package rescuecore2.components; import rescuecore2.config.Config; import rescuecore2.connection.Connection; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionException; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionListener; import rescuecore2.messages.Message; import rescuecore2.messages.control.Shutdown; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.WorldModel; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; import rescuecore2.misc.WorkerThread; import rescuecore2.registry.Registry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /** Abstract base class for component implementations. @param <T> The subclass of WorldModel that this component understands. */ public abstract class AbstractComponent<T extends WorldModel<? extends Entity>> implements Component { private static final int TIMEOUT = 10000; /** The connection to the kernel. */ protected Connection connection; /** The configuration. This will be automatically updated by the postConnect method to include config information from the kernel. */ protected Config config; /** The world model. */ protected T model; /** A random number generator. */ protected Random random; /** The thread that processes incoming messages. */ private MessageProcessor processor; /** Create a new AbstractComponent. */ protected AbstractComponent() { } /** Notification that connection to the kernel succeeded. @param c The kernel connection. @param entities The entities that the kernel sent on startup. @param kernelConfig The config that the kernel sent on startup. */ protected final void postConnect(Connection c, Collection<Entity> entities, Config kernelConfig) { connection = c; model = createWorldModel(); model.addEntities(entities); config.merge(kernelConfig); random = config.getRandom(); String ndc = getPreferredNDC(); if (ndc != null) { Logger.pushNDC(ndc); } try { + " connected"); postConnect(); processor = new MessageProcessor(); c.addConnectionListener(new MessageListener()); processor.start(); } finally { if (ndc != null) { Logger.popNDC(); } } } /** Perform any post-connection work required before acknowledgement of the connection is made. The default implementation does nothing. */ protected void postConnect() { } /** Construct the world model. @return The world model. */ protected abstract T createWorldModel(); /** Send a message to the kernel and silently ignore any errors. @param msg The message to send. */ protected final void send(Message msg) { try { connection.sendMessage(msg); } catch (ConnectionException e) { // Ignore and log Logger.error("Error sending message", e); } } @Override public String getPreferredLogContext() { return getClass().getName(); } /** Get the preferred nested diagnostic context to use when processing messages for this component. Default implementation returns null. @return The preferred NDC for this component, or null if no context is required. */ protected String getPreferredNDC() { return null; } @Override public void initialise() { } @Override public void shutdown() { try { processor.kill(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public String getName() { return getClass().getName(); } @Override public Registry getPreferredRegistry(Registry parent) { return parent; } /** Process an incoming message. @param msg The incoming message. */ protected void processMessage(Message msg) {"Unrecognised message type: " + msg); } /** Process an incoming message immediately. If the message can be processed quickly then this method should do so and return true. If the message may take some time to process (e.g. if it is a sense message (for agents) or a command message (for simulators) then this method should return false and the message will be processed in a different thread via the {@link #processMessage(Message)} method. @param msg The incoming message. @return true If the message was processed immediately, false if it requires slower processing. */ protected boolean processImmediately(Message msg) { if (msg instanceof Shutdown) { shutdown(); return true; } else { return false; } } private class MessageProcessor extends WorkerThread { private BlockingQueue<Message> queue; MessageProcessor() { queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Message>(); } void push(Message m) { queue.add(m); } @Override public boolean work() throws InterruptedException { String ndc = getPreferredNDC(); if (ndc != null) { Logger.pushNDC(ndc); } try { Logger.trace("MessageProcessor working: " + queue.size() + " messages in the queue"); Message msg = queue.take(); Logger.trace("Next message: " + msg); AbstractComponent.this.processMessage(msg); return true; } finally { if (ndc != null) { Logger.popNDC(); } } } } private class MessageListener implements ConnectionListener { @Override public void messageReceived(Connection c, Message msg) { String ndc = getPreferredNDC(); if (ndc != null) { Logger.pushNDC(ndc); } try { if (!processImmediately(msg)) { processor.push(msg); } } finally { if (ndc != null) { Logger.popNDC(); } } } } }