package com.sp2p.dao.admin; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.shove.util.UtilDate; import com.sp2p.constants.IConstants; import com.sp2p.database.Dao; import com.sp2p.database.Dao.Tables; import com.sp2p.database.Dao.Tables.t_user; /** * @ClassName: * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:06:38 * @Copyright: 2013 Inc. All rights reserved. * @Version: V1.0.1 * @Descrb: 后台借款管理数据处理 */ public class BorrowManageDao { /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowFistAuditDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:19:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 后台借款管理中的初审借款详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowFistAuditDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit_detail t_borrow_h_firstaudit_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit_detail(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } // 借款管理中,等待资料初审借款总额 /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowTenderInDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:19:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 后台借款管理中的招标中借款详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowTenderInDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_tenderin_detail v_t_borrow_h_tenderin_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_tenderin_detail(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowFullScaleDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:19:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 后台借款管理中的满标借款详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowFullScaleDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_fullscale_detail v_t_borrow_h_fullscale_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_fullscale_detail(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowFlowMarkDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:19:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 后台借款管理中的流标借款详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowFlowMarkDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_flowmark_detail v_t_borrow_h_flowmark_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_flowmark_detail(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowAllDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-10 下午10:19:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 后台借款管理中的借款详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowAllDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_detail t_borrow_h_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_detail(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowFistAuditStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-12 下午05:34:17 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新初审中的借款状态 * @Throws: */ public Long updateBorrowFistAuditStatus(Connection conn, long id, long status, String auditOpinion, int sorts) throws SQLException { SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(UtilDate.simple); Date date = new Date(); long returnId = -1L; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("UPDATE t_borrow SET borrowStatus =" + status); sql.append(", sort =" + sorts); sql.append(",auditOpinion ='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(auditOpinion) + "'"); if (IConstants.BORROW_STATUS_2 == status) { sql.append(",remainTimeStart='" + sf.format(date)); sql.append("',remainTimeEnd = DATE_ADD('" + sf.format(date) + "',INTERVAL raiseTerm DAY)"); sql.append(",autoBidEnableTime = DATE_ADD('" + sf.format(date) + "',INTERVAL 15 MINUTE)"); } sql.append(" where id=" + id); returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, sql.toString()); sql = null; return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowTenderInStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午01:18:19 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新招标中的借款状态 * @Throws: */ public Long updateBorrowTenderInStatus(Connection conn, long id, String auditOpinion) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1L; SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(UtilDate.simple); StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("update t_borrow set remainTimeStart = '" + sf.format(new Date()) + "',remainTimeEnd = date_add('" + sf.format(new Date()) + "',INTERVAL raiseTerm day) where id =" + id); Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.auditOpinion.setValue(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(auditOpinion)); returnId = t_borrow.update(conn, " id =" + id); returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; sf = null; return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: reBackBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午04:04:33 * @Return: * @Descb: 撤销借款轮为流标 * @Throws: */ public Long reBackBorrow(Connection conn, long id, int borrowStatus, int sorts) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(borrowStatus); t_borrow.sort.setValue(sorts); return t_borrow.update(conn, " id =" + id + " and borrowStatus in(2,3)"); } /** * @throws DataException * @MethodName: updateBorrowFullScaleStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午01:18:07 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新满标借款状态 * @Throws: */ public int updateBorrowFullScaleStatus(Connection conn, long id, int status, String auditOpinion, long userId, int sorts) throws SQLException, DataException { int returnId = -1; Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.auditOpinion.setValue(auditOpinion); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(status); t_borrow.auditTime.setValue(new