/** @ Project : p2pt notify * @ File Name : MailMessage.java * @ Date : 2014/8/20 * @ Author : harry.zhang * */ package com.hehenian.biz.common.notify.dataobject; public class MailNotifyDo extends NotifyDo { /** * 多个接受人之间用英文逗号分隔 */ private String ccList; /** * 邮件主题 */ private String subject; private String messageType; private String filePath; private String fileName; public String getMessageType() { return this.MAIL; } public void setMessageType(String messageType) { this.messageType = this.MAIL; } //getter and setter public String getCcList() { return ccList; } public void setCcList(String ccList) { this.ccList = ccList; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } //end getter and setter public String getFilePath() { return filePath; } public void setFilePath(String filePath) { this.filePath = filePath; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } }