/* * Copyright 2002-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ /** * @test * @bug 4472841 4703640 4705681 4705683 4833095 5005831 * @summary Verify that constructor exceptions are thrown as expected. */ import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class Exceptions { private static final byte [] b = { 0x48, 0x69, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x44, 0x75, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x21 }; private static final char [] c = "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!".toCharArray(); private static boolean ok = true; private static void fail(Class ex, String s) { ok = false; System.err.println("expected " + ex.getName() + " for " + s + " - FAILED"); } private static void pass(String s) { System.out.println(s + " -- OK"); } private static void tryCatch(String s, Class ex, Runnable thunk) { Throwable t = null; try { thunk.run(); } catch (Throwable x) { if (ex.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())) t = x; else x.printStackTrace(); } if ((t == null) && (ex != null)) fail(ex, s); else pass(s); } // -- Constructors -- private static void noArgs() { System.out.println("String()"); tryCatch(" default ctor", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(); }}); } private static void string() { System.out.println("String(String original)"); tryCatch(" \"foo\"", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String("foo"); }}); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((String) null); }}); } private static void charArray() { System.out.println("String(char value[])"); tryCatch(" char [] = \"Duke says \"Hi!\"\"", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String("Duke says \"Hi!\"".toCharArray()); }}); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((char []) null); }}); } private static void charArrayOffCount() { System.out.println("String(char value[], int offset, int count)"); tryCatch(" c, 0, 3", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(c, 0, 3); }}); tryCatch(" null, 1, 2", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((char []) null, 1, 2); }}); tryCatch(" c, -1, 4", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(c, -1, 4); }}); tryCatch(" c, 1, -1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(c, 1, -1); }}); tryCatch(" c, c.lengh + 1, 1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(c, c.length + 1, 1); }}); tryCatch(" c, 0, c.length + 1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(c, 0, c.length + 1); }}); } private static void byteArrayHiOffCount() { System.out.println("String(byte ascii[], int hibyte, int offset, " + "int count)"); tryCatch(" b, 0, 0, b.length", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println(new String(b, 0, 0, b.length)); }}); tryCatch(" b, -1, 4, 4", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, -1, 4, 4); }}); tryCatch(" null, 0, 0, 0", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((byte[]) null, 0, 0, 0); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, -1, r", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, -1, 4); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, 4, -1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, 4, -1); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, b.length + 1, 1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, b.length + 1, 1); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, 0, b.length + 1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, 0, b.length + 1); }}); } private static void byteArrayHi() { System.out.println("String(byte ascii[], int hibyte)"); tryCatch(" b, 0", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0); }}); tryCatch(" null, 0", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((byte []) null, 0); }}); } private static void byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(String s, Class ex, byte [] b, int off, int len, Object cs) { Throwable t = null; try { if (cs instanceof String) new String(b, off, len, (String)cs); else // (cs instanceof Charset) new String(b, off, len, (Charset)cs); } catch (Throwable x) { if (ex.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())) t = x; else x.printStackTrace(); } if ((t == null) && (ex != null)) fail(ex, s); else pass(s); } private static void byteArrayOffLengthCharsetName() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, " + "String charsetName)"); System.out.println(" throws UnsupportedEncodingException"); String enc = "UTF-8"; byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, 0," + enc, null, b, 0, 0, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" null, 0, 0," + enc, NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, 0, 0, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, -1, 0, " + enc, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, -1, 0, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, -1, " + enc, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, 0, -1, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, b.length + 1, 1, " + enc, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, b.length + 1, 1, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, b.length + 1 " + enc, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, 0, b.length + 1, enc); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, -1, 0, null", NullPointerException.class, b, -1, 0, null); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, b.length, foo", UnsupportedEncodingException.class, b, 0, b.length, "foo"); } private static void byteArrayOffLengthCharset() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, " + "Charset charset)"); Charset cs = Charset.forName("UTF-16BE"); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, 