package; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.Condition; import org.eclipse.emf.query.conditions.IDataTypeAdapter; import; /** * A {@link Condition} object that tests for {@link Character} arguments. The arguments being evaluated * are adapted to a <code>Character</code> first using a {@link CharacterAdapter} and then compared * to the initialization value of this <code>CharacterAdapter</code>. It evaluates to * <code>true</code> when the values are equal or if the value is within the range of supplied * lower-bound and upper-bound. * <p> * This implementation is based on the {@link NumberCondition} source code by Christian W. Damus * (cdamus), IBM. * </p> * * @author kengu * */ public class CharacterCondition extends Condition { /** The numeric {@literal =} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator EQUAL_TO = RelationalOperator.EQUAL_TO; /** The numeric {@literal !=} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator NOT_EQUAL_TO = RelationalOperator.NOT_EQUAL_TO; /** The numeric {@literal <} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator LESS_THAN = RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN; /** The numeric {@literal <=} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = RelationalOperator.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO; /** The numeric {@literal >} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator GREATER_THAN = RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN; /** The numeric {@literal >=} operator. */ public static RelationalOperator GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = RelationalOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO; /** The numeric "between" operator. */ public static RelationalOperator BETWEEN = RelationalOperator.BETWEEN; /** The numeric "outside" operator. */ public static RelationalOperator OUTSIDE = RelationalOperator.OUTSIDE; /** The upper bound of a range condition. */ protected Character upper; /** Whether the upper bound is inclusive. */ protected boolean upperInclusive; /** The lower bound of a range condition. */ protected Character lower; /** Whether the lower bound is inclusive. */ protected boolean lowerInclusive; /** The operator of a relational condition. */ protected RelationalOperator operator; /** The {@link IDataTypeAdapter character} adapter. */ protected CharacterAdapter adapter; /** The condition value. */ protected Character value; /** * Initializes me with a single date against which to test input values, assuming that they will * be {@link Character} objects. I am, by default, an {@linkplain #EQUAL_TO equality} test. * * @param c - the {@link Character} object to match against input values * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(Character c) { this(c, EQUAL_TO, CharacterAdapter.DEFAULT); } /** * Initializes me with a single date against which to test input values, and an adapter to * convert those inputs to {@link Character} objects. I am, by default, an {@linkplain #EQUAL_TO * equality} test. * * @param c - the {@link Character} object to match against input values * @param adapter - converts input values to {@link Character} objects * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(Character c, CharacterAdapter adapter) { this(c, EQUAL_TO, adapter); } /** * Initializes me with a {@link Character} object against which to test input values and a * relational operator to apply in comparisons. I assume that inputs are {@link Character} objects. * * @param c - the {@link Character} object to match against input values * @param operator - the relational operator to test * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(Character c, RelationalOperator operator) { this(c, operator, CharacterAdapter.DEFAULT); } /** * Initializes me with a {@link Character} object against which to test input values, a relational * operator to apply in comparisons, and an adapter to convert those inputs to {@link Character} * objects. * * @param c - the {@link Character} object to match against input values * @param operator - the relational operator to test * @param adapter - converts input values to {@link Character} objects * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(Character c, RelationalOperator operator, CharacterAdapter adapter) { this.value = c; this.adapter = adapter; switch (operator) { case EQUAL_TO: this.lower = c; this.lowerInclusive = true; this.upper = c; this.upperInclusive = true; break; case NOT_EQUAL_TO: this.lower = c; this.lowerInclusive = false; this.upper = c; this.upperInclusive = false; break; case LESS_THAN: this.upper = c; this.upperInclusive = false; break; case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: this.upper = c; this.upperInclusive = true; break; case GREATER_THAN: this.lower = c; this.lowerInclusive = false; break; case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO: this.lower = c; this.lowerInclusive = true; break; } this.operator = operator; } /** * Initializes me with upper and lower bounds against which to test input values, assuming that * they will be {@link Character} objects. I am, by default, a {@linkplain #BETWEEN between} test. * @param between - if <code>true</code>, use the {@link #BETWEEN} operator. Otherwise use the {@link #OUTSIDE} operator * @param lower - the lower bound to test * @param upper - the upper bound to test * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(boolean between, Character lower, Character upper) { this(between, lower, true, upper, true, CharacterAdapter.DEFAULT); } /** * Initializes me with upper and lower bounds against which to test input values, and an adapter * to convert those inputs to {@link Character} objects. * @param between - if <code>true</code>, use the {@link #BETWEEN} operator. Otherwise use the {@link #OUTSIDE} operator * @param lower - the lower bound to test * @param upper - the upper bound to test * @param adapter - converts input values to {@link Character} objects * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(boolean between, Character lower, Character upper, CharacterAdapter adapter) { this(between, lower, true, upper, true, adapter); } /** * Initializes me with upper and lower bounds against which to test input values, assuming that * they will be {@link Character} objects. * @param between - if <code>true</code>, use the {@link #BETWEEN} operator. Otherwise use the {@link #OUTSIDE} operator * @param lower - the lower bound to test * @param lowerInclusive - whether the lower bound is inclusive * @param upper - the upper bound to test * @param upperInclusive - whether the