Date()); t_borrow.sort.setValue(sorts); returnId = (int) t_borrow.update(conn, " id =" + id + " and borrowStatus = 3"); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午01:17:56 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款状态 * @Throws: */ public Long updateBorrowStatus(Connection conn, long id, long status, String auditOpinion) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(status); t_borrow.auditOpinion.setValue(auditOpinion); return t_borrow.update(conn, " id =" + id); } /** * @MethodName: sendBorrowMail * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-11 下午03:51:27 * @Return: * @Descb: 发送借款审核站内信 * @Throws: */ public Long sendBorrowMail(Connection conn, long borrowId, long reciver, String mailTitle, String content, int mailType, long sender) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_mail t_mail = new Dao().new Tables().new t_mail(); t_mail.reciver.setValue(reciver); t_mail.sender.setValue(sender); t_mail.mailContent.setValue(content); t_mail.mailTitle.setValue(mailTitle); // 系统站内信 t_mail.mailType.setValue(mailType); t_mail.sendTime.setValue(new Date()); t_mail.borrowId.setValue(borrowId); return t_mail.insert(conn); } /** * @MethodName: queryUserAssociatedBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午04:59:30 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询借款记录的发布者和投标者 * @Throws: */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryUserAssociatedBorrow(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("(SELECT a.investor as reciver,a.realAmount as borrowSum,,b.borrowTitle FROM t_invest a LEFT JOIN t_borrow b ON WHERE =" + id); sql.append(") UNION ALL (SELECT c.publisher AS investor,NULL AS borrowSum,,c.borrowTitle FROM t_borrow c WHERE =" + id); sql.append(")"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); sql = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: rebackInvestAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午06:34:33 * @Return: * @Descb: 返还投资人投资的金额 * @Throws: */ public Long rebackInvestAmount(Connection conn, long userId, BigDecimal borrowAmount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + borrowAmount + ",freezeSum=freezeSum-" + borrowAmount + " where id = " + userId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowInfo * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-24 下午08:46:41 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询根据还款ID 查询借款ID * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowByrepayId(Connection conn, long idLong) throws SQLException, DataException { String command = "SELECT id ,borrowId FROM t_repayment WHERE id =" + idLong + " limit 0,1"; DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: updateFistAudit * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-24 下午08:57:41 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新撤消初审未通过的借款标 * @Throws: */ public long updateFistAudit(Connection conn, long idLong, String auditOpinion, int sorts) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(IConstants.BORROW_STATUS_6); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(auditOpinion)) { t_borrow.auditOpinion.setValue(auditOpinion); } t_borrow.sort.setValue(sorts); return t_borrow.update(conn, " borrowStatus =1 and id = " + idLong); } /** * @MethodName: rebackUserAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-24 下午09:01:37 * @Return: * @Descb: 返还用户冻结资金 * @Throws: */ public long rebackUserAmount(Connection conn, double fee, long publisher) throws SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + fee + ",freezeSum=freezeSum-" + fee); command.append(" where id=" + publisher); long result = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return result; } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: rebackUserCreditLimit * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-24 下午09:01:50 * @Return: * @Descb: 返还用户信用额度 * @Throws: */ public long rebackUserCreditLimit(Connection conn, double borrowAmount, int publisher) throws SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" update t_user set usableCreditLimit = usableCreditLimit+" + borrowAmount); command.append(" where id=" + publisher); long result = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return result; } /** * @MethodName: queryInvestBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-21 下午08:59:07 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询投资和借款信息 * @Throws: */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryInvestBorrow(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select, as borrowId,a.investor as investor,c.username as investorName,d.username as borrowerName,a.realAmount,b.borrowTitle,b.publisher,b.borrowAmount,b.paymentMode,b.isDayThe,"); sql.append("b.annualRate,b.deadline, b.excitationType,b.excitationSum from t_invest a left join t_borrow b on"); sql.append(" left join t_user c on left join t_user d on b.publisher ="); sql.append(" where is not null and =" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); sql = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: queryUserAmountAfterHander * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-21 下午09:11:22 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询用户 的资金 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryUserAmountAfterHander(Connection conn, long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("select a.usableSum,a.freezeSum,a.lastIP as