package; import; public class UserIncomeDo implements Serializable { /** * 应收本金 */ private Double recivedPrincipal = 0d; /** * 应收利息 */ private Double recievedInterest = 0d; /** * 已收本金 */ private Double hasPrincipal = 0d; /** * 已收利息 */ private Double totalInterestAmount = 0d; /** * 总投资金额 */ private Double totalInvestAmount = 0d; /** * 可提取金额 */ private Double withdrawalAmount = 0d; /** * 冻结金额 */ private Double freezeAmount = 0d; /** * 昨日增值 */ private Double dailyIncome = 0d; /** * 资产估值 */ private Double assetValue = 0d; /** * 会员奖励 */ private Double reward = 0d; /** * 累计收益 */ private Double earnSum = 0d; public Double getRecivedPrincipal() { return recivedPrincipal; } public void setRecivedPrincipal(Double recivedPrincipal) { this.recivedPrincipal = recivedPrincipal; } public Double getRecievedInterest() { return recievedInterest; } public void setRecievedInterest(Double recievedInterest) { this.recievedInterest = recievedInterest; } public Double getHasPrincipal() { return hasPrincipal; } public void setHasPrincipal(Double hasPrincipal) { this.hasPrincipal = hasPrincipal; } public Double getTotalInterestAmount() { return totalInterestAmount; } public void setTotalInterestAmount(Double totalInterestAmount) { this.totalInterestAmount = totalInterestAmount; } public Double getTotalInvestAmount() { return totalInvestAmount; } public void setTotalInvestAmount(Double totalInvestAmount) { this.totalInvestAmount = totalInvestAmount; } public Double getWithdrawalAmount() { return withdrawalAmount; } public void setWithdrawalAmount(Double withdrawalAmount) { this.withdrawalAmount = withdrawalAmount; } public Double getFreezeAmount() { return freezeAmount; } public void setFreezeAmount(Double freezeAmount) { this.freezeAmount = freezeAmount; } /** * @return the dailyIncome */ public Double getDailyIncome() { return dailyIncome; } /** * @param dailyIncome * the dailyIncome to set */ public void setDailyIncome(Double dailyIncome) { this.dailyIncome = dailyIncome; } /** * @return the assetValue */ public Double getAssetValue() { return assetValue; } /** * @param assetValue * the assetValue to set */ public void setAssetValue(Double assetValue) { this.assetValue = assetValue; } /** * @return the earnSum */ public Double getEarnSum() { if (null == this.reward) { this.reward = 0d; } if (null == this.totalInterestAmount) { this.totalInterestAmount = 0d; } return this.totalInterestAmount.doubleValue() + this.reward.doubleValue(); } /** * @param earnSum * the earnSum to set */ public void setEarnSum(Double earnSum) { this.earnSum = earnSum; } /** * @return the reward */ public Double getReward() { return reward; } /** * @param reward * the reward to set */ public void setReward(Double reward) { this.reward = reward; } }