/* * Copyright 1998-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, * CA 95054 USA or visit www.sun.com if you need additional information or * have any questions. */ package com.sun.tools.jdi; import com.sun.jdi.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class ObjectReferenceImpl extends ValueImpl implements ObjectReference, VMListener { protected long ref; private ReferenceType type = null; private int gcDisableCount = 0; boolean addedListener = false; // This is cached only while the VM is suspended protected static class Cache { JDWP.ObjectReference.MonitorInfo monitorInfo = null; } private static final Cache noInitCache = new Cache(); private static final Cache markerCache = new Cache(); private Cache cache = noInitCache; private void disableCache() { synchronized (vm.state()) { cache = null; } } private void enableCache() { synchronized (vm.state()) { cache = markerCache; } } // Override in subclasses protected Cache newCache() { return new Cache(); } protected Cache getCache() { synchronized (vm.state()) { if (cache == noInitCache) { if (vm.state().isSuspended()) { // Set cache now, otherwise newly created objects are // not cached until resuspend enableCache(); } else { disableCache(); } } if (cache == markerCache) { cache = newCache(); } return cache; } } // Return the ClassTypeImpl upon which to invoke a method. // By default it is our very own referenceType() but subclasses // can override. protected ClassTypeImpl invokableReferenceType(Method method) { return (ClassTypeImpl)referenceType(); } ObjectReferenceImpl(VirtualMachine aVm,long aRef) { super(aVm); ref = aRef; } protected String description() { return "ObjectReference " + uniqueID(); } /* * VMListener implementation */ public boolean vmSuspended(VMAction action) { enableCache(); return true; } public boolean vmNotSuspended(VMAction action) { // make sure that cache and listener management are synchronized synchronized (vm.state()) { if (cache != null && (vm.traceFlags & vm.TRACE_OBJREFS) != 0) { vm.printTrace("Clearing temporary cache for " + description()); } disableCache(); if (addedListener) { /* * If a listener was added (i.e. this is not a * ObjectReference that adds a listener on startup), * remove it here. */ addedListener = false; return false; // false says remove } else { return true; } } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof ObjectReferenceImpl)) { ObjectReferenceImpl other = (ObjectReferenceImpl)obj; return (ref() == other.ref()) && super.equals(obj); } else { return false; } } public int hashCode() { return(int)ref(); } public Type type() { return referenceType(); } public ReferenceType referenceType() { if (type == null) { try { JDWP.ObjectReference.ReferenceType rtinfo = JDWP.ObjectReference.ReferenceType.process(vm, this); type = vm.referenceType(rtinfo.typeID, rtinfo.refTypeTag); } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } return type; } public Value getValue(Field sig) { List<Field> list = new ArrayList<Field>(1); list.add(sig); Map map = getValues(list); return(Value)map.get(sig); } public Map<Field,Value> getValues(List<? extends Field> theFields) { validateMirrors(theFields); List<Field> staticFields = new ArrayList<Field>(0); int size = theFields.size(); List<Field> instanceFields = new ArrayList<Field>(size); for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { Field field = (Field)theFields.get(i); // Make sure the field is valid ((ReferenceTypeImpl)referenceType()).validateFieldAccess(field); // FIX ME! We need to do some sanity checking // here; make sure the field belongs to this // object. if (field.isStatic()) staticFields.add(field); else { instanceFields.add(field); } } Map<Field, Value> map; if (staticFields.size() > 0) { map = referenceType().getValues(staticFields); } else { map = new HashMap<Field, Value>(size); } size = instanceFields.size(); JDWP.ObjectReference.GetValues.Field[] queryFields = new JDWP.ObjectReference.GetValues.Field[size]; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)instanceFields.get(i);/* thanks OTI */ queryFields[i] = new JDWP.ObjectReference.GetValues.Field( field.ref()); } ValueImpl[] values; try { values = JDWP.ObjectReference.GetValues. process(vm, this, queryFields).values; } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } if (size != values.length) { throw new InternalException( "Wrong number of values returned from target VM"); } for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { FieldImpl field = (FieldImpl)instanceFields.get(i); map.put(field, values[i]); } return map; } public void setValue(Field field, Value value) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException { validateMirror(field); validateMirrorOrNull(value); // Make sure the field is valid ((ReferenceTypeImpl)referenceType()).validateFieldSet(field); if (field.isStatic()) { ReferenceType type = referenceType(); if (type instanceof ClassType) { ((ClassType)type).setValue(field, value); return; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid type for static field set"); } } try { JDWP.ObjectReference.SetValues.FieldValue[] fvals = new JDWP.ObjectReference.SetValues.FieldValue[1]; fvals[0] = new JDWP.ObjectReference.SetValues.FieldValue( ((FieldImpl)field).ref(), // Validate and convert if necessary ValueImpl.prepareForAssignment(value, (FieldImpl)field)); try { JDWP.ObjectReference.SetValues.process(vm, this, fvals); } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) { /* * Since we got this exception, * the field type must be a reference type. The value * we're trying to set is null, but if the field's * class has not yet been loaded through the enclosing * class loader, then setting to null is essentially a * no-op, and we should allow it without an exception. */ if (value != null) { throw e; } } } void validateMethodInvocation(Method method, int options) throws InvalidTypeException, InvocationException { /* * Method must be in this object's class, a superclass, or * implemented interface */ ReferenceTypeImpl declType = (ReferenceTypeImpl)method.declaringType(); if (!declType.isAssignableFrom(this)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid method"); } ClassTypeImpl clazz = invokableReferenceType(method); /* * Method must be a non-constructor */ if (method.isConstructor()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot invoke constructor"); } /* * For nonvirtual invokes, method must have a body */ if ((options & INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL) != 0) { if (method.declaringType() instanceof InterfaceType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interface method"); } else if (method.isAbstract()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Abstract method"); } } /* * Get the class containing the method that will be invoked. * This class is needed only for proper validation of the * method argument types. */ ClassTypeImpl invokedClass; if ((options & INVOKE_NONVIRTUAL) != 0) { // No overrides in non-virtual invokes invokedClass = clazz; } else { /* * For virtual invokes, find any override of the method. * Since we are looking for a method with a real body, we * don't need to bother with interfaces/abstract methods. */ Method invoker = clazz.concreteMethodByName(method.name(), method.signature()); // isAssignableFrom check above guarantees non-null invokedClass = (ClassTypeImpl)invoker.declaringType(); } /* The above code is left over from previous versions. * We haven't had time to divine the intent. jjh, 7/31/2003 */ } PacketStream sendInvokeCommand(final ThreadReferenceImpl thread, final ClassTypeImpl refType, final MethodImpl method, final ValueImpl[] args, final int options) { CommandSender sender = new CommandSender() { public PacketStream send() { return JDWP.ObjectReference.InvokeMethod.enqueueCommand( vm, ObjectReferenceImpl.this, thread, refType, method.ref(), args, options); } }; PacketStream stream; if ((options & INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED) != 0) { stream = thread.sendResumingCommand(sender); } else { stream = vm.sendResumingCommand(sender); } return stream; } public Value invokeMethod(ThreadReference threadIntf, Method methodIntf, List<? extends Value> origArguments, int options) throws InvalidTypeException, IncompatibleThreadStateException, InvocationException, ClassNotLoadedException { validateMirror(threadIntf); validateMirror(methodIntf); validateMirrorsOrNulls(origArguments); MethodImpl method = (MethodImpl)methodIntf; ThreadReferenceImpl thread = (ThreadReferenceImpl)threadIntf; if (method.isStatic()) { if (referenceType() instanceof ClassType) { ClassType type = (ClassType)referenceType(); return type.invokeMethod(thread, method, origArguments, options); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type for static method invocation"); } } validateMethodInvocation(method, options); List<Value> arguments = method.validateAndPrepareArgumentsForInvoke( origArguments); ValueImpl[] args = (ValueImpl[])arguments.toArray(new ValueImpl[0]); JDWP.ObjectReference.InvokeMethod ret; try { PacketStream stream = sendInvokeCommand(thread, invokableReferenceType(method), method, args, options); ret = JDWP.ObjectReference.InvokeMethod.waitForReply(vm, stream); } catch (JDWPException exc) { if (exc.errorCode() == JDWP.Error.INVALID_THREAD) { throw new IncompatibleThreadStateException(); } else { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } /* * There is an implict VM-wide suspend at the conclusion * of a normal (non-single-threaded) method invoke */ if ((options & INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED) == 0) { vm.notifySuspend(); } if (ret.exception != null) { throw new InvocationException(ret.exception); } else { return ret.returnValue; } } /* leave