package com.sp2p.dao.admin; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.shove.util.UtilDate; import com.sp2p.constants.IConstants; import com.sp2p.database.Dao; /** * @ClassName: * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-19 上午10:16:48 * @Copyright: 2013 Inc. All rights reserved. * @Version: V1.0.1 * @Descrb: 贷后管理数据处理层 */ public class AfterCreditManageDao { /** * @MethodName: queryRepaymentAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-19 上午11:31:28 * @Return: * @Descb: 根据条件统计最近还款总额 * @Throws: */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Map<String, String> queryRepaymentAmount(Connection conn, String userName, int borrowWay, String realName, String title, int status, String type) throws SQLException, DataException { SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat(UtilDate._dtShort); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT SUM(totalSum) amount FROM v_t_repayment_h where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { // command.append(" and username ='"+StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName)+"'"); command.append(" and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { // command.append(" and realName ='"+StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName)+"'"); command.append(" and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName.trim()) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) { /* * command.append(" and borrowTitle LIKE CONCAT('%','" + * StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(title.trim()) + "','%')"); */ command.append(" and borrowTitle like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(title.trim()) + "%' "); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != borrowWay) { command.append(" and borrowWay =" + borrowWay); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != status) { command.append(" and repayStatus =" + status); } if ("".equals(type)) { Date date = calendar.getTime(); command.append(" and repayDate ='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(sf.format(date)) + "'"); } else if ("1".equals(type)) { calendar.add(calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); Date date = calendar.getTime(); command.append(" and repayDate ='" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(sf.format(date)) + "'"); } else if ("2".equals(type)) { calendar.add(calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 2); Date date = calendar.getTime(); command.append(" and repayDate ='"+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(sf.format(date)) + "'"); } DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; sf = null; calendar = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: addRepayMentNotice * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-19 下午07:01:47 * @Return: * @Descb: 添加还款沟通记录 * @Throws: */ public Long addRepayMentNotice(Connection conn, long idLong, String content) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_repayment_service t_repayment_service = new Dao().new Tables().new t_repayment_service(); t_repayment_service.repayId.setValue(idLong); t_repayment_service.serviceContent.setValue(content); t_repayment_service.serviceTime.setValue(new Date()); return t_repayment_service.insert(conn); } /** * @MethodName: queryForPaymentAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-20 下午06:33:33 * @Return: * @Descb: 根据条件查询待收款统计 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryForPaymentAmount(Connection conn, String investor, String timeStart, String timeEnd, String title, int borrowWayInt, int groupInt, boolean inverse) throws DataException, SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT round(SUM(forTotalSum),2) amount FROM v_t_forpayment_h where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(investor)) { command.append(" and investor like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(investor.trim()) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeStart)) { command.append(" and repayDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeStart) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeEnd)) { command.append(" and repayDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeEnd) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) { command.append(" and borrowTitle like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(title.trim()) + "%' "); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != borrowWayInt) { command.append(" and borrowWay =" + borrowWayInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != groupInt) { if (inverse) {// 如果是反选 command.append(" AND ( groupId !=" + groupInt + " or groupId is null )"); } else { command.append(" AND groupId =" + groupInt); } } DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: queryForPaymentTotalAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-20 下午10:10:49 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询代收款总计统计 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryForPaymentTotalAmount(Connection conn, String investor, String timeStart, String timeEnd, int deadlineInt, int groupInt, boolean inverse) throws DataException, SQLException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT round(SUM(b.forTotalSum),2) amount FROM v_t_forpayment_h b LEFT JOIN ("); ; command .append(" SELECT,a.borrowId,SUM(a.forTotalSum) AS forPI FROM (SELECT id,borrowId,"); command .append(" forTotalSum FROM v_t_forpayment_h) a GROUP BY,a.borrowId) c ON"); command.append(" b.borrowId=c.borrowId AND"); command.append(" where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(investor)) { command.append(" and investor like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(investor.trim()) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeStart)) { command.append(" and repayDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeStart) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeEnd)) { command.append(" and repayDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeEnd) + "'"); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != deadlineInt) { command.append(" and deadline =" + deadlineInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != groupInt) { if (inverse) {// 如果是反选 command.append(" AND ( groupId !=" + groupInt + " or groupId is null )"); } else { command.append(" AND groupId =" + groupInt); } } DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryHasRePayAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-21 下午02:36:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 已还款统计 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryHasRePayAmount(Connection conn, String userName, String realName, String timeStart, String timeEnd, int borrowWayInt, int deadlineInt, int repayStatusInt, String timeStart1, String timeEnd1) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT SUM(hasPI) amount FROM v_t_hasrepay_h where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { command.append(" and username like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(realName)) { command.append(" and realName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(realName) + "%' "); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeStart)) { command.append(" and realRepayDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeStart) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeEnd)) { command.append(" and realRepayDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeEnd) + "'"); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != borrowWayInt) { command.append(" and borrowWay =" + borrowWayInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != deadlineInt) { command.append(" and deadline =" + deadlineInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != repayStatusInt) { command.append(" and repayStatus =" + repayStatusInt); } // ---------add by houli if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeStart1)) { command.append(" and repayDate >= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeStart1) + "'"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(timeEnd1)) { command.append(" and repayDate <= '" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(timeEnd1) + "'"); } // -------- DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryLateRepayAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-21 下午05:18:25 * @Return: * @Descb: 逾期的借款统计 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryLateRepayAmount(Connection conn, String userName, int borrowWayInt, int statusInt) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT SUM(repaySum) as amount,sum(totalSum) as totalSumm,sum(lateFI) as totallateFI FROM v_t_laterepay_h where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { command.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%' "); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != borrowWayInt) { command.append(" and borrowWay =" + borrowWayInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != statusInt) { command.append(" and repayStatus =" + statusInt); } DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 根据ID查询逾期还款信息 * * @param conn * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> queryLateRepayById(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("SELECT * FROM v_t_overduepayment_h where id=" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: queryOverduePaymentAmount * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-3-21 下午05:43:36 * @Return: * @Descb: 逾期垫付的借款统计 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryOverduePaymentAmount(Connection conn, String userName, int borrowWayInt, int statusInt) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("SELECT SUM(repaySum) as amount,sum(totalSum) as totalSumm,sum(lateFI) as totallateFI FROM v_t_overduepayment_h where 1=1"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(userName)) { command.append(" and userName like '%" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(userName.trim()) + "%' "); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != borrowWayInt) { command.append(" and borrowWay =" + borrowWayInt); } if (IConstants.DEFAULT_NUMERIC != statusInt) { command.append(" and repayStatus =" + statusInt); } DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryRepaymentDetail * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-2 下午02:07:39 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询还款记录详情 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryRepaymentDetail(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.lateDay,(a.stillPrincipal+a.stillInterest) stillPI,a.lateFI,(a.stillPrincipal+a.stillInterest+a.lateFI) totalSum"); command.append(" ,b.borrowTitle,,b.publisher,c.username borrower, repayId FROM t_repayment a LEFT JOIN t_borrow b ON LEFT JOIN t_user c ON t"); command.append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(a.stillPrincipal+a.stillInterest-a.hasPI+a.investorForpayFI-a.investorHaspayFI) forSum,a.borrowId FROM t_repayment a GROUP BY a.borrowId) t2"); command.append(" ON WHERE t.repayId = " + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @MethodName: queryRepaymentService * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-2 下午01:52:48 * @Return: * @Descb: 借款催收记录 * @Throws: */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryRepaymentCollection(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql .append("SELECT id,remark,DATE_FORMAT(collectionDate,'%Y-%m-%d %T') collectionDate,colResult FROM t_collection WHERE repayId = " + id); sql.append(" order by id desc"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); sql = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: queryRepaymentColectoin * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-2 下午01:52:38 * @Return: * @Descb: 借款客服沟通记录 * @Throws: */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryRepaymentService(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql .append("SELECT id,serviceContent,DATE_FORMAT(serviceTime,'%Y-%m-%d %T') serviceTime FROM t_repayment_service WHERE repayId = " + id); sql.append(" order by id desc"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); sql = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * @MethodName: addCollection * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-2 下午04:17:43 * @Return: * @Descb: 添加催收记录 * @Throws: */ public Long addCollection(Connection conn, long idLong, String colResult, String remark) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_collection t_collection = new Dao().new Tables().new t_collection(); t_collection.colResult.setValue(colResult); t_collection.remark.setValue(remark); t_collection.repayId.setValue(idLong); t_collection.collectionDate.setValue(new Date()); return t_collection.insert(conn); } /** * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: delCollection * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-2 下午04:35:55 * @Return: * @Descb: 删除催收记录 * @Throws: */ public Long delCollection(Connection conn, long idLong) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_collection t_collection = new Dao().new Tables().new t_collection(); return t_collection.delete(conn, " id=" + idLong); } /** * @MethodName: queryLateBorrow * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-27 上午10:52:36 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询处于逾期的借款 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryLateBorrow(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT id FROM t_repayment WHERE isLate = 2 and repayStatus = 1 and id =" + id); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @MethodName: queryRepaymentSum * @Param: AfterCreditManageDao * @Author: * @Date: 2013-4-27 上午10:57:00 * @Return: * @Descb: 查询代还金额 * @Throws: */ public Map<String, String> queryRepaymentSum(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command .append("SELECT (stillPrincipal+stillInterest-hasPI) needSum FROM t_repayment WHERE id =" + id + " AND repayStatus =1"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } }