInfoMap.containsKey(eName); } public boolean isDefaultGeometry(String eName) { return eDefaultGeometryName != null ? eDefaultGeometryName.equals(eName) : false; } public List<EAttribute> eGetAttributeList(boolean all) { Collection<EAttribute> eItems = (all ? eAllAttributeMap.values() : eAttributeMap.values()); List<EAttribute> eList = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(eItems); return Collections.unmodifiableList(eList); } public List<EAttribute> eGetGeometryList() { Collection<EAttribute> eItems = eGeometryMap.values(); List<EAttribute> eList = new ArrayList<EAttribute>(eItems); return Collections.unmodifiableList(eList); } public Map<String, EAttribute> eGetAttributeMap(boolean all) { return (all ? eAttributeMap : eAllAttributeMap); } public Map<String, EAttribute> eGetAttributeMap(String[] eNames, boolean all) { Map<String, EAttribute> eFoundMap = new HashMap<String, EAttribute>(); Map<String, EAttribute> eAttrMap = EFeatureUtils.eGetAttributeMap(eClass()); for (String eName : eNames) { if (eAttrMap.containsKey(eName) && (eAttributeInfoMap.containsKey(eName) || all && eGeometryInfoMap.containsKey(eName))) { eFoundMap.put(eName, eAttrMap.get(eName)); } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(eFoundMap); } public List<EFeatureAttributeInfo> eGetAttributeInfoList(boolean all) { Collection<EFeatureAttributeInfo> eItems = (all ? eAllAttributeInfoMap.values() : eAttributeInfoMap.values()); List<EFeatureAttributeInfo> eList = new ArrayList<EFeatureAttributeInfo>(eItems); return Collections.unmodifiableList(eList); } public List<EFeatureGeometryInfo> eGetGeometryInfoList() { Collection<EFeatureGeometryInfo> eItems = eGeometryInfoMap.values(); List<EFeatureGeometryInfo> eList = new ArrayList<EFeatureGeometryInfo>(eItems); return Collections.unmodifiableList(eList); } public Map<String, EFeatureAttributeInfo> eGetAttributeInfoMap(boolean all) { return (all ? eAllAttributeInfoMap : eAttributeInfoMap); } public Map<String, EFeatureGeometryInfo> eGetGeometryInfoMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(eGeometryInfoMap); } /** * Check if a mapping for given {@link EStructuralFeature} exists * @param eAttribute - mapped attribute * @return an <code>true</code> if a mapping is found */ public final boolean eMappingExists(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { return eMappingMap.containsKey(eFeature); } /** * Get {@link EAttribute} mapped to given {@link EAttribute} * @param eAttribute - mapped attribute * @return an {@link EAttribute} if found. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If given attribute is not * mapping to anything in this structure */ public final EAttribute eMappedTo(EAttribute eAttribute) throws IllegalArgumentException { // // Get mapping from given attribute to implementation // eAttribute = eMappingMap.get(eAttribute); // // Validate // if(eAttribute==null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EAttribute " + eAttribute + " is not mapped by " + this); } // // Finished // return eAttribute; } /** * Validate given {@link EObject object} against this structure. * <p> * * </p> * @param eObject - the {@link EObject} instance * * @return <code>true</code> if valid, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public EFeatureStatus validate(EObject eObject) { // // Prepare // EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage(); // // Get parent class? // EClass eParent = eIsRoot ? null : EFeatureUtils.eGetContainingClass(eObject); // // Forward // return validate(ePackage,eParent); } /** * Validate {@link EFeature} structure. * <p> * If this {@link EFeature} is not {@link #isRoot() a root}, given {@link EClass} instance is * validated against the {@link #eReference() reference name} to ensure that such a reference * exist. * </p> * @param ePackage - given {@link EPackage} instance * @param eParent - {@link EClass} of given {@link EFeature} parent instance * @return <code>true</code> if valid, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public EFeatureStatus validate(EPackage ePackage, EClass eParent) { // // Initialize // EFeatureStatus s; // // Invalidate structure // doInvalidate(false); // // 1) Validate reference? // EReference eReference = null; if (!eIsRoot) { if (eParent == null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: Flagged as !eIsRoot() but parent class is null"); } eReference = EFeatureUtils.eGetReference(eParent, this.eReferenceName); if (eReference == null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: EReference " + this.eReferenceName + " not found"); } } // // 2) Validate EClass name // EClassifier eClassifier = ePackage.getEClassifier(eClassName); if (!