package traffic3.objects; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Vector2D; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import traffic3.manager.TrafficManager; import traffic3.simulator.PathElement; import traffic3.simulator.TrafficConstants; /** * A TrafficAgent is a mobile object in the world. */ public class TrafficAgent { /** * This class is used to compute and cache wall related information. * @author goebelbe * */ private static class WallInfo { private Line2D wall; private TrafficArea area; private double distance; private Point2D closest; private Point2D origin; private Line2D line; private Vector2D vector; /** * Create a new WallInfo object from a Line2D in a TrafficArea. * @param wall The wall to cache. * @param area The area this wall belongs to. */ public WallInfo(Line2D wall, TrafficArea area) { this.wall = wall; this.area = area; this.distance = -1; this.closest = null; this.origin = null; } /** * Get the shortest distance from the agent's position. * The distance may not be accurate if the wall can't affect the agent * in this microstep. * @return The distance to the agent. */ public double getDistance() { return this.distance; } /** * Recompute the distance to the agent and the closest point on the line. * @param from The position of the agent. */ public void computeClostestPoint(Point2D from) { if (from.equals(origin) && distance >= 0 && closest != null) { return; } origin = from; closest = GeometryTools2D.getClosestPointOnSegment(wall, origin); line = new Line2D(origin, closest); vector = line.getDirection(); distance = vector.getLength(); } /** * Get the clostest point to the agent on the wall. * @return The closest point. */ public Point2D getClosestPoint() { return closest; } /** * Decrease the distance from the wall by an amount. * @param d The amount by which to decrease the distance. */ public void decreaseDistance(double d) { distance -= d; } /** * Get the wall this WallInfo represents. * @return The wall. */ public Line2D getWall() { return wall; } /** * Get the line from the agent to the closest point on the wall. * @return Line2D to wall. */ public Line2D getLine() { return line; } /** * Get the vector from the agent to the closest point on the wall. * @return Vector2D to wall. */ public Vector2D getVector() { return vector; } /** * Get the are the wall lies in. * @return The area of this wall. */ public TrafficArea getArea() { return area; } } private static final int D = 2; private static final int DEFAULT_POSITION_HISTORY_FREQUENCY = 60; private static final double NEARBY_THRESHOLD_SQUARED = 1000000; // Force towards destination private final double[] destinationForce = new double[D]; // Force away from agents private final double[] agentsForce = new double[D]; // Force away from walls private final double[] wallsForce = new double[D]; // Location private final double[] location = new double[D]; // Velocity private final double[] velocity = new double[D]; // Force private final double[] force = new double[D]; // List of blocking lines near the agent. private List<WallInfo> blockingLines; private double radius; private double velocityLimit; // The point this agent wants to reach. private Point2D finalDestination; // The path this agent wants to take. private Queue<PathElement> path; // The current (possibly intermediate) destination. private PathElement currentPathElement; private Point2D currentDestination; // The area the agent is currently in. private TrafficArea currentArea; private List<Point2D> positionHistory; private double totalDistance; private boolean savePositionHistory; private int positionHistoryFrequency; private int historyCount; private Human human; private TrafficManager manager; private boolean mobile; private boolean colocated; private boolean verbose; /** Construct a TrafficAgent. @param human The Human wrapped by this object. @param manager The traffic manager. @param radius The radius of this agent in mm. @param velocityLimit The velicity limit. */ public TrafficAgent(Human human, TrafficManager manager, double radius, double velocityLimit) { this.human = human; this.manager = manager; this.radius = radius; this.velocityLimit = velocityLimit; path = new LinkedList<PathElement>(); positionHistory = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); savePositionHistory = true; historyCount = 0; positionHistoryFrequency = DEFAULT_POSITION_HISTORY_FREQUENCY; mobile = true; blockingLines = new ArrayList<WallInfo>(); } /** Get the Human wrapped by this object. @return The wrapped Human. */ public Human getHuman() { return human; } /** Get the maximum velocity of this agent. @return The maximum velocity. */ public double getMaxVelocity() { return velocityLimit; } /** Set the maximum velocity of this agent. @param vLimit The new maximum velocity. */ public void setMaxVelocity(double vLimit) { velocityLimit = vLimit; } /** Get the TrafficArea the agent is currently in. @return The current TrafficArea. */ public TrafficArea getArea() { return currentArea; } /** Get the position history. @return The position history. */ public List<Point2D> getPositionHistory() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(positionHistory); } /** Get the distance travelled so far. @return The distance travelled. */ public double getTravelDistance() { return totalDistance; } /** Clear the position history and distance travelled. */ public void clearPositionHistory() { positionHistory.clear(); historyCount = 0; totalDistance = 0; } /** Set the frequency of position history records. One record will be created every nth microstep. @param n The new frequency. */ public void setPositionHistoryFrequency(int n) { positionHistoryFrequency = n; } /** Enable or disable position history recording. @param b True to enable position history recording, false otherwise. */ public void setPositionHistoryEnabled(boolean b) { savePositionHistory = b; } /** Get the X coordinate of this agent. @return The X coordinate. */ public double getX() { return location[0]; } /** Get the Y coordinate of this agent. @return The Y coordinate. */ public double getY() { return location[1]; } /** Get the total X force on this agent. @return The total X force in N. */ public double getFX() { return force[0]; } /** Get the total Y force on this agent. @return The total Y force in N. */ public double getFY() { return force[1]; } /** Get the X velocity of this agent. @return The X velocity in mm/s. */ public double getVX() { return velocity[0]; } /** Get the Y velocity of this agent. @return The Y velocity in mm/s. */ public double getVY() { return velocity[1]; } /** Set the radius of this agent. @param r The new radius in mm. */ public void setRadius(double r) { this.radius = r; } /** Get the radius of this agent. @return The radius in mm. */ public double getRadius() { return this.radius; } /** Set the path this agent wants to take. @param steps The new path. */ public void setPath(List<PathElement> steps) { if (steps == null || steps.isEmpty()) { clearPath(); return; } path.clear(); path.addAll(steps); finalDestination = steps.get(steps.size() - 1).getGoal(); currentDestination = null; currentPathElement = null; // Logger.debug(this + " destination set: " + path); // Logger.debug(this + " final destination set: " + finalDestination); } /** Clear the path. */ public void clearPath() { finalDestination = null; currentDestination = null; currentPathElement = null; path.clear(); } /** Get the final destination. @return The final destination */ public Point2D getFinalDestination() { return finalDestination; } /** Get the current (possibly intermediate) destination. @return The current destination. */ public Point2D getCurrentDestination() { return currentDestination; } /** Get the current (possibly intermediate) path element. @return The current path element. */ public PathElement getCurrentElement() { return currentPathElement; } /** Get the current path. @return The path. */ public List<PathElement> getPath() { return Collections.unmodifiableList((List<PathElement>)path); } /** Set the location of this agent. This method will also update the position history (if enabled). @param x location x @param y location y */ public void setLocation(double x, double y) { if (currentArea == null || !currentArea.contains(x, y)) { if (currentArea != null) { currentArea.removeAgent(this); } TrafficArea newArea = manager.findArea(x, y); if (newArea == null) { Logger.warn("Agent moved outside area: " + this); return; } currentArea = newArea; findBlockingLines(); currentArea.addAgent(this); } // Check current destination if (currentPathElement != null) { // If we just crossed the