0," + cs, null, b, 0, 0, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" null, 0, 0," + cs, NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, 0, 0, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, -1, 0, " + cs, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, -1, 0, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, -1, " + cs, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, 0, -1, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, b.length + 1, 1, " + cs, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, b.length + 1, 1, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, 0, b.length + 1 " + cs, IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, b, 0, b.length + 1, cs); byteArrayOffLengthCharset0(" b, -1, 0, null", NullPointerException.class, b, -1, 0, null); } private static void byteArrayCharset0(String s, Class ex, byte [] b, Object cs) { Throwable t = null; try { if (cs instanceof String) new String(b, (String)cs); else // (cs instanceof Charset) new String(b, (Charset)cs); } catch (Throwable x) { if (ex.isAssignableFrom(x.getClass())) t = x; else x.printStackTrace(); } if ((t == null) && (ex != null)) fail(ex, s); else pass(s); } private static void byteArrayCharsetName() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[], String charsetName)"); System.out.println(" throws UnsupportedEncodingException"); String enc = "US-ASCII"; byteArrayCharset0(" b, " + enc, null, b, enc); byteArrayCharset0(" null, " + enc, NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, enc); byteArrayCharset0(" b, null", NullPointerException.class, b, null); byteArrayCharset0(" null, null", NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, null); byteArrayCharset0(" b, bar", UnsupportedEncodingException.class, b, "bar"); } private static void byteArrayCharset() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[], Charset charset)"); Charset cs = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); byteArrayCharset0(" b, " + cs, null, b, cs); byteArrayCharset0(" null, " + cs, NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, cs); byteArrayCharset0(" b, null", NullPointerException.class, b, null); byteArrayCharset0(" null, null", NullPointerException.class, (byte []) null, null); } private static void byteArrayOffLength() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length)"); tryCatch(" b, 0, b.length", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, b.length); }}); tryCatch(" null, 0, 0", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((byte []) null, 0, 0); }}); tryCatch(" b, -1, b.length", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, -1, b.length); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, -1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, -1); }}); tryCatch(" b, b.length + 1, 1", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, b.length + 1, 1); }}); tryCatch(" b, 0, b.length", IndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b, 0, b.length + 1); }}); } private static void byteArray() { System.out.println("String(byte bytes[])"); tryCatch(" b", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(b); }}); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((byte []) null); }}); } private static void stringBuffer() { System.out.println("String(StringBuffer buffer)"); tryCatch(" \"bar\"", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String(new StringBuffer("bar")); }}); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { new String((StringBuffer) null); }}); } // -- Methods -- private static void getChars() { System.out.println("getChars.(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char dst[], " + " int dstBegin"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".getChars(1, 2, null, 1); }}); } private static void getBytes() { System.out.println("getChars.(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char dst[], " + " int dstBegin"); tryCatch(" 1, 2, null, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".getBytes(1, 2, null, 1); }}); System.out.println("getBytes.(String charsetName)" + " throws UnsupportedEncodingException"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { "foo".getBytes((String)null); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException x) { throw new RuntimeException(x); } }}); System.out.println("getBytes.(Charset charset)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".getBytes((Charset)null); }}); } private static void contentEquals() { System.out.println("contentEquals(StringBuffer sb)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".contentEquals(null); }}); } private static void compareTo() { System.out.println("compareTo(String anotherString)"); tryCatch(" (String) null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".compareTo((String) null); }}); /* 4830291 (javac generics bug) causes this test to fail System.out.println("compareTo(Object o)"); tryCatch(" (Object) null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".compareTo((Object) null); }}); */ } private static void compareToIgnoreCase() { System.out.println("compareToIgnoreCase(String anotherString)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".compareToIgnoreCase((String) null); }}); } private static void regionMatches() { System.out.println("regionMatches(int toffset, String other," + " int ooffset, int len)"); tryCatch(" 1, null, 1, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".regionMatches(1, null, 1, 1); }}); System.out.println("regionMatches(boolean ignore, int toffset," + " String other, int ooffset, int len)"); tryCatch(" true, 1, null, 1, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".regionMatches(true, 1, null, 1, 1); }}); } private static void startsWith() { System.out.println("startsWith(String prefix, int toffset)"); tryCatch(" null, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".startsWith(null, 1); }}); System.out.println("startsWith(String prefix)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".startsWith(null); }}); } private static void endsWith() { System.out.println("endsWith(String suffix)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".endsWith(null); }}); } private static void indexOf() { System.out.println("indexOf(String str)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".indexOf(null); }}); System.out.println("indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)"); tryCatch(" null, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".indexOf(null, 1); }}); } private static void lastIndexOf() { System.out.println("lastIndexOf(String str)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".lastIndexOf(null); }}); System.out.println("lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)"); tryCatch(" null, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".lastIndexOf(null, 1); }}); } private static void concat() { System.out.println("concat(String str)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".concat(null); }}); } private static void matches() { System.out.println("matches(String regex)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".matches(null); }}); } private static void replaceFirst() { System.out.println("replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)"); tryCatch(" \".\", null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".replaceFirst(".", null); }}); tryCatch(" null, \"-\"", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".replaceFirst(null, "-"); }}); } private static void replaceAll() { System.out.println("replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)"); tryCatch(" \".\", null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".replaceAll(".", null); }}); tryCatch(" null, \"-\"", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".replaceAll(null, "-"); }}); } private static void split() { System.out.println("split(String regex, int limit)"); tryCatch(" null, 1", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".split(null, 1); }}); System.out.println("split(String regex, int limit)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".split(null); }}); } private static void toLowerCase() { System.out.println("toLowerCase(Locale locale)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".toLowerCase(null); }}); } private static void toUpperCase() { System.out.println("toUpperCase(Locale locale)"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".toUpperCase(null); }}); } private static void valueOf() { System.out.println("valueOf(Object obj)"); tryCatch(" null", null, new Runnable() { public void run() { String.valueOf((Object) null); }}); System.out.println("valueOf(char data[])"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { String.valueOf((char []) null); }}); System.out.println("valueOf(char data[], int offset, int count)"); tryCatch(" null, 1, 2", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { String.valueOf((char []) null, 1, 2); }}); } private static void copyValueOf() { System.out.println("copyValueOf(char data[], int offset, int count)"); tryCatch(" null, 1, 2", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { "foo".copyValueOf((char []) null, 1, 2); }}); System.out.println("copyVlueOf(char data[])"); tryCatch(" null", NullPointerException.class, new Runnable() { public void run() { String.copyValueOf((char []) null); }}); } public static void main(String [] args) { // -- Constructors -- noArgs(); // String() string(); // String(String original) charArray(); // String(char value[]) charArrayOffCount(); // String(char value[], int offset, int count) // String(byte ascii[], int hibyte, int offset, int count) byteArrayHiOffCount(); byteArrayHi(); // String(byte ascii[], int hibyte) // String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, String charsetName) // throws UnsupportedEncodingException byteArrayOffLengthCharsetName(); // String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, Charset charset) byteArrayOffLengthCharset(); // String(byte bytes[], String charsetName) // throws UnsupportedEncodingException byteArrayCharsetName(); // String(byte bytes[], Charset charset) byteArrayCharset(); byteArrayOffLength(); // String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length) byteArray(); // String(byte bytes[]) stringBuffer(); // String(StringBuffer buffer) // -- Methods -- getChars(); // getChars(int, int. char [], int) getBytes(); // getBytes(int, int, byte [], int), // getBytes(Locale) // getBytes(String) // getBytes(Charset) contentEquals(); // contentEquals(StringBuffer) compareTo(); // compareTo(String), compareTo(Object) compareToIgnoreCase();// compareToIgnoreCase(String) regionMatches(); // regionMatches(int, String, int, int) // regionMatches(boolean, int, String, int, int) startsWith(); // startsWith(String, int), startsWith(String) endsWith(); // endsWith(String) indexOf(); // indexOf(String), indexOf(String, int), lastIndexOf(); // lastIndexOf(String), lastIndexOf(String, int) concat(); // concat(String) matches(); // matches(String) replaceFirst(); // replaceFirst(String, String) replaceAll(); // replaceAll(String, String) split(); // split(String, int), split(String) toLowerCase(); // toLowerCase(Locale) toUpperCase(); // toUpperCase(Locale) valueOf(); // valueOf(Object), valueOf(char []), // valueOf(char [], int, int) copyValueOf(); // copyValueOf(char [], int, int), // copyValueOf(char []) if (!ok) throw new RuntimeException("Some tests FAILED"); else System.out.println("All tests PASSED"); } }