/* * Copyright 1999-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ /* * COMPONENT_NAME: idl.toJava * * ORIGINS: 27 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * 5639-D57 (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 1999 * RMI-IIOP v1.0 * */ package com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.toJavaPortable; // NOTES: import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.AttributeEntry; import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.GenFileStream; import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.InterfaceEntry; import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.MethodEntry; import com.sun.tools.corba.se.idl.SymtabEntry; /** * **/ public class Stub implements AuxGen { /** * Public zero-argument constructor. **/ public Stub () { } // ctor /** * **/ public void generate (Hashtable symbolTable, SymtabEntry entry) { this.symbolTable = symbolTable; this.i = (InterfaceEntry)entry; this.localStub = i.isLocalServant(); this.isAbstract = i.isAbstract( ); init (); openStream (); if (stream == null) return; writeHeading (); writeBody (); writeClosing (); closeStream (); } // generate /** * Initialize unique members of this generator. **/ protected void init () { classSuffix = "Stub"; } // init /** * **/ protected void openStream () { String name = '_' + i.name () + classSuffix; String pkg = Util.containerFullName (i.container ()); if (pkg != null && !pkg.equals ("")) { Util.mkdir (pkg); name = pkg + '/' + name; } stream = Util.getStream (name.replace ('/', File.separatorChar) + ".java", i); } // openStream /** * **/ protected void writeHeading () { Util.writePackage (stream, i, Util.StubFile); Util.writeProlog (stream, ((GenFileStream)stream).name ()); // Transfer interface comment to target <31jul1997>. if (i.comment () != null) i.comment ().generate ("", stream); writeClassDeclaration (); stream.println ('{'); } // writeHeading /** * **/ protected void writeClassDeclaration () { stream.print ("public class _" + i.name () + classSuffix + " extends org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl"); stream.println (" implements " + Util.javaName (i)); } // writeClassDeclaration /** * Steps done within writeBody include: * 1.) makeCtors (); * 2.) buildMethodList (); * 3.) makeMethods (); * 4.) makeCORBAObjectMethods () **/ protected void writeBody () { writeCtors (); buildMethodList (); writeMethods (); writeCORBAObjectMethods (); writeSerializationMethods (); } // writeBody /** * **/ protected void writeClosing () { stream.println ("} // class _" + i.name () + classSuffix); } // writeClosing /** * **/ protected void closeStream () { stream.close (); } // closeStream /** * **/ protected void writeCtors () { String name = i.name (); /*** the constructors are not generated as per ptc/00-01-08.pdf * since these are non-standard APIs, and same can be accomplished * programatically, we need to comment this out, in order to * be able to generate standard stubs */ /************* stream.println (" // Constructors"); stream.println (" // NOTE: If the default constructor is used, the"); stream.println (" // object is useless until _set_delegate (...)"); stream.println (" // is called."); stream.println (" public _" + name + classSuffix + " ()"); stream.println (" {"); stream.println (" super ();"); stream.println (" }"); stream.println (); stream.println (" public _" + name + classSuffix + " (org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate delegate)"); stream.println (" {"); stream.println (" super ();"); stream.println (" _set_delegate (delegate);"); stream.println (" }"); ***************/ // This is confusing since we have localOptimization flag as well. // We have left this code because JCK team filed a P1 bug for changing // _opsClass to $opsClass. Will clean it up in Tiger // _REVISIT_ (Hemanth 03/05/2002) if (localStub) { stream.println (" final public static java.lang.Class _opsClass = " + name + "Operations.class;"); stream.println (); } stream.println (); } // writeCtors /** * Build a list of all of the methods, keeping out duplicates. **/ protected void buildMethodList () { // Start from scratch methodList = new Vector (); buildMethodList (i); } // buildMethodList /** * **/ private void buildMethodList (InterfaceEntry entry) { // Add the local methods Enumeration locals = entry.methods ().elements (); while (locals.hasMoreElements ()) addMethod ((MethodEntry)locals.nextElement ()); // Add the inherited methods Enumeration parents = entry.derivedFrom ().elements (); while (parents.hasMoreElements ()) { InterfaceEntry parent = (InterfaceEntry)parents.nextElement (); if (!parent.name ().equals ("Object")) buildMethodList (parent); } } // buildMethodList /** * **/ private void addMethod (MethodEntry method) { if (!methodList.contains (method)) methodList.addElement (method); } // addMethod /** * **/ protected void writeMethods () { // Count the methods, attributes which are not readonly are // counted as 2 methods. int count = methodList.size (); Enumeration e = methodList.elements (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { Object method = e.nextElement (); if (method instanceof AttributeEntry && !((AttributeEntry)method).readOnly ()) ++count; } if( (((Arguments)Compile.compiler.arguments).LocalOptimization ) && !isAbstract ) { stream.println( " final public static java.lang.Class _opsClass =" ); stream.println( " " + this.i.name() + "Operations.class;" ); } // Write the methods int realI = 0; for (int i = 0; i < methodList.size (); ++i) { MethodEntry method = (MethodEntry)methodList.elementAt (i); if (!localStub) { ((MethodGen)method.generator ()).stub (this.i.name(), isAbstract, symbolTable, method, stream, realI); } else { ((MethodGen)method.generator ()).localstub (symbolTable, method, stream, realI, this.i); } if (method instanceof AttributeEntry && !((AttributeEntry)method).readOnly ()) realI += 2; else ++realI; } } // writeMethods /** * **/ private void buildIDList (InterfaceEntry entry, Vector list) { if (!entry.fullName ().equals ("org/omg/CORBA/Object")) { String id = Util.stripLeadingUnderscoresFromID (entry.repositoryID ().ID ()); if (!list.contains (id)) list.addElement (id); Enumeration e = entry.derivedFrom ().elements (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) buildIDList ((InterfaceEntry)e.nextElement (), list); } } // buildIDList /** * **/ private void writeIDs () { Vector list = new Vector (); buildIDList (i, list); Enumeration e = list.elements (); boolean first = true; while (e.hasMoreElements ()) { if (first) first = false; else stream.println (", "); stream.print (" \"" + (String)e.nextElement () + '"'); } } // writeIDs /** * **/ protected void writeCORBAObjectMethods () { stream.println (" // Type-specific CORBA::Object operations"); stream.println (" private static String[] __ids = {"); writeIDs (); stream.println ("};"); stream.println (); stream.println (" public String[] _ids ()"); stream.println (" {"); stream.println (" return (String[])__ids.clone ();"); stream.println (" }"); stream.println (); } // writeCORBAObjectMethods /** * **/ protected void writeSerializationMethods () { stream.println (" private void readObject (java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws java.io.IOException"); stream.println (" {"); stream.println (" String str = s.readUTF ();"); stream.println (" String[] args = null;"); stream.println (" java.util.Properties props = null;"); stream.println (" org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init (args, props).string_to_object (str);"); stream.println (" org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate delegate = ((org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl) obj)._get_delegate ();"); stream.println (" _set_delegate (delegate);"); stream.println (" }"); stream.println (); stream.println (" private void writeObject (java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws java.io.IOException"); stream.println (" {"); stream.println (" String[] args = null;"); stream.println (" java.util.Properties props = null;"); stream.println (" String str = org.omg.CORBA.ORB.init (args, props).object_to_string (this);"); stream.println (" s.writeUTF (str);"); stream.println (" }"); } protected Hashtable symbolTable = null; protected InterfaceEntry i = null; protected PrintWriter stream = null; // Unique to this generator protected Vector methodList = null; protected String classSuffix = ""; protected boolean localStub = false; private boolean isAbstract = false; } // class Stub