lastIP,sum(b.recivedPrincipal+b.recievedInterest-b.hasPrincipal-b.hasInterest) forPI"); command.append(" from t_user a left join t_invest b on = b.investor where" + userId + " group by"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowInfo * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-24 下午08:46:41 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询借款信息 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowInfo(Connection conn, long idLong) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" select a.borrowShow, a.borrowAmount ,a.deadline,a.isDayThe,a.borrowWay,a.publisher,a.auditTime as auditTime,b.source,"); command.append(" a.annualRate,a.borrowTitle,b.username ,a.frozen_margin,a.feestate,a.feelog ,d.realName as realName, d.idNo as idNo"); command.append(" from t_borrow a left join t_user b on LEFT JOIN t_person d on d.userId = where" + idLong); DataSet dataSet = Database.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queBorrowInfo(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); DataSet dataSet =, " borrowTitle,publisher ,feestate,feelog ,borrowWay", " id=" + id, "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: updateUserAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-21 下午10:59:14 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新用户的资金 * @Throws: */ public long updateUserAmount(Connection conn, long investor, double realAmount, double excitationSum) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + excitationSum + ",freezeSum=freezeSum-" + realAmount + " where id =" + investor); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: addUserAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-30 下午01:49:09 * @Return: * @Descb: 添加用户资金 * @Throws: */ public long addUserAmount(Connection conn, long userId, double amount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + amount + " where id =" + userId); return returnId; } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: deducatedUserFreezeAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-30 下午01:50:38 * @Return: * @Descb: 扣除冻结资金 * @Throws: */ public long deducatedUserFreezeAmount(Connection conn, long userId, double amount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set freezeSum=freezeSum-" + amount + " where id =" + userId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: deducatedUserAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-30 下午01:59:21 * @Return: * @Descb: 扣除可用资金 * @Throws: */ public long deducatedUserAmount(Connection conn, long userId, double amount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum=usableSum-" + amount + " where id =" + userId); return returnId; } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: updateInvestAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-21 下午11:09:23 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新投资收益资金 * @Throws: */ public long updateInvestAmount(Connection conn, long investId, double realAmount, double totalInterest, double excitationSum) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_invest set recivedPrincipal = " + realAmount + ",recievedInterest=" + totalInterest + ",reward=" + excitationSum + " where id =" + investId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowDetail * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-22 上午09:32:00 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询借款的详细内容 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowDetail(Connection conn, long id) throws DataException, SQLException { // Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); // //-----modify by houli 添加天标字段(isDayThe) // DataSet dataSet =, // " publisher,borrowTitle,annualRate,paymentMode,borrowAmount,deadline,borrowWay,excitationType,excitationSum,isDayThe ", // " id="+id, "", 0, 1); // --------------- StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" select as borrowId, a.publisher,a.borrowTitle,"); command.append(" a.annualRate,a.paymentMode,a.borrowAmount,"); command.append(" a.deadline,a.borrowWay,a.excitationType,"); command.append(" a.excitationSum,a.isDayThe,b.username,a.frozen_margin from t_borrow a left join t_user b on where" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryRiskBalance * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-22 上午09:46:31 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询风险保障金余额 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryRiskBalance(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, "select sum(riskInCome-riskSpending) riskBalance from t_risk_detail"); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: addRiskAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-22 上午10:35:37 * @Return: * @Descb: 累加风险保障金 * @Throws: */ public long addRiskAmount(Connection conn, double riskBalance, double riskAmount, long publisher, long id) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_risk_detail t_risk_detail = new Dao().new Tables().new t_risk_detail(); t_risk_detail.riskBalance.setValue(riskBalance); t_risk_detail.riskInCome.setValue(riskAmount); t_risk_detail.riskDate.setValue(new Date()); t_risk_detail.riskType.setValue("收入"); t_risk_detail.resource.setValue("借款成功累加风险保障金"); t_risk_detail.trader.setValue(publisher); t_risk_detail.borrowId.setValue(id); return t_risk_detail.insert(conn); } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: updateBorrowerAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-22 上午11:09:23 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款人的资金 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrowerAmount(Connection