package com.sp2p.service.admin; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader; import com.shove.Convert; import com.shove.base.BaseService; import com.shove.config.ChinaPnrConfig; import; import; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.shove.util.JSONUtils; import com.shove.util.UtilDate; import com.shove.vo.PageBean; import com.sp2p.constants.IConstants; import com.sp2p.constants.IFundConstants; import com.sp2p.constants.IInformTemplateConstants; import com.sp2p.dao.AccountUsersDao; import com.sp2p.dao.FundRecordDao; import com.sp2p.dao.MyHomeInfoSettingDao; import com.sp2p.dao.OperationLogDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.AccountPaymentDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.FIManageDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.RiskManageDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.UserBankManagerDao; import com.sp2p.database.Dao.Procedures; import com.sp2p.database.Dao.Views.intentionfund_user; import com.sp2p.entity.Admin; import com.sp2p.service.FinanceService; import com.sp2p.service.SelectedService; import com.sp2p.util.ChinaPnRInterface; import com.sp2p.util.DateUtil; import com.sp2p.util.WebUtil; public class FundManagementService extends BaseService { public static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FinanceService.class); private FIManageDao fiManageDao; private FundRecordDao fundRecordDao; private AccountUsersDao accountUsersDao; private SelectedService selectedService; private UserBankManagerDao userBankDao; private RiskManageDao riskManageDao; private AccountPaymentDao accountPaymentDao; private OperationLogDao operationLogDao; private MyHomeInfoSettingDao myHomeInfoSettingDao; private List<Map<String, Object>> rechargeTypes; private List<Map<String, Object>> results; public OperationLogDao getOperationLogDao() { return operationLogDao; } public void setOperationLogDao(OperationLogDao operationLogDao) { this.operationLogDao = operationLogDao; } public FIManageDao getFiManageDao() { return fiManageDao; } public void setFiManageDao(FIManageDao fiManageDao) { this.fiManageDao = fiManageDao; } public FundRecordDao getFundRecordDao() { return fundRecordDao; } public void setFundRecordDao(FundRecordDao fundRecordDao) { this.fundRecordDao = fundRecordDao; } public AccountUsersDao getAccountUsersDao() { return accountUsersDao; } public void setAccountUsersDao(AccountUsersDao accountUsersDao) { this.accountUsersDao = accountUsersDao; } public SelectedService getSelectedService() { return selectedService; } public void setSelectedService(SelectedService selectedService) { this.selectedService = selectedService; } public UserBankManagerDao getUserBankDao() { return userBankDao; } public void setUserBankDao(UserBankManagerDao userBankDao) { this.userBankDao = userBankDao; } public RiskManageDao getRiskManageDao() { return riskManageDao; } public void setRiskManageDao(RiskManageDao riskManageDao) { this.riskManageDao = riskManageDao; } public AccountPaymentDao getAccountPaymentDao() { return accountPaymentDao; } public void setAccountPaymentDao(AccountPaymentDao accountPaymentDao) { this.accountPaymentDao = accountPaymentDao; } public MyHomeInfoSettingDao getMyHomeInfoSettingDao() { return myHomeInfoSettingDao; } public void setMyHomeInfoSettingDao(MyHomeInfoSettingDao myHomeInfoSettingDao) { this.myHomeInfoSettingDao = myHomeInfoSettingDao; } public void queryRepaymentReport(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, Long borrowId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and borrowId=" + borrowId; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(userName)) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_repay_history", " * ", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } public Long updateRepayment(String repaymentId, String repayAmount, String borrowId, String hasDeadline, Long adminId, String addIP) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); try { fiManageDao.updateRepaymentById(conn, repaymentId); fiManageDao.updateBorrowById(conn, borrowId, hasDeadline); fiManageDao.insertRepaymentRecord(conn, repaymentId, repayAmount, adminId, addIP); conn.commit(); return 1L; } catch (Exception e) { conn.rollback(); log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 财务管理 充值记录查询 * * @return */ public void queryRechargeRecordList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String reStartTime, String reEndTime, int rechargeType, Integer result) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); // 手机变更状态不为空 String command = ""; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (rechargeType != -100) {// command += " and rechargeType =" + rechargeType; } if (reStartTime != null) { command += " and rechargeTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(reStartTime) + "' and rechargeTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(reEndTime) + "'"; } if (result >= 0) { command += " and result =" + result; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargedetails_list", "*", " order by id desc ", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 投资人记录查询 * * @return */ public void queryRechargeInversList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String borrowId) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); // 手机变更状态不为空 String command = ""; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (borrowId != null) { command += " and borrowId = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(borrowId) + "' "; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargeinvest_list", "*", " order by id desc ", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryRechargeFirstList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String reStartTime, String reEndTime, int rechargeType) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); // 手机变更状态不为空 String command = ""; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (rechargeType != -100) {// command += " and rechargeType =" + rechargeType; } if (reStartTime != null) { command += " and first_recharge >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(reStartTime) + "'"; } if (reEndTime != null) { command += " and first_recharge <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(reEndTime) + "'"; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargefirst_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryOneFirstChargeDetails(Long rechargeId, boolean first) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { if (first) { return fiManageDao.queryOneFirstChargeDetails(conn, rechargeId); } else { return fiManageDao.queryOneChargeDetails(conn, rechargeId); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryAllWithdrawList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String startTime, String endTime, Integer status) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { command += " and name like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (status > 0) {// command += " and status =" + status; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startTime)) { command += " and applyTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endTime)) { command += " and applyTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } command += " and status != 0 "; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_withdraw_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryOneWithdraw(Long wid) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return fiManageDao.queryOneWithdraw(conn, wid); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserCashList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = ""; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"; } StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(); cmd.append("(SELECT AS userId, a.username, IFNULL(f.forRePaySum, 0) AS dueoutSum, ( a.usableSum + r.rechargeMoney ) usableSum, "); cmd.append("a.freezeSum, ifnull(b.dueinSum,0) as dueinSum,( a.usableSum + r.rechargeMoney + ifnull(b.dueinSum,0) +a.freezeSum ) as totalSum, ifnull(b.hasInterest,0) as hasInterest, d.realName realName FROM t_user a "); cmd.append("LEFT JOIN ( SELECT investor,sum(IFNULL(hasInterest, 0)) AS hasInterest,SUM(recivedPrincipal+recievedInterest-hasPrincipal-hasInterest)" + "dueinSum FROM t_invest GROUP BY investor ) b ON = b.investor LEFT JOIN t_person d ON d.userId = LEFT JOIN t_recharge_detail r ON r.userId = LEFT JOIN ( SELECT forRePaySum, publisher "); cmd.append("FROM ( SELECT sum( IFNULL(( c.stillPrincipal + c.stillInterest - c.hasPI + c.lateFI - c.hasFI ), 0 )) AS forRePaySum, d.publisher FROM t_repayment c "); cmd.append(" LEFT JOIN t_borrow d ON c.borrowId = WHERE c.repayStatus = 1 GROUP BY d.publisher ) t ) f ON f.publisher = "); cmd.append(" GROUP BY a.ID, a.usableSum, a.freezeSum, f.forRePaySum, d.realName, a.username) u"); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, cmd.toString(), "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } // public void queryUserCashList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, // String userName) throws SQLException, DataException { // Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); // String command = ""; // if (userName != null) { // command += " and username like '%" + // StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"; // } // StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(); // cmd.append("select as userId,a.username,IFNULL(f.forRePaySum,0) as dueoutSum,a.usableSum,a.freezeSum,a.dueinCapitalSum,a.dueinAccrualSum, "); // //cmd.append("round(sum(IFNULL(b.recivedPrincipal+b.recievedInterest-b.hasPrincipal-b.hasInterest,0)),2) as dueinSum," // cmd.append("d.realName realName from t_user a left join t_invest b on = b.investor "); // cmd.append(" left join t_person d on left join "); // cmd.append("(select forRePaySum,publisher from (select sum(IFNULL((c.stillPrincipal+c.stillInterest-c.hasPI+c.lateFI-c.hasFI),0)) as forRePaySum,d.publisher from t_repayment c left join t_borrow d on c.borrowId = where c.repayStatus = 1 GROUP BY d.publisher) t) f"); // cmd.append(" on f.publisher = group by a.ID,a.usableSum,a.freezeSum,f.forRePaySum,d.realName,a.username "); // try { // dataPage(conn, pageBean, cmd.toString(), "*", "", command); // } catch (SQLException e) { // log.error(e); // e.printStackTrace(); // throw e; // } catch (DataException e) { // log.error(e); // e.printStackTrace(); // throw e; // } finally { // conn.close(); // } // } public void queryUserFundRepayList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String username, String realName, String number, int repayStatus) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(username)) { command += " and username like '%" + username + "%' "; } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(realName)) { command += " and realName like '%" + realName + "%' "; } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(number)) { command += " and number like '%" + number + "%' "; } if (repayStatus > 0) { command += " and borrowStatus=" + repayStatus + " "; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_hhn_repay_list ", "*,datediff(nextDate,preDate) days", "", command); List<Map<String, Object>> page = pageBean.getPage(); if(page == null) return; Calendar a = Calendar.getInstance(); a.set(Calendar.DATE, 1); a.roll(Calendar.DATE, -1); int days = a.get(Calendar.DATE);// 当月天数 DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); for (Map<String, Object> map : page) { Object obj = map.get("days"); if (obj == null) {// 已还完 map.put("preSum", "0.00");//提前还款金额 continue; } // 剩余本金×(1+3%)+本期已产生利息+本期咨询费+手续费 long day = Convert.strToLong(obj + "", 0); double balance = Convert.strToDouble(map.get("principalBalance")+"", 0); double interest = Convert.strToDouble(map.get("stillInterest")+"", 0); double preSum = 1.03 * balance + interest * day / days + Convert.strToDouble(map.get("fee")+"", 0); map.put("preSum", format.format(preSum));//提前还款金额 } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 查询后台还款记录 * * @param borrowId * @param request * @throws Exception * [参数说明] * * @return void [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [违例类型] [违例说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public void queryPayingDetailsHHN(long borrowId, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { this.fiManageDao.queryBorrowneedpayByIdAdmin(conn, borrowId, request); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } } public void queryBackCashList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long userId, String checkUser, String startTime, String endTime, Integer type, String uname) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { /*String condition = " "; if (userId > 0) { condition += " and userId=" + userId; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(checkUser)) { condition += " and checkUser like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(checkUser) + "%'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startTime)) { condition += " and checkTime >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endTime)) { condition += " and checkTime <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } if (type > 0) { condition += " and type = " + type; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(uname)) { condition += " and uname like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(uname) + "%'"; } dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_backrw_lists", "*", " ", condition);*/ DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, "SELECT\n" + "\t`a`.`id` AS `id`,\n" + "\t`b`.`id` AS `userId`,\n" + "\t`b`.`usrCustId` AS `usrCustId`,\n" + "\t`a`.`type` AS `type`,\n" + "\tifnull(`a`.`dealMoney`, '--')AS `dealMoney`,\n" + "\tifnull(`a`.`remark`, '--')AS `remark`,\n" + "\tifnull(`c`.`userName`, '--')AS `checkUser`,\n" + "\t`a`.`checkTime` AS `checkTime`,\n" + "\t`b`.`username` AS `uname`,\n" + "\t`b`.`username` AS `userName`,\n" + "\tifnull(`d`.`realName`, '--')AS `realName`,\n" + "\t`a`.`result` AS `result`,\n" + "\tifnull(`a`.`cost`, '--')AS `cost`,\n" + "\tifnull(\n" + "\t\t(\n" + "\t\t\tSELECT\n" + "\t\t\t\t`bank`.`cardNo`\n" + "\t\t\tFROM\n" + "\t\t\t\t`t_bankcard` `bank`\n" + "\t\t\tWHERE\n" + "\t\t\t\t(\n" + "\t\t\t\t\t(`bank`.`userId` = `b`.`id`)\n" + "\t\t\t\tAND isnull(`bank`.`modifiedCardNo`)\n" + "\t\t\tAND(`bank`.`cardStatus` = 1)\n" + "\t\t\t\t)\n" + "\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n" + "\t\t),\n" + "\t\t'--'\n" + "\t)AS `cardNo`\n" + "FROM\n" + "\t(\n" + "\t\t(\n" + "\t\t\t(\n" + "\t\t\t\t`t_user` `b`\n" + "\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `t_recharge_withdraw_info` `a` ON((`a`.`userId` = `b`.`id`))\n" + "\t\t\t)\n" + "\t\tLEFT JOIN `t_admin` `c` ON((`a`.`checkUser` = `c`.`id`))\n" + "\t\t)\n" + "\tLEFT JOIN `t_person` `d` ON((`b`.`id` = `d`.`userId`))\n" + "\t) where `b`.username='"+uname+"' order by `a`.`id` desc limit 10"); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; pageBean.setPage(list); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Long addBackR(Long userId, Long adminId, Integer type, double money, String remark, Date date, String fundMode, String addIP, String userName, String remarks) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); Long ret = -1L; try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); List<Object> outParameterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); Procedures.p_useraddmoneymanual(conn, ds, outParameterValues, userId, type, money, remarks, adminId, -1, ""); ret = Convert.strToLong(outParameterValues.get(0) + "", -1); if (ret > 0) { // 发送通知,通过通知模板 Map<String, Object> informTemplateMap = (Map<String, Object>) ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext().getServletContext() .getAttribute(IInformTemplateConstants.INFORM_TEMPLATE_APPLICATION); Map<String, String> noticeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 消息模版 // 站内信 String informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("mail", informTemplate); // 邮件 String e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("email", e_informTemplate); // 短信 String s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("userName", userName); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("note", e_informTemplate); selectedService.sendNoticeMSG(conn, userId, "充值成功", noticeMap, IConstants.NOTICE_MODE_5); conn.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Long addBackW(Long userId, Long adminId, Integer type, double money, String remark, Date date, String fundMode, String addIP, String userName, String remarks) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); Long result = -1L; try { // 更新用户金额 long result2 = fiManageDao.updateFundrecord(conn, userId, money, type); if (result2 <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return result2; } result = fiManageDao.addBackR_W(conn, userId, adminId, type, money, remark, date); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return result; } // 查询待收金额 Map<String, String> dueinMap = fiManageDao.queryDueInSum(conn, userId); double dueinSum = 0d; if (dueinMap != null && dueinMap.size() > 0) { dueinSum = Convert.strToDouble(dueinMap.get("forPI"), 0); } long result3 = -1; result3 = fundRecordDao.addFundRecord(conn, userId, fundMode, money, Convert.strToDouble(dueinMap.get("usableSum"), 0d), Convert.strToDouble(dueinMap.get("freezeSum"), 0d), dueinSum, -1L, remarks, 0.0, money, -1, -1, 502, 0.0); if (result3 <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return result3; } // ----往新表插入数据 if (type == IConstants.RECHARAGE) {// 充值 int result4 = accountUsersDao.addAccountUsers(conn, IFundConstants.HAND_RECHARGE, userId, new BigDecimal(money), adminId, remark, addIP); if (result4 < 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1L; } } else {// 扣费 int result4 = accountUsersDao.addAccountUsers(conn, IFundConstants.HAND_WITHDRAW, userId, new BigDecimal(money), adminId, remark, addIP); if (result4 < 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1L; } } // 发送通知,通过通知模板 Map<String, Object> informTemplateMap = (Map<String, Object>) ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext().getServletContext() .getAttribute(IInformTemplateConstants.INFORM_TEMPLATE_APPLICATION); Map<String, String> noticeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 消息模版 // 站内信 String informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("mail", informTemplate); // 邮件 String e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("email", e_informTemplate); // 短信 String s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("userName", userName); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("note", e_informTemplate); selectedService.sendNoticeMSG(conn, userId, "扣费成功", noticeMap, IConstants.NOTICE_MODE_5); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } public Map<String, String> queryR_WInfo(Long rwId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return fiManageDao.queryR_WInfo(conn, rwId); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 更新资金流动信息表 * * @param userId * @param handleSum * @param usableSum * @return */ public Long updateFundrecord(long userId, double money, int type) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; try { result = fiManageDao.updateFundrecord(conn, userId, money, type); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1L; } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } public void queryUserFundRecordList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long userId, String userName) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and userId=" + userId; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%'"; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_fundrecord_lists", "*", " order by id desc", command); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserBorrowRecordList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { String command = " and userId=" + userId; dataPage(conn, pageBean, "t_user", "*", "", command); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserFundInfoList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) cmd.append(" and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%'"); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_person_user", "*", "", cmd.toString()); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryAllUserFundRecordList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); String command = ""; String command2 = ""; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"; command2 += " where u.username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"; } StringBuffer cmd = new StringBuffer(); cmd .append("(select as userId,a.username,IFNULL(f.forRePaySum,0) as dueoutSum,a.usableSum,a.freezeSum,"); cmd .append("round(sum(ifnull((b.recivedPrincipal-b.hasPrincipal),0)),2) as dueinCapitalSum,round(sum(ifnull((b.recievedInterest-b.hasInterest),0)),2) as dueinAccrualSum,round(sum(IFNULL(b.recivedPrincipal+b.recievedInterest-b.hasPrincipal-b.hasInterest,0)),2) as dueinSum,d.realName realName from t_user a left join t_invest b on = b.investor "); cmd.append(" left join t_person d on left join "); cmd .append("(select forRePaySum,publisher from (select sum(IFNULL((c.stillPrincipal+c.stillInterest-c.hasPI+c.lateFI-c.hasFI),0)) as forRePaySum,d.publisher from t_repayment c left join t_borrow d on c.borrowId = where c.repayStatus = 1 GROUP BY d.publisher) t) f"); cmd .append(" on f.publisher = group by a.ID,a.usableSum,a.freezeSum,f.forRePaySum,d.realName,a.username) u"); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, cmd.toString(), "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); conn.rollback(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 通过ID查询单个用户所有借款信息 * * @param pageBean * @param userName * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryUserFundBorrowList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String cmd = ""; if (userId > 0) cmd = " and publisherId=" + userId; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_borrow_invest_list_borrow", "*", " order by id ", cmd); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 通过ID 查询该用户所有投资信息 * * @param pageBean * @param userName * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryUserFundInvestList(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String cmd = ""; if (userId > 0) cmd = " and investorId=" + userId; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_borrow_invest_list_invest", "*", " order by id ", cmd); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 后台 提现列表 * * @param pageBean * @param userName * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryUserFundWithdrawInfo(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String startTime, String endTime, double sum, int status, long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); // 手机变更状态为空 String command = " and userId=" + userId; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (sum > 0) { command += " and sum =" + sum; } if (startTime != null) { command += " and applyTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "' and applyTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } if (status > 0) {// (1 默认审核中 2 已提现 3 取消 4转账中 5 失败) command += " and status =" + status; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_fundwithdraw_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserFundRechargeInfo(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String startTime, String endTime, int status, long userId, int rechargeType) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and userId=" + userId; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(startTime)) { command += " and rechargeTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "'"; } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(endTime)) { command += " and rechargeTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } if (status >= 0) {// (0 失败 1 成功) command += " and result =" + status; } if (rechargeType > 0) {// command += " and rechargeType =" + rechargeType; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargeall_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserFundRechargeInfoById(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String startTime, String endTime, int status, long userId, int rechargeType) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and userId=" + userId; if (startTime != null) { command += " and rechargeTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "' and rechargeTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } if (status >= 0) // (0 失败 1 成功) command += " and result =" + status; if (rechargeType > 0) // (1 失败 2 成功) command += " and type =" + rechargeType; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargedetails_list", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserFundBorrowById(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and userId=" + userId; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargedetails_list", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryUserFundRechargeInfoByRechargeNumber(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String rechargeNumber) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " and rechargeNumber='" + rechargeNumber + "'"; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargedetails_list", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 获得充值提现审核中的审核信息 * * @param userId * @param money * @param type * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryUserRWInfo(long userId, int rs, int ws) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { Map<String, String> map = fiManageDao.querySuccessRecharge(conn, userId, rs);// 充值总额 Map<String, String> mp = fiManageDao.querySuccessBid(conn, userId);// 投标成功总额 Map<String, String> _map = fiManageDao.querySuccessWithdraw(conn, userId, ws);// 2个月内的提现 Map<String, String> mm = fiManageDao.queryReturnMoney(conn, userId);// 2个月的收款 if (_map == null || _map.size() <= 0) { map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("w_total", "0.00"); } if (map == null || map.size() <= 0) { _map.put("r_total", "0.00"); } else { _map.put("r_total", map.get("r_total")); } if (mm == null || mm.size() <= 0) { _map.put("retSum", "0.00"); } else { _map.put("retSum", mm.get("retSum")); } if (mp == null || mp.size() <= 0) { _map.put("real_Amount", "0.00"); } else { _map.put("real_Amount", mp.get("realAmount")); } conn.commit(); return _map; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 添加数据到资金记录表(转账成功的情况下) * * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Long addFundRecord(Long userId, Map<String, String> map) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; try { result = fundRecordDao.addFundRecord(conn, userId, map.get("fundMode"), Convert.strToDouble(map.get("handleSum"), 0d), Convert.strToDouble(map.get("usableSum"), 0d), Convert.strToDouble(map.get("freezeSum"), 0d), Convert.strToDouble(map.get("dueinSum"), 0d), -1, map.get("remark"), 0.0, Convert.strToDouble(map.get("handleSum"), 0d), -1, -1, 801, Convert.strToDouble(map.get("dueOutSum"), 0d)); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1L; } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } public Map<String, String> queryTransStatus(Long wid) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return fiManageDao.queryTransStatus(conn, wid); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> updateWithdraw(Long wid, double money, double poundage, int status, String remark, long adminId, Long userId, String ipAddress, String trxId) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<Object> outParameterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { Procedures.p_amount_withdraw_auth(conn, ds, outParameterValues, userId, adminId, wid, new BigDecimal(money), new BigDecimal(poundage), status, ipAddress, remark, "", -1, ""); result = Convert.strToLong(outParameterValues.get(0) + "", -1); map.put("ret", outParameterValues.get(0) + ""); map.put("ret_desc", outParameterValues.get(1) + ""); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return map; } if (status == 5) {// 拒绝提现, 解冻用户金额 JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.usrUnFreeze(wid + "", trxId)); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) {// 失败 map.put("ret", "-10010"); map.put("ret_desc", "解冻失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc")); conn.rollback(); return map; } } conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { conn.rollback(); log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); conn = null; ds = null; outParameterValues = null; } return map; } /** * 查询待收金额 * * @param userId * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryDueInSum(Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return fiManageDao.queryDueInSum(conn, userId); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public List<Map<String, Object>> queryLastRecord() throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return fiManageDao.queryLastRecord(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public String updateWithdrawTransfer(Long wid, Integer status, Long adminId, String ipAddress, String trxId, String transAmt, String usrCustId, String auditFlag) throws Exception { // 解冻 JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.usrUnFreeze(wid + "", trxId)); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { return "解冻失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc"); } // 提现 json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.cashAudit(wid + "", usrCustId, transAmt, auditFlag)); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { return "提现失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc"); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); List<Object> outParameterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); String realSum = json.getString("TransAmt"); String feeAmt = json.getString("FeeAmt"); try { Procedures.p_amount_withdraw_transfer(conn, ds, outParameterValues, adminId, wid, status, ipAddress, DateUtil.dateToYMD(new Date()), realSum, feeAmt, -1, ""); result = Convert.strToLong(outParameterValues.get(0) + "", -1); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return outParameterValues.get(1) + ""; } // 提现成功,更新当期提现金额为0.00 // fiManageDao.updateWithdrawMoney(conn,wid); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { conn.rollback(); log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); conn = null; ds = null; } return outParameterValues.get(1) + ""; } // userBank /** * 查询银行卡信息 * * @param pageBean * @param userName * @param realName * @param checkUser * @param moStartTime * @param moEndTime * @param checkStartTime * @param checkEndTime * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryBankCardInfos(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String realName, long checkUser, String commitStartTime, String commitEndTime, int cardStatus) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = " "; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) command += " and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName) + "%'"; if (checkUser != -100) // admin的用户id目前为 -1 command += " and checkUser =" + checkUser; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commitStartTime)) command += " and commitTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(commitStartTime) + "'"; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(commitEndTime)) command += " and commitTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(commitEndTime) + "'"; if (cardStatus > 0) command += " and cardStatus=" + cardStatus; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "t_bankcard_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 查询修改银行卡信息 * * @param pageBean * @param userName * @param realName * @param checkUser * @param cStartTime * @param cEndTime * @param cardStatus * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryModifyBankCardInfos(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String userName, String realName, long checkUser, String cStartTime, String cEndTime, int cardStatus) throws Exception { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); // 手机变更状态不为空 String command = " and modifiedCardStatus is not null"; if (userName != null) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; } if (realName != null) { command += " and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName) + "%'"; } if (checkUser != -100) {// admin的用户id目前为 -1 command += " and checkUser =" + checkUser; } if (cStartTime != null) { command += " and modifiedTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(cStartTime) + "'"; } if (cEndTime != null) { command += " and modifiedTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(cEndTime) + "'"; } if (cardStatus > -1) { command += " and modifiedCardStatus = " + cardStatus; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_bankcard_update_list", "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryOneBankCardInfo(Long bankId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return userBankDao.queryBankCardUpdate(conn, bankId, -1, -1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 新增银行卡--审核查询 * * @param bankId * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException * [参数说明] * * @return Map<String,String> [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [违例类型] [违例说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public Map<String, String> queryBankCard(Long bankId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return userBankDao.queryBankCard(conn, bankId, -1, -1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 审核 银行卡 * * @param checkUserId * @param bankId * @param remark * @param result * @param username * @param lastIP * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long updateBankInfo(Long checkUserId, Long bankId, String remark, Integer status, String username, String lastIP) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); long resultId = -1L; try { resultId = userBankDao.updateBankInfo(conn, checkUserId, bankId, remark, status); if (resultId > 0) { operationLogDao.addOperationLog(conn, "t_bankcard", username, IConstants.UPDATE, lastIP, 0, "银行卡审核", 2); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return resultId; } public Long updateModifyBankInfo(Long checkUserId, Long bankId, String remark, Integer result, String bankName, String branchBankName, String bankCardNo, String date, boolean success) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return userBankDao.updateModifyBankInfo(conn, checkUserId, bankId, remark, result, bankName, branchBankName, bankCardNo, date, success); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryOneBank(Long bankId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return userBankDao.queryOneBankInfo(conn, bankId, -1, -1); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Long updateChangeBank(Long bankId, String bankName, String modifiedOpenBankId, String mSubBankName, String province, String city, String bankCard, int status, Date date, boolean modify, String provinceId, String cityId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return userBankDao.updateChangeBankInfo(conn, bankId, bankName, modifiedOpenBankId, mSubBankName, province, city, bankCard, status, date, modify, provinceId, cityId); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } // riskManage 风险保证金 /** * @MethodName: queryRiskByCondition * @Param: RiskManageService * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-7 上午11:22:29 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询风险保障金列表 * @Throws: */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void queryRiskByCondition(String resource, String timeStart, String timeEnd, String riskType, PageBean pageBean) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resource)) { // condition.append(" and resource ='"+StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(resource.trim())+"'"); condition.append(" and resource like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(resource.trim()) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(riskType)) { condition.append(" and riskType ='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(riskType.trim()) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeStart)) { condition.append(" and riskDate >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeStart) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeEnd)) { condition.append(" and riskDate <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeEnd) + "'"); } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_risk_list_h", "*", " ", condition.toString()); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException * @MethodName: queryRiskDetailById * @Param: RechargeService * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-6 下午11:10:26 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询风险保证金详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryRiskDetailById(long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { map = riskManageDao.queryRiskDetailById(conn, id); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return map; } /** * @MethodName: addRisk * @Param: RiskManageService * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-7 下午03:03:45 * @Return: * @Descb: 手动添加风险保障金 * @Throws: */ public long addRisk(double amountDouble, long adminId, String remark) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { Map<String, String> map = riskManageDao.queryRiskBalance(conn); String riskBalance = map.get("riskBalance"); double riskBalanceDouble = 1000000 + Convert.strToDouble(riskBalance, 0); Date riskDate = new Date(); String riskType = "收入"; String resource = "手动添加风险保障金"; result = riskManageDao.addRisk(conn, amountDouble, adminId, remark, riskBalanceDouble, riskDate, riskType, resource); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1; } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * @MethodName: deductedRisk * @Param: RiskManageService * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-7 下午03:03:33 * @Return: * @Descb: 手动扣除风险保障金 * @Throws: */ public long deductedRisk(double amountDouble, long adminId, String remark) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { Map<String, String> map = riskManageDao.queryRiskBalance(conn); String riskBalance = map.get("riskBalance"); double riskBalanceDouble = 1000000 + Convert.strToDouble(riskBalance, 0); Date riskDate = new Date(); String riskType = "支出"; String resource = "手动扣除风险保障金"; result = riskManageDao.deductedRisk(conn, amountDouble, adminId, remark, riskBalanceDouble, riskDate, riskType, resource); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1; } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } // AccountPayment 支付方式 /** * 增加支付方式 * * @param conn * @param name * @param nid * @param status * @param litpic * @param style * @param config * @param description * @param order * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws SQLException */ public long addAccountPayment(String name, String nid, long status, String litpic, int style, String config, String description, int order) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { result = accountPaymentDao.addAccountPayment(conn, name, nid, status, litpic, style, config, description, order); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 分页查询所有 * * @param conn * @param pageBean * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException */ public void queryAccountPaymentPage(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws DataException, SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { accountPaymentDao.queryAccountPaymentPage(conn, pageBean); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 修改 * * @param conn * @param id * @param name * @param nid * @param status * @param litpic * @param style * @param config * @param description * @param order * @return * @throws SQLException */ public long updateAccountPaymentPage(long id, String name, String litpic, String config, String description, int order) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { result = accountPaymentDao.updateAccountPaymentPage(conn, id, name, litpic, config, description, order); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 删除 * * @param conn * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws SQLException */ public long deleteAccountPaymentPage(long id, long status) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { result = accountPaymentDao.deleteAccountPaymentPage(conn, id, status); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 根据ID 查询 * * @param conn * @param id * @return * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException */ public Map<String, String> queryAccountPaymentById(String nid) throws DataException, SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Map<String, String> map = null; try { map = accountPaymentDao.queryAccountPaymentById(conn, nid); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return map; } /** * 查询所有支付信息 * * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryAccountPaymentList() throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); try { mapList = accountPaymentDao.queryAccountPaymentList(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return mapList; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void changeFigure(PageBean pageBean) { List<Map<String, Object>> ll = pageBean.getPage(); if (ll != null && ll.size() > 0) {// result rechargeType 中文显示 for (Map<String, Object> mp : ll) { if (mp.get("rechargeType") != null) { String typeId = mp.get("rechargeType").toString(); for (Map<String, Object> cc : this.getRechargeTypes()) { if (cc.get("typeId").toString().equals(typeId)) { mp.put("rechargeType", cc.get("typeValue")); break; } } } if (mp.get("result") != null) { String resultId = mp.get("result").toString(); for (Map<String, Object> cc : this.getResults()) { if (cc.get("resultId").toString().equals(resultId)) { if (resultId.equals(0 + "")) {// 失败 mp.put("realMoney", "0.00"); } mp.put("result", cc.get("resultValue")); break; } } } } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void changeFigure2(PageBean pageBean) { List<Map<String, Object>> list = pageBean.getPage(); if (list != null) { for (Map<String, Object> map : list) { map.put("type", "手动充值"); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void changeTraderName(PageBean pageBean) { List<Map<String, Object>> lists = pageBean.getPage(); if (lists != null) { for (Map<String, Object> map : lists) { // 从后台管理员表中查询用户信息 if (map.get("traderName") == null) { map.put("traderName", IConstants.OPERATOR_ONLINE); } } } } public List<Map<String, Object>> getRechargeTypes() { if (rechargeTypes == null) { rechargeTypes = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> mp = null; mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 1); mp.put("typeValue", "支付宝支付"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 2); mp.put("typeValue", "环迅支付"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 3); mp.put("typeValue", "国付宝"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 6); mp.put("typeValue", "线下充值"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 51); mp.put("typeValue", "手工充值"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 52); mp.put("typeValue", "虚拟充值"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("typeId", 53); mp.put("typeValue", "奖励充值"); rechargeTypes.add(mp); } return rechargeTypes; } public void setRechargeTypes(List<Map<String, Object>> rechargeTypes) { this.rechargeTypes = rechargeTypes; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getResults() { if (results == null) { results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<String, Object> mp = null; mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("resultId", -100); mp.put("resultValue", "全部"); results.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("resultId", 1); mp.put("resultValue", "成功"); results.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("resultId", 0); mp.put("resultValue", "失败"); results.add(mp); mp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mp.put("resultId", 2); mp.put("resultValue", "审核中"); results.add(mp); } return results; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public void queryRechargeAndFeeList(PageBean pageBean, String userName) throws Exception { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = ""; if (userName.length() > 0) command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "; try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_user_rechargeall_lists", "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 合和年 投资曲线收益 根据ID查询投资数据 * * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryInvestForYear(long userid) throws Exception { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); Connection conn = null; try { Map<Integer, Object> map = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); conn = MySQL.getConnection(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = fiManageDao.queryInvestForYear(conn, userid); // 转换为map<月,收益>形式 if (list != null) { for (Map<String, Object> m : list) map.put(Integer.parseInt(m.get("months").toString()), m.get("amount")); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { if (map.get(i) == null) data.append(0 + ","); else data.append(map.get(i) + ","); } data.deleteCharAt(data.length() - 1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); throw e; } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } return data.toString().trim(); } /** * 合和年 投资曲线收益 根据ID查询收益数据 * * @param id * @return * @throws Exception */ public String queryIncomeForYear(long userid) throws Exception { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); Connection conn = null; try { Map<Integer, Object> map = new HashMap<Integer, Object>(); conn = MySQL.getConnection(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = fiManageDao.queryIncomeForYear(conn, userid); // 转换为map<月,收益>形式 if (list != null) { for (Map<String, Object> m : list) map.put(Integer.parseInt(m.get("months").toString()), m.get("amount")); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { if (map.get(i) == null) data.append(0 + ","); else data.append(map.get(i) + ","); } data.deleteCharAt(data.length() - 1); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); throw e; } finally { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } return data.toString().trim(); } public long addBankRecharge(long userId, Long adminId, double dealMoney, String remark, Date date, String usrCustId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { result = fiManageDao.addBackR_W(conn, userId, adminId, 1, dealMoney, remark, date); // 汇付自动扣款转账(会员奖励) if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return result; } String transAmt = new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(dealMoney); JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface .transfer(result + "", ChinaPnrConfig.chinapnr_merCustId, ChinaPnrConfig.chinapnr_cfb, transAmt, usrCustId, "")); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { JSONUtils.printStr2("失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc")); conn.rollback(); return -1L; } fiManageDao.addFundRecode(conn, userId + "", "会员奖励", dealMoney, new Date(), "会员奖励金额[" + transAmt + "]元,备注[" + remark + "]", 0, dealMoney, 0); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 商户无卡代扣 */ public long addBankUserRecharge(long userId, Long adminId, double dealMoney, String remark, Date date, String usrCustId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { Map<String, String> acctIdMap = myHomeInfoSettingDao.getCardNo(conn, userId, -1, -1); if (acctIdMap == null) { JSONUtils.printStr2("该用户还未绑定银行卡,不能充值"); conn.rollback(); return result; } String openAcctId = (String) acctIdMap.get("cardNo"); DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmSSS"); String reTime = format.format(date); result = fiManageDao.addBackR_W(conn, userId, adminId, 3, dealMoney, remark, date); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return result; } String transAmt = new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(dealMoney); JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.posWhSave(usrCustId, openAcctId, transAmt, reTime, UtilDate.getDate(), UtilDate.getDate())); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { JSONUtils.printStr2("失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc")); conn.rollback(); return -1L; } fiManageDao.addFundRecode(conn, userId + "", "商户无卡代扣", dealMoney, new Date(), "商户无卡代扣金额[" + transAmt + "]元,备注[" + remark + "]", 0, dealMoney, 0); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Long updateBackRecharge(Long userId, Long adminId, Integer type, double money, String remark, Date date, String fundMode, String addIP, String userName, String remarks) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; try { // 更新用户金额 result = fiManageDao.updateFundrecord(conn, userId, money, type); // 发送通知,通过通知模板 Map<String, Object> informTemplateMap = (Map<String, Object>) ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext().getServletContext() .getAttribute(IInformTemplateConstants.INFORM_TEMPLATE_APPLICATION); Map<String, String> noticeMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 消息模版 // 站内信 String informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); informTemplate = informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("mail", informTemplate); // 邮件 String e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 e_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.E_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); e_informTemplate = e_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("email", e_informTemplate); // 短信 String s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_RECHARGE).toString(); if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 s_informTemplate = informTemplateMap.get(IInformTemplateConstants.S_HAND_WITHDRAW).toString(); } s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("userName", userName); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("date", DateUtil.dateToString((new Date()))); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("money", money + ""); s_informTemplate = s_informTemplate.replace("remark", remark); noticeMap.put("note", e_informTemplate); selectedService.sendNoticeMSG(conn, userId, "扣费成功", noticeMap, IConstants.NOTICE_MODE_5); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } public long deleteRechargeRecode(long ordId) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { fiManageDao.deleteRechargeRecode(conn, ordId); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } return -1L; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void queryProxyWithList(PageBean pageBean, String username, String startTime, String endTime, int status) throws SQLException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); String command = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { command += " and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username) + "%' "; } if (status > 0) { command += " and status =" + status; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startTime)) { command += " and applyTime >='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime) + "'"; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endTime)) { command += " and applyTime <='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime) + "'"; } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_mer_cash_hhn", "*", "", command); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } public String addMerCash(double transAmt, String userId, Long adminId, String usrCustId, String username) throws SQLException { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { long ordId = fiManageDao.addMerCash(conn, userId, transAmt, adminId); if (ordId < 0) { conn.rollback(); return "操作失败"; } String amtStr = new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(transAmt); JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.merCash(ordId + "", usrCustId, amtStr, "")); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { conn.rollback(); return "失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc"); } fiManageDao.updateMerCash(conn, ordId, json.getString("OpenAcctId"), json.getString("FeeAmt")); // 添加提现记录 fiManageDao.addWithdraw(conn, username, json.getString("OpenAcctId"), json.getString("TransAmt"), json.getString("FeeAmt"), UtilDate.getDateFormatter(), json.getString("OpenAcctId"), userId); // 添加资金流水记录 fiManageDao.addFundRecode(conn, userId, "平台取现", transAmt, new Date(), "平台取现金额[" + amtStr + "]元,手续费[" + json.getString("FeeAmt") + "]元", Convert.strToDouble(json.getString("FeeAmt"), 0), 0, transAmt + json.getDouble("FeeAmt")); conn.commit(); return "取现成功"; } catch (Exception e) { conn.rollback(); log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); return "操作失败"; } finally { conn.close(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public String preRepayment(long borrowId, String outCustId, long userId, long payId, Admin admin) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); // 投资人信息 String sql = "SELECT ordId,inCustId,subOrdDate,subOrdId,sum(repayFees) repayFee,sum(consultFees) consultFee,sum(interests) interest,principal "; sql += " FROM (SELECT ordId,inCustId,subOrdDate,subOrdId, repayFee,outCustId,IF (payId = " + payId + ", repayFee, 0) repayFees,"; sql += " IF (payId = " + payId + ",consultFee,0) consultFees,IF (payId = " + payId + ", interest, 0) interests, SUM(principal) principal "; sql += " FROM v_t_chianpnr_repayhhn WHERE payId >= " + payId + " AND borrowId = " + borrowId + " GROUP BY subOrdId ) T GROUP BY T.subOrdId "; // 借款人信息 String sql2 = "select r.principalBalance,r.consultFee,r.repayFee from t_repayment r where repayStatus=1 and borrowId=" + borrowId + " order by id limit 1"; List<Map<String, Object>> list = null; Map<String, String> bMap = null; Date lastDate = null; try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); list = dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql2); bMap = BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); sql = "select ifnull(max(repayDate),b.auditTime) lastDay from t_borrow b left join t_repayment r on where r.repayStatus=2 and r.borrowId=" + borrowId; String lastDay = BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql)).get("lastDay"); lastDate = DateUtil.YYYY_MM_DD_MM_HH_SS.parse(lastDay); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { conn.close(); return "没有找到投资人信息"; } if (bMap == null || bMap.size() == 0) { conn.close(); return "没有找到借款人信息"; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); String Fee = "0.00"; String divDetails = ""; String inAcctId = ""; String outAcctId = ""; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); // 手续费,提前还款额外收取 剩余本金*3%手续费 double fee = Convert.strToDouble(bMap.get("repayFee"), 0) + Convert.strToDouble(bMap.get("principalBalance"), 0) * 0.03; fee = Double.valueOf(df.format(fee)); double consultFee = Convert.strToDouble(bMap.get("consultFee"), 0);// 咨询费 double repaySum = Convert.strToDouble(bMap.get("principalBalance"), 0) + fee + consultFee;// 还款总额 String AvlBalString = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.queryBalanceBg(outCustId)).getString("AvlBal").replaceAll(",", ""); if (repaySum > Double.valueOf(AvlBalString)) { conn.close(); return "借款人余额不足"; } long day = Math.abs(DateUtil.diffDays(lastDate, new Date())); Calendar a = Calendar.getInstance(); a.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);// 把日期设置为当月第一天 a.roll(Calendar.DATE, -1);// 日期回滚一天,也就是最后一天 int days = a.get(Calendar.DATE);// 当月天数 double rate = (1.0 * day) / days; for (int i = 0, size = list.size(); i < size; i++) { Map<String, Object> map = list.get(i); String transAmt = df.format(Convert.strToDouble(map.get("principal") + "", 0) + Convert.strToDouble(map.get("interest") + "", 0) * rate); String ordId = map.get("ordId") + ""; String inCustId = map.get("inCustId") + ""; String subOrdId = map.get("subOrdId") + ""; String subOrdDate = DateUtil.dateToYMD(DateUtil.strToDate(map.get("subOrdDate") + "")); if (i == size - 1) {// 在最后一次还款时计算手续费和咨询费 Fee = df.format(fee + consultFee);// 总手续费 JSONObject json1 = new JSONObject(); json1.put("DivAcctId", ChinaPnrConfig.chinapnr_zxf); json1.put("DivAmt", df.format(consultFee)); divDetails = "[" + json1.toString(); if (fee > 0) { json1 = new JSONObject(); json1.put("DivAcctId", ChinaPnrConfig.chinapnr_cfb); json1.put("DivAmt", df.format(fee)); divDetails += "," + json1.toString(); } divDetails += "]"; } JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(ChinaPnRInterface.repayment("10", ordId, outCustId, outAcctId, transAmt, inCustId, inAcctId, subOrdId, subOrdDate, Fee, divDetails)); if (json.getInt("RespCode") != 0) { obj.put("msg", "失败:" + json.getString("RespDesc")); break; } } if (obj.containsKey("msg")) { return obj.getString("msg"); } Map<String, String> map = null; try { map = submitPay(conn, payId, userId, repaySum, fee, consultFee, admin); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } int ret = Convert.strToInt(map.get("ret"), -1); if (ret > 0) { return "1"; } else { return Convert.strToStr(map.get("ret_desc"), "还款失败"); } } private Map<String, String> submitPay(Connection conn, long id, long userId, double needSum, double fee, double consultFee, Admin admin) throws Exception { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); List<Object> outParameterValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); long ret = -1; Procedures.p_borrow_repayment_time(conn, ds, outParameterValues, id, userId, "", WebUtil.getWebPath(), new Date(), new BigDecimal(0), new BigDecimal(needSum), new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(fee), new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(consultFee), -1, ""); ret = Convert.strToLong(outParameterValues.get(0) + "", -1); map.put("ret", ret + ""); map.put("ret_desc", outParameterValues.get(1) + ""); if (ret <= 0) { conn.rollback(); } else { operationLogDao.addOperationLog(conn, "t_repayment", admin.getUserName(), IConstants.UPDATE, admin.getLastIP(), 0, "用户提前还款", 1); } return map; } }