(eClassifier instanceof EClass)) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: EClass " + eClassName + " not found"); } EClass eClass = ((EClass) eClassifier); // // Get list of all EAttributes // Map<String, EAttribute> eAttrMap = EFeatureUtils.eGetAttributeMap(eClass); // // 3) Validate ID attribute // EAttribute eAttribute = eClass.getEIDAttribute(); if (eAttribute != null) { // // Get attribute name // String eName = eAttribute.getName(); // // Get EAttribute ID instance // EFeatureAttributeInfo eInfo = eGetAttributeInfo(eName, true); // // Validate attribute // if(!(s = eInfo.validate(true, eAttribute)).isSuccess()) { // // Given EClass specified ID attribute was not a valid // return s; } } else if (!eAttrMap.containsKey(eIDAttributeName)) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: ID EAttribute '" + eIDAttributeName + "' not found"); } // // EClass specified ID attribute is already validated // eAttrMap.remove(eAttribute); // // 4) Validate attributes // for (EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eAttributeInfoMap.values()) { eAttribute = eAttrMap.get(it.eName); if (eAttribute == null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: EAttribute " + it.eName + " not found in EClass"); } boolean isID = eAttribute.getName().equals(eIDAttributeName); if (!(s = it.validate(isID, eAttribute)).isSuccess()) { return s; } } // // 5) Validate geometries // for (EFeatureGeometryInfo it : eGeometryInfoMap.values()) { eAttribute = eAttrMap.get(it.eName); if (eAttribute == null) { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature mismatch: EGeometry " + it.eName + " not found in EClass"); } boolean isID = eAttribute.getName().equals(eIDAttributeName); if (!(s = it.validate(isID, eAttribute)).isSuccess()) { return s; } } // // Store valid state // this.isValid = true; // // Store as weak references. This prevents memory leakage // when doDispose() is not called explicitly. // this.eParentClass = new WeakReference<EClass>(eParent); this.eReference = new WeakReference<EReference>(eReference); // // Create structure checksum // eUID = checksum(); // // Confirm that structure is valid // return structureIsValid(eName()); } /** * Validate feature against this structure. * * @param feature - feature to be validated * @return <code>true</code> if valid. */ public EFeatureStatus validate(Feature feature) { // // TODO: Does this work? // if (!getFeatureType().equals(feature.getType())) { return featureIsInvalid(); } // Confirm that feature is valid // return featureIsValid(); } /** * Check if given {@link EFeatureInfo structure} is equal to this * @param eInfo - given structure * @return <code>true</code> if structures are equal */ public boolean eEqualTo(EFeatureInfo eInfo) { return eEqualTo(eInfo,true); } /** * Get {@link EFeature#getID() ID} of given EObject * @param eObject - an {@link EObject} instance */ public String toID(EObject eObject) { return (String)eObject.eGet(eIDAttribute()); } /** * Create {@link ESimpleFeatureImpl} instance from given object. * @param eObject - an {@link EObject} instance * @param transaction TODO */ public ESimpleFeatureImpl toFeature(EObject eObject, Transaction transaction) { return new ESimpleFeatureImpl(this,eObject, transaction); } public Map<String, Integer> eGetAttributeIndex() { return ((InnerSimpleFeatureTypeImpl)getFeatureType()).index; } public EObject eNewInstance() { return EcoreUtil.create(eClass()); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Object methods // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + eContextID + "]"; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // EStructureInfo implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- @Override protected void doInvalidate(boolean deep) { // // Dispose weak references // this.eParentClass = null; this.eReference = null; // // Do a deep invalidation? // if (deep) { for (EStructureInfo<?