package com.sp2p.dao.admin; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import com.shove.util.BeanMapUtils; import com.sp2p.constants.IConstants; import com.sp2p.database.Dao; public class FIManageDao { public Map<String, String> queryOneFirstChargeDetails(Connection conn, long rechargeId) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_user_rechargefirst_lists t_recharge_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_user_rechargefirst_lists(); DataSet ds =, "*", "id=" + rechargeId, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } public Map<String, String> queryOneChargeDetails(Connection conn, long rechargeId) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_user_rechargedetails_list t_recharge_detail = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_user_rechargedetails_list(); DataSet ds =, "*", "id=" + rechargeId, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } public Map<String, String> queryOneWithdraw(Connection conn, long wid) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_user_withdraw_lists t_list = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_user_withdraw_lists(); DataSet ds =, "*", "id=" + wid, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } /** * 后台 进行充值扣费信息添加处理 * * @param conn * @param paramMap * @return * @throws SQLException */ public long addBackR_W(Connection conn, Long userId, Long adminId, Integer type, double money, String remark, Date date) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_recharge_withdraw_info t_info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_recharge_withdraw_info(); t_info.userId.setValue(userId); t_info.type.setValue(type); t_info.dealMoney.setValue(money); t_info.remark.setValue(remark); t_info.checkUser.setValue(adminId); t_info.checkTime.setValue(date); return t_info.insert(conn); } // 后台查询还款记录 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void queryBorrowneedpayByIdAdmin(Connection conn, long borrowId, HttpServletRequest request) throws SQLException, DataException { // 历史还款记录 List<Map<String, Object>> record = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String sql = "select repayPeriod,repayDate, stillPrincipal+stillInterest as stillPI,stillInterest,lateFI,lateDay,realRepayDate from t_repayment"; sql += " where repayStatus=2 and borrowId=" + borrowId + " order by repayPeriod desc"; DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); record = dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; // 当前的还款记录 Map<String, Object> curr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); sql = " SELECT as borrowId,IFNULL(tpr.consultFee,'--')consultFee,tpr.repayFee, c.username AS username, d.realName AS realName, b.borrowTitle AS borrowTitle, b.borrowAmount borrowAmount,"; sql += " b.deadline deadline, b.annualRate annualRate, IFNULL(a.repayPeriod,'--') repayPeriod, IFNULL(a.repayDate,'--') repayDate, IFNULL(a.stillInterest + a.stillPrincipal,'--') stillPI,"; sql += " IFNULL(a.stillInterest,'--') stillInterest, IFNULL(a.lateFI,'--') lateFI, IFNULL(a.lateDay,'--') lateDay, IFNULL(a.realRepayDate,'--') realRepayDate, IFNULL(a.repayStatus,3) repayStatus, payId "; sql += " FROM t_borrow b LEFT JOIN (select * from t_repayment where repayStatus=1) a ON a.borrowId = LEFT JOIN t_user c ON b.publisher = "; sql += " LEFT JOIN t_person d ON = d.userId left join t_repayment tpr on tpr.borrowId = and tpr.repayStatus=1 where" + borrowId + " LIMIT 0,1"; dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); List<Map<String, Object>> temp = dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; if (temp != null && temp.size() > 0) curr = temp.get(0); request.setAttribute("curr", curr); request.setAttribute("record", record); } /** * 更新资金流动信息表 */ public Long updateFundrecord(Connection conn, Long userId, double money, int type) throws SQLException { if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW) {// 扣费 ResultSet result = conn.prepareStatement(" select usableSum from t_user where id=" + userId).executeQuery(); if ( { Double usableSum = result.getDouble("usableSum"); if (usableSum < money) return -99L; } return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set `usableSum` = usableSum-" + money + " where id=" + userId); } else if (type == IConstants.RECHARAGE) {// 充值 return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set `usableSum` = usableSum+" + money + " where id=" + userId); } else if (type == IConstants.WITHDRAW_FAIL) {// 审核或者转账失败(将提现的金额变成可用余额) return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set `usableSum` = usableSum+" + money + ", `freezeSum`=freezeSum-" + money + " where id=" + userId); } else if (type == 100) {// 转账成功(将冻结余额扣除)IConstants.WITHDRAW_SUCCESS = return MySQL.executeNonQuery(conn, " update t_user set `freezeSum`=freezeSum-" + money + " where id=" + userId); } else { return -1L; } } /** * 某用户充值成功总额 * * @param conn * @param userId * @param result * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> querySuccessRecharge(Connection conn, Long