upper bound is inclusive * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(boolean between, Character lower, boolean lowerInclusive, Character upper, boolean upperInclusive) { this(between, lower, lowerInclusive, upper, upperInclusive, CharacterAdapter.DEFAULT); } /** * Initializes me with upper and lower bounds against which to test input values, and an adapter * to convert those inputs to {@link Character} objects. * @param between - if <code>true</code>, use the {@link #BETWEEN} operator. Otherwise use the {@link #OUTSIDE} operator * @param lower - the lower bound to test * @param lowerInclusive - whether the lower bound is inclusive * @param upper - the upper bound to test * @param upperInclusive - whether the upper bound is inclusive * @param adapter - to convert input values to {@link Character} objects * * @since 1.2 */ public CharacterCondition(boolean between, Character lower, boolean lowerInclusive, Character upper, boolean upperInclusive, CharacterAdapter adapter) { this.value = lower; this.adapter = adapter; this.lower = lower; this.lowerInclusive = lowerInclusive; this.upper = upper; this.upperInclusive = upperInclusive; this.operator = between ? BETWEEN : OUTSIDE; } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values equal to the specified {@link Character}. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition equals(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, EQUAL_TO); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values not equal to the specified {@link Character}. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition notEquals(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, NOT_EQUAL_TO); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values less than the specified <tt>c</tt>. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition lessThan(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, LESS_THAN); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values less than or equal to the specified <tt>c</tt>. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition lessThanOrEquals(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values greater than the specified <tt>c</tt>. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition greaterThan(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, GREATER_THAN); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values greater than or equal to the specified <tt>c</tt>. * * @param c - a {@link Character} to check for * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition greaterThanOrEquals(Character c) { return new CharacterCondition(c, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values in the range to the specified <tt>lower</tt> and * <tt>upper</tt> (inclusive). * * @param lower the lower bound of numbers to check for (inclusive) * @param upper the upper bound of numbers to check for (inclusive) * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition between(Character lower, Character upper) { return between(lower, true, upper, true); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values in the range to the specified <tt>lower</tt> and * <tt>upper</tt>. * * @param lower the lower bound of numbers to check for * @param lowerInclusive whether the lower bound is inclusive * @param upper the upper bound of numbers to check for * @param upperInclusive whether the upper bound is inclusive * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition between(Character lower, boolean lowerInclusive, Character upper, boolean upperInclusive) { return new CharacterCondition(true, lower, lowerInclusive, upper, upperInclusive); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values in the range to the specified <tt>lower</tt> and * <tt>upper</tt> (inclusive). * * @param lower the lower bound of numbers to check for (inclusive) * @param upper the upper bound of numbers to check for (inclusive) * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition outside(Character lower, Character upper) { return outside(lower, true, upper, true); } /** * Obtains a condition checking for values in the range to the specified <tt>lower</tt> and * <tt>upper</tt>. * * @param lower the lower bound of numbers to check for * @param lowerInclusive whether the lower bound is inclusive * @param upper the upper bound of numbers to check for * @param upperInclusive whether the upper bound is inclusive * @return a condition that does the checking * * @since 1.2 */ public static CharacterCondition outside(Character lower, boolean lowerInclusive, Character upper, boolean upperInclusive) { return new CharacterCondition(false, lower, lowerInclusive, upper, upperInclusive); } /** * Tests if the argument's value equals/in-range the initialization c(s) * * @param c The <code>Short</code> object whose value will be used in testing * @return true if values are equal/in-range, false otherwise */ public boolean isSatisfied(Character c) { return (lower.compareTo(c) >= 0) && (upper.compareTo(c) <= 0); } @Override public boolean isSatisfied(Object object) { return operator.isSatisfied(this, adapter.adapt(object)); } /** * The relational operator that a {@link NumberCondition} applies to test input values against * its own value or, in the case of {@link #BETWEEN}, its upper and lower bounds. * * @since 1.2 */ public static enum RelationalOperator { EQUAL_TO { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) == 0); }; }, NOT_EQUAL_TO { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) != 0); }; }, LESS_THAN { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) > 0); }; }, LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) >= 0); }; }, GREATER_THAN { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) < 0); }; }, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.value.compareTo(c) <= 0); }; }, BETWEEN { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.lowerInclusive ? (cond.lower.compareTo(c) <= 0) : (cond.lower.compareTo(c) < 0)) && (cond.upperInclusive ? (cond.upper.compareTo(c) >= 0) : (cond.upper.compareTo(c) > 0)); }; }, OUTSIDE { @Override boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c) { return (cond.lowerInclusive ? (cond.lower.compareTo(c) >= 0) : (cond.lower.compareTo(c) > 0)) || (cond.upperInclusive ? (cond.upper.compareTo(c) <= 0) : (cond.upper.compareTo(c) < 0)); }; }; /** * Tests the specified condition against an input value. * * @param cond - the {@link Character} condition to test against * @param c - the input value * * @return the result of my specific test */ abstract boolean isSatisfied(CharacterCondition cond, Character c); } }