/* * Copyright 1999-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ package com.sun.tools.javac.util; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; /** An abstraction for internal compiler strings. For efficiency reasons, * GJC uses hashed strings that are stored in a common large buffer. * * <p>Names represent unique hashable strings. Two names are equal * if their indices are equal. Utf8 representation is used * for storing names internally. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any API supported by Sun Microsystems. If * you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> */ public class Name implements javax.lang.model.element.Name { /** The table structure where the name is stored */ public Table table; /** The index where the bytes of this name are stored in the global name * buffer `names'. */ public int index; /** The number of bytes in this name. */ public int len; /** The next name occupying the same hash bucket. */ Name next; /** The hashcode of a name. */ private static int hashValue(byte cs[], int start, int len) { int h = 0; int off = start; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { h = (h << 5) - h + cs[off++]; } return h; } /** Is (the utf8 representation of) name equal to * cs[start..start+len-1]? */ private static boolean equals(byte[] names, int index, byte cs[], int start, int len) { int i = 0; while (i < len && names[index + i] == cs[start + i]) i++; return i == len; } /** Create a name from the bytes in cs[start..start+len-1]. * Assume that bytes are in utf8 format. */ public static Name fromUtf(Table table, byte cs[], int start, int len) { int h = hashValue(cs, start, len) & table.hashMask; Name n = table.hashes[h]; byte[] names = table.names; while (n != null && (n.len != len || !equals(names, n.index, cs, start, len))) n = n.next; if (n == null) { int nc = table.nc; while (nc + len > names.length) { // System.err.println("doubling name buffer of length + " + names.length + " to fit " + len + " bytes");//DEBUG byte[] newnames = new byte[names.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(names, 0, newnames, 0, names.length); names = table.names = newnames; } System.arraycopy(cs, start, names, nc, len); n = new Name(); n.table = table; n.index = nc; n.len = len; n.next = table.hashes[h]; table.hashes[h] = n; table.nc = nc + len; if (len == 0) table.nc++; } return n; } /** Create a name from the bytes in array cs. * Assume that bytes are in utf8 format. */ public static Name fromUtf(Table table, byte cs[]) { return fromUtf(table, cs, 0, cs.length); } /** Create a name from the characters in cs[start..start+len-1]. */ public static Name fromChars(Table table, char[] cs, int start, int len) { int nc = table.nc; byte[] names = table.names; while (nc + len * 3 >= names.length) { // System.err.println("doubling name buffer of length " + names.length + " to fit " + len + " chars");//DEBUG byte[] newnames = new byte[names.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(names, 0, newnames, 0, names.length); names = table.names = newnames; } int nbytes = Convert.chars2utf(cs, start, names, nc, len) - nc; int h = hashValue(names, nc, nbytes) & table.hashMask; Name n = table.hashes[h]; while (n != null && (n.len != nbytes || !equals(names, n.index, names, nc, nbytes))) n = n.next; if (n == null) { n = new Name(); n.table = table; n.index = nc; n.len = nbytes; n.next = table.hashes[h]; table.hashes[h] = n; table.nc = nc + nbytes; if (nbytes == 0) table.nc++; } return n; } /** Create a name from the characters in string s. */ public static Name fromString(Table table, String s) { char[] cs = s.toCharArray(); return fromChars(table, cs, 0, cs.length); } /** Create a name from the characters in char sequence s. */ public static Name fromString(Table table, CharSequence s) { return fromString(table, s.toString()); } /** Return the Utf8 representation of this name. */ public byte[] toUtf() { byte[] bs = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(table.names, index, bs, 0, len); return bs; } /** Return the string representation of this name. */ public String toString() { return Convert.utf2string(table.names, index, len); } /** Copy all bytes of this name to buffer cs, starting at start. */ public void getBytes(byte cs[], int start) { System.arraycopy(table.names, index, cs, start, len); } /** Return the hash value of this name. */ public int hashCode() { return index; } /** Is this name equal to other? */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Name) return table == ((Name)other).table && index == ((Name)other).index; else return false; } /** Compare this name to other name, yielding -1 if smaller, 0 if equal, * 1 if greater. */ public boolean less(Name that) { int i = 0; while (i < this.len && i < that.len) { byte thisb = this.table.names[this.index + i]; byte thatb = that.table.names[that.index + i]; if (thisb < thatb) return true; else if (thisb > thatb) return false; else i++; } return this.len < that.len; } /** Returns the length of this name. */ public int length() { return toString().length(); } /** Returns i'th byte of this name. */ public byte byteAt(int i) { return table.names[index + i]; } /** Returns first occurrence of byte b in this name, len if not found. */ public int indexOf(byte b) { byte[] names = table.names; int i = 0; while (i < len && names[index + i] != b) i++; return i; } /** Returns last occurrence of byte b in this name, -1 if not found. */ public int lastIndexOf(byte