package; import sim.engine.*; import sim.field.continuous.*; import ec.util.*; import sim.physics2D.util.*; import java.awt.*; import sim.util.Double2D; import sim.physics2D.*; import sim.physics2D.integrator.*; public class Collisions extends SimState { public double xMin = 0; public double xMax = 200; public double yMin = 0; public double yMax = 200; public Continuous2D fieldEnvironment; public Collisions(long seed) { this(seed, 200, 200); } public Collisions(long seed, int width, int height) { super(seed); xMax = width; yMax = height; createGrids(); } void createGrids() { fieldEnvironment = new Continuous2D(25, (xMax - xMin), (yMax - yMin)); } int numCircles = 5; public int getNumCircles() { return numCircles; } public void setNumCircles(int val) { if (val >= 0) numCircles = val; } int numRectangles = 5; public int getNumRectangles() { return numRectangles; } public void setNumRectangles(int val) { if (val >= 0) numRectangles = val; } int size = 7; public int getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(int val) { if (val >= 0) size = val; } int wallPos = 10; public int getWallPos() { return wallPos; } public void setWallPos(int val) { wallPos = val; }; // Resets and starts a simulation public void start() { super.start(); // clear out the schedule createGrids(); PhysicsEngine2D objPE = new PhysicsEngine2D(); objPE.setODESolver(new ODEEulerSolver()); Double2D pos; Double2D vel; Wall wall; // WALLS // HORIZ /* pos = new Double2D(100,wallPos); wall = new Wall(pos, 250, 8); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(wall, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(wall); */ pos = new Double2D(100,wallPos); wall = new Wall(pos, 200 - wallPos * 2, 6); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(wall, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(wall); pos = new Double2D(100,200 - wallPos); wall = new Wall(pos, 200 - wallPos * 2, 6); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(wall, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(wall); // VERT pos = new Double2D(wallPos,100); wall = new Wall(pos, 6, 200 - wallPos * 2); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(wall, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(wall); pos = new Double2D(200 - wallPos,100); wall = new Wall(pos, 6, 200 - wallPos * 2); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(wall, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(wall); MobilePoly rec; for (int i = 0; i < numRectangles; i++) { pos = new Double2D(Math.max(Math.min(random.nextDouble()*(xMax), 196 - wallPos * 2), wallPos + 6), Math.max(Math.min(random.nextDouble()*(xMax), 196 - wallPos * 2), wallPos + 6)); if (random.nextDouble() < 0.25) vel = new Double2D(random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()); else if (random.nextDouble() < .5) vel = new Double2D(random.nextDouble(), -random.nextDouble()); else if (random.nextDouble() < .75) vel = new Double2D(-random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()); else vel = new Double2D(-random.nextDouble(), -random.nextDouble()); vel = vel.multiply(2); rec = new MobilePoly(pos, vel, size, size * 2,; fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(rec, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(rec); schedule.scheduleRepeating(rec); } MobileCircle circ; for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) { pos = new Double2D(Math.max(Math.min(random.nextDouble()*(xMax), 196 - wallPos * 2), wallPos + 6), Math.max(Math.min(random.nextDouble()*(xMax), 196 - wallPos * 2), wallPos + 6)); if (random.nextDouble() < 0.25) vel = new Double2D(random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()); else if (random.nextDouble() < .5) vel = new Double2D(random.nextDouble(), -random.nextDouble()); else if (random.nextDouble() < .75) vel = new Double2D(-random.nextDouble(), random.nextDouble()); else vel = new Double2D(-random.nextDouble(), -random.nextDouble()); circ = new MobileCircle(pos, vel, size); fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(circ, new sim.util.Double2D(pos.x, pos.y)); objPE.register(circ); schedule.scheduleRepeating(circ); } // schedule the physics engine schedule.scheduleRepeating(objPE); } public static void main(String[] args) { doLoop(Collisions.class, args); System.exit(0); } }