target edge then clear the current path element if (currentDestination == currentPathElement.getGoal() && currentDestination != finalDestination) { // Did we cross the edge? if (currentPathElement.getEdgeLine() != null && crossedLine(location[0], location[1], x, y, currentPathElement.getEdgeLine())) { currentPathElement = null; } // Are we close enough to the goal point? else { double dx = x - currentDestination.getX(); double dy = y - currentDestination.getY(); double distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (distanceSquared < NEARBY_THRESHOLD_SQUARED) { currentPathElement = null; } } } } // Save position history if (savePositionHistory) { if (historyCount % positionHistoryFrequency == 0) { positionHistory.add(new Point2D(x, y)); } historyCount++; // Update distance travelled double dx = x - location[0]; double dy = y - location[1]; totalDistance += Math.hypot(dx, dy); } location[0] = x; location[1] = y; } /** Perform any pre-timestep activities required. */ public void beginTimestep() { findBlockingLines(); if (insideBlockade()) { Logger.debug(this + " inside blockade"); setMobile(false); } } /** Execute a microstep. @param dt The amount of time to simulate in ms. */ public void step(double dt) { if (mobile) { updateWalls(dt); updateGoals(); computeForces(dt); updatePosition(dt); } } /** Perform any post-timestep activities required. */ public void endTimestep() { } /** Set whether this agent is mobile or not. @param m True if this agent is mobile, false otherwise. */ public void setMobile(boolean m) { mobile = m; } /** Find out if this agent is mobile. @return True if this agent is mobile. */ public boolean isMobile() { return mobile; } /** Turn verbose logging on or off. @param b True for piles of debugging output, false for smaller piles. */ public void setVerbose(boolean b) { verbose = b; Logger.debug(this + " is now " + (verbose ? "" : "not ") + "verbose"); } private void updateGoals() { if (currentPathElement == null) { if (path.isEmpty()) { currentDestination = finalDestination; currentPathElement = null; } else { currentPathElement = path.remove(); if (verbose) { Logger.debug(this + " updated path: " + path); } } } // Head for the best point in the current path element if (currentPathElement != null) { // Assume we're heading for the target edge. currentDestination = currentPathElement.getGoal(); Point2D current = new Point2D(location[0], location[1]); Vector2D vectorToEdge = currentDestination.minus(current).normalised(); if (verbose) { Logger.debug(this + " finding goal point"); Logger.debug(this + " current path element: " + currentPathElement); Logger.debug(this + " current position: " + current); Logger.debug(this + " edge goal: " + currentDestination); } for (Point2D next : currentPathElement.getWaypoints()) { if (verbose) { Logger.debug(this + " next possible goal: " + next); } if (next != currentPathElement.getGoal()) { Vector2D vectorToNext = next.minus(current).normalised(); double dot =; if (dot < 0 || dot > 1) { if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Dot product of " + vectorToNext + " and " + vectorToEdge + " is " + dot); Logger.debug(this + " next point is " + (dot < 0 ? "backwards" : "too distant") + "; ignoring"); } continue; } } if (hasLos(current, next, currentArea)) { currentDestination = next; if (verbose) { Logger.debug(this + " has line-of-sight to " + next); } break; } } } } private void computeForces(double dt) { colocated = false; computeAgentsForce(agentsForce); if (!colocated) { computeDestinationForce(destinationForce); computeWallsForce(wallsForce, dt); } force[0] = destinationForce[0] + agentsForce[0] + wallsForce[0]; force[1] = destinationForce[1] + agentsForce[1] + wallsForce[1]; if (Double.isNaN(force[0]) || Double.isNaN(force[1])) { Logger.warn("Force is NaN!"); force[0] = 0; force[1] = 0; } } private void updatePosition(double dt) { double newVX = velocity[0] + dt * force[0]; double newVY = velocity[1] + dt * force[1]; double v = Math.hypot(newVX, newVY); if (v > this.velocityLimit) { // System.err.println("velocity exceeded velocityLimit"); v /= this.velocityLimit; newVX /= v; newVY /= v; } double x = location[0] + dt * newVX; double y = location[1] + dt * newVY; if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Updating position for " + this); Logger.debug("Current