package iamrescue.agent.police; import iamrescue.agent.AbstractIAMAgent; import iamrescue.agent.police.goals.SimpleClearingGoal; import iamrescue.execution.command.ClearCommand; import iamrescue.execution.command.IPath; import iamrescue.execution.command.MoveCommand; import iamrescue.routing.IRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.Path; import iamrescue.routing.costs.SimpleDistanceRoutingCostFunction; import iamrescue.routing.dijkstra.BidirectionalDijkstrasRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.queries.QueryFactory; import iamrescue.util.PositionXY; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javolution.util.FastList; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Area; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Blockade; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.PoliceForce; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntityURN; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.ChangeSet; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; public class SimpleIAMPoliceForce extends AbstractIAMAgent<PoliceForce> { private static final String DISTANCE_KEY = ""; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(SimpleIAMPoliceForce.class); private PoliceTaskModule taskModule; private IRoutingModule clearRoutingModule; private IPath lastPath = null; private int distance; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see agent.AbstractIAMAgent#postConnect() */ @Override protected void postConnect() { super.postConnect(); LOGGER.debug("Postconnect"); distance = config.getIntValue(DISTANCE_KEY); taskModule = new PoliceTaskModule(getWorldModel(), me().getID(), getRoutingModule(), getTimer()); LOGGER.debug("task module done"); taskModule.initialise(); LOGGER.debug("Initialised"); clearRoutingModule = new BidirectionalDijkstrasRoutingModule( getWorldModel(), SimpleDistanceRoutingCostFunction.DEFAULT_NO_BLOCK_INSTANCE, getTimer()); LOGGER.debug("CLearing done"); showWorldModelViewer(); } @Override protected void think(int time, ChangeSet changed) { LOGGER.debug("Start update"); taskModule.update(); LOGGER.debug("End update"); LOGGER.debug("My task: " + taskModule.getMyCurrentGoal()); // Am I on a blocked road? Area location = (Area) me().getPosition(getWorldModel()); Blockade block = getTargetBlockade(location, distance); if (block != null) { LOGGER.debug("Trying to clear"); ClearCommand clear = new ClearCommand(); clear.setBlockadeToClear(block); getExecutionService().execute(clear); return; } else { // Check if I can step towards a blockade if (location.isBlockadesDefined()) { List<EntityID> blockades = location.getBlockades(); for (EntityID entityID : blockades) { MoveCommand move = new MoveCommand(); Blockade b = (Blockade) getWorldModel().getEntity(entityID); if (b.getRepairCost() == 0) { continue; } List<PositionXY> positions = new ArrayList<PositionXY>(); positions.add(new PositionXY(me().getLocation( getWorldModel()))); positions .add(new PositionXY(b.getLocation(getWorldModel()))); move.setPath(new Path(Collections.singletonList(location .getID()), positions)); getExecutionService().execute(move); LOGGER.debug("Moving to blockade " + b + " at " + b.getLocation(getWorldModel())); return; } } } // Check next task SimpleClearingGoal nextGoal = taskModule.getMyCurrentGoal(); if (nextGoal != null) { Collection<EntityID> targets = new FastList<EntityID>(); // Plan clearing path to goal if (nextGoal.getTarget().equals(me().getID())) { for (StandardEntity se : getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( StandardEntityURN.REFUGE)) { targets.add(se.getID()); } } else { targets.add(nextGoal.getTarget()); } IPath path = clearRoutingModule.findShortestPath(QueryFactory .createQuery(getID(), targets)); if (path.isValid()) { if (lastPath == null || !path.equals(lastPath)) { lastPath = path; MoveCommand moveCommand = new MoveCommand(); moveCommand.setPath(path); getExecutionService().execute(moveCommand); LOGGER.debug("Moving to goal " + nextGoal); return; } } else { LOGGER.warn("Invalid path produced by goal " + nextGoal); } } LOGGER.debug("Searching"); doDefaultSearch(); /* * Random r = new Random(); * * // Walk randomly to a