package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import; import; /** * @author zhangyunhua * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class RepaymentDo implements { // columns START private java.lang.Long id; private java.util.Date repayDate; private java.util.Date realRepayDate; private java.lang.String repayPeriod; private Double hasPi; private Double stillPrincipal; private Double stillInterest; private Double hasFi; private Double consultFee; private Double lateFi; private java.lang.Integer lateDay; private java.lang.Integer repayStatus; private java.lang.Long borrowId; private java.lang.Integer isLate; private java.lang.Integer isWebRepay; private Double investorForpayFi; private Double investorHaspayFi; private Double principalBalance; private Double interestBalance; private java.lang.Integer version; private java.util.Date executeTime; private java.lang.String identify; private Double repayFee; // columns END /** * 费用子表 */ private List<RepaymentFeeDo> feeList; /** * 获取已收费用总和 * * @return * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年12月1日上午9:19:42 */ public double getFeeSum() { double sumFee = 0; if (null == feeList) { return 0; } for (RepaymentFeeDo rpf : feeList) { CalculateUtils.add(sumFee, rpf.getHasAmount()); } return sumFee; } /** * 加费用 * * @param rf * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月22日下午5:48:15 */ public void addRepaymentFee(RepaymentFeeDo rf) { if (null == feeList) { feeList = new ArrayList<RepaymentFeeDo>(); } rf.setRepaymentId(this.getId()); rf.setLastUpdateDate(new Date()); feeList.add(rf); } /** * 根据费用编码取费用对象 * * @param feeCode * 费用编码 * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月22日下午5:48:15 */ public RepaymentFeeDo getRepaymentFee(String feeCode) { if (null == feeList) { return null; } for (RepaymentFeeDo rpf : feeList) { if (rpf.getFeeCode().equals(feeCode)) { return rpf; } } return null; } /** * 应还本金 +应还本息 * * @return * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月22日下午2:21:52 */ public double getStillPI() { double needSum = CalculateUtils.add(this.getStillInterest(), this.getStillPrincipal()); return needSum; } /** * 应还款总额 * * @return * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月22日下午2:21:52 */ public double getStillTotalAmount() { double needSum = CalculateUtils.add(this.getStillInterest(), this.getStillPrincipal()); needSum = CalculateUtils.add(needSum, this.getRepayFee()); needSum = CalculateUtils.add(needSum, this.getConsultFee()); needSum = CalculateUtils.add(needSum, this.getLateFi() == null ? 0 : this.getLateFi()); needSum = CalculateUtils.sub(needSum, this.getFeeSum()); needSum = CalculateUtils.sub(needSum, this.getHasPi() == null ? 0 : this.getHasPi()); return needSum; } public java.lang.Long getId() { return; } public void setId(java.lang.Long value) { = value; } public java.util.Date getRepayDate() { return this.repayDate; } public void setRepayDate(java.util.Date value) { this.repayDate = value; } public java.util.Date getRealRepayDate() { return this.realRepayDate; } public void setRealRepayDate(java.util.Date value) { this.realRepayDate = value; } public java.lang.String getRepayPeriod() { return this.repayPeriod; } public void setRepayPeriod(java.lang.String value) { this.repayPeriod = value; } public Double getHasPi() { return this.hasPi; } public void setHasPi(Double value) { this.hasPi = value; } public Double getStillPrincipal() { return this.stillPrincipal; } public void setStillPrincipal(Double value) { this.stillPrincipal = value; } public Double getStillInterest() { return this.stillInterest; } public void setStillInterest(Double value) { this.stillInterest = value; } public Double getHasFi() { return this.hasFi; } public void setHasFi(Double value) { this.hasFi = value; } public Double getConsultFee() { return this.consultFee; } public void setConsultFee(Double value) { this.consultFee = value; } public Double getLateFi() { return this.lateFi; } public void setLateFi(Double value) { this.lateFi = value; } public java.lang.Integer getLateDay() { return this.lateDay; } public void setLateDay(java.lang.Integer value) { this.lateDay = value; } public java.lang.Integer getRepayStatus() { return this.repayStatus; } public void setRepayStatus(java.lang.Integer value) { this.repayStatus = value; } public java.lang.Long getBorrowId() { return this.borrowId; } public void setBorrowId(java.lang.Long value) { this.borrowId = value; } public java.lang.Integer getIsLate() { return this.isLate; } public void setIsLate(java.lang.Integer value) { this.isLate = value; } public java.lang.Integer getIsWebRepay() { return this.isWebRepay; } public void setIsWebRepay(java.lang.Integer value) { this.isWebRepay = value; } public Double getInvestorForpayFi() { return this.investorForpayFi; } public void setInvestorForpayFi(Double value) { this.investorForpayFi = value; } public Double getInvestorHaspayFi() { return this.investorHaspayFi; } public void setInvestorHaspayFi(Double value) { this.investorHaspayFi = value; } public Double getPrincipalBalance() { return this.principalBalance; } public void setPrincipalBalance(Double value) { this.principalBalance = value; } public Double getInterestBalance() { return this.interestBalance; } public void setInterestBalance(Double value) { this.interestBalance = value; } public java.lang.Integer getVersion() { return this.version; } public void setVersion(java.lang.Integer value) { this.version = value; } public java.util.Date getExecuteTime() { return this.executeTime; } public void setExecuteTime(java.util.Date value) { this.executeTime = value; } public java.lang.String getIdentify() { return this.identify; } public void setIdentify(java.lang.String value) { this.identify = value; } public Double getRepayFee() { return this.repayFee; } public void setRepayFee(Double value) { this.repayFee = value; } /** * @return feeList */ public List<RepaymentFeeDo> getFeeList() { return feeList; } /** * @param feeList * the feeList to set */ public void setFeeList(List<RepaymentFeeDo> feeList) { this.feeList = feeList; } /** * 计算提前结清手续费 * * @return * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月15日上午9:07:57 */ public double buildPreSettleFee(double rate) { if (null == this.principalBalance) return 0; return CalculateUtils.round( (this.principalBalance.doubleValue() * rate), 2); // 提前还款手续费 } /** * 查询费用子表 * * @author: zhangyunhmf * @date: 2014年10月22日下午4:25:31 */ public void buildRepaymentFee() { // 罚金 if (null != this.getLateFi() && this.getLateFi().intValue() != 0) { RepaymentFeeDo rfFi = new RepaymentFeeDo(null, Constants.FEE_CODE_FX, this.getLateFi(), 0d); this.addRepaymentFee(rfFi); } // 咨询费 if (null != this.getConsultFee() && this.getConsultFee().intValue() != 0) { RepaymentFeeDo rfConsult = new RepaymentFeeDo(null, Constants.FEE_CODE_CONSULT, this.getConsultFee(), 0d); this.addRepaymentFee(rfConsult); } // 手续费 if (null != this.getRepayFee() && this.getRepayFee().intValue() != 0) { RepaymentFeeDo rfRepayFee = new RepaymentFeeDo(null, Constants.FEE_CODE_SERVICE_CHARGE, this.getRepayFee(), 0d); this.addRepaymentFee(rfRepayFee); } // // 提前结清手续费 // double preFee = this.buildPreSettleFee(Constants.PRE_REPAY_RATE); // if (preFee != 0) { // RepaymentFeeDo rf = new RepaymentFeeDo(null, Constants.FEE_CODE_PRE, // preFee, 0d); // this.addRepaymentFee(rf); // } } public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE) .append("Id", getId()).append("RepayDate", getRepayDate()) .append("RealRepayDate", getRealRepayDate()) .append("RepayPeriod", getRepayPeriod()) .append("HasPi", getHasPi()) .append("StillPrincipal", getStillPrincipal()) .append("StillInterest", getStillInterest()) .append("HasFi", getHasFi()) .append("ConsultFee", getConsultFee()) .append("LateFi", getLateFi()).append("LateDay", getLateDay()) .append("RepayStatus", getRepayStatus()) .append("BorrowId", getBorrowId()) .append("IsLate", getIsLate()) .append("IsWebRepay", getIsWebRepay()) .append("InvestorForpayFi", getInvestorForpayFi()) .append("InvestorHaspayFi", getInvestorHaspayFi()) .append("PrincipalBalance", getPrincipalBalance()) .append("InterestBalance", getInterestBalance()) .append("Version", getVersion()) .append("ExecuteTime", getExecuteTime()) .append("Identify", getIdentify()) .append("RepayFee", getRepayFee()).toString(); } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getId()).toHashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof RepaymentDo == false) return false; if (this == obj) return true; RepaymentDo other = (RepaymentDo) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().append(getId(), other.getId()).isEquals(); } }