synchronized to keep count accurate */ public synchronized void disableCollection() { if (gcDisableCount == 0) { try { JDWP.ObjectReference.DisableCollection.process(vm, this); } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } gcDisableCount++; } /* leave synchronized to keep count accurate */ public synchronized void enableCollection() { gcDisableCount--; if (gcDisableCount == 0) { try { JDWP.ObjectReference.EnableCollection.process(vm, this); } catch (JDWPException exc) { // If already collected, no harm done, no exception if (exc.errorCode() != JDWP.Error.INVALID_OBJECT) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } return; } } } public boolean isCollected() { try { return JDWP.ObjectReference.IsCollected.process(vm, this). isCollected; } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } public long uniqueID() { return ref(); } JDWP.ObjectReference.MonitorInfo jdwpMonitorInfo() throws IncompatibleThreadStateException { JDWP.ObjectReference.MonitorInfo info = null; try { Cache local; // getCache() and addlistener() must be synchronized // so that no events are lost. synchronized (vm.state()) { local = getCache(); if (local != null) { info = local.monitorInfo; // Check if there will be something to cache // and there is not already a listener if (info == null && !vm.state().hasListener(this)) { /* For other, less numerous objects, this is done * in the constructor. Since there can be many * ObjectReferences, the VM listener is installed * and removed as needed. * Listener must be installed before process() */ vm.state().addListener(this); addedListener = true; } } } if (info == null) { info = JDWP.ObjectReference.MonitorInfo.process(vm, this); if (local != null) { local.monitorInfo = info; if ((vm.traceFlags & vm.TRACE_OBJREFS) != 0) { vm.printTrace("ObjectReference " + uniqueID() + " temporarily caching monitor info"); } } } } catch (JDWPException exc) { if (exc.errorCode() == JDWP.Error.THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED) { throw new IncompatibleThreadStateException(); } else { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } return info; } public List<ThreadReference> waitingThreads() throws IncompatibleThreadStateException { return Arrays.asList((ThreadReference[])jdwpMonitorInfo().waiters); } public ThreadReference owningThread() throws IncompatibleThreadStateException { return jdwpMonitorInfo().owner; } public int entryCount() throws IncompatibleThreadStateException { return jdwpMonitorInfo().entryCount; } public List<ObjectReference> referringObjects(long maxReferrers) { if (!vm.canGetInstanceInfo()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "target does not support getting referring objects"); } if (maxReferrers < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxReferrers is less than zero: " + maxReferrers); } int intMax = (maxReferrers > Integer.MAX_VALUE)? Integer.MAX_VALUE: (int)maxReferrers; // JDWP can't currently handle more than this (in mustang) try { return Arrays.asList((ObjectReference[])JDWP.ObjectReference.ReferringObjects. process(vm, this, intMax).referringObjects); } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } long ref() { return ref; } boolean isClassObject() { /* * Don't need to worry about subclasses since java.lang.Class is final. */ return referenceType().name().equals("java.lang.Class"); } ValueImpl prepareForAssignmentTo(ValueContainer destination) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException { validateAssignment(destination); return this; // conversion never necessary } void validateAssignment(ValueContainer destination) throws InvalidTypeException, ClassNotLoadedException { /* * Do these simpler checks before attempting a query of the destination's * type which might cause a confusing ClassNotLoadedException if * the destination is primitive or an array. */ /* * TO DO: Centralize JNI signature knowledge */ if (destination.signature().length() == 1) { throw new InvalidTypeException("Can't assign object value to primitive"); } if ((destination.signature().charAt(0) == '[') && (type().signature().charAt(0) != '[')) { throw new InvalidTypeException("Can't assign non-array value to an array"); } if ("void".equals(destination.typeName())) { throw new InvalidTypeException("Can't assign object value to a void"); } // Validate assignment ReferenceType destType = (ReferenceTypeImpl)destination.type(); ReferenceTypeImpl myType = (ReferenceTypeImpl)referenceType(); if (!myType.isAssignableTo((ReferenceType)destType)) { JNITypeParser parser = new JNITypeParser(destType.signature()); String destTypeName = parser.typeName(); throw new InvalidTypeException("Can't assign " + type().name() + " to " + destTypeName); } } public String toString() { return "instance of " + referenceType().name() + "(id=" + uniqueID() + ")"; } byte typeValueKey() { return JDWP.Tag.OBJECT; } }