package maps.convert.legacy2gml; import maps.legacy.LegacyBuilding; import maps.gml.GMLMap; import maps.gml.GMLBuilding; import maps.gml.GMLRoad; import maps.gml.GMLNode; import maps.gml.GMLDirectedEdge; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Vector2D; import rescuecore2.misc.Pair; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; /** Container for building information during conversion. */ public class BuildingInfo { /** * Width of a generated entrance road. */ public static final int ENTRANCE_SIZE = 3000; private Point2D roadLeft; private Point2D roadRight; private LegacyBuilding building; private List<GMLNode> apexes; /** Construct a BuildingInfo object. @param b The LegacyBuilding to store info about. */ public BuildingInfo(LegacyBuilding b) { building = b; } /** Set the left corner at the road end. @param newRoadLeft The new head-left corner. */ public void setRoadLeft(Point2D newRoadLeft) { roadLeft = newRoadLeft; } /** Set the right corner at the road end. @param newRoadRight The new head-right corner. */ public void setRoadRight(Point2D newRoadRight) { roadRight = newRoadRight; } /** Process the building and create a GMLBuilding. @param gml The GML map. @param nodeInfo Information about the legacy nodes. @param roadInfo Information about the legacy roads. */ public void process(GMLMap gml, Map<Integer, NodeInfo> nodeInfo, Map<Integer, RoadInfo> roadInfo) { apexes = new ArrayList<GMLNode>(); int[] coords = building.getApexes(); for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i += 2) { int x = coords[i]; int y = coords[i + 1]; GMLNode node = gml.createNode(x, y); apexes.add(node); } GMLBuilding b = gml.createBuildingFromNodes(apexes); b.setFloors(building.getFloors()); b.setCode(building.getCode()); // Create an entrance // Logger.debug("Creating entrance for " + building); if (building.getEntrances().length == 0) { return; } Point2D entrancePoint = nodeInfo.get(building.getEntrances()[0]).getLocation(); Point2D centre = new Point2D(building.getX(), building.getY()); Line2D centreLine = new Line2D(centre, entrancePoint); Vector2D centreVector = centreLine.getDirection(); Vector2D leftVector = centreVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(ENTRANCE_SIZE / 2.0); Vector2D rightVector = leftVector.scale(-1); Line2D left = new Line2D(, centreVector); Line2D right = new Line2D(, centreVector); // Logger.debug("Entrance point: " + entrancePoint); // Logger.debug("Building centre: " + centre); // Logger.debug("Left line: " + left); // Logger.debug("Right line: " + right); Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> leftEntrance = getEntrancePoint(left, centreLine, b.getEdges(), true, true); if (leftEntrance == null) { Logger.warn(b + ": Left entrance line does not intersect any walls"); return; } GMLNode leftNode = gml.createNode(leftEntrance.first().getOrigin().getX(), leftEntrance.first().getOrigin().getY()); // Logger.debug("New left node: " + leftNode); gml.splitEdge(leftEntrance.second().getEdge(), leftNode); Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> rightEntrance = getEntrancePoint(right, centreLine, b.getEdges(), false, true); if (rightEntrance == null) { Logger.warn(b + ": Right entrance line does not intersect any walls"); return; } GMLNode rightNode = gml.createNode(rightEntrance.first().getOrigin().getX(), rightEntrance.first().getOrigin().getY()); // Logger.debug("New right node: " + rightNode); gml.splitEdge(rightEntrance.second().getEdge(), rightNode); gml.removeEdge(leftEntrance.second().getEdge()); gml.removeEdge(rightEntrance.second().getEdge()); // Now create the new road segment // Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> leftRoad = getEntrancePoint(left, centreLine, getAllRoadEdges(nodeInfo.values(), roadInfo.values()), true, false); // if (leftRoad == null) { // Logger.warn(b + ": Left entrance line does not intersect any roads"); // return; // } GMLNode roadLeftNode = gml.createNode(roadLeft.getX(), roadLeft.getY()); // Logger.debug("New road left node: " + roadLeftNode); // gml.splitEdge(leftRoad.second().getEdge(), roadLeftNode); // Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> rightRoad = getEntrancePoint(right, centreLine, getAllRoadEdges(nodeInfo.values(), roadInfo.values()), false, false); // if (rightRoad == null) { // Logger.warn(b + ": Right entrance line does not intersect any roads"); // return; // } GMLNode roadRightNode = gml.createNode(roadRight.getX(), roadRight.getY()); // Logger.debug("New road left node: " + roadRightNode); // gml.splitEdge(rightRoad.second().getEdge(), roadRightNode); // Create the road gml.createRoad(gml.apexesToEdges(roadLeftNode, roadRightNode, rightNode, leftNode)); } /** Trim a line to a set of walls and return the trimmed line and intersecting wall. Returns null if the line does not intersect any walls. @param line The line to trim. @param walls The walls to trim to. @param trimStart True to trim the start of the line, false to trim the end. */ private Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> trim(Line2D line, Collection<GMLDirectedEdge> walls, boolean trimStart) { GMLDirectedEdge wall = null; for (GMLDirectedEdge next : walls) { Point2D p = GeometryTools2D.getSegmentIntersectionPoint(line, Tools.gmlDirectedEdgeToLine(next)); if (p != null) { if (trimStart) { line = new Line2D(p, line.getEndPoint()); } else { line = new Line2D(line.getOrigin(), p); } wall = next; } } if (wall == null) { return null; } return new Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge>(line, wall); } private Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> getEntrancePoint(Line2D line, Line2D centre, Collection<GMLDirectedEdge> walls, boolean left, boolean trimStart) { Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge> trimmed = trim(line, walls, trimStart); if (trimmed == null) { // Entrance line does not intersect with the building outline. Snap it back to the endpoint of the wall the centre line intersects with. trimmed = trim(centre, walls, trimStart); if (trimmed == null) { // Entrance does not intersect with any walls! return null; } GMLDirectedEdge wall = trimmed.second(); Line2D wallLine = Tools.gmlDirectedEdgeToLine(wall); Vector2D centreNormal = centre.getDirection().getNormal().normalised(); if (!left) { centreNormal = centreNormal.scale(-1); } Vector2D wallDirection = wallLine.getDirection().normalised(); Point2D end; if ( > 0) { // Same direction: end point is the end of the wall end = wallLine.getEndPoint(); } else { // Opposite directions: end point is the start of the wall end = wallLine.getOrigin(); } return new Pair<Line2D, GMLDirectedEdge>(new Line2D(end, line.getEndPoint()), wall); } else { return trimmed; } } private Collection<GMLDirectedEdge> getAllRoadEdges(Collection<NodeInfo> nodes, Collection<RoadInfo> roads) { Collection<GMLDirectedEdge> all = new HashSet<GMLDirectedEdge>(); for (NodeInfo next : nodes) { GMLRoad r = next.getRoad(); if (r != null) { all.addAll(r.getEdges()); } } for (RoadInfo next : roads) { all.addAll(next.getRoad().getEdges()); } return all; } }