conn, long publisher, double realAmount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + realAmount + " where id =" + publisher); return returnId; } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: addRepayRecord * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-22 上午11:22:22 * @Return: * @Descb: 添加还款记录 * @Throws: */ public long addRepayRecord(Connection conn, String repayPeriod, double stillPrincipal, double stillInterest, long id, double principalBalance, double interestBalance, String repayDate) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_repayment t_repayment = new Dao().new Tables().new t_repayment(); t_repayment.repayPeriod.setValue(repayPeriod); t_repayment.stillPrincipal.setValue(stillPrincipal); t_repayment.stillInterest.setValue(stillInterest); t_repayment.borrowId.setValue(id); t_repayment.principalBalance.setValue(principalBalance); t_repayment.interestBalance.setValue(interestBalance); t_repayment.repayDate.setValue(repayDate); return t_repayment.insert(conn); } /** * @MethodName: rebackInvestAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-13 下午06:34:33 * @Return: * @Descb: 返还投资人投资的金额 * @Throws: */ public long rebackInvestAmount(Connection conn, long userId, double borrowAmount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum+" + borrowAmount + ",freezeSum=freezeSum-" + borrowAmount + " where id = " + userId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateInvestInfo * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-25 下午04:39:51 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新生意贷投资记录 * @Throws: */ public long updateInvestInfo(Connection conn, long investId, double realAmount, double totalInterest, double iManageFee) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = Database.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_invest set hasPrincipal = " + realAmount + ",hasInterest=" + totalInterest + ",manageFee=" + iManageFee + ",repayStatus=2 where id = " + investId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateEarnAmount * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-25 下午04:41:22 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新用户生意贷收益金额 * @Throws: */ public long updateEarnAmount(Connection conn, long userId, double earnAmount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum =usableSum+" + earnAmount + " where id = " + userId); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowRepayment * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-25 下午05:31:15 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款还款记录 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrowRepayment(Connection conn, long id, double totalAmount) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_repayment t_repayment = new Dao().new Tables().new t_repayment(); t_repayment.hasPI.setValue(totalAmount); t_repayment.repayStatus.setValue(2); t_repayment.realRepayDate.setValue(new Date()); return t_repayment.update(conn, " id =" + id); } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowerPay * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-25 下午05:47:37 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款还款 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrowerPay(Connection conn, long publisher, double totalAmount) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum =usableSum-" + totalAmount + " where id = " + publisher); return returnId; } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowerStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-25 下午05:53:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款状态 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrowerStatus(Connection conn, long id, int sorts) throws SQLException { long returnId = -1; returnId = MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_borrow set borrowStatus = 5,hasInvestAmount = borrowAmount , sort = " + sorts + " where id =" + id); return returnId; } /** * add by houli 查询所有的等待资料审核的借款 * * @param conn * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryAllWaitingBorrow(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { String sqlStr = "select a.borrowShow,a. id ,a. userId ,a. username ,a. realName ," + "b.counts as counts ,a. borrowWay ,a. borrowTitle ," + "a. borrowAmount ,a. annualRate ,a. deadline ,a. raiseTerm " + "from v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit a LEFT JOIN (SELECT userid,COUNT(1) AS counts " + "FROM t_materialsauth where auditStatus = 3 GROUP BY userid) b ON a. userId =b.userid " + " INNER JOIN v_t_user_un_approve_lists c on a. userId = c. uid where a. borrowWay >2 " + "UNION ALL SELECT a.borrowShow,a. id ,a. userId ,a. username ,a. realName ,b.counts " + "as counts ,a. borrowWay ,a. borrowTitle ,a. borrowAmount ,a. annualRate ," + "a. deadline ,a. raiseTerm from v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit a LEFT JOIN " + "(SELECT userid,COUNT(1) AS counts FROM t_materialsauth where auditStatus = 3 " + "GROUP BY userid) b ON a. userId =b.userid INNER JOIN v_t_user_base_approve_lists d" + " on a. userId =d. uuid where a. borrowWay <3 and d. auditStatus !