package iamrescue.execution; import iamrescue.agent.ISimulationTimer; import iamrescue.belief.IAMWorldModel; import iamrescue.execution.command.ClearCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.DigOutCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.ExtinguishCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.IIAMAgentCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.LoadCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.MoveCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.RandomMoveCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.RandomStepCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.RestCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.UnloadCommand; import iamrescue.routing.util.ISpeedInfo; import iamrescue.util.HumanMovementUtility; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javolution.util.FastSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.config.Config; import rescuecore2.connection.Connection; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionException; import rescuecore2.messages.AbstractCommand; import rescuecore2.messages.Message; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Area; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Building; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKClear; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKExtinguish; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKLoad; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKMove; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKRescue; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKRest; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKUnload; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; public class RC2ExecutionService implements IExecutionService { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(RC2ExecutionService.class); private Connection connection; private EntityID id; private AbstractCommand enqueuedCommand; private int maxPower; private ISimulationTimer timer; private IIAMAgentCommand lastEnqueuedCommand; private IIAMAgentCommand lastSubmittedCommand; private IAMWorldModel worldModel; private int lastRandomMoveTime = -1; private int consecutiveRandomSteps = 0; private int sameMoveCounter = 0; private ISpeedInfo speedInfo; private boolean iamBuilding; private static final String MAX_POWER_KEY = "fire.extinguish.max-sum"; // Proportion of average speed that is classed as a no-move (over all // positions visited). private static final double MAX_NO_MOVE_PROPORTION = 0.2; // Proportion of average speed that is classed as a no-move (over absolute // distance travelled). private static final double MAX_NO_MOVE_ABSOLUTE_PROPORTION = 0.1; // When stuck, how many random steps should be attempted first before // starting to visit neighbours private static final int STEP_TRIALS = 3; // After how many steps of submitting the same move should I start to move // randomly? If set to X, the agent will move randomly on the Xth time the // same move is sent. private static final int SAME_MOVE_THRESHOLD = 8; // How many samples to take for finding a random side-step private static final int MAX_SAMPLES = 30; // Probability of taking a random move once the necessary conditions hold private static final double RANDOM_MOVE_PROBABILITY = 1; public RC2ExecutionService(EntityID id, Connection connection, Config config, ISimulationTimer timer, IAMWorldModel worldModel, ISpeedInfo speedInfo) { this.connection = connection; this.worldModel = worldModel; = id; maxPower = config.getIntValue(MAX_POWER_KEY); this.timer = timer; setSpeedInfo(speedInfo); iamBuilding = worldModel.getEntity(id) instanceof Building; } public void setSpeedInfo(ISpeedInfo speedInfo) { this.speedInfo = speedInfo; } private void sendMessage(Message message) { try { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Sending command: " + message); } connection.sendMessage(message); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void execute(DigOutCommand rescueCommand) { AKRescue rescue = new AKRescue(id, timer.getTime(), rescueCommand .getObjectToDigOut().getID()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = rescueCommand; enqueueCommand(rescue); } @Override public void execute(UnloadCommand unloadCommand) { AKUnload unload = new AKUnload(id, timer.getTime()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = unloadCommand; enqueueCommand(unload); } @Override public void execute(LoadCommand loadCommand) { AKLoad load = new AKLoad(id, timer.getTime(), loadCommand .getCivilianToLoad().getID()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = loadCommand; enqueueCommand(load); } @Override public void execute(ClearCommand clearCommand) { AKClear clear = new AKClear(id, timer.getTime(), clearCommand .getBlockadeToClear().getID()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = clearCommand; enqueueCommand(clear); } @Override public void execute(ExtinguishCommand extinguishCommand) { Building building = extinguishCommand.getBuildingToExtinguish(); double percentage = extinguishCommand.getPercentageOfFullPower(); double power = maxPower * percentage; int time = timer.getTime(); EntityID bId = building.getID(); AKExtinguish ex = new AKExtinguish(id, time, bId, (int) power); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = extinguishCommand; enqueueCommand(ex); } @Override public void execute(MoveCommand moveCommand) { AKMove move = new AKMove(id, timer.getTime(), moveCommand.getPath() .getLocations(), moveCommand.getPath().getEndPosition().getX(), moveCommand.getPath().getEndPosition().getY()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = moveCommand; enqueueCommand(move); } private void enqueueMove(MoveCommand moveCommand) { AKMove move = new AKMove(id, timer.getTime(), moveCommand.getPath() .getLocations(), moveCommand.getPath().getEndPosition().getX(), moveCommand.getPath().getEndPosition().getY()); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = moveCommand; this.enqueuedCommand = move; } private void enqueueCommand(AbstractCommand command) { assert enqueuedCommand == null : "Warning : multiple commands submitted in the same timestep"; this.enqueuedCommand = command; } @Override public void flushCommands() { // enqueuedCommand = generateRandomStep(MAX_SAMPLES); if (enqueuedCommand == null) { if (!iamBuilding) { LOGGER.error("Warning : agent has not submitted " + "any commands in this timestep"); } } else { boolean sentMove = false; if (timer.getTime() > 3 && needRandomMove()) { // Do not step randomly twice in a row. if (lastRandomMoveTime != timer.getTime() - 1) { sentMove = sendRandomMove(); } } if (!sentMove) { sendMessage(enqueuedCommand); this.lastSubmittedCommand = lastEnqueuedCommand; } enqueuedCommand = null; } } private AKMove generateRandomStep(int maxTries) { Human me = (Human) worldModel.getEntity(id); EntityID position = me.getPosition(); // Area I am on Area area = (Area) worldModel.getEntity(position); Shape shape = area.getShape(); Rectangle bounds = shape.getBounds(); boolean done = false; int counter = 1; while (!done && counter <= maxTries) { int x = (int) (bounds.getMinX() + Math.random() * (bounds.getMaxX() - bounds.getMinX())); int y = (int) (bounds.getMinY() + Math.random() * (bounds.getMaxY() - bounds.getMinY())); if (shape.contains(new Point2D.Float(x, y))) { done = true; List<EntityID> pathLocations = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); pathLocations.add(position); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Generated random move to " + x + ", " + y); } return new AKMove(id, timer.getTime(), pathLocations, x, y); /* * this.lastEnqueuedCommand = null; this.enqueuedCommand = move; */ // } counter++; } return null; } private AKMove generateRandomNeighbourStep() { Human me = (Human) worldModel.getEntity(id); EntityID position = me.getPosition(); // Area I am on Area area = (Area) worldModel.getEntity(position); List<EntityID> neighbours = area.getNeighbours(); if (neighbours.size() == 0) { LOGGER.error("Could not create random move on " + area.getFullDescription()); return null; } else { Set<EntityID> tried = new FastSet<EntityID>(); EntityID target = null; boolean ignore = false; List<EntityID> pathLocations; do { ignore = false; target = neighbours.get((int) (Math.random() * neighbours .size())); pathLocations = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); pathLocations.add(position); pathLocations.add(target); tried.add(target); StandardEntity entity = worldModel.getEntity(target); if (entity instanceof Building) { Building b = (Building) entity; if (b.isFierynessDefined() && b.getFieryness() >= 1 && b.getFieryness() <= 3) { ignore = true; } } } while (ignore && tried.size() < neighbours.size()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Generated random move to neighbour " + target); } return new AKMove(id, timer.getTime(), pathLocations); } } /** * */ private boolean sendRandomMove() { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Submitting random move, " + "as enqueued command has been submitted repeatedly: " + enqueuedCommand); } boolean randomlySteppedLastTime = (lastRandomMoveTime >= timer .getTime() - 2); boolean skipStep = randomlySteppedLastTime && (consecutiveRandomSteps >= STEP_TRIALS); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Last random step: " + lastRandomMoveTime);"Consecutive steps: " + consecutiveRandomSteps); } AKMove move = null; if (!skipStep) { move = generateRandomStep(MAX_SAMPLES); if (move != null) { sendMessage(move); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Sent random step: " + move); } } } if (move == null) { // Go to random neighbour move = generateRandomNeighbourStep(); sendMessage(move); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"Sent random neighbour step: " + move); } } if (move != null) { if (randomlySteppedLastTime) { consecutiveRandomSteps++; } else { consecutiveRandomSteps = 1; } lastRandomMoveTime = timer.getTime(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @return */ private boolean needRandomMove() { if (timer.getTime() > 4) { if (lastEnqueuedCommand != null && lastSubmittedCommand != null) { if (lastEnqueuedCommand instanceof MoveCommand && lastSubmittedCommand instanceof MoveCommand) { MoveCommand lastEnqMove = (MoveCommand) lastEnqueuedCommand; MoveCommand lastSubMove = (MoveCommand) lastSubmittedCommand; List<EntityID> enqLocations = lastEnqMove.getPath() .getLocations(); List<EntityID> subLocations = lastSubMove.getPath() .getLocations(); if (enqLocations.equals(subLocations)) { sameMoveCounter++; return needRandomMoveGivenSameCommand(); } else { // Did not submit same move sameMoveCounter = 0; } } } } return false; } /** * @return */ private boolean needRandomMoveGivenSameCommand() { boolean conditionsMet = false; if (sameMoveCounter >= SAME_MOVE_THRESHOLD) { conditionsMet = true; } else { StandardEntity me = worldModel.getEntity(id); if (me instanceof Human) { int distanceJustTravelled = HumanMovementUtility .getDistanceJustTravelled((Human) me, worldModel); if (distanceJustTravelled == -1) { LOGGER.error("Could not determine" + " distance last travelled"); } else { if (distanceJustTravelled < MAX_NO_MOVE_PROPORTION * speedInfo.getDistancePerTimeStep()) { conditionsMet = true; } } if (!conditionsMet) { int absoluteDistanceTravelled = HumanMovementUtility .getAbsoluteDistanceJustTravelled((Human) me, worldModel, timer); if (absoluteDistanceTravelled == -1) { LOGGER.error("Could not determine" + " absolute distance " + "last travelled"); } else { if (absoluteDistanceTravelled < MAX_NO_MOVE_ABSOLUTE_PROPORTION * speedInfo.getDistancePerTimeStep()) { conditionsMet = true; } } } } } if (conditionsMet) { return Math.random() <= RANDOM_MOVE_PROBABILITY; } else { return false; } } public IIAMAgentCommand getLastSubmittedCommand() { return lastSubmittedCommand; } @Override public void performCommand(IIAMAgentCommand command) throws UnknownCommandException, IllegalStateException { command.checkValidity(); command.execute(this); } @Override public void execute(RestCommand command) { this.lastEnqueuedCommand = command; enqueueCommand(new AKRest(id, timer.getTime())); } @Override public int getLastRandomMoveTime() { return lastRandomMoveTime; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * iamrescue.execution.IExecutionService#execute(iamrescue.execution.command * .RandomMoveCommand) */ @Override public void execute(RandomMoveCommand randomMoveCommand) { AKMove move = generateRandomNeighbourStep(); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = randomMoveCommand; if (move == null) { move = generateRandomStep(MAX_SAMPLES); if (move == null) { LOGGER.warn("Could not generate random move. " + "Sending rest instead."); execute(new RestCommand()); return; } } enqueueCommand(move); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * iamrescue.execution.IExecutionService#execute(iamrescue.execution.command * .RandomStepCommand) */ @Override public void execute(RandomStepCommand randomStepCommand) { AKMove move = generateRandomStep(MAX_SAMPLES); this.lastEnqueuedCommand = randomStepCommand; if (move == null) { move = generateRandomNeighbourStep(); if (move == null) { LOGGER.warn("Could not generate random step. " + "Sending rest instead."); execute(new RestCommand()); return; } } enqueueCommand(move); } @Override public boolean NotSubmittedCommand() { return enqueuedCommand == null; } @Override public AbstractCommand getEnqueuedCommand() { return enqueuedCommand; } /** * @return the consecutiveRandomSteps */ public int getConsecutiveRandomSteps() { return consecutiveRandomSteps; } }