> it : eGetAttributeInfoList(true)) { it.doInvalidate(true); } } } @Override protected void doAdapt() { // // Update ALL attributes (includes geometry structures) // for(EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eGetAttributeInfoList(true)) { it.eAdapt(this); } } @Override protected void doDetach() { // // Detach from old context // eContext(false).eStructure().doDetach(this); } @Override protected void doDispose() { // // Remove from EFeatureInfo cache in given context // (required to prevent memory leakage) // eContext(false).eStructure().eFeatureInfoCache.detach(this); // // Forward to sub-structures // for (EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eGetAttributeInfoList(true)) { it.dispose(); } // // Clear maps // this.eGeometryMap.clear(); this.eAttributeMap.clear(); this.eAllAttributeMap.clear(); this.eGeometryInfoMap.clear(); this.eAttributeInfoMap.clear(); this.eAllAttributeInfoMap.clear(); // // Clear cached references to allow garbage collection // = null; this.eClass = null; this.eParentClass = null; this.eReference = null; this.featureType = null; this.eGeometryMap = null; this.eAttributeMap = null; this.eAllAttributeMap = null; this.eGeometryInfoMap = null; this.eAttributeInfoMap = null; this.eAllAttributeInfoMap = null; } /** * Check if given {@link EFeatureInfo structure} is equal to this * @param eInfo - given structure * @return <code>true</code> if structures are equal */ protected boolean eEqualTo(EFeatureInfo eInfo, boolean checkIfValid) { verify(checkIfValid); return !(eUID==null || eInfo==null) ? eUID.equals(eInfo.eUID) : false; } /** * Calculate structure checksum. * <p> * This method calculates the checksum by repeatedly applying * {@link #eFeatureUID(EStructuralFeature)} on every * {@link EStructuralFeature} in this structure, concatenating * them together and finally calculating a checksum from the * concatenated string of unique feature IDs. * @return a {@link Adler32} checksum for given structure */ protected final Long checksum() { // // Prepare array of IDs // List<String> eIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); // // Add EFeature ID EAttribute feature ID // eIDs.add(eFeatureUID(eIDAttribute())); // // Add all EAttribute feature IDs // for(EAttribute it : eGetAttributeMap(true).values()) { eIDs.add(eFeatureUID(it)); } // // Add reference? // if(!isRoot()){ eIDs.add(eFeatureUID(eReference())); } // // Sort array (structure is unordered, order it to ensure equal checksum) // Collections.sort(eIDs); // // Calculate checksum (Adler32 is much faster then CRC-32 and almost as accurate) // Adler32 a = new Adler32(); a.update(Arrays.toString(eIDs.toArray()).toString().getBytes()); // // Finished // return a.getValue(); } /** * Create EFeature unique ID from given {@link EStructuralFeature feature} * @param eEFeature {@link EStructuralFeature} instance * @return a unique ID */ private static final String eFeatureUID(EStructuralFeature eEFeature) { EClass eClass = eEFeature.getEContainingClass(); return EFeatureUtils.eGetNsURI(eClass) + "/" + eClass.getClassifierID() + "/" + eEFeature.getFeatureID(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Public construction methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Create EFeature {@link EFeatureInfo structure} from * given EMF {@link EObject object} when the context is known. * <p> * </p> * @param eContext - {@link EFeatureContext context} of given object * @param eFeature - {@link EFeature} or EFeature compatible EMF {@link EObject object}. * @param eHints - {@link EFeatureInfo} construction hints (ID attribute name etc.) * @throws IllegalArgumentException If anything goes wrong. * @see {@link EFeatureHints} */ public static EFeatureInfo create(EFeatureContext eContext, EObject eFeature, EFeatureHints eHints) throws IllegalArgumentException { // // Get structure information // EClass eClass = (eFeature instanceof EClass ? (EClass)eFeature : eFeature.eClass()); EPackage ePackage = eClass.getEPackage(); String eNsURI = ePackage.getNsURI(); // // Check cache first // EFeatureInfo eInfo = eContext.eStructure().eGetFeatureInfo(eClass); // // Does not exist? // if(eInfo == null) { // // Create new instance // eInfo = new EFeatureInfo(); // // Set context // eInfo.eContextID = eContext.eContextID(); eInfo.eContext = new WeakReference<EFeatureContext>(eContext); eInfo.eFactory = new WeakReference<EFeatureContextFactory>(eContext.eContextFactory()); // // Set construction hints // eInfo.eHints = (eHints != null ? eHints : new EFeatureHints()); // // Get SRID from hints // eInfo.srid = eGetSRID(eInfo.eHints); // // Defined the structure using default values // eInfo = define(eInfo, eContext, eNsURI, ePackage.getName(), eClass); } // // Finished // return eInfo; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Static Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Create EFeature {@link EFeatureInfo structure} from * given EMF {@link EClass class} in given {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder}. * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method attaches the {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * with given {@link EFeatureContext context} {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure}, * and adds the {@link EClass#getEIDAttribute()} to the * {@link EFeatureContext#eIDFactory()}. * </p> * @param eFolderInfo - the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} instance * @param eClass - {@link EFeature} or EFeature compatible EMF {@link EClass class} . * @return a new {@link EFeatureInfo} instance if not defined, * or the existing structure if defined */ protected static EFeatureInfo create( EFeatureFolderInfo eFolderInfo, EClass eClass) { // // Get structure information // String eNsURI = eFolderInfo.eNsURI; String eFolderName = eFolderInfo.eName; // // Get context information // EFeatureContext eContext = eFolderInfo.eContext(false); // // Check cache first // EFeatureInfo eInfo = eContext.eStructure().eGetFeatureInfo(eFolderName, eClass); // // Was not cached? // if (eInfo == null) { // // Create new instance // eInfo = new EFeatureInfo(); // // Set context // eInfo.eFactory = eFolderInfo.eFactory; eInfo.eContext = eFolderInfo.eContext; eInfo.eContextID = eContext.eContextID(); // // Set construction hints // eInfo.eHints = (eFolderInfo.eHints != null ? eFolderInfo.eHints : new EFeatureHints()); // // Get SRID from hints // eInfo.srid = eGetSRID(eInfo.eHints); // // Forward // eInfo = define(eInfo, eContext, eNsURI, eFolderName, eClass); } // // Finished // return eInfo; } // ----------------------------------------------------- // Static Helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------- /** * Define EFeature {@link EFeatureInfo structure} from given information. * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: This method assumes that the {@link EFeatureContext} and * {@link EFeatureHints} are already set. This method also attaches the * {@link EFeatureInfo} instance with given context * {@link EFeatureContextInfo structure}, and adds the * {@link EClass#getEIDAttribute()} to the {@link EFeatureContext#eIDFactory()}. * </p> * @param eInfo * @param eContext * @param eNsURI * @param eFolderName - the {@link EFeatureFolderInfo folder} instance * @param eClass - {@link EFeature} or EFeature compatible EMF {@link EClass class} . * @return a {@link EFeatureInfo} instance * @throws IllegalArgumentException If anything goes wrong. */ private static EFeatureInfo define( EFeatureInfo eInfo, EFeatureContext eContext, String eNsURI, String eFolderName, EClass eClass) throws IllegalArgumentException { // // Set context path // eInfo.eNsURI = eNsURI; eInfo.eFolderName = eFolderName; // // Set EClass implementing EFeature // eInfo.eClassName = eClass.getName(); eInfo.eClass = new WeakReference<EClass>(eClass); // // Set ID attribute // EAttribute eIDAttribute = eGetIDAttribute(eClass,eInfo.eHints); eInfo.eIDAttributeName = eIDAttribute.getName(); eInfo.eMappingMap.put(EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature_ID(),eIDAttribute); // // Set SRID attribute // EAttribute eSRIDAttribute = eGetSRIDAttribute(eClass, eInfo.eHints); eInfo.eSRIDAttributeName = eSRIDAttribute.getName(); eInfo.eMappingMap.put(EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature_SRID(),eSRIDAttribute); // // Set default geometry attribute // EAttribute eDefaultAttribute = eGetDefaultAttribute(eClass, eInfo.eHints); eInfo.eDefaultAttributeName = eDefaultAttribute.getName(); eInfo.eMappingMap.put(EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature_Default(),eDefaultAttribute); // // Create EFeature attribute structures // EList<EAttribute> eAttributes = eClass.getEAllAttributes(); eInfo.eAttributeInfoMap = attributes(eInfo, eAttributes); eInfo.eGeometryInfoMap = geometries(eInfo, eAttributes); // // Register ID attribute with ID factory? // if( !