b) { byte[] names = table.names; int i = len - 1; while (i >= 0 && names[index + i] != b) i--; return i; } /** Does this name start with prefix? */ public boolean startsWith(Name prefix) { int i = 0; while (i < prefix.len && i < len && table.names[index + i] == prefix.table.names[prefix.index + i]) i++; return i == prefix.len; } /** Does this name end with suffix? */ public boolean endsWith(Name suffix) { int i = len - 1; int j = suffix.len - 1; while (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && table.names[index + i] == suffix.table.names[suffix.index + j]) { i--; j--; } return j < 0; } /** Returns the sub-name starting at position start, up to and * excluding position end. */ public Name subName(int start, int end) { if (end < start) end = start; return fromUtf(table, table.names, index + start, end - start); } /** Replace all `from' bytes in this name with `to' bytes. */ public Name replace(byte from, byte to) { byte[] names = table.names; int i = 0; while (i < len) { if (names[index + i] == from) { byte[] bs = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(names, index, bs, 0, i); bs[i] = to; i++; while (i < len) { byte b = names[index + i]; bs[i] = b == from ? to : b; i++; } return fromUtf(table, bs, 0, len); } i++; } return this; } /** Return the concatenation of this name and name `n'. */ public Name append(Name n) { byte[] bs = new byte[len + n.len]; getBytes(bs, 0); n.getBytes(bs, len); return fromUtf(table, bs, 0, bs.length); } /** Return the concatenation of this name, the given ASCII * character, and name `n'. */ public Name append(char c, Name n) { byte[] bs = new byte[len + n.len + 1]; getBytes(bs, 0); bs[len] = (byte)c; n.getBytes(bs, len+1); return fromUtf(table, bs, 0, bs.length); } /** An arbitrary but consistent complete order among all Names. */ public int compareTo(Name other) { return other.index - this.index; } /** Return the concatenation of all names in the array `ns'. */ public static Name concat(Table table, Name ns[]) { int len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) len = len + ns[i].len; byte[] bs = new byte[len]; len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) { ns[i].getBytes(bs, len); len = len + ns[i].len; } return fromUtf(table, bs, 0, len); } public char charAt(int index) { return toString().charAt(index); } public CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end) { return toString().subSequence(start, end); } public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence cs) { return this.toString().equals(cs.toString()); } public static class Table { // maintain a freelist of recently used name tables for reuse. private static List<SoftReference<Table>> freelist = List.nil(); static private synchronized Table make() { while (freelist.nonEmpty()) { Table t = freelist.head.get(); freelist = freelist.tail; if (t != null) return t; } return new Table(); } static private synchronized void dispose(Table t) { freelist = freelist.prepend(new SoftReference<Table>(t)); } public void dispose() { dispose(this); } public static final Context.Key<Table> namesKey = new Context.Key<Table>(); public static Table instance(Context context) { Table instance = context.get(namesKey); if (instance == null) { instance = make(); context.put(namesKey, instance); } return instance; } /** The hash table for names. */ private Name[] hashes; /** The array holding all encountered names. */ public byte[] names; /** The mask to be used for hashing */ private int hashMask; /** The number of filled bytes in `names'. */ private int nc = 0; /** Allocator * @param hashSize the (constant) size to be used for the hash table * needs to be a power of two. * @param nameSize the initial size of the name table. */ public Table(int hashSize, int nameSize) { hashMask = hashSize - 1; hashes = new Name[hashSize]; names = new byte[nameSize]; slash = fromString("/"); hyphen = fromString("-"); T = fromString("T"); slashequals = fromString("/="); deprecated = fromString("deprecated"); init = fromString("<init>"); clinit = fromString("<clinit>"); error = fromString("<error>"); any = fromString("<any>"); empty = fromString(""); one = fromString("1"); period = fromString("."); comma = fromString(","); semicolon = fromString(";"); asterisk = fromString("*"); _this = fromString("this"); _super = fromString("super"); _default = fromString("default"); _class = fromString("class"); java_lang = fromString("java.lang"); java_lang_Object = fromString("java.lang.Object"); java_lang_Class = fromString("java.lang.Class"); java_lang_Cloneable = fromString("java.lang.Cloneable"); java_io_Serializable = fromString("java.io.Serializable"); java_lang_Enum = fromString("java.lang.Enum"); package_info = fromString("package-info"); serialVersionUID = fromString("serialVersionUID"); ConstantValue = fromString("ConstantValue"); LineNumberTable = fromString("LineNumberTable"); LocalVariableTable = fromString("LocalVariableTable"); LocalVariableTypeTable = fromString("LocalVariableTypeTable"); CharacterRangeTable = fromString("CharacterRangeTable"); StackMap = fromString("StackMap"); StackMapTable = fromString("StackMapTable"); SourceID = fromString("SourceID"); CompilationID = fromString("CompilationID"); Code = fromString("Code"); Exceptions = fromString("Exceptions"); SourceFile = fromString("SourceFile"); InnerClasses = fromString("InnerClasses"); Synthetic = fromString("Synthetic"); Bridge= fromString("Bridge"); Deprecated = fromString("Deprecated"); Enum = fromString("Enum"); _name = fromString("name"); Signature = fromString("Signature"); Varargs = fromString("Varargs"); Annotation = fromString("Annotation"); RuntimeVisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"); RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations"); RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations"); RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations"); Value = fromString("Value"); EnclosingMethod = fromString("EnclosingMethod"); desiredAssertionStatus = fromString("desiredAssertionStatus"); append = fromString("append"); family = fromString("family"); forName = fromString("forName"); toString = fromString("toString"); length = fromString("length"); valueOf = fromString("valueOf"); value = fromString("value"); getMessage = fromString("getMessage"); getClass = fromString("getClass"); TYPE = fromString("TYPE"); FIELD = fromString("FIELD"); METHOD = fromString("METHOD"); PARAMETER = fromString("PARAMETER"); CONSTRUCTOR = fromString("CONSTRUCTOR"); LOCAL_VARIABLE = fromString("LOCAL_VARIABLE"); ANNOTATION_TYPE = fromString("ANNOTATION_TYPE"); PACKAGE = fromString("PACKAGE"); SOURCE = fromString("SOURCE"); CLASS = fromString("CLASS"); RUNTIME = fromString("RUNTIME"); Array = fromString("Array"); Method = fromString("Method"); Bound = fromString("Bound"); clone = fromString("clone"); getComponentType = fromString("getComponentType"); getClassLoader = fromString("getClassLoader"); initCause = fromString("initCause"); values = fromString("values"); iterator = fromString("iterator"); hasNext = fromString("hasNext"); next = fromString("next"); AnnotationDefault = fromString("AnnotationDefault"); ordinal = fromString("ordinal"); equals = fromString("equals"); hashCode = fromString("hashCode"); compareTo = fromString("compareTo"); getDeclaringClass = fromString("getDeclaringClass"); ex = fromString("ex"); finalize = fromString("finalize"); } public Table() { this(0x8000, 0x20000); } /** Create a name from the bytes in cs[start..start+len-1]. * Assume that bytes are in utf8 format. */ public Name fromUtf(byte cs[], int start, int len) { return Name.fromUtf(this, cs, start, len); } /** Create a name from the bytes in array cs. * Assume that bytes are in utf8 format. */ public Name fromUtf(byte cs[]) { return Name.fromUtf(this, cs, 0, cs.length); } /** Create a name from the characters in cs[start..start+len-1]. */ public Name fromChars(char[] cs, int start, int len) { return Name.fromChars(this, cs, start, len); } /** Create a name from the characters in string s. */ public Name fromString(CharSequence s) { return Name.fromString(this, s); } public final Name slash; public final Name hyphen; public final Name T; public final Name slashequals; public final Name deprecated; public final Name init; public final Name clinit; public final Name error; public final Name any; public final Name empty; public final Name one; public final Name period; public final Name comma; public final Name semicolon; public final Name asterisk; public final Name _this; public final Name _super; public final Name _default; public final Name _class; public final Name java_lang; public final Name java_lang_Object; public final Name java_lang_Class; public final Name java_lang_Cloneable; public final Name java_io_Serializable; public final Name serialVersionUID; public final Name java_lang_Enum; public final Name package_info; public final Name ConstantValue; public final Name LineNumberTable; public final Name LocalVariableTable; public final Name LocalVariableTypeTable; public final Name CharacterRangeTable; public final Name StackMap; public final Name StackMapTable; public final Name SourceID; public final Name CompilationID; public final Name Code; public final Name Exceptions; public final Name SourceFile; public final Name InnerClasses; public final Name Synthetic; public final Name Bridge; public final Name Deprecated; public final Name Enum; public final Name _name; public final Name Signature; public final Name Varargs; public final Name Annotation; public final Name RuntimeVisibleAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations; public final Name RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations; public final Name Value; public final Name EnclosingMethod; public final Name desiredAssertionStatus; public final Name append; public final Name family; public final Name forName; public final Name toString; public final Name length; public final Name valueOf; public final Name value; public final Name getMessage; public final Name getClass; public final Name TYPE; public final Name FIELD; public final Name METHOD; public final Name PARAMETER; public final Name CONSTRUCTOR; public final Name LOCAL_VARIABLE; public final Name ANNOTATION_TYPE; public final Name PACKAGE; public final Name SOURCE; public final Name CLASS; public final Name RUNTIME; public final Name Array; public final Name Method; public final Name Bound; public final Name clone; public final Name getComponentType; public final Name getClassLoader; public final Name initCause; public final Name values; public final Name iterator; public final Name hasNext; public final Name next; public final Name AnnotationDefault; public final Name ordinal; public final Name equals; public final Name hashCode; public final Name compareTo; public final Name getDeclaringClass; public final Name ex; public final Name finalize; } public boolean isEmpty() { return len == 0; } }