package com.sp2p.service; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts2.components.Bean; import com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSourceFactory; import com.shove.Convert; import com.shove.base.BaseService; import; import; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.shove.vo.PageBean; import com.sp2p.constants.IAmountConstants; import com.sp2p.constants.IConstants; import com.sp2p.dao.AwardDao; import com.sp2p.dao.AwardLevel4Dao; import com.sp2p.dao.UserDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.AwardDetailDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.RelationDao; public class AwardService extends BaseService { public static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AwardService.class); private RelationDao relationDao; private UserDao userDao; private AwardDao awardDao; private AwardLevel4Dao awardLevel4Dao; private AwardDetailDao awardDetailDao; public int updataMoney(Connection conn, long userId, BigDecimal money, int type, long investOrRepaymentId) throws Exception { Map<String, String> user = userDao.queryUserById(conn, userId); if (user.get("refferee") == null || "".equals(user.get("refferee"))) { return 3; } Map<String, String> map = queryEconomyByName(conn, user.get("refferee")); Map<String, Object> platformCostMap = getPlatformCost(); return awardHeNew(conn, userId, null, map, investOrRepaymentId, type, money, platformCostMap); } /** * (新规则) 金额变动 * * @param conn * @param userId用户编号 * (投资人和理财人) * @param money变动金额 * @param type1投资2还款 * @param investOrRepaymentId投资 * /还款明细编号 * @return -1,-2,-3,-4: 0:处理成功 1:此标的不属于实地认证标的,或机构担保标的。 * 2:当前用户已经期满1年,不需要进行奖励了。 3:此用户不是奖励体系的角色。 4:与上一级解除关系了不需要进行奖励。 * @throws Exception */ public int updateMoneyNew(Connection conn, long userId, BigDecimal money, int type, long investOrRepaymentId) throws Exception { List<Map<String, Object>> relationList = relationDao .queryRelationByUserId(conn, userId);// 查询用户角色 if (relationList == null || relationList.size() <= 0) { return 3;// 不在角色关系系统内, } Map<String, Object> relationMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); relationMap = relationList.get(0); int level = Convert.strToInt(relationMap.get("level") + "", -1);// 当前用户级别 int enable = Convert.strToInt(relationMap.get("enable") + "", -1);// 是否和上一级解除关系 long parentId = Convert.strToLong(relationMap.get("parentId") + "", -1); if (enable == 2) { return 4;// 与上一级解除了关联 } if (level == 4) {// 理财人 // 获得理财人的经纪人 List<Map<String, Object>> list = relationDao .queryRelationByPeopleId(conn, parentId);// 理财人的上级是投资人,投资人的上级是经纪人 if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) { return 3;// 不在角色关系系统内, } Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map = list.get(0); enable = Convert.strToInt(map.get("enable") + "", -1);// 是否和上一级解除关系 parentId = Convert.strToLong(map.get("parentId") + "", -1);// 投资人的上级是经纪人 // 投资人与上级解除关系了跟理财人跟上级的关系无关 // if(enable==2){ // return 4;//与上一级解除了关联 // } return 5; } Map<String, Object> platformCostMap = getPlatformCost(); // 奖励机制1: award1New(conn, userId, null, relationMap, parentId, investOrRepaymentId, level, type, money, platformCostMap); return 5; } public int awardHeNew(Connection conn, long userId, Map<String, String> userMap, Map<String, String> economy, long investOrRepaymentId,int type, BigDecimal moneys, Map<String, Object> platformCostMap) throws Exception { String agent_reward_rate = Convert.strToStr(platformCostMap .get(IAmountConstants.AGENT_REWARD_RATE) + "", "0.0005"); BigDecimal level2Money = moneys.multiply(new BigDecimal(agent_reward_rate));// 经纪人所得奖励 if(economy.get("enable").equals("2")){ level2Money= BigDecimal.ZERO; } awardDao.addAward(conn, userId, Long.parseLong(economy.get("id")), level2Money, -1, BigDecimal.ZERO, investOrRepaymentId, type, 2, moneys, IConstants.MX_TYPE_MAX, -1, 0); return 0; } /** * 奖励机制1 * * @param conn * @param userId用户编号 * @param userMap * 用户明细 * @param relationMap * 用户角色关系 * @param level * 用户角色等级 * @param parentId * 父编号 * @param moneys * 总待收本金 * @return * @throws Exception */ public int award1New(Connection conn, long userId, Map<String, String> userMap, Map<String, Object> relationMap, long parentId, long investOrRepaymentId, int level, int type, BigDecimal moneys, Map<String, Object> platformCostMap) throws Exception { BigDecimal level2Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; long level2UserId = -1; BigDecimal level1Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; long level1UserId = -1; // 总的待收本金与历史最大待收本金作比较xmax, List<Map<String, Object>> relationLevel1List = relationDao .queryRelationStatus(conn, parentId, null);// 根据经纪人查询是否有关联的团队长 Map<String, Object> relationLevel1Map = null; if (relationLevel1List != null && relationLevel1List.size() > 0) { relationLevel1Map = relationLevel1List.get(0); } if (relationLevel1Map != null) { int level2enable = Convert.strToInt(relationLevel1Map .get("level2enable") + "", -1); int level1enable = Convert.strToInt(relationLevel1Map .get("level1enable") + "", -1); level2UserId = parentId; // 团队长奖励比例 String longTeamRewardRate = Convert.strToStr(platformCostMap .get(IAmountConstants.LONG_TEAM_REWARD_RATE) + "", "0.0025"); // 经纪人奖励比率 String agent_reward_rate = Convert.strToStr(platformCostMap .get(IAmountConstants.AGENT_REWARD_RATE) + "", "0.0005"); level2Money = moneys.multiply(new BigDecimal(agent_reward_rate));// 经纪人所得奖励 // 