package; import java.awt.*; import sim.engine.*; import sim.physics2D.physicalObject.*; import sim.physics2D.forceGenerator.*; import sim.physics2D.util.*; import sim.util.Double2D; public class Bead extends MobileObject2D implements Steppable, ForceGenerator { public double radius; public boolean applyConstraints; public Bead(Double2D pos, Double2D vel, double radius) { // vary the mass with the size this.setShape(new sim.physics2D.shape.Circle(radius,, Math.PI * radius * radius); this.setPose(pos, new Angle(0)); this.radius = radius; this.setCoefficientOfFriction(0); this.setCoefficientOfRestitution(1); this.applyConstraints = true; } public void step(SimState state) { BeadWire simBeadWire = (BeadWire)state; Double2D position = this.getPosition(); simBeadWire.fieldEnvironment.setObjectLocation(this, new sim.util.Double2D(position.x, position.y)); } public void addForce() { // Add gravity force this.addForce(new Double2D(0, 1)); // Add constraint forces if (this.getVelocity().length() > 0 && this.applyConstraints) { double lambda = (this.getForceAccumulator().x - this.getForceAccumulator().y)/(this.getVelocity().y + this.getVelocity().x); this.addForce(new Double2D(-lambda * this.getVelocity().y, lambda * this.getVelocity().x)); } } }