/** * @Project: hehenian-biz-common * @Package com.hehenian.biz.common.system.dataobject * @Title: FeeRuleDo.java * @Description: TODO * @author: liuzgmf * @date 2015年1月6日 上午9:13:28 * @Copyright: HEHENIAN Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. * @version V1.0 */ package com.hehenian.biz.common.system.dataobject; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Date; /** * * @author: liuzgmf * @date 2015年1月6日 上午9:13:28 */ public class FeeRuleDo implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long ruleId; // 规则ID private Long schemeId; // 方案ID private String ruleName; // 规则名称 private RuleType ruleType; // 规则类型(CONSULT_FEE-咨询费,SERV_FEE-手续费,SETTLE_FEE-提现结清手续费,CREDIT_FEE-征信费,OVERDUE_FEE-逾期罚息,OTHER-其他) private GatherWay gatherWay; // 收取方式(ONCE_RATIO-一次性比例收取,ONCE_FIXED-一次性固定收取,EACH_RATIO-每期比例收取,EACH_FIXED-每期固定收取) private String isInclude;// 该费用是否包含在借款利率里, T 包含, F 不包含 private String baseAmountType; //乘数, 1: 借款金额, 2:剩余本金 private Double gatherRate; // 收取比率 private Double feeAmount; // 费用金额 private Long createUserId; // 创建用户ID private Long updateUserId; // 修改用户ID private Date createTime; // 创建时间 private Date updateTime; // 修改时间 private String isInitRepayPlanUse ; //是否在生存还款计划表的时候 用 /** * 规则类型(CONSULT_FEE-咨询费,SERV_FEE-手续费,SETTLE_FEE-提现结清手续费,CREDIT_FEE-征信费, * OVERDUE_FEE-逾期罚息,OTHER-其他) */ public enum RuleType { CONSULT_FEE, SERV_FEE, SETTLE_FEE, CREDIT_FEE, OVERDUE_FEE, OTHER; } /** * 收取方式(ONCE_RATIO-一次性比例收取,ONCE_FIXED-一次性固定收取,EACH_RATIO-每期比例收取,EACH_FIXED- * 每期固定收取,ONCE_MONRATIO-一次性比例收取(月度比例)) */ public enum GatherWay { ONCE_RATIO, ONCE_FIXED, EACH_RATIO, EACH_FIXED, ONCE_MONRATIO; } /** * @return ruleId */ public Long getRuleId() { return ruleId; } /** * @param ruleId * the ruleId to set */ public void setRuleId(Long ruleId) { this.ruleId = ruleId; } /** * @return schemeId */ public Long getSchemeId() { return schemeId; } /** * @param schemeId * the schemeId to set */ public void setSchemeId(Long schemeId) { this.schemeId = schemeId; } /** * @return ruleName */ public String getRuleName() { return ruleName; } /** * @param ruleName * the ruleName to set */ public void setRuleName(String ruleName) { this.ruleName = ruleName; } /** * @return ruleType */ public RuleType getRuleType() { return ruleType; } /** * @param ruleType * the ruleType to set */ public void setRuleType(RuleType ruleType) { this.ruleType = ruleType; } /** * @return gatherWay */ public GatherWay getGatherWay() { return gatherWay; } /** * @param gatherWay * the gatherWay to set */ public void setGatherWay(GatherWay gatherWay) { this.gatherWay = gatherWay; } /** * @return gatherRate */ public Double getGatherRate() { return gatherRate; } /** * @param gatherRate * the gatherRate to set */ public void setGatherRate(Double gatherRate) { this.gatherRate = gatherRate; } /** * @return feeAmount */ public Double getFeeAmount() { return feeAmount; } /** * @param feeAmount * the feeAmount to set */ public void setFeeAmount(Double feeAmount) { this.feeAmount = feeAmount; } /** * @return createUserId */ public Long getCreateUserId() { return createUserId; } /** * @param createUserId * the createUserId to set */ public void setCreateUserId(Long createUserId) { this.createUserId = createUserId; } /** * @return updateUserId */ public Long getUpdateUserId() { return updateUserId; } /** * @param updateUserId * the updateUserId to set */ public void setUpdateUserId(Long updateUserId) { this.updateUserId = updateUserId; } /** * @return createTime */ public Date getCreateTime() { return createTime; } /** * @param createTime * the createTime to set */ public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) { this.createTime = createTime; } /** * @return updateTime */ public Date getUpdateTime() { return updateTime; } /** * @param updateTime * the updateTime to set */ public void setUpdateTime(Date updateTime) { this.updateTime = updateTime; } public String getIsInclude() { return isInclude; } public void setIsInclude(String isInclude) { this.isInclude = isInclude; } public String getBaseAmountType() { return baseAmountType; } public void setBaseAmountType(String baseAmountType) { this.baseAmountType = baseAmountType; } public String getIsInitRepayPlanUse() { return isInitRepayPlanUse; } public void setIsInitRepayPlanUse(String isInitRepayPlanUse) { this.isInitRepayPlanUse = isInitRepayPlanUse; } }