(eContext.eIDFactory() instanceof EFeatureVoidIDFactory) ) { eContext.eIDFactory().add(eClass,eIDAttribute); } // // Add to cache? // if(!eContext.eStructure().contains(eInfo)) { EFeatureStatus eStatus; if((eStatus = eContext.eStructure().doAttach(eInfo)).isFailure()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to cache " + eInfo.eName() + ": " + eStatus.getMessage()); } } // // Optimize structure lookup methods // eOptimize(eInfo); // // Make immutable (this method also optimizes lookup) // eImmutable(eInfo); // // Finished // return eInfo; } protected static EAttribute eGetIDAttribute(EClass eClass, EFeatureHints eHints) { EAttribute eIDAttribute = eGetAttribute(eClass, eHints, EFeatureHints.EFEATURE_ID_ATTRIBUTES); if(eIDAttribute == null) { eIDAttribute = eClass.getEIDAttribute(); } return eIDAttribute; } protected static EAttribute eGetSRIDAttribute(EClass eClass, EFeatureHints eHints) { EAttribute eIDAttribute = eGetAttribute(eClass, eHints, EFeatureHints.EFEATURE_SRID_ATTRIBUTES); if(eIDAttribute == null) { eIDAttribute = EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature_SRID(); } return eIDAttribute; } protected static EAttribute eGetDefaultAttribute(EClass eClass, EFeatureHints eHints) { EAttribute eIDAttribute = eGetAttribute(eClass, eHints, EFeatureHints.EFEATURE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES); if(eIDAttribute == null) { eIDAttribute = EFeaturePackage.eINSTANCE.getEFeature_Default(); } return eIDAttribute; } protected static EAttribute eGetAttribute(EClass eClass, EFeatureHints eHints, Key eHint) { EAttribute eAttribute = null; if(eHints!=null) { eAttribute = eHints.eGetAttribute(eClass, eHint); } return eAttribute; } protected static String eGetSRID(EFeatureHints eHints) { Object eSRID = null; if(eHints!=null) { eSRID = eHints.get(EFeatureHints.EFEATURE_DEFAULT_SRID_HINT); } return eSRID !=null ? eSRID.toString() : DEFAULT_SRID; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected static Set<String> eGetDefaultGeometryNames(EFeatureHints eHints) { Object eNames = null; if(eHints!=null) { eNames = eHints.get(EFeatureHints.EFEATURE_DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_NAMES); } return eNames !=null ? (Set<String>)eNames : new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(EFeatureConstants.DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_NAME)); } protected static Map<String, EFeatureAttributeInfo> attributes(EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo, EList<EAttribute> eAttributes) { // // Prepare // Map<String, EFeatureAttributeInfo> eAttributeMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(eAttributes.size()); // // Get name of EAttribute ID // String eID = eFeatureInfo.eIDAttributeName; // // Inspect EMF attributes, adding all with non geometry values. // for (EAttribute it : eAttributes) { // // Does NOT contain geometry data? // if (!Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(it.getEAttributeType().getInstanceClass())) { String eName = it.getName(); eAttributeMap.put(eName, EFeatureAttributeInfo.create( eFeatureInfo, eName.equals(eID), it)); } } return eAttributeMap; } protected static Map<String, EFeatureGeometryInfo> geometries(EFeatureInfo eFeatureInfo, EList<EAttribute> eAttributes) { // // Prepare // String eDefault = null; String srid = eFeatureInfo.srid; CoordinateReferenceSystem crs =; Map<String, EFeatureGeometryInfo> eGeometryMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(eAttributes.size()); // // Inspect EMF attributes, adding all with geometry values. // for (EAttribute it : eAttributes) { // // Contains geometry data? // if (Geometry.class.isAssignableFrom(it.getEAttributeType().getInstanceClass())) { // // Initialize default geometry name? // String eName = it.getName(); if (eDefault == null) { eDefault = eName; } // // Create structure instance // EFeatureGeometryInfo eGeometryInfo = EFeatureGeometryInfo.create(eFeatureInfo, eName.equals(eDefault), srid, crs, it); // // Add to cache // eGeometryMap.put(eName, eGeometryInfo); } } return eGeometryMap; } protected final EFeatureStatus featureIsValid() { return success("Feature is valid: " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " [" + eName() + "]"); } protected final EFeatureStatus featureIsInvalid() { return failure(this, eName(), "Feature is invalid: " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " [" + eName() + "]"); } /** * Optimizes structure lookup. * <p> * @param eStructure */ protected static void eOptimize(EFeatureInfo eStructure) { // // Get collection sizes // int gsize = eStructure.eGeometryInfoMap.size(); int asize = eStructure.eAttributeInfoMap.size(); int tsize = asize + gsize; // // ------------------------------------------------ // 1) Prepare optimized lookup // ------------------------------------------------ // eStructure.eGeometryMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(gsize); eStructure.eAttributeMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(asize); eStructure.eAllAttributeMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(tsize); eStructure.eAllAttributeInfoMap = EFeatureUtils.newMap(tsize); // // ------------------------------------------------ // 2) Build lookup maps and collections // ------------------------------------------------ // for(EFeatureGeometryInfo it : eStructure.eGeometryInfoMap.values()) { String eName = it.eName; EAttribute eAttribute = it.eAttribute(); eStructure.eGeometryMap.put(eName,eAttribute); eStructure.eAllAttributeMap.put(eName,eAttribute); eStructure.eAllAttributeInfoMap.put(eName, it); } for(EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eStructure.eAttributeInfoMap.values()) { String eName = it.eName; EAttribute eAttribute = it.eAttribute(); eStructure.eAttributeMap.put(eName,eAttribute); eStructure.eAllAttributeMap.put(eName,eAttribute); eStructure.eAllAttributeInfoMap.put(eName, it); } } /** * Make given {@link EFeatureInfo structure} immutable. * <p> * {@link EFeature} is highly optimized, which depends on the * structure being immutable. Note that EMF meta models might * change over time (dynamic EMF). Each time a {@link EClass} * change (attribute, containment, cross reference etc), * the EMF meta model and structure might get out of sync. * Change is tracked by the structure. If any change is detected, * the structure is invalidated. If {@link #validate(EPackage, EClass)} * fails, the whole structure must be recreated. * <p/> * TODO Add tracking of EMF meta model changes and implement * synchronization mechanisms that update affected structures. * Note that this implies that checksums must be recalculated, * and that any cached values derived from the structure in live * {@link EFeature} instances must be invalidated. */ protected static void eImmutable(EFeatureInfo eStructure) { // // Make copied lists and maps unmodifiable (structure is immutable) // eStructure.eMappingMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eMappingMap); eStructure.eGeometryMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eGeometryMap); eStructure.eAttributeMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eAttributeMap); eStructure.eAllAttributeMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eAllAttributeMap); eStructure.eGeometryInfoMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eGeometryInfoMap); eStructure.eAttributeInfoMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eAttributeInfoMap); eStructure.eAllAttributeInfoMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(eStructure.eAllAttributeInfoMap); // // TODO Add invalidation adapter tracking changes in the EMF meta model // } // ----------------------------------------------------- // SimpleFeatureDescriptor implementation // ----------------------------------------------------- private class InnerSimpleFeatureTypeImpl implements SimpleFeatureType { private Map<String, Integer> index; private Map<Object, Object> userData; private List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors; private Class<?> binding = Collection.class; public InnerSimpleFeatureTypeImpl() { index = buildIndex(this); } @Override public boolean isIdentified() { // // Features are always identified // return true; } @Override public boolean isAbstract() { return false; } @Override public GeometryDescriptor getGeometryDescriptor() { EFeatureGeometryInfo eInfo = eGeometryInfoMap.get(eGetDefaultGeometryName()); return eInfo != null ? eInfo.getDescriptor() : null; } @Override public CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem() { return EFeatureInfo.this.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Class<Collection<Property>> getBinding() { return (Class<Collection<Property>>) binding; } @Override public Collection<PropertyDescriptor> getDescriptors() { if(descriptors==null) { List<EFeatureAttributeInfo> eList = eGetAttributeInfoList(true); descriptors = new ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>(eList.size()); for (EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eList) { descriptors.add(it.getDescriptor()); } descriptors = Collections.unmodifiableList(descriptors); } return descriptors; } @Override public boolean isInline() { // Apparently not in use, return false // return false; } @Override public AttributeType getSuper() { return null; } @Override public List<Filter> getRestrictions() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public InternationalString getDescription() { return null; } @Override public Map<Object, Object> getUserData() { if (userData == null) { userData = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } return userData; } /** * Get EFeature {@link SimpleFeatureType type} name. * <p> * EFeature type names have the following format: * * <pre> * eType=<eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder = {@link EFeature} folder name * eFeature = {@link EFeature} class | reference name * </pre> * <p> * The name is located in {@link Name#getLocalPart()} * </p> * @return a SimpleFeatureType {@link Name} */ @Override public Name getName() { String eFolder = EFeatureInfo.this.eFolderName; String eFeature = EFeatureInfo.this.eName(); return new NameImpl(eFolder+"."+eFeature); } /** * Get EFeature {@link SimpleFeatureType type} name. * <p> * EFeature type names have the following format: * * <pre> * eType=<eFolder>.<eFeature> * * where * * eFolder = {@link EFeature} folder name * eFeature = {@link EFeature} class | reference name * </pre> * * @return a {@link SimpleFeatureType} name */ @Override public String getTypeName() { return getName().getLocalPart(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public List<AttributeDescriptor> getAttributeDescriptors() { return (List) getDescriptors(); } @Override public List<AttributeType> getTypes() { synchronized (this) { List<AttributeType> types = new ArrayList<AttributeType>(); for (EFeatureAttributeInfo it : eGetAttributeInfoList(true)) { types.add(it.getDescriptor().getType()); } return types; } } @Override public AttributeType getType(Name name) { AttributeDescriptor attribute = getDescriptor(name); if (attribute != null) { return attribute.getType(); } return null; } @Override public AttributeType getType(String name) { AttributeDescriptor attribute = getDescriptor(name); if (attribute != null) { return attribute.getType(); } return null; } @Override public AttributeType getType(int index) { return getTypes().get(index); } @Override public AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor(Name eName) { return getDescriptor(eName.getURI()); } @Override public AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor(String eName) { EFeatureAttributeInfo eInfo = eGetAttributeInfo(eName, true); return (eInfo != null ? eInfo.getDescriptor() : null); } @Override public AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor(int index) { return getAttributeDescriptors().get(index); } @Override public int indexOf(Name name) { if (name.getNamespaceURI() == null) { return indexOf(name.getLocalPart()); } // otherwise do a full scan int index = 0; for (AttributeDescriptor descriptor : getAttributeDescriptors()) { if (descriptor.getName().equals(name)) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } @Override public int indexOf(String name) { Integer idx = index.get(name); if (idx != null) { return idx.intValue(); } else { return -1; } } @Override public int getAttributeCount() { return getAttributeDescriptors().size(); } /** * Builds the name -> position index used by simple features for fast attribute lookup * * @param featureType * @return */ private Map<String, Integer> buildIndex(InnerSimpleFeatureTypeImpl featureType) { // build an index of attribute name to index Map<String, Integer> index = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); int i = 0; for (AttributeDescriptor ad : featureType.getAttributeDescriptors()) { index.put(ad.getLocalName(), i++); } if (featureType.getGeometryDescriptor() != null) { index.put(null, index.get(featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName())); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(index); } } }