position : " + location[0] + ", " + location[1]); Logger.debug("Current velocity : " + velocity[0] + ", " + velocity[1]); Logger.debug("Destination forces : " + destinationForce[0] + ", " + destinationForce[1]); Logger.debug("Agent forces : " + agentsForce[0] + ", " + agentsForce[1]); Logger.debug("Wall forces : " + wallsForce[0] + ", " + wallsForce[1]); Logger.debug("Total forces : " + force[0] + ", " + force[1]); Logger.debug("New position : " + x + ", " + y); Logger.debug("New velocity : " + newVX + ", " + newVY); } if (crossedWall(location[0], location[1], x, y)) { velocity[0] = 0; velocity[1] = 0; return; } velocity[0] = newVX; velocity[1] = newVY; if (newVX != 0 || newVY != 0) { double dist = v * dt; for (WallInfo wall : blockingLines) { wall.decreaseDistance(dist); } setLocation(x, y); } } private boolean hasLos(WallInfo target, List<WallInfo> blocking) { Line2D line = target.getLine(); for (WallInfo wall : blocking) { if (wall == target) { break; } Line2D next = wall.getWall(); if (target.getClosestPoint().equals(next.getOrigin()) || target.getClosestPoint().equals(next.getEndPoint())) { continue; } // Here we test if the wall can intersect the line to the target // in front of the target. This is the case if the following holds: // |v_target| < |v_wall|/cos(alpha) // using dot(v_t, v_w) = cos(alpha) * |v_t| * |v_w| // we get dot(v_t, v_w) < |v_w|^2 // // This is strictly true only if the line to the wall and the wall // are orthogonal, but in our case the angle between those can never be // acute (because they intersect at the closest point), so we never // prune real intersections here. double dotp = line.getDirection().dot(wall.getVector()); if (dotp < wall.getDistance() * wall.getDistance()) { continue; } if (GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(line, next) != null) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean hasLos(Point2D source, Point2D target, TrafficArea area) { Line2D line = new Line2D(source, target); double dist = line.getDirection().getLength(); for (WallInfo wall : blockingLines) { if (wall.getDistance() > dist || wall.getArea() != area) { break; } Line2D next = wall.getWall(); if (GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(line, next) != null) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean insideBlockade() { if (currentArea == null) { return false; } for (TrafficBlockade block : currentArea.getBlockades()) { if (block.contains(location[0], location[1])) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean crossedLine(double oldX, double oldY, double newX, double newY, Line2D line) { Line2D moved = new Line2D(oldX, oldY, newX - oldX, newY - oldY); return (GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(moved, line) != null); /* * Vector2D normal = line.getDirection().getNormal().normalised(); * double dot1 = new Vector2D(oldX - line.getOrigin().getX(), oldY - * line.getOrigin().getY()).normalised().dot(normal); double dot2 = new * Vector2D(newX - line.getOrigin().getX(), newY - * line.getOrigin().getY()).normalised().dot(normal); return (((dot1 < 0 * && dot2 > 0) || (dot1 > 0 && dot2 < 0)) && GeometryTools2D * .getSegmentIntersectionPoint(moved, line) != null); */ } private boolean crossedWall(double oldX, double oldY, double newX, double newY) { Line2D moved = new Line2D(oldX, oldY, newX - oldX, newY - oldY); double dist = moved.getDirection().getLength(); for (WallInfo wall : blockingLines) { if (wall.getDistance() >= dist) { break; } Line2D test = wall.getWall(); if (GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(moved, test) != null) { // if (crossedLine(oldX, oldY, newX, newY, test)) { /* * Logger.warn(this + " crossed wall"); * Logger.warn("Old location: " + oldX + ", " + oldY); * Logger.warn("New location: " + newX + ", " + newY); * Logger.warn("Movement line: " + moved); * Logger.warn("Wall : " + test); * Logger.warn("Crossed at " + * GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(moved, test)); */ return true; } } return false; } private void findBlockingLines() { blockingLines.clear(); if (currentArea != null) { for (Line2D line : currentArea.getAllBlockingLines()) { blockingLines.add(new WallInfo(line, currentArea)); } for (TrafficArea neighbour : manager.getNeighbours(currentArea)) { for (Line2D line : neighbour.getAllBlockingLines()) { blockingLines.add(new WallInfo(line, neighbour)); } } } } private void updateWalls(double dt) { Point2D position = new Point2D(location[0], location[1]); double crossingCutoff = dt * this.velocityLimit; double forceCutoff = TrafficConstants.getWallDistanceCutoff(); double cutoff = Math.max(forceCutoff, crossingCutoff); // double dist; for (WallInfo wall : blockingLines) { if (wall.getDistance() > cutoff) { continue; } wall.computeClostestPoint(position); } // Hand coded, in-sito insertion sort is much faster than // Collection.sort() for lists of this size. for (int i = 1; i < blockingLines.size(); i++) { WallInfo info = blockingLines.get(i); for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) { if (j == 0) { blockingLines.remove(i); blockingLines.add(0, info); } else if (blockingLines.get(j - 1).getDistance() < info .getDistance()) { if (j == i) { break; } blockingLines.remove(i); blockingLines.add(j, info); break; } } } } private void computeDestinationForce(double[] result) { double destx = 0; double desty = 0; if (currentDestination != null) { double dx = currentDestination.getX() - location[0]; double dy = currentDestination.getY() - location[1]; double dist = Math.hypot(dx, dy); if (dist == 0) { dx = 0; dy = 0; } else { dx /= dist; dy /= dist; } final double ddd = 0.001; if (currentDestination == finalDestination) { dx = Math.min(velocityLimit, ddd * dist) * dx; dy = Math.min(velocityLimit, ddd * dist) * dy; } else { dx = this.velocityLimit * dx; dy = this.velocityLimit * dy; } final double sss2 = 0.0002; destx = sss2 * (dx - velocity[0]); desty = sss2 * (dy - velocity[1]); } else { final double sss = 0.0001; destx = sss * (-velocity[0]); desty = sss * (-velocity[1]); } result[0] = destx; result[1] = desty; if (Double.isNaN(destx)) { Logger.error("Destination force x is NaN"); result[0] = 0; } if (Double.isNaN(desty)) { Logger.error("Destination force y is NaN"); result[1] = 0; } if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Destination force: " + result[0] + ", " + result[1]); } } private void computeAgentsForce(double[] result) { result[0] = 0; result[1] = 0; if (currentArea == null) { return; } double xSum = 0; double ySum = 0; double cutoff = TrafficConstants.getAgentDistanceCutoff(); double a = TrafficConstants.getAgentForceCoefficientA(); double b = TrafficConstants.getAgentForceCoefficientB(); double k = TrafficConstants.getAgentForceCoefficientK(); double forceLimit = TrafficConstants.getAgentForceLimit(); Collection<TrafficAgent> nearby = manager.getNearbyAgents(this); for (TrafficAgent agent : nearby) { if (!agent.isMobile()) { continue; } double dx = agent.getX() - location[0]; double dy = agent.getY() - location[1]; if (Math.abs(dx) > cutoff) { continue; } if (Math.abs(dy) > cutoff) { continue; } double totalRadius = radius + agent.getRadius(); double distanceSquared = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (distanceSquared == 0) { xSum = TrafficConstants.getColocatedAgentNudge(); ySum = TrafficConstants.getColocatedAgentNudge(); colocated = true; Logger.debug(this + " is co-located with " + agent); break; } double distance = Math.sqrt(distanceSquared); double dxN = dx / distance; double dyN = dy / distance; double negativeSeparation = totalRadius - distance; double tmp = -a * Math.exp(negativeSeparation * b); if (Double.isInfinite(tmp)) { Logger.warn("calculateAgentsForce(): A result of exp is infinite: exp(" + (negativeSeparation * b) + ")"); } else { xSum += tmp * dxN; ySum += tmp * dyN; } if (negativeSeparation > 0) { // Agents overlap xSum += -k * negativeSeparation * dxN; ySum += -k * negativeSeparation * dyN; } } double forceSum = Math.hypot(xSum, ySum); if (forceSum > forceLimit) { forceSum /= forceLimit; xSum /= forceSum; ySum /= forceSum; } if (Double.isNaN(xSum)) { Logger.warn("computeAgentsForce: Sum of X force is NaN"); xSum = 0; } if (Double.isNaN(ySum)) { Logger.warn("computeAgentsForce: Sum of Y force is NaN"); ySum = 0; } result[0] = xSum; result[1] = ySum; } private void computeWallsForce(double[] result, double dt) { double xSum = 0; double ySum = 0; if (currentArea != null) { double r = getRadius(); double dist; double cutoff = TrafficConstants.getWallDistanceCutoff(); //double a = TrafficConstants.getWallForceCoefficientA(); double b = TrafficConstants.getWallForceCoefficientB(); Point2D position = new Point2D(location[0], location[1]); if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Computing wall forces for " + this); Logger.debug("Position: " + position); } for (WallInfo wall : blockingLines) { if (wall.getDistance() > cutoff) { break; } Line2D line = wall.getWall(); dist = wall.getDistance(); Point2D closest = wall.getClosestPoint(); if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Next wall: " + line); } // Point2D closest = // GeometryTools2D.getClosestPointOnSegment(line, position); if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Closest point: " + closest); } // dist = GeometryTools2D.getDistance(closest, position); // if (dist > cutoff) { // if (verbose) { // Logger.debug("Distance to wall: " + dist + // " greater than cutoff " + cutoff); // } // continue; // } if (!hasLos(wall, blockingLines)) { // No line-of-sight to closest point if (verbose) { Logger.debug("No line of sight"); } continue; } boolean endPoint = false; if (closest == line.getOrigin() || closest == line.getEndPoint()) { endPoint = true; } // Two forces apply: // If the agent is moving towards this wall then apply a force to bring the agent to a stop. This force applies when the distance is less than the agent radius. // Also apply a force that decreases exponentially with distance no matter what the agent is doing. double currentVX = velocity[0]; double currentVY = velocity[1]; double currentFX = destinationForce[0] + agentsForce[0]; double currentFY = destinationForce[1] + agentsForce[1]; double expectedVX = currentVX + dt * currentFX; double expectedVY = currentVY + dt * currentFY; Vector2D expectedVelocity = new Vector2D(expectedVX, expectedVY); Vector2D wallForceVector = wall.getVector().scale(-1.0 / dist); double radii = dist / r; // Compute the stopping force // Magnitude is the multiple of wallForceVector required to bring the agent to a stop. double magnitude =; if (magnitude < 0 || radii >= 1) { magnitude = 0; // Agent is moving away or far enough away - no stopping force required. } else if (radii < 1) { double d = Math.exp(-(radii - 1) * b); if (d < 1) { d = 0; } magnitude *= d; if (endPoint) { // Endpoints are counted twice so halve the magnitude magnitude /= 2; } } Vector2D stopForce = wallForceVector.scale(magnitude / dt); // Compute the repulsion force // Decreases exponentially with distance in terms of agent radii. // double factor = a * Math.min(1, Math.exp(-(radii - 1) * b)); // Vector2D repulsionForce = wallForceVector.scale(factor / dt); xSum += stopForce.getX(); ySum += stopForce.getY(); // xSum += repulsionForce.getX(); // ySum += repulsionForce.getY(); if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Distance to wall : " + dist); Logger.debug("Distance to wall : " + radii + " radii"); Logger.debug("Current velocity : " + currentVX + ", " + currentVY); Logger.debug("Current force : " + currentFX + ", " + currentFY); Logger.debug("Expected velocity: " + expectedVelocity); Logger.debug("Wall force : " + wallForceVector); Logger.debug("Magnitude : " + magnitude); Logger.debug("Stop force : " + stopForce); // Logger.debug("Factor : " + factor + " (e^" + (-(dist / r) * b) + ")"); // Logger.debug("Repulsion force : " + repulsionForce); } } } if (Double.isNaN(xSum) || Double.isNaN(ySum)) { xSum = 0; ySum = 0; } if (verbose) { Logger.debug("Total wall force: " + xSum + ", " + ySum); } result[0] = xSum; result[1] = ySum; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("TrafficAgent["); sb.append("id:").append(human.getID()).append(";"); sb.append("x:").append((int)getX()).append(";"); sb.append("y:").append((int)getY()).append(";"); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** Get a long version of the toString method. @return A long description of this agent. */ public String toLongString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("TrafficAgent["); sb.append("id: ").append(human.getID()).append(";"); sb.append(" x: ").append(location[0]).append(";"); sb.append(" y: ").append(location[1]).append(";"); sb.append(" current area: ").append(currentArea).append(";"); sb.append(" current destination: ").append(currentDestination).append(";"); sb.append(" final destination: ").append(finalDestination).append(";"); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } }