package; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import; import; /** * @author zhangyunhua * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class InvestRepaymentDo implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // columns START private java.lang.Long id; private java.lang.Long repayId; private java.lang.String repayPeriod; private java.util.Date repayDate; private java.util.Date realRepayDate; private Double recivedPrincipal; private Double recivedInterest; private Double hasPrincipal; private Double hasInterest; private java.lang.Long interestOwner; private Double recivedFi; private java.lang.Integer isLate; private java.lang.Integer lateDay; private java.lang.Integer isWebRepay; private Double principalBalance; private Double interestBalance; private java.lang.Long investId; private java.lang.Long owner; private java.lang.String ownerlist; private java.lang.Integer repayStatus; private Double imanageFee; private Double imanageFeeRate; private java.lang.Integer isDebt; private java.lang.Long borrowId; private java.lang.Integer circulationForpayStatus; private Long parentId; /** * 回款上invest_id对应的投资对象 */ private InvestDo investDo = null; /** * owner 对应的用户对象 */ private AccountUserDo ownerUser = null; /** * 应收总金额 * @return */ public double getRecivedTotalAmount(){ double ramount = CalculateUtils.add(this.recivedInterest == null ? 0 : this.recivedInterest, this.recivedPrincipal == null ? 0 : this.recivedPrincipal); return CalculateUtils.add(ramount, this.recivedFi == null ? 0 : this.recivedFi); } /** * 应收本金和利息 * @return */ public double getRecivedPI(){ double ramount = this.recivedInterest + this.recivedPrincipal; return CalculateUtils.round(ramount, 2); } // columns END public java.lang.Long getId() { return; } public void setId(java.lang.Long value) { = value; } public java.lang.Long getRepayId() { return this.repayId; } public void setRepayId(java.lang.Long value) { this.repayId = value; } public java.lang.String getRepayPeriod() { return this.repayPeriod; } public void setRepayPeriod(java.lang.String value) { this.repayPeriod = value; } public java.util.Date getRepayDate() { return this.repayDate; } public void setRepayDate(java.util.Date value) { this.repayDate = value; } public java.util.Date getRealRepayDate() { return this.realRepayDate; } public void setRealRepayDate(java.util.Date value) { this.realRepayDate = value; } public Double getRecivedPrincipal() { return this.recivedPrincipal; } public void setRecivedPrincipal(Double value) { this.recivedPrincipal = value; } public Double getRecivedInterest() { return this.recivedInterest; } public void setRecivedInterest(Double value) { this.recivedInterest = value; } public Double getHasPrincipal() { return this.hasPrincipal; } public void setHasPrincipal(Double value) { this.hasPrincipal = value; } public Double getHasInterest() { return this.hasInterest; } public void setHasInterest(Double value) { this.hasInterest = value; } public java.lang.Long getInterestOwner() { return interestOwner; } public void setInterestOwner(java.lang.Long interestOwner) { this.interestOwner = interestOwner; } public Double getRecivedFi() { return this.recivedFi; } public void setRecivedFi(Double value) { this.recivedFi = value; } public java.lang.Integer getIsLate() { return this.isLate; } public void setIsLate(java.lang.Integer value) { this.isLate = value; } public java.lang.Integer getLateDay() { return this.lateDay; } public void setLateDay(java.lang.Integer value) { this.lateDay = value; } public java.lang.Integer getIsWebRepay() { return this.isWebRepay; } public void setIsWebRepay(java.lang.Integer value) { this.isWebRepay = value; } public Double getPrincipalBalance() { return this.principalBalance; } public void setPrincipalBalance(Double value) { this.principalBalance = value; } public Double getInterestBalance() { return this.interestBalance; } public void setInterestBalance(Double value) { this.interestBalance = value; } public java.lang.Long getInvestId() { return this.investId; } public void setInvestId(java.lang.Long value) { this.investId = value; } public java.lang.Long getOwner() { return this.owner; } public void setOwner(java.lang.Long value) { this.owner = value; } public java.lang.String getOwnerlist() { return this.ownerlist; } public void setOwnerlist(java.lang.String value) { this.ownerlist = value; } public java.lang.Integer getRepayStatus() { return this.repayStatus; } public void setRepayStatus(java.lang.Integer value) { this.repayStatus = value; } public Double getImanageFee() { return this.imanageFee; } public void setImanageFee(Double value) { this.imanageFee = value; } public Double getImanageFeeRate() { return this.imanageFeeRate; } public void setImanageFeeRate(Double value) { this.imanageFeeRate = value; } public java.lang.Integer getIsDebt() { return this.isDebt; } public void setIsDebt(java.lang.Integer value) { this.isDebt = value; } public java.lang.Long getBorrowId() { return this.borrowId; } public void setBorrowId(java.lang.Long value) { this.borrowId = value; } public java.lang.Integer getCirculationForpayStatus() { return this.circulationForpayStatus; } public void setCirculationForpayStatus(java.lang.Integer value) { this.circulationForpayStatus = value; } public InvestDo getInvestDo() { return investDo; } public void setInvestDo(InvestDo investDo) { this.investDo = investDo; } public AccountUserDo getOwnerUser() { return ownerUser; } public void setOwnerUser(AccountUserDo ownerUser) { this.ownerUser = ownerUser; } /** * @return parentId */ public Long getParentId() { return parentId; } /** * @param parentId * the parentId to set */ public void setParentId(Long parentId) { this.parentId = parentId; } public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE).append("Id", getId()) .append("RepayId", getRepayId()).append("RepayPeriod", getRepayPeriod()) .append("RepayDate", getRepayDate()).append("RealRepayDate", getRealRepayDate()) .append("RecivedPrincipal", getRecivedPrincipal()).append("RecivedInterest", getRecivedInterest()) .append("HasPrincipal", getHasPrincipal()).append("HasInterest", getHasInterest()) .append("InterestOwner", getInterestOwner()).append("RecivedFi", getRecivedFi()) .append("IsLate", getIsLate()).append("LateDay", getLateDay()).append("IsWebRepay", getIsWebRepay()) .append("PrincipalBalance", getPrincipalBalance()).append("InterestBalance", getInterestBalance()) .append("InvestId", getInvestId()).append("Owner", getOwner()).append("Ownerlist", getOwnerlist()) .append("RepayStatus", getRepayStatus()).append("ImanageFee", getImanageFee()) .append("ImanageFeeRate", getImanageFeeRate()).append("IsDebt", getIsDebt()) .append("BorrowId", getBorrowId()).append("CirculationForpayStatus", getCirculationForpayStatus()) .toString(); } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getId()).toHashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof InvestRepaymentDo == false) return false; if (this == obj) return true; InvestRepaymentDo other = (InvestRepaymentDo) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().append(getId(), other.getId()).isEquals(); } }