/* Copyright 2006 by Sean Luke and George Mason University Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 See the file "LICENSE" for more information */ package sim.app.celegans; /** Synapse is a simple synapse connection between two Cells. Cells have a "from" (outgoing) Cell, and a "to" (incoming) Cell. Synapses also have two types, type_chemical for chemical synapses and type_gap for gap junctions. These two types are closely correlated with the values returned by DisplaySynapses.java, so be careful when adding new types or changing their inherent values. Synapses also have a number, indicating the number of synapses from the one cell to the other (all such synapses are represented by the same Synapse object). */ public class Synapse extends Object { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; static int type_chemical=0; static int type_gap=1; public Cell from; public Cell to; public int type; public int number=1; public String toString() { String s = (type == type_chemical ? "chemical" : "gap"); if (number > 1) s = s + " (" + number + ")"; return s; } }