userId, int result) throws SQLException, DataException { String command = "SELECT sum(rechargeMoney) as r_total from t_recharge_detail where userId=" + userId + " and result=" + result; DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 某用户2个月提现成功总额 * * @param conn * @param userId * @param result * @return * @throws SQLException * @throws DataException */ public Map<String, String> querySuccessWithdraw(Connection conn, Long userId, int result) throws SQLException, DataException { String command = "SELECT sum(sum) as w_total from t_withdraw where userId=" + userId + " and status=" + result +" and applyTime>=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 2 MONTH )"; DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } /** * 投标成功总额 * * @throws SQLException */ public Map<String, String> querySuccessBid(Connection conn, Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_user_successtotalbid_lists lists = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_user_successtotalbid_lists(); DataSet dataSet =, "*", "investor=" + userId, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } // 查询状态,如果已经转账过了,就不再转账 public Map<String, String> queryTransStatus(Connection conn, Long wid) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Tables.t_withdraw t_info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_withdraw(); DataSet dataSet =, "*", "id=" + wid, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public Long updateWithdraw(Connection conn, Long wid, double money, float poundage, int status, String remark, Long adminId, int oldStatus) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_withdraw t_info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_withdraw(); if (status >= 0) t_info.status.setValue(status); if (money >= 0) t_info.sum.setValue(money); if (remark != null) t_info.remark.setValue(remark); if (poundage >= 0) t_info.poundage.setValue(poundage); if (adminId != -100) t_info.checkId.setValue(adminId); t_info.checkTime.setValue(new Date()); return t_info.update(conn, " id=" + wid + " and status=" + oldStatus); } public Long updateWithdraws(Connection conn, String wids, int status, Long adminId) throws SQLException { String idStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql("'" + wids + "'"); String idSQL = "-2"; idStr = idStr.replaceAll("'", ""); String[] array = idStr.split(","); for (int n = 0; n <= array.length - 1; n++) { idSQL += "," + array[n]; } Dao.Tables.t_withdraw t_info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_withdraw(); t_info.checkId.setValue(adminId); t_info.status.setValue(status); return t_info.update(conn, " id in(" + idSQL + ")"); } public Map<String, String> queryR_WInfo(Connection conn, Long rwId) throws SQLException, DataException { Dao.Views.v_t_user_backrw_lists t_list = new Dao().new Views().new v_t_user_backrw_lists(); DataSet ds =, "*", "id=" + rwId, "", -1, -1); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(ds); } public Map<String, String> queryDueInSum(Connection conn, Long userId) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("select a.usableSum as usableSum ,a.freezeSum as freezeSum,sum(b.recivedPrincipal+b.recievedInterest-b.hasPrincipal-b.hasInterest) forPI"); command.append(" from t_user a left join t_invest b on = b.investor where" + userId + " group by"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); command = null; return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } public List<Map<String, Object>> queryLastRecord(Connection conn) throws SQLException, DataException { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("SELECT * from (select * from t_fundrecord ORDER BY recordTime desc ) a GROUP BY userId"); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); command = null; return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } //提现成功,更新当期提现金额为0.00 public Long updateWithdrawMoney(Connection conn,long wid) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_withdraw t_withdraw = new Dao().new Tables().new t_withdraw(); t_withdraw.sum.setValue(0); return t_withdraw.update(conn, " id in (" + wid + ")"); } /** * * 更新还款状态 * * @param conn * @param repaymentId * @return * @throws SQLException * [参数说明] * * @return Long [返回类型说明] * @exception throws [违例类型] [违例说明] * @see [类、类#方法、类#成员] */ public Long updateRepaymentById(Connection conn, String repaymentId) throws SQLException { String idStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(repaymentId); Dao.Tables.t_repayment t_repayment = new Dao().new Tables().new t_repayment(); t_repayment.repayStatus.setValue(2); t_repayment.realRepayDate.setValue(new Date()); return t_repayment.update(conn, " id in (" + idStr + ")"); } public Long updateBorrowById(Connection conn, String borrowId, String hasDeadline) throws SQLException { String[] bid = borrowId.split(","); String[] hasline = hasDeadline.split(","); Dao.Tables.t_borrow t_borrow; for (int i = 0, length = hasline.length; i < length; i++) { String idStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(bid[i]); String lineStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(hasline[i]); t_borrow = new Dao().new Tables().new t_borrow(); t_borrow.hasDeadline.setValue(Integer.parseInt(lineStr) + 1); t_borrow.update(conn, " id=" + idStr); } return 1L; } public Long insertRepaymentRecord(Connection conn, String repaymentId, String repayAmount, Long adminId, String addIP) throws SQLException { String[] repayid = repaymentId.split(","); String[] repayMount = repayAmount.split(","); Date now = new Date(); Dao.Tables.t_repayment_record t_repayment_record; for (int i = 0, length = repayMount.length; i < length; i++) { String repayidStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(repayid[i]); String amountStr = StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(repayMount[i]); t_repayment_record = new Dao().new Tables().new t_repayment_record(); t_repayment_record.repayId.setValue(Long.parseLong(repayidStr)); t_repayment_record.repayAmount.setValue(Double.parseDouble(amountStr)); t_repayment_record.oporator.setValue(adminId == null ? -1 : adminId); t_repayment_record.repayType.setValue("手动还款"); t_repayment_record.createTime.setValue(now); t_repayment_record.oporatorIp.setValue(addIP); t_repayment_record.insert(conn); } return 1L; } /** * 合和年 投资曲线收益 根据ID查询投资数据 * * @param conn * @param id * @throws Exception */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryInvestForYear(Connection conn, long userid) throws Exception { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append(" SELECT sum(realAmount) amount ,DATE_FORMAT(investTime,'%m') months from t_invest "); command.append(" WHERE year(investTime)=year(SYSDATE()) and investor=" + userid + " or oriInvestor=" + userid); command.append(" GROUP BY months ORDER BY months "); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } /** * 合和年 投资曲线收益 根据ID查询收益数据 */ public List<Map<String, Object>> queryIncomeForYear(Connection conn, long userid) throws Exception { StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer(); command.append("SELECT sum(hasPrincipal+hasInterest+recivedFI) amount ,DATE_FORMAT(repayDate,'%m') months from t_invest_repayment "); command.append(" WHERE year(repayDate)=year(SYSDATE()) and owner=" + userid + " "); command.append(" GROUP BY months ORDER BY months "); DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, command.toString()); dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.genRowsMap(); return dataSet.tables.get(0).rows.rowsMap; } public long deleteRechargeRecode(Connection conn, long id) throws SQLException { Dao.Tables.t_recharge_withdraw_info t_info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_recharge_withdraw_info(); return t_info.delete(conn, " id=" + id); } public long addMerCash(Connection conn, String userId, double transAmt, Long adminId) { Dao.Tables.t_merCash info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_merCash(); info.adminId.setValue(adminId); info.userId.setValue(userId); info.sum.setValue(transAmt); info.applyTime.setValue(new Date()); return info.insert(conn); } public long updateMerCash(Connection conn, long id, String cardNo, String poundage) { Dao.Tables.t_merCash info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_merCash(); info.cardNo.setValue(cardNo); info.poundage.setValue(poundage); info.status.setValue(1); return info.update(conn, "id=" + id); } /** * * 添加商户取现记录 * @param conn * @param userId * @param transAmt * @param adminId * @return * @return [参数说明] * */ public long addWithdraw(Connection conn, String username, String acount, String sum, String poundage, String applyTime, String bankId,String userId){ Dao.Tables.t_withdraw info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_withdraw(); info._name.setValue(username); info.acount.setValue(acount); info.sum.setValue(sum); info.poundage.setValue(poundage); info.applyTime.setValue(applyTime); info.bankId.setValue(bankId); info.userId.setValue(userId); info.status.setValue(2); return info.insert(conn); } /** * * @param userId * @fundMode 资金流水类型 * @transAmt 金额 * @date 时间 * @remarks 备注 * @cost 手续费 * @income 收入 * @spending 支出 */ public long addFundRecode(Connection conn, String userId, String fundMode, double transAmt, Date date, String remarks, double cost, double income, double spending) { Dao.Tables.t_fundrecord info = new Dao().new Tables().new t_fundrecord(); info.userId.setValue(userId); info.fundMode.setValue(fundMode); info.handleSum.setValue(transAmt); info.recordTime.setValue(date); info.remarks.setValue(remarks); info.cost.setValue(cost); info.income.setValue(income); info.spending.setValue(spending); return info.insert(conn); } public Map<String, String> queryReturnMoney(Connection conn, long userId) throws DataException { String sql = " select sum(hasPrincipal+hasInterest+recivedFI) as retSum from t_invest_repayment where repayStatus=2 and realRepayDate>=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 2 MONTH ) "; DataSet dataSet = MySQL.executeQuery(conn, sql); return BeanMapUtils.dataSetToMap(dataSet); } }