/** * @Project: hehenian-biz-common * @Package com.hehenian.biz.common.trade.dataobject * @Title: PlatformCostDo.java * @Description: TODO * @author: liuzgmf * @date 2014年9月24日 下午3:23:54 * @Copyright: HEHENIAN Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. * @version V1.0 */ package com.hehenian.biz.common.trade.dataobject; import java.util.Date; /** * 平台费用对象 * * @author: liuzgmf * @date 2014年9月24日 下午3:23:54 */ public class PlatformCostDo implements java.io.Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long id; // 编号 private String costName; // 收费名称 private Double costFee; // 费用 private Integer costMode; // 费用模式(1 比率 2 金额) private String remark; // 备注 private Date createTime; // 创建时间 private String alias; // 别名 private Integer types; // 费用类型(1.奖励费用管理 2.借款费用管理 // 3.其他费用管理) private Integer showView; // 显示/隐藏 1 显示 2 隐藏 /** * @return id */ public Long getId() { return id; } /** * @param id * the id to set */ public void setId(Long id) { this.id = id; } /** * @return costName */ public String getCostName() { return costName; } /** * @param costName * the costName to set */ public void setCostName(String costName) { this.costName = costName; } /** * @return costFee */ public Double getCostFee() { return costFee; } /** * @param costFee * the costFee to set */ public void setCostFee(Double costFee) { this.costFee = costFee; } /** * @return costMode */ public Integer getCostMode() { return costMode; } /** * @param costMode * the costMode to set */ public void setCostMode(Integer costMode) { this.costMode = costMode; } /** * @return remark */ public String getRemark() { return remark; } /** * @param remark * the remark to set */ public void setRemark(String remark) { this.remark = remark; } /** * @return createTime */ public Date getCreateTime() { return createTime; } /** * @param createTime * the createTime to set */ public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) { this.createTime = createTime; } /** * @return alias */ public String getAlias() { return alias; } /** * @param alias * the alias to set */ public void setAlias(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } /** * @return types */ public Integer getTypes() { return types; } /** * @param types * the types to set */ public void setTypes(Integer types) { this.types = types; } /** * @return showView */ public Integer getShowView() { return showView; } /** * @param showView * the showView to set */ public void setShowView(Integer showView) { this.showView = showView; } }