blocked road * * IPath path = null; while (path == null) { EntityID destination = * null; List<Area> blocked = getBlockedAreas(); if (blocked.size() > 0) * { destination = blocked.get(r.nextInt(blocked.size())).getID(); } * else { blocked = getUnknownAreas(); if (blocked.size() > 0) { * destination = blocked.get(r.nextInt(blocked.size())) .getID(); } else * { // Random node short min = * getWorldModel().getShortIndex().getMinID(); short max = * getWorldModel().getShortIndex().getMaxID(); short shortID = (short) * (min + (Math.random() * (max - min))); destination = * getWorldModel().getEntity( getWorldModel().getShortIndex() * .getEntityID(shortID)).getID(); } } LOGGER.debug("Random move from " * + me() + " to " + getWorldModel().getEntity(destination)); * * path = clearRoutingModule.findShortestPath(QueryFactory * .createQuery(getID(), Collections.singleton(destination))); if * (!path.isValid()) { path = null; } } MoveCommand moveCommand = new * MoveCommand(); moveCommand.setPath(path); * getExecutionService().execute(moveCommand); * LOGGER.debug("Random move"); */ } private List<Area> getUnknownAreas() { List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); for (StandardEntity se : getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( StandardEntityURN.ROAD)) { Area area = (Area) se; if (!area.isBlockadesDefined()) { areas.add(area); } } return areas; } private List<Area> getBlockedAreas() { List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); for (StandardEntity se : getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( StandardEntityURN.ROAD)) { Area area = (Area) se; if (area.isBlockadesDefined() && area.getBlockades().size() > 0) { areas.add(area); } } for (StandardEntity se : getWorldModel().getEntitiesOfType( StandardEntityURN.BUILDING)) { Area area = (Area) se; if (area.isBlockadesDefined() && area.getBlockades().size() > 0) { areas.add(area); } } return areas; } /* * private Blockade getTargetBlockade() { * Logger.debug("Looking for target blockade"); Area location = (Area) * self().getPosition(getWorldModel()); * Logger.debug("Looking in current location"); Blockade result = * getTargetBlockade(location, distance); if (result != null) { return * result; } Logger.debug("Looking in neighbouring locations"); for * (EntityID next : location.getNeighbours()) { location = (Area) * model.getEntity(next); result = getTargetBlockade(location, distance); if * ) (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } */ private Blockade getTargetBlockade(Area area, int maxDistance) { LOGGER.debug("Looking for nearest blockade in " + area); if (!area.isBlockadesDefined()) { LOGGER.debug("Blockades undefined"); return null; } List<EntityID> ids = area.getBlockades(); // Find the first blockade that is in range. PoliceForce self = (PoliceForce) me(); int x = self.getX(); int y = self.getY(); for (EntityID next : ids) { Blockade b = (Blockade) model.getEntity(next); if (b.isApexesDefined()) { double d = findDistanceTo(b, x, y); LOGGER.debug("Distance to " + b + " = " + d); if (maxDistance < 0 || d < maxDistance) { LOGGER.debug("In range"); return b; } } } LOGGER.debug("No blockades in range"); return null; } private int findDistanceTo(Blockade b, int x, int y) { LOGGER.debug("Finding distance to " + b + " from " + x + ", " + y); List<Line2D> lines = GeometryTools2D.pointsToLines(GeometryTools2D .vertexArrayToPoints(b.getApexes()), true); double best = Double.MAX_VALUE; Point2D origin = new Point2D(x, y); for (Line2D next : lines) { Point2D closest = GeometryTools2D.getClosestPointOnSegment(next, origin); double d = GeometryTools2D.getDistance(origin, closest); LOGGER.debug("Next line: " + next + ", closest point: " + closest + ", distance: " + d); if (d < best) { best = d; LOGGER.debug("New best distance"); } } return (int) best; } protected List<StandardEntityURN> getAgentTypes() { return Collections.singletonList(StandardEntityURN.POLICE_FORCE); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see iamrescue.agent.AbstractIAMAgent#fallback(int, rescuecore2.worldmodel.ChangeSet) */ @Override protected void fallback(int time, ChangeSet changed) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }