package com.sp2p.dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.sp2p.database.Dao; public class RegionDao { /** * 查询地区列表 * * @param conn * @param regionId * @param parentId * @param regionType * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryRegionList(Connection conn, Long regionId, Long parentId, Integer regionType) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_region region = new Dao().new Tables().new t_region(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); condition.append(" 1=1 "); if (regionId != null && regionId > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionId=" + regionId); } if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId=" + parentId); } if (regionType != null && regionType > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionType=" + regionType); } DataSet dataSet =, "*", condition.toString(), "", -1, -1); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); condition = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * 查询地区列表 * * @param conn */ public Map<String, String> queryRegionList2(Connection conn, Long regionId, Long parentId, Integer regionType) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_region_hhn region = new Dao().new Tables().new t_region_hhn(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); condition.append(" 1=1 "); if (regionId != null && regionId > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionId=" + regionId); } if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId=" + parentId); } if (regionType != null && regionType > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionType=" + regionType); } DataSet dataSet =, "*", condition.toString(), "", -1, -1); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 和合年查询地区列表 * * @param conn * @param regionId * @param parentId * @param regionType * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryRegionListHHN(Connection conn, Long regionId, Long parentId, Integer regionType) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_region_hhn t_region_hhn = new Dao().new Tables().new t_region_hhn(); StringBuffer condition = new StringBuffer(); condition.append(" 1=1 "); if (regionId != null && regionId > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionId=" + regionId); } if (parentId != null && parentId > 0) { condition.append(" AND parentId=" + parentId); } if (regionType != null && regionType > 0) { condition.append(" AND regionType=" + regionType); } DataSet dataSet =, "*", condition.toString(), "", -1, -1); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); condition = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * 彩生活导入个人资料数据 此方法未判断用户是否已经被激活过 * * @param conn * * @return * @throws DataException * @throws SQLException * @throws Exception */ public Map<String, String> importFromBeautyLife(Connection conn, String realName, String idNo) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_colorlife cl = new Dao().new Tables().new t_colorlife(); String cmd = " realName='" + realName + "' and idNo='" + idNo + "'"; DataSet ds =, " * ", cmd, "", -1, -1); ds.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } /** 更新user表认证步骤 */ public long updateUserStep(Connection conn, Map<String, String> map, long userId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_user user = new Dao().new Tables().new t_user(); user.source.setValue(2); user.authStep.setValue(5); return user.update(conn, " id=" + userId); } /** 更新Person表认证步骤 */ public long updatePersonStep(Connection conn, Map<String, String> map, long userId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_person person = new Dao().new Tables().new t_person(); person.realName.setValue(map.get("realName")); person.birthday.setValue(map.get("birthday")); person.age.setValue(map.get("age"));"sex")); person.highestEdu.setValue(map.get("highestEdu")); person.maritalStatus.setValue(map.get("maritalStatus")); person.address.setValue(map.get("address")); person.hasCar.setValue(map.get("hasCar")); person.idNo.setValue(map.get("idNo")); person.auditStatus.setValue(3); return person.update(conn, " userId=" + userId); } /** 更新workauth表认证步骤 */ public long updateWorkAuthStep(Connection conn, Map<String, String> map, long userId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_workauth work = new Dao().new Tables().new t_workauth(); work.auditStatus.setValue(3); work.directedStatus.setValue(3); work.otherStatus.setValue(3); work.moredStatus.setValue(3); work.orgName.setValue(map.get("orgName")); work.companyType.setValue(map.get("companyType")); work.companyScale.setValue(map.get("companyScale")); work.job.setValue(map.get("job")); work.workYear.setValue(map.get("workYear")); work.companyTel.setValue(map.get("companyPhone")); work.companyAddress.setValue(map.get("companyAddress")); // work.monthlyIncome.setValue(map.get("annualIncome")/12); return work.update(conn, " userId=" + userId); } /** 更新materialsauth表认证步骤 */ public long updatetMaterialsauthAuthStep(Connection conn, Map<String, String> map, long userId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_materialsauth mater = new Dao().new Tables().new t_materialsauth(); mater.auditStatus.setValue(3); mater.imgPath.setValue("images/cai.png"); mater.authTime.setValue(new Date()); return mater.update(conn, " userId=" + userId); } /** 更新 colorlife表激活状态和useid */ public long updateColorLife(Connection conn, Map<String, String> map, long userId) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_colorlife color = new Dao().new Tables().new t_colorlife(); color.activatedState.setValue(2); color.userId.setValue(userId); return color.update(conn, " realName='" + map.get("realName") + "' and idNo='" + map.get("idNo") + "'"); } }