=3"; DataSet dataSet = Database.executeQuery(conn, sqlStr); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); sqlStr = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowManageFee * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-5-7 下午08:45:53 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款管理费 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrowManageFee(Connection conn, long id, double bManageFee) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.manageFee.setValue(bManageFee); return t_borrow.update(conn, " id=" + id); } /** * @return * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: queryCirculationRepayRecord * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-7-23 下午07:35:26 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询流转标还款记录 * @Throws: */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryCirculationRepayRecord(Connection conn, long borrowId) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append(" select a.*,b.* from v_t_repayment_record_list a left join (select borrowId as bId, sum(repayAmount) as repaySum "); sql.append(" from v_t_repayment_record_list where borrowId=" + borrowId + " group by borrowId) b on a.borrowId=b.bId"); sql.append(" where a.borrowId=" + borrowId + " order by desc"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: queryBorrowCirculationDetailById * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-5-20 下午02:24:15 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询流转标详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryBorrowCirculationDetailById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" select a.excitationType as excitationType,a.excitationSum as excitationSum,, as userId,b.username,c.realName,a.borrowTitle,a.borrowAmount,a.annualRate,a.smallestFlowUnit,"); command.append(" a.deadline,a.hasCirculationNumber,(a.circulationNumber-a.hasCirculationNumber) as remainCirculationNumber,"); command.append(" a.publishTime,a.publishIP,a.businessDetail,a.assets,a.moneyPurposes from t_borrow a left join t_user b on"); command.append(" left join t_person c on where" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrowCirculationStatus * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-5-20 下午03:14:40 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新流转标状态 * @Throws: */ public Long updateBorrowCirculationStatus(Connection conn, Long id, long statusLong, String auditOpinion,/* * double * rewardDouble * , */ int circulationStatus, int sort) throws SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(UtilDate._dtShort); auditOpinion = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(auditOpinion.trim()); command.append("update t_borrow set borrowStatus =" + statusLong + ",auditOpinion='" + auditOpinion + "',circulationStatus=" + circulationStatus + ",sort=" + sort + ",auditTime='" + sf.format(new Date()) + "',autoBidEnableTime = DATE_ADD('" + sf.format(new Date()) + "',INTERVAL 15 MINUTE)" + " where borrowStatus=1 and id=" + id); return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); } /** * @MethodName: isCirculationBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-7-23 下午08:41:53 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询是否为流转标并是认购中或回购中的状态 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> isCirculationBorrow(Connection conn, long repayId) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("select,a.borrowId,b.borrowTitle,a.stillPrincipal as stillPrincipal,a.stillInterest as stillInterest,a.hasPI as hasPI,a.lateFI"); command.append(" ,c.username,b.publisher,a.version from t_repayment a left join t_borrow b on left join t_user c "); command.append(" on"); command.append(" where b.borrowShow = 2 and b.borrowStatus in (2,4) and" + repayId); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: markBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-7-23 下午08:53:17 * @Return: * @Descb: 标记为已还款 * @Throws: */ public long markBorrow(Connection conn, long repayId, int version) throws SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" update t_repayment set hasPI=stillPrincipal+stillInterest"); command.append(" ,repayStatus=2,version=version+1"); command.append(" where id=" + repayId + " and repayStatus=1 and version=" + version); return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); } /** * @MethodName: updateBorrow * @Param: BorrowManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-7-23 下午08:53:02 * @Return: * @Descb: 更新借款状态 * @Throws: */ public long updateBorrow(Connection conn, long borrowId) throws SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" update t_borrow set sort=2,borrowStatus=5 where id=" + borrowId); return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, command.toString()); } // 借款管理模块,查询各个报表中的总额 public Map<String, String> queryBorrowTotalFistAuditDetail(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit t_borrow_h_firstaudit = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit(); DataSet dataSet =, "sum(borrowAmount) as totalFirstBorrowAmount", "", "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queryBorrowTotalWait(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit t_borrow_h_firstaudit = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_firstaudit(); DataSet dataSet =, "sum(borrowAmount) as totalWaitBorrowAmount", "auditStatus=1", "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queryBorrowTotalFullScaleDetail(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_fullscale t_borrow_h_fullscale = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_fullscale(); DataSet dataSet =, "sum(borrowAmount) as fullScaleTotalAmount", "", "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queryBorrowFullList(Connection conn, long borrowId) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_invest invest = new Dao().new Tables().new t_invest(); DataSet dataSet =, " * ", " borrowId=" + borrowId, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queryBorrowTotalTenderDetail(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_tenderin t_borrow_h_tenderin = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_tenderin(); DataSet dataSet =, "sum(borrowAmount) as tenderBorrowAmount", "", "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Map<String, String> queryBorrowFlowMarkDetail(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_h_flowmark t_borrow_h_flowmark = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_h_flowmark(); DataSet dataSet =, "sum(borrowAmount) as flowmarkBorrowAmount", "", "", 0, 1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 根据ID查询借款信息--初审 * * @param conn * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryFirsttrialById(Connection conn, String id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); sbf.append("select,tb.borrowWay,tb.borrowTitle,tb.borrowAmount,tb.deadline,tb.annualRate,tb.borrowStatus,tu.username,tu.source,tp.realName," + "tb.minTenderedSum,tb.maxTenderedSum,tb.excitationSum,tb.paymentMode,tb.moneyPurposes,tb.publishIP,tb.publishTime,tb.windControl,tb.publisher"); sbf.append(" from t_borrow tb left join t_user tu on tb.publisher ="); sbf.append(" left join t_person tp on tp.userid = "); sbf.append(" where 1=1 and" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sbf.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 查询投资信息 * * @param conn * @param borrowId * @return * @throws Exception */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryInvestByBorrowId(Connection conn, long borrowId) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from v_t_full_invest where subOrdId = " + borrowId; DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql); ds.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return ds.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * 初审 * * @param conn * @param ids * @param status * @param windControl * @return * @throws SQLException * [参数说明] * * @return long [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [违例类型] [违例说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public long updateFirsttrial(Connection conn, String ids, String borrowStatus, String windControl, String firstTrial) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(Integer.valueOf(borrowStatus)); t_borrow.windControl.setValue(windControl); t_borrow.firstTrial.setValue(firstTrial); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in (" + ids + ")"); } /** * 根据ID查询借款信息--复审、待发布、撮合 * * @param conn * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryRecheckById(Connection conn, String id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); sbf.append("select, userId,tb.borrowWay,tb.raiseTerm,tb.borrowTitle,tb.borrowAmount,tb.deadline,tb.annualRate,tb.borrowStatus,tu.username,tu.source,tp.realName,tb.firstTrial," + "tb.minTenderedSum,tb.maxTenderedSum,tb.excitationSum,tb.paymentMode,tb.moneyPurposes,tb.publishIP,tb.publishTime,tb.windControl,tb.publisher,tb.recheck,"); sbf.append(" (tb.hasInvestAmount/tb.borrowAmount) collagen,tb.borrowGroup from t_borrow tb left join t_user tu on tb.publisher ="); sbf.append(" left join t_person tp on tp.userid = "); sbf.append(" where 1=1 and" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sbf.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 复审有最高金额限制 */ public long updateRecheck(Connection conn, String ids, String borrowStatus, String windControl, String recheck, String minTenderedSums, String maxTenderedSums, double borrowAmount, double annualRate, int deadline, int raiseTerm) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(Integer.valueOf(borrowStatus)); t_borrow.windControl.setValue(windControl); t_borrow.recheck.setValue(recheck); t_borrow.minTenderedSum.setValue(minTenderedSums); t_borrow.maxTenderedSum.setValue(maxTenderedSums); t_borrow.borrowAmount.setValue(borrowAmount); t_borrow.annualRate.setValue(annualRate); t_borrow.deadline.setValue(deadline); t_borrow.raiseTerm.setValue(raiseTerm); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(ids) + ")"); } /** * 复审没有最高金额限制 * * @param conn * @param id * @param status * @param windControl * @param firstTrial * @param recheck * @return * @throws SQLException * [参数说明] * * @return long [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [违例类型] [违例说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public long updateRechecks(Connection conn, String ids, String borrowStatus, String windControl, String recheck, String minTenderedSums) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(Integer.valueOf(borrowStatus)); t_borrow.windControl.setValue(windControl); t_borrow.recheck.setValue(recheck); t_borrow.minTenderedSum.setValue(minTenderedSums); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(ids) + ")"); } /** * 新增站内信 * * @param ids * 借款ID * @param mailTitle * 站内信标题 * @param mailContent * 站内信内容 * @param sender * 发件人ID * @param reciver * 收件人ID */ public long insertEmail(Connection conn, String ids, String mailTitle, String mailContent, long sender, String reciver) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_mail t_mail = new Dao().new Tables().new t_mail(); t_mail.mailTitle.setValue(mailTitle); t_mail.mailContent.setValue(mailContent); t_mail.sendTime.setValue(new Date()); t_mail.sender.setValue(sender); t_mail.reciver.setValue(Integer.valueOf(reciver)); t_mail.mailType.setValue(2); t_mail.mailStatus.setValue(1); t_mail.borrowId.setValue(ids); t_mail.mailMode.setValue(3); t_mail.backgroundStatus.setValue(1); return t_mail.insert(conn); } /** * 重新初审 * * @param raiseTerm */ public long updateFirsttrialAgain(Connection conn, String id, String borrowStatus, String borrowAmount, String annualRate, String deadline, String raiseTerm) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(Integer.valueOf(borrowStatus)); t_borrow.borrowAmount.setValue(borrowAmount); t_borrow.annualRate.setValue(annualRate); t_borrow.deadline.setValue(deadline); t_borrow.raiseTerm.setValue(raiseTerm); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(id) + ")"); } /** * 发布 */ public long updateReleased(Connection conn, String ids) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(2); // 发布成功,正在招标中 t_borrow.remainTimeStart.setValue(new Date()); // 剩余时间开始为当前时间 t_borrow.remainTimeEnd.setValue(null); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(ids) + ")"); } /** * 撮合失败 */ public long updateBring(Connection conn, String ids) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(6); // 流标 return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(ids) + ")"); } /** * 定时 */ public long updateTimer(Connection conn, String ids, String times) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.publishTime.setValue(times); t_borrow.isTimes.setValue(0); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + Integer.valueOf(ids) + ")"); } /** * 定时发布借款--更新借款状态 */ public long updateTimerSend(Connection conn, Object id, Integer isTimes) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.borrowStatus.setValue(2); t_borrow.remainTimeStart.setValue(new Date()); return t_borrow.update(conn, "id in(" + id + ") and isTimes = " + isTimes); } // 借款失败中多项删除 public Long deleteFailedBorrow(Connection conn, String ids) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_borrow borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); return borrow.delete(conn, "id in (" + ids + ")"); } public Map<String, String> queryFailedBorrowById(Connection conn, String id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sbf = new StringBuffer(); sbf.append("select,tb.borrowWay,tb.borrowTitle,tb.borrowAmount,tb.deadline,tb.annualRate,tb.borrowStatus,tu.username,tu.source,tp.realName,tb.publisher," + "tb.minTenderedSum,tb.maxTenderedSum,tb.excitationSum,tb.paymentMode,tb.moneyPurposes,tb.publishIP,tb.publishTime,tb.windControl,tm.mailContent"); sbf.append(" from t_mail tm right join t_borrow tb on tm.borrowId ="); sbf.append(" left join t_user tu on tb.publisher ="); sbf.append(" left join t_person tp on tp.userid = "); sbf.append(" where 1=1 and" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sbf.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public List<Map<String, Object>> queryBringByIds(Connection conn, String id) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_borrow_bring brings = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_borrow_bring(); DataSet dataSet =, "*", " id in (" + id + ")", "", -1, -1); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * 汇付回调 更新用户 usrCustId */ public long updateUser(Connection conn, long userId, long usrCustId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_user user = new Dao().new Tables().new t_user(); user.usrCustId.setValue(usrCustId); return user.update(conn, " id=" + userId); } public long updatePerson(Connection conn, String userId, String realName, String sex, String age, String maritalStatus, String hasHourse, String highestEdu, String creditNum, String creditSum, String hasCar) { Dao.Tables.t_person person = new Dao().new Tables().new t_person(); person.realName.setValue(realName);; person.age.setValue(age); person.maritalStatus.setValue(maritalStatus); person.hasHourse.setValue(hasHourse); person.highestEdu.setValue(highestEdu); person.creditNum.setValue(creditNum); person.creditSum.setValue(creditSum); person.hasCar.setValue(hasCar); return person.update(conn, " userId=" + userId); } public long updateWork(Connection conn, String userId, String orgName, String companyAddress, String job, String companyType, String workYear, String companyLine, String monthlyIncome, String monthlyOutcome) { Dao.Tables.t_workauth work = new Dao().new Tables().new t_workauth(); work.orgName.setValue(orgName); work.companyAddress.setValue(companyAddress); work.job.setValue(job); work.companyType.setValue(companyType); work.workYear.setValue(workYear); work.companyLine.setValue(companyLine); work.monthlyIncome.setValue(monthlyIncome); work.monthlyOutcome.setValue(monthlyOutcome); return work.update(conn, " userId=" + userId); } /** * * <一句话功能简述><功能详细描述> * @param conn * @param map * @return [参数说明] * */ public long insertFundrecord(Connection conn,Map<String, Object> map) { Dao.Tables.t_fundrecord t_fundrecord = new Dao().new Tables().new t_fundrecord(); t_fundrecord.userId.setValue(map.get("investor")); t_fundrecord.fundMode.setValue("投标失败解冻金额"); t_fundrecord.handleSum.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.usableSum.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.freezeSum.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.dueinSum.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.trader.setValue(map.get("id")); t_fundrecord.recordTime.setValue(UtilDate.getDateFormatter()); t_fundrecord.dueoutSum.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.remarks.setValue("投标失败解冻投标金额"+map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.income.setValue(map.get("transAmt")); t_fundrecord.borrow_id.setValue(map.get("id")); return t_fundrecord.insert(conn); } }