package com.sp2p.service; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.shove.base.BaseService; import; import; import; import com.shove.vo.PageBean; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.MediaReportDao; import com.sp2p.dao.admin.NewsDao; /** * 网站公告 和 媒体报道Service */ public class NewsAndMediaReportService extends BaseService { public static Log log =LogFactory.getLog(NewsAndMediaReportService.class); private NewsDao newsDao; private MediaReportDao mediaReportDao; private ConnectionManager connectionManager; public NewsDao getNewsDao() { return newsDao; } public void setNewsDao(NewsDao newsDao) { this.newsDao = newsDao; } public MediaReportDao getMediaReportDao() { return mediaReportDao; } public void setMediaReportDao(MediaReportDao mediaReportDao) { this.mediaReportDao = mediaReportDao; } public ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { return connectionManager; } public void setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager connectionManager) { this.connectionManager = connectionManager; } /** * 添加网站公告信息 * @param sort * @param title * @param content * @param publishTime * @param userId * @param visits * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long addNews(Integer sort,String title,String content,Long userId,String visits,String publishTime,int type)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=newsDao.addNews(conn, sort, title, content, publishTime, userId, visits,type); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 修改网站公告信息 * @param id * @param sort * @param title * @param content * @param publishTime * @param userId * @param visits * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long updateNews(Long id,Integer sort,String title,String content,Long userId,Integer visits,String publishTime)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=newsDao.updateNews(conn, id, sort, title, content, publishTime, userId, visits); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 删除网站公告 信息 * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long deleteNews(Long id)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=newsDao.deleteNews(conn, id); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 删除网站公告介绍(团度介绍)的数据 * @param commonIds id拼接字符串 * @param delimiter 分割符 * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @return int */ public int deleteNews(String commonIds, String delimiter) throws DataException, SQLException{ Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); int result = -1; try { result =newsDao.deleteNews(conn, commonIds, delimiter); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 根据Id获取团队信息详情 * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String,String> getNewsById(Long id)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Map<String, String> map=null; try { map=newsDao.getNewsById(conn, id); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return map; } public void queryNewsPage(PageBean<Map<String,Object>> pageBean)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_news_list", "*", "order by publishTime desc ", "AND state=1"); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } public void frontQueryNewsPage(PageBean<Map<String,Object>> pageBean)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { //modify by houli 按照后台排序顺序显示 dataPage(conn, pageBean, "v_t_news_list", "*", " order by publishTime desc ", " AND state=1 "); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } /** * add by houli 查找表里最大的排列序号 * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> getMaxSerial() throws SQLException, DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { return newsDao.getMaxSerial(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } /** * add by houli 排序处理 * @param ids * @return * @throws SQLException */ public Long updateNewsIndex(String ids) throws SQLException{ Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); Long result = -1L; try { result = newsDao.updateNewsIndex(conn, ids); if (result <= 0) { conn.rollback(); return -1L; } conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * add by houli 查看sortid是否存在 * @param sortId * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long isExistSortId(int sortId) throws SQLException, DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { Map<String,String> map = newsDao.isExistSortId(conn, sortId); if(map == null || map.get("sort") == null) return 1L; else return -1L; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } public Long isExistToUpdate(int sortId ,int originalSortId) throws SQLException, DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { Map<String,String> map = newsDao.isExistToUpdate(conn, sortId,originalSortId); if(map == null || map.get("sort") == null) return 1L; else return -1L; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } //以上是网站公告的模块(增删改) //以下是媒体报道的模块 /** * 添加媒体报道信息 * @param sort * @param userName * @param imgPath * @param intro * @param publishTime * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long addMediaReport(Integer sort,String title,String source,String url, String imgPath,String content,String publishTime,int state,int stick)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=mediaReportDao.addReport(conn, sort, title, source, url, imgPath, content, publishTime,state,stick); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 更新媒体报道信息 * @param id * @param sort * @param userName * @param imgPath * @param intro * @param publishTime * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long updateMediaReport(Long id,Integer sort,String title,String source,String url, String imgPath,String content,String publishTime,int state,int stick)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=mediaReportDao.updateReport(conn, id, sort, title, source, url, imgPath, content, publishTime,state,stick); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 删除媒体报道信息 * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Long deleteMediaReprot(Long id)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Long result=0L; try { result=mediaReportDao.deleteReport(conn, id); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 删除媒体报道的数据 * @param commonIds id拼接字符串 * @param delimiter 分割符 * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @return int */ public int deleteMediaReport(String commonIds, String delimiter) throws DataException, SQLException{ Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); int result = -1; try { result = mediaReportDao.deleteReport(conn, commonIds, delimiter); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 根据Id获取媒体报道详情 * @param id * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String,String> getMediaReportById(Long id)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); Map<String, String> map=null; try { map=mediaReportDao.getReportById(conn, id); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return map; } /** * 媒体报道分页 * * @param pageBean * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryMediaReportPage(PageBean<Map<String,Object>> pageBean)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " t_mediareport ", " * ", " order by stick desc,sort desc ", ""); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } /** * 查询媒体报道置顶数据(查询是否顶置) * @param conn * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public void queryMediaReportPage(PageBean<Map<String,Object>> pageBean,int stick)throws SQLException,DataException{ Connection conn=connectionManager.getConnection(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); if(stick ==2){ condition.append(" and stick = 2 and state =2 "); } if(stick ==1){ condition.append(" and stick = 1 and state =2 "); }if(stick!=1 && stick !=2){ condition.append(""); } try { dataPage(conn, pageBean, " t_mediareport ", " * ", " order by stick desc,sort desc ", condition+""); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }catch(DataException e){ log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } } /** * 修改媒体报道顶置状态,是否顶置 * @param id * @param stick * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public long updateReportStick(int id,int stick) throws SQLException{ Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); long result = -1L; try { result =mediaReportDao.updateReportStick(conn, id, stick); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); conn.rollback(); throw e; }finally{ conn.close(); } return result; } /** * 查询首页滚动图片(页面上显示)是前台还是后台??? * @return * @author Administrator */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryIndexRollImg() throws SQLException, DataException { Connection conn = connectionManager.getConnection(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); try { list = mediaReportDao.queryIndexRollImg(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } if (list.size()==0) { return null; } return list; } public List<Map<String, Object>> queryNewsType() throws Exception{ Connection conn = MySQL.getConnection(); List<Map<String, Object>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); try { list = newsDao.queryNewsType(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } catch (DataException e) { log.error(e); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); } if (list.size()==0) { return null; } return list; } }