/* * Powered By zhangyunhua * Web Site: http://www.hehenian.com * Since 2008 - 2014 */ package com.hehenian.biz.common.activity.dataobject; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; /** * @author zhangyunhua * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class ActivityOrderDo implements java.io.Serializable { private static final String productType1 = "1"; private static final String productType2 = "2"; private static final String productType3 = "3"; private static final String productType4 = "4"; // columns START private Long ordId; private Long userId; private String ordNo; private Integer ordType; private java.util.Date beginDate; private java.util.Date endDate; private java.util.Date ordDate; private Integer investAmount; // 订单投资金额 private Double deductAmount; private Double deductPerMonth; private Double profit; private String billingAddress; private String cName; private String cId; private Integer ordStatus; private String remark; private java.util.Date createTime; private java.util.Date updateTime; private Double rechargeMoney; private Double orderInterestAmount; // 订单利息 private Double orderWithdrawalAmount; // 订单可提取金额 // rate_type 选择的投资类型(1彩富人生I号 2 彩富人生II 3 彩富人生III) private String rateType; // orderModel 订单类型(PropertyFees 欠费冲抵 PropertyActivity冲抵物业) private String orderSubType; /** * 产品利率 */ private Double rate; /** * 每月冲抵物业费/冲抵费用 */ private String deductPerMonthText; /** * 冲抵周期/冲抵时长 */ private String billingDateText; /** * 冲抵物业费地址/冲抵地址 */ private String billingAddressText; /** * 车牌号 (值为:空或者车牌号:粤GF4586) */ private String carNumber; // /** // * 根据产品不同返回不同的利率 // * // * @return // * @author: zhangyunhmf // * @date: 2014年12月12日上午10:11:21 // */ // public double getRate() { // if (productType1.equals(this.rateType)) { // return 0.035d; // } else if (productType2.equals(this.rateType)) { // return 0.0275d; // } else if (productType3.equals(this.rateType)) { // return 0.0375d; // } else if (productType4.equals(this.rateType)) { // return 0.0375d; // } // return 0; // } // columns END public Long getOrdId() { return this.ordId; } public void setOrdId(Long value) { this.ordId = value; } public Long getUserId() { return this.userId; } public void setUserId(Long value) { this.userId = value; } public String getOrdNo() { return this.ordNo; } public void setOrdNo(String value) { this.ordNo = value; } public Integer getOrdType() { return this.ordType; } public void setOrdType(Integer value) { this.ordType = value; } public java.util.Date getBeginDate() { return this.beginDate; } public void setBeginDate(java.util.Date value) { this.beginDate = value; } public java.util.Date getEndDate() { return this.endDate; } public void setEndDate(java.util.Date value) { this.endDate = value; } public java.util.Date getOrdDate() { return this.ordDate; } public void setOrdDate(java.util.Date value) { this.ordDate = value; } public Integer getInvestAmount() { return investAmount; } public void setInvestAmount(Integer investAmount) { this.investAmount = investAmount; } public Double getDeductAmount() { return this.deductAmount; } public void setDeductAmount(Double value) { this.deductAmount = value; } public String getBillingAddress() { return billingAddress; } public void setBillingAddress(String billingAddress) { this.billingAddress = billingAddress; } public Integer getOrdStatus() { return this.ordStatus; } public void setOrdStatus(Integer value) { this.ordStatus = value; } public String getRemark() { return this.remark; } public void setRemark(String value) { this.remark = value; } public java.util.Date getCreateTime() { return this.createTime; } public void setCreateTime(java.util.Date value) { this.createTime = value; } public java.util.Date getUpdateTime() { return this.updateTime; } public void setUpdateTime(java.util.Date value) { this.updateTime = value; } public Double getOrderInterestAmount() { return orderInterestAmount; } public void setOrderInterestAmount(Double orderInterestAmount) { this.orderInterestAmount = orderInterestAmount; } public Double getOrderWithdrawalAmount() { return orderWithdrawalAmount; } public Double getProfit() { return profit; } public void setProfit(Double profit) { this.profit = profit; } public void setOrderWithdrawalAmount(Double orderWithdrawalAmount) { this.orderWithdrawalAmount = orderWithdrawalAmount; } public Double getDeductPerMonth() { return deductPerMonth; } public void setDeductPerMonth(Double deductPerMonth) { this.deductPerMonth = deductPerMonth; } public String getcName() { return cName; } public void setcName(String cName) { this.cName = cName; } public String getcId() { return cId; } public void setcId(String cId) { this.cId = cId; } public Double getRechargeMoney() { return rechargeMoney; } public void setRechargeMoney(Double rechargeMoney) { this.rechargeMoney = rechargeMoney; } /** * @return rateType */ public String getRateType() { return rateType; } /** * @param rateType * the rateType to set */ public void setRateType(String rateType) { this.rateType = rateType; } /** * @return orderSubType */ public String getOrderSubType() { return orderSubType; } /** * @param orderSubType * the orderSubType to set */ public void setOrderSubType(String orderSubType) { this.orderSubType = orderSubType; } public Double getRate() { return rate; } public void setRate(Double rate) { this.rate = rate; } public String getDeductPerMonthText() { return deductPerMonthText; } public void setDeductPerMonthText(String deductPerMonthText) { this.deductPerMonthText = deductPerMonthText; } public String getBillingDateText() { return billingDateText; } public void setBillingDateText(String billingDateText) { this.billingDateText = billingDateText; } public String getBillingAddressText() { return billingAddressText; } public void setBillingAddressText(String billingAddressText) { this.billingAddressText = billingAddressText; } public String getCarNumber() { return carNumber; } public void setCarNumber(String carNumber) { this.carNumber = carNumber; } @Override public String toString() { return "订单信息{" + "ordId=" + ordId + ", 用户id=" + userId + ", 彩生活订单号='" + ordNo + '\'' + ", 投资金额=" + investAmount + ", 缴费金额=" + deductAmount + ", 每月缴费金额=" + deductPerMonth + ", 收益=" + profit + ", 缴费地址='" + billingAddress + '\'' + ", 小区名称='" + cName + '\'' + ", 开始时间=" + beginDate + ", 结束时间=" + endDate + ", 下单日期=" + ordDate + ", cId='" + cId + '\'' + ", ordType=" + ordType + ", ordStatus=" + ordStatus + ", remark='" + remark + '\'' + ", createTime=" + createTime + ", updateTime=" + updateTime + ", orderInterestAmount=" + orderInterestAmount + ", orderWithdrawalAmount=" + orderWithdrawalAmount + ", rateType=" + rateType + ", orderSubType=" + orderSubType + '}'; } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getOrdId()).toHashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof ActivityOrderDo == false) { return false; } if (this == obj) { return true; } ActivityOrderDo other = (ActivityOrderDo) obj; return new EqualsBuilder().append(getOrdId(), other.getOrdId()).isEquals(); } }