1奖励给经纪人,2奖励完经纪人后,根据经纪人编号查询是否上面有团队长,如果有则按奖励公式给予团队长进行奖励,并作记录 int enable1 = Convert.strToInt( relationLevel1Map.get("enable") + "", -1);// 是否和上一级解除关系 if (enable1 == 1) { long parentId1 = Convert.strToLong(relationLevel1Map .get("level1userId") + "", -1); level1UserId = parentId1; level1Money = level2Money.multiply(new BigDecimal( longTeamRewardRate)); // MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, // " update t_admin set moneys = moneys+"+level1Money+" where id = "+level1UserId);//奖励团队长提成 } if (level2enable != 1) {// 如果经纪人被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level2Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (level1enable != 1) {// 如果团队长被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level1Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } awardDao.addAward(conn, userId, level2UserId, level2Money, level1UserId, level1Money, investOrRepaymentId, type, 2, moneys, IConstants.MX_TYPE_MAX, -1, level); // 并把当前总的待收本金赋值给历史最大待收本金,并作记录 // MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn," update t_user set xmax = "+moneys+" where id ="+userId); } // 如果当前总的待收本金小于历史最大待收本金,则不作任何处理 return 0; } // ----------------------奖励机制---------------------- /* * /** 金额变动 * * @param conn * * @param userId用户编号(投资人和理财人) * * @param money变动金额 * * @param type1投资2还款 * * @param investOrRepaymentId投资/还款明细编号 * * @return -1,-2,-3,-4: 0:处理成功 1:此标的不属于实地认证标的,或机构担保标的。 * 2:当前用户已经期满1年,不需要进行奖励了。 3:此用户不是奖励体系的角色。 4:与上一级解除关系了不需要进行奖励。 * * @throws Exception * * public int updateMoney(Connection conn,long userId,BigDecimal money,int * type,long investOrRepaymentId) throws Exception{ DataSet dataSet = null; * if(type==IConstants.MONEY_TYPE_1){//投资 dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, * " select as id, a.borrowId as borrowId,b.borrowWay as borrowWay from t_invest a left join t_borrow b on a.borrowId = where = " * +investOrRepaymentId); }else if(type==IConstants.MONEY_TYPE_2){//还款 * dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, * " select as id, a.borrowId as borrowId,b.borrowWay as borrowWay from t_repayment a left join t_borrow b on a.borrowId = where = " * +investOrRepaymentId); } Map<String,String> iorMap = * BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); //任何标的都产生提成 // int borrowWay = * Convert.strToInt(iorMap.get("borrowWay"), -1); // * if(borrowWay!=IConstants * .BORROWWAY_TYPE_4&&borrowWay!=IConstants.BORROWWAY_TYPE_5){ // return 1; * // } Map<String,String> userMap = userDao.queryUserById(conn, * userId);//查询用户明细 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new * SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date newDate = new Date(); Date * endDate = sdf.parse(userMap.get("createTime")); * endDate.setYear(endDate.getYear()+1); * if(newDate.getTime()>endDate.getTime()){//当前时间大于用户1年期限说明已经不用提交奖励给经纪人了。 * return 2; } List<Map<String,Object>> relationList = * relationDao.queryRelationByUserId(conn,userId);//查询用户角色 * * if(relationList==null||relationList.size()<=0){ return 3;//不在角色关系系统内, } * Map<String,Object> relationMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); * relationMap = relationList.get(0); int level = * Convert.strToInt(relationMap.get("level")+"",-1);//当前用户级别 int enable = * Convert.strToInt(relationMap.get("enable")+"",-1);//是否和上一级解除关系 long * parentId = Convert.strToLong(relationMap.get("parentId")+"", -1); * if(enable==2){ return 4;//与上一级解除了关联 } //如果是理财人,判断是否是第一次交易,则给投资人加10元钱,作记录 * if(level==4){//理财人 //获得理财人的经纪人 List<Map<String,Object>> list = * relationDao.queryRelationByPeopleId(conn, * parentId);//理财人的上级是投资人,投资人的上级是经纪人 if(list==null||list.size()<=0){ return * 3;//不在角色关系系统内, } Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); * map = list.get(0); enable = * Convert.strToInt(map.get("enable")+"",-1);//是否和上一级解除关系 parentId = * Convert.strToLong(map.get("parentId")+"", -1);//投资人的上级是经纪人 } * Map<String,Object> platformCostMap = getPlatformCost(); //奖励机制1: * award1(conn * ,userId,userMap,relationMap,parentId,investOrRepaymentId,level, * type,platformCostMap); * * //奖励机制2: award2(conn,userId,userMap,money,type); * * return 5; } */ /** * 奖励机制1 * * @param conn * @param userId用户编号 * @param userMap * 用户明细 * @param relationMap * 用户角色关系 * @param level * 用户角色等级 * @param parentId * 父编号 * @param moneys * 总待收本金 * @return * @throws Exception */ public int award1(Connection conn, long userId, Map<String, String> userMap, Map<String, Object> relationMap, long parentId, long investOrRepaymentId, int level, int type, Map<String, Object> platformCostMap) throws Exception { BigDecimal level2Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; long level2UserId = -1; BigDecimal level1Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; long level1UserId = -1; // 根据当前用户查询当前用户的角色,如果是投资人,则走下面的流程, // 计算当前用户总的待收本金(计算总金额) DataSet dataSet = MySQL .executeQuery( conn, " select sum(recivedPrincipal-hasPrincipal) as moneys from t_invest where investor = " + userId); Map<String, String> moneysMap = BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); BigDecimal moneys = new BigDecimal(moneysMap.get("moneys"));// 待收本金和 BigDecimal xmax = new BigDecimal(userMap.get("xmax")); // 总的待收本金与历史最大待收本金作比较xmax, List<Map<String, Object>> relationLevel1List = relationDao .queryRelationStatus(conn, parentId, null);// 根据经纪人查询是否有关联的团队长 Map<String, Object> relationLevel1Map = null; if (relationLevel1List != null && relationLevel1List.size() > 0) { relationLevel1Map = relationLevel1List.get(0); } if (moneys.compareTo(xmax) == 1 && relationLevel1Map != null) {// 当前待收本金大于历史待收本金 int level2enable = Convert.strToInt(relationLevel1Map .get("level2enable") + "", -1); int level1enable = Convert.strToInt(relationLevel1Map .get("level1enable") + "", -1); // 团队长奖励比例 String longTeamRewardRate = Convert.strToStr(platformCostMap .get(IAmountConstants.LONG_TEAM_REWARD_RATE) + "", "0.25"); // 经纪人奖励比率 String agent_reward_rate = Convert.strToStr(platformCostMap .get(IAmountConstants.AGENT_REWARD_RATE) + "", "0.0005"); // 如果当前总的待收本金大于历史最大待收本金,则计算金额差并按公式计算奖励, level2UserId = parentId; BigDecimal poorMoneys = moneys.subtract(xmax);// 待收本金差 level2Money = poorMoneys .multiply(new BigDecimal(agent_reward_rate));// 经纪人所得奖励 // 1奖励给经纪人,2奖励完经纪人后,根据经纪人编号查询是否上面有团队长,如果有则按奖励公式给予团队长进行奖励,并作记录 int enable1 = Convert.strToInt( relationLevel1Map.get("enable") + "", -1);// 是否和上一级解除关系 if (enable1 == 1) { long parentId1 = Convert.strToLong(relationLevel1Map .get("level1userId") + "", -1); level1UserId = parentId1; level1Money = level2Money.multiply(new BigDecimal( longTeamRewardRate)); } if (level2enable != 1) {// 如果经纪人被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level2Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (level1enable != 1) {// 如果团队长被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level1Money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } awardDao.addAward(conn, userId, level2UserId, level2Money, level1UserId, level1Money, investOrRepaymentId, type, 2, moneys, IConstants.MX_TYPE_MAX, -1, level); // 并把当前总的待收本金赋值给历史最大待收本金,并作记录 MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set xmax = " + moneys + " where id =" + userId); } // 如果当前总的待收本金小于历史最大待收本金,则不作任何处理 return 0; } /** * 奖励机制2 * * @return * @throws SQLException */ public int award2(Connection conn, long userId, Map<String, String> userMap, BigDecimal money, int type) throws SQLException { BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal(userMap.get("x")); BigDecimal xmin = new BigDecimal(userMap.get("xmin")); // 获得当前用户的x变量,xmin变量 // 根据用户动作判断x变量是加或减 if (type == IConstants.MONEY_TYPE_1) { x = x.add(money);// + } else { x = x.subtract(money);// - } // x变量处理完后,与xmin进行比较,取小值赋给xmin, if (x.compareTo(xmin) == -1) { MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set xmin = " + x + ",x=" + x + " where id =" + userId); } MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set x=" + x + " where id =" + userId); return 0; } /** * 每月奖励 * * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws ParseException */ public void monthAward() throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Date endDate = new Date(); // Date endDate = sdf1.parse("2014-05-01"); String endDateStr1 = sdf1.format(endDate); endDate = sdf1.parse(endDateStr1); Date startDate = sdf1.parse(endDateStr1); startDate.setYear(startDate.getYear() - 1); String endDateStr = sdf.format(endDate); String startDateStr = sdf.format(startDate);// 为了减小误差,程序启动可能会中间误差几秒,我们这里把时间定为每月的00时00分00秒 // startDate 一年前开始至 endDate PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean = new PageBean<Map<String, Object>>(); pageBean.setPageNum(1); pageBean.setPageSize(5000); String condition = " AND addDate >'" + startDateStr + "' AND addDate<'" + endDateStr + "' "; Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { monthAwardInfo(conn, " v_t_relation_award_level3 ", condition + " AND level = 3 ", pageBean, endDate, IConstants.RELATION_LEVEL3);// 递归计算,每次计算5000人的奖励机制,投资人 monthAwardInfo(conn, " v_t_relation_award_level4 ", condition + " AND level = 4 ", pageBean, endDate, IConstants.RELATION_LEVEL4);// 递归计算,每次计算5000人的奖励机制,理财人 MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set xmin = x where createTime >'" + startDateStr + "' AND createTime<'" + endDateStr + "'");// 把x赋值给xmin conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 每月计算奖金 * * @param conn * @param condition * @param pageBean * @param endDate * @throws Exception */ public void monthAwardInfo(Connection conn, String table, String condition, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Date endDate, int level) throws Exception { dataPage(conn, pageBean, table, " * ", "", condition + " AND xmin>0 AND level2enable = 1 ");// 如果当月xmin为0,与经纪人解除了关系。说明没有奖励的必要了 List<Map<String, Object>> list = pageBean.getPage(); if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) { return; } pageBean.setPage(null);// 把本次处理的记录清空, int level1enalbe = -1; BigDecimal xmin = null; BigDecimal level2money = null; BigDecimal level1money = null; long level2userId = 0; long level1userId = 0; long userId = 0; int level2status = -1; int level1status = -1; BigDecimal goodsMoney1 = new BigDecimal("0.0006");// 第一个标的所奖励比例 BigDecimal goodsMoney2 = new BigDecimal("0.0008");// 第二个标的所奖励比例 BigDecimal level1m = new BigDecimal("0.25"); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); int month; for (Map<String, Object> map : list) { level1enalbe = Convert.strToInt(map.get("level1enable") + "", -1); userId = Convert.strToInt(map.get("userId") + "", -1); level2status = Convert.strToInt(map.get("level2status") + "", -1); level1status = Convert.strToInt(map.get("level1status") + "", -1); xmin = null; level2money = null; level1money = null; level2userId = -1; level1userId = -1; month = 0; level2userId = Convert.strToInt(map.get("level2userId") + "", -1); xmin = new BigDecimal(map.get("xmin") + ""); level2money = xmin.multiply(goodsMoney1).add( xmin.multiply(goodsMoney2));// 标的1取万分之6,标的2取万分之8……………………………………………………………………此处可以用于扩展不同的标的 if (level1enalbe == 1) {// 经纪人与团队长有关联,这里所有的钱都是管理员拿 level1userId = Convert.strToInt(map.get("level1userId") + "", -1); level1money = level2money.multiply(level1m); } month = timeForMonth(endDate, Convert.strToStr(map.get("addDate") + "", null), sdf); if (level2status != 1) {// 如果经纪人被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level2money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (level1status != 1) {// 如果团队长被禁用了则不能获得奖励 level1money = BigDecimal.ZERO; } awardDao.addAward(conn, userId, level2userId, level2money, level1userId, level1money, -1, -1, 2, xmin, IConstants.MX_TYPE_MIN, month, level);// 记录获得奖金记录 map = null; } xmin = null; level2money = null; level1money = null; goodsMoney1 = null; goodsMoney2 = null; level1m = null; sdf = null; if (list != null && list.size() == 5000) {// 如果不等于null,每页展示5000条,如果相等,说明可能后面还有,由于每页展示数据是5000条,如果不与5000相等说明没有数据了。 pageBean.setPageNum(pageBean.getPageNum());// 查询下一页5000条数据 list = null; monthAwardInfo(conn, table, condition, pageBean, endDate, level); } } // ----------------------后台统计---------------------- public void queryAwardLevel2(Long level1userId, Long level2userId, String level2userName, String userName, String realName, Integer level, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND level2userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" AND userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { condition.append(" AND realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" AND level = " + level); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_level2 ", "*", "", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } // ----------------------后台统计---------------------- public Map<String, String> querySumAwardLevel2(Long level1userId, Long level2userId, String level2userName, String userName, String realName, Integer level) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND level2userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" AND userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { condition.append(" AND realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" AND level = " + level); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL .executeQuery( conn, " select sum(level2moneys) as sumLevel2moneys from v_t_award_level2 where 1=1 " + condition + ""); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryAwardLevel2mxType(Long level2userId, Long userId, Integer mxType, String startDate, String endDate, Integer month, Integer level, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (userId != null && userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND userId = " + userId); } if (mxType != null && mxType > 0) { condition.append(" AND mxType = " + mxType); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startDate) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endDate) + "'"); } if (month != null && month > 0) { condition.append(" AND month = " + month); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" AND level = " + level); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_mxType ", " * ", "", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryIoRInfo(Long userId, Long level2userId, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (userId != null && userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND userId = " + userId); } if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_ior_info ", " * ", " ", condition.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 团队长提成统计 * * @param level1userId * @param level1userName * @param level2userName * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public void queryAwardLevel1(Long level1userId, String level1userName, String level2userName, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, long adminId, String adminName) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); condition.append(" where 1=1 "); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND a.level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level1userName)) { condition .append(" AND d.userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level1userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND e.userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (adminId == 1) { condition.append(" AND d.userName = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(adminName.trim()) + "'"); } StringBuffer topStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer countStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer paramStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer centerStr = new StringBuffer(); topStr.append(" select "); countStr.append(" count(*) as totalNum "); paramStr.append(" a.level1userId as level1userId,"); paramStr.append(" a.level2userId as level2userId,"); paramStr.append(" d.userName as level1userName,"); paramStr.append(" d.realName as level1realName,"); paramStr.append(" e.userName as level2userName,"); paramStr.append(" e.realName as level2realName,"); paramStr.append(" e.card as card,"); paramStr.append(" g.count3userId as count3userId,"); paramStr.append(" b.level2money3 as level2money3,"); paramStr.append(" j.count4userId as count4userId,"); paramStr.append(" c.level2money4 as level2money4,"); paramStr.append(" b.level1money3 as level1money3,"); paramStr.append(" c.level1money4 as level1money4 "); centerStr.append(" from (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) a "); centerStr.append(" left join "); centerStr.append(" (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId,"); // centerStr.append(" count(userId) as count3userId,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level2money) as level2money3,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level1money) as level1money3 "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" where `level` = 3 "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) b "); centerStr .append(" on a.level1userId = b.level1userId and a.level2userId = b.level2userId "); centerStr.append(" left join "); centerStr.append(" (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId,"); // centerStr.append(" count(userId) as count4userId,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level2money) as level2money4,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level1money) as level1money4 "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" where `level` = 4 "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) c "); centerStr .append(" on a.level1userId = c.level1userId and a.level2userId = c.level2userId "); centerStr.append(" left join t_admin d "); centerStr.append(" on a.level1userId = "); centerStr.append(" left join t_admin e "); centerStr.append(" on a.level2userId = "); centerStr .append(" left join (select count(f.peopleId) as count3userId,f.parentId as parentId from t_relation f where f.`level`=3 group by f.parentId ) g on a.level2userId=g.parentId "); centerStr .append(" left join (select count(h.peopleId) as count4userId,i.parentId as level2userId from t_relation h left join t_relation i on h.parentId = i.peopleId where h.`level`=4 group by i.parentId ) j on a.level2userId = j.level2userId"); Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); try { long totalNum; String countSql = command.append(topStr).append(countStr).append( centerStr).append(condition).toString(); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, countSql); Map<String, String> map = BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); totalNum = Convert.strToLong(map.get("totalNum"), -1); boolean result = pageBean.setTotalNum(totalNum); if (result) { command = new StringBuffer(); String querySql = command.append(topStr).append(paramStr) .append(centerStr).append(condition).toString() + " limit " + pageBean.getStartOfPage() + " , " + pageBean.getPageSize(); DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, querySql); ds.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); pageBean.setPage(ds.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 团队长提成统计 * * @param level1userId * @param level1userName * @param level2userName * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> queryAwardLevel1Sum(Long level1userId, String level1userName, String level2userName, long adminId, String adminName) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); condition.append(" where 1=1 "); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND a.level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level1userName)) { condition .append(" AND d.userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level1userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND e.userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (adminId == 1) { condition.append(" AND d.userName = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(adminName.trim()) + "'"); } StringBuffer topStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer countStr = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer centerStr = new StringBuffer(); topStr.append(" select "); countStr .append(" sum(ifnull(b.level1money3,0) + ifnull(c.level1money4,0)) as leve1MoneySum "); centerStr.append(" from (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) a "); centerStr.append(" left join "); centerStr.append(" (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level2money) as level2money3,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level1money) as level1money3 "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" where `level` = 3 "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) b "); centerStr .append(" on a.level1userId = b.level1userId and a.level2userId = b.level2userId "); centerStr.append(" left join "); centerStr.append(" (select "); centerStr.append(" level1userId as level1userId,"); centerStr.append(" level2userId as level2userId,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level2money) as level2money4,"); centerStr.append(" sum(level1money) as level1money4 "); centerStr.append(" from t_award "); centerStr.append(" where `level` = 4 "); centerStr.append(" group by level1userId,level2userId) c "); centerStr .append(" on a.level1userId = c.level1userId and a.level2userId = c.level2userId "); centerStr.append(" left join t_admin d "); centerStr.append(" on a.level1userId = "); centerStr.append(" left join t_admin e "); centerStr.append(" on a.level2userId = "); centerStr .append(" left join (select count(f.peopleId) as count3userId,f.parentId as parentId from t_relation f where f.`level`=3 group by f.parentId ) g on a.level2userId=g.parentId "); centerStr .append(" left join (select count(h.peopleId) as count4userId,i.parentId as level2userId from t_relation h left join t_relation i on h.parentId = i.peopleId where h.`level`=4 group by i.parentId ) j on a.level2userId = j.level2userId"); Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); try { String countSql = command.append(topStr).append(countStr).append( centerStr).append(condition).toString(); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, countSql); topStr = null; countStr = null; centerStr = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 提成明细 * * @param parentId * @param enable * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public void queryLevel2Award(Long parentId, Integer enable, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId = " + parentId); } if (enable != null && enable > 0) { condition.append(" AND enable = " + enable); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_level2_award ", "*", "", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 提成明细(合计) * * @param parentId * @param enable * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> queryLevel2AwardSum(Long parentId, Integer enable) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId = " + parentId); } if (enable != null && enable > 0) { condition.append(" AND enable = " + enable); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level2moneys) as level2moneySum from v_t_level2_award where 1=1 " + condition + ""); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 理财人 --- 投资人 --提成奖励 * * @param level1userId * @param level2userName * @param level * @param startDate * @param endDate * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public void queryLevel1level34(Long level1userId, String level2userName, Integer level, String startDate, String endDate, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" AND level = " + level); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startDate) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endDate) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND level2userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_level1_34 ", "*", "", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 理财人 --- 投资人 --提成奖励合计 * * @param level1userId * @param level2userName * @param level * @param startDate * @param endDate * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> queryLevel1level34Sum(Long level1userId, String level2userName, Integer level, String startDate, String endDate) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" AND level = " + level); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startDate) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endDate)) { condition.append(" AND addDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endDate) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(level2userName)) { condition .append(" AND level2userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils .escapeSql(level2userName.trim()) + "%'"); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level2moneys) as level2moneySum from v_t_level1_34 where 1=1 " + condition + ""); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 经纪人提成总计 * * @param level1userId * @param level2userId * @param level * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> queryLevel2Moneys(Long level1userId, Long level2userId, Long userId, Integer level, Integer mxType) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" and level1userId =" + level1userId); } if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" and level2userId =" + level2userId); } if (userId != null && userId > 0) { condition.append(" and userId =" + userId); } if (level != null && level > 0) { condition.append(" and level =" + level); } if (mxType != null && mxType > 0) { condition.append(" and mxType =" + mxType); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL .executeQuery( conn, " select sum(level2money) as moneys,sum(level1money) as level1moneys,level1userId as level1userId ,level2userId as level2userId from t_award where 1=1 " + condition.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryLevel2AwardMoneys(Long parentId) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId = " + parentId); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level2moneys) as moneys from v_t_level2_award where 1=1 " + condition.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryIorMoneys(Long level2userId, Long userId) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level2userId != null && level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (userId != null && userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND userId = " + userId); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level2money) as moneys from v_t_award_ior_info where 1=1 " + condition.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } private int timeForMonth(Date endDate, String addDateStr, SimpleDateFormat sdf) throws ParseException { Date addDate = sdf.parse(addDateStr); try { if (addDate.getYear() == endDate.getYear()) { return endDate.getMonth() - addDate.getMonth(); } else { return 12 - addDate.getMonth() + endDate.getMonth(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { endDate = null; addDate = null; addDateStr = null; } return 0; } public void queryAllLevel1Info(String userName, String realName, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, int roleId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); try { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer condition1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer condition2 = new StringBuffer(); // condition.append(); String fields = " AS id , b.userName AS userName , b.realName AS realName ,IFNULL(c.totalMoney , 0)AS totalMoney ,IFNULL(d.hasPaySum , 0)AS hasPaySum ,( IFNULL( totalMoney , 0)- IFNULL( hasPaySum , 0) )AS forPaySum "; if (roleId == IConstants.RELATION_LEVEL1) { condition1.append(" t_admin b "); condition1 .append(" LEFT JOIN( SELECT level1userId, sum(level1money) AS totalMoney FROM t_award group BY level1userId ) c ON = c.level1userId "); condition1 .append("LEFT JOIN( SELECT userId,sum(handleSum) AS hasPaySum FROM t_award_detail group BY userId )d ON = d. userId "); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { condition.append(" and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName) + "%'"); } condition.append(" and b.enable = 1 AND b.roleId = 1 "); dataPage(conn, pageBean, condition1.toString(), fields, " ", condition.toString()); } else if (roleId == IConstants.RELATION_LEVEL2) {// 经纪人 condition2.append(" t_admin b "); condition2 .append("LEFT JOIN( SELECT level2userId, sum(level2money)AS totalMoney FROM t_award group BY level2userId ) c ON = c.level2userId "); condition2 .append("LEFT JOIN( SELECT userId, sum(handleSum)AS hasPaySum FROM t_award_detail group BY userId ) d ON = d.userId "); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { condition.append(" and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName) + "%'"); } condition.append(" and b.enable = 1 AND b.roleId = 2 "); dataPage(conn, pageBean, condition2.toString(), fields, " ", condition.toString()); } condition1 = null; fields = null; condition2 = null; condition = null; conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryOneLevelInfo(Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); Map<String, String> map = null; try { map = awardDao.queryOneLevel1Info(conn, userId, -1, -1); if (map == null) { map = awardDao.queryOneLevel2Info(conn, userId, -1, -1); } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } return map; } public void queryAwardDetailByUserId(Long userId, String startTime, String endTime, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); try { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (userId != null) { condition.append(" and userId = " + userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startTime)) { condition.append(" and checkTime >= '"); condition.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(startTime)); condition.append("' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(endTime)) { condition.append(" and checkTime <= '"); condition.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(endTime)); condition.append("' "); } String fields = "id,userId,handleSum,checkTime ,userName,realName,checkName,remark"; String result = "(SELECT,b.userId,b.handleSum, checkTime," + "c.userName ,c.realName ,(SELECT userName from t_admin where id=b.checkId) as checkName , b.remark from t_award_detail b LEFT JOIN t_admin c on u "; dataPage(conn, pageBean, result, fields, " order by checkTime desc ", condition.toString()); fields = null; result = null; conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 团队长提成 * * @param userId * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param pageBean * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryAwardT(long leve1userId, String username, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); try { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (leve1userId > 0) { condition.append(" and id = " + leve1userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username) + "%' "); } dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_leve1 ", " * ", "", condition + ""); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 团队长提成统计 * * @param userId * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param pageBean * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryAwardTSum(long leve1userId, String username) throws Exception { Connection conn = Database.getConnection(); try { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (leve1userId > 0) { condition.append(" and id = " + leve1userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username) + "%' "); } DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level1money) as level1moneySum from v_t_award_leve1 where 1=1 " + condition + ""); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 经济人提成 * * @param leve2Name * @return * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException */ public void queryLeve2SumCount(long leve2userId, String leve2Name, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws DataException, SQLException { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (leve2userId > 0) { condition.append(" and id = " + leve2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(leve2Name)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(leve2Name) + "%' "); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_leve2_sum_money ", " * ", "", condition + ""); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 经济人提成 统计 * * @param leve2userId * @param leve2Name * @return * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException */ public Map<String, String> queryLeve2CountToMap(long leve2userId, String leve2Name) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (leve2userId > 0) { condition.append(" and id = " + leve2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(leve2Name)) { condition.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(leve2Name) + "%' "); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL .executeQuery( conn, " select sum(level2money) as sumLeve2Money from v_t_award_leve2_sum_money where 1=1 " + condition.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 明细查询 * * @param level1userId * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public void queryLevel1AwardMoneys(Long level1userId, long level2userId, String username, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { condition.append(" AND username = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username) + "'"); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_detail ", " * ", "", condition + ""); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } /** * 明细查询 * * @param level1userId * @param pageBean * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> queryLevel1Sum(Long level1userId, long level2userId, String username) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (level1userId != null && level1userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level1userId = " + level1userId); } if (level2userId > 0) { condition.append(" AND level2userId = " + level2userId); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) { condition.append(" AND username = '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(username) + "'"); } Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); try { DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select sum(level1money) as level1money from v_t_award_detail where 1=1 " + condition.toString()); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryEconomyAwardList(String userName, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String name) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" AND userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { condition.append(" AND realName <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(name.trim()) + "'"); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_economy_award ", " * ", " ", condition.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void queryAwardDetailInfo(String userName, PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, String name, Long id) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (id > 0) { condition.append(" AND id = " + id); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { condition.append(" AND userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { condition.append(" AND realName <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(name.trim()) + "'"); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_award_list ", " * ", " ", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryNotUseById(Long id) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select level2userId ,notuse from v_notuse_money where level2userId = " + id); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void awardSettlement(PageBean<Map<String, Object>> pageBean, Long id) throws Exception { StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if (id > 0) { condition.append(" AND userId = " + id); } Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " v_t_detail ", " * ", " ", condition .toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public void addEconomyAwardDetail(long userId, double handleSum, long checkId, String remark) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { awardDetailDao.addAwardDetail(conn, userId, handleSum, checkId, new Date(), remark); awardDao.updataStatu(conn, userId); MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set usableSum = usableSum + " + handleSum + " where id =" + userId); conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); conn.rollback(); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryEconomyById(Long id) throws Exception { Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); try { DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select * from t_economy_list where id = " + id); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } } public Map<String, String> queryEconomyByName(Connection conn, String name) throws Exception { DataSet ds = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, " select * from t_economy_list where username = '" + name+"'"); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } public void setRelationDao(RelationDao relationDao) { this.relationDao = relationDao; } public void setUserDao(UserDao userDao) { this.userDao = userDao; } public void setAwardDao(AwardDao awardDao) { this.awardDao = awardDao; } public void setAwardLevel4Dao(AwardLevel4Dao awardLevel4Dao) { this.awardLevel4Dao = awardLevel4Dao; } public AwardDetailDao getAwardDetailDao() { return awardDetailDao; } public void setAwardDetailDao(AwardDetailDao awardDetailDao) { this.awardDetailDao = awardDetailDao; } public RelationDao getRelationDao() { return relationDao; } public UserDao getUserDao() { return userDao; } public AwardDao getAwardDao() { return awardDao; } public AwardLevel4Dao getAwardLevel4Dao() { return awardLevel4Dao; } }