package maps.gml.editor; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import maps.gml.GMLEdge; import maps.gml.GMLDirectedEdge; import maps.gml.GMLShape; import maps.gml.GMLRoad; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; /** A function for computing passable edges. */ public class ComputePassableEdgesFunction extends ProgressFunction { /** Construct a ComputePassableEdgesFunction. @param editor The editor instance. */ public ComputePassableEdgesFunction(GMLEditor editor) { super(editor); } @Override public String getName() { return "Compute passable edges"; } @Override protected String getTitle() { return "Finding neighbours"; } @Override protected void executeImpl() { final Collection<GMLEdge> edges = editor.getMap().getEdges(); setProgressLimit(edges.size()); int passable = 0; int impassable = 0; for (GMLEdge next : edges) { Collection<GMLShape> shapes = editor.getMap().getAttachedShapes(next); if (shapes.size() == 2) { Iterator<GMLShape> it = shapes.iterator(); GMLShape first =; GMLShape second =; if (first instanceof GMLRoad || second instanceof GMLRoad || next.isPassable()) { next.setPassable(true); GMLDirectedEdge firstEdge = findDirectedEdge(first.getEdges(), next); GMLDirectedEdge secondEdge = findDirectedEdge(second.getEdges(), next); first.setNeighbour(firstEdge, second.getID()); second.setNeighbour(secondEdge, first.getID()); ++passable; } else { makeImpassable(next, shapes); ++impassable; } } else { makeImpassable(next, shapes); ++impassable; } bumpProgress(); } editor.setChanged(); editor.getViewer().repaint(); Logger.debug("Made " + passable + " edges passable and " + impassable + " impassable"); } private void makeImpassable(GMLEdge edge, Collection<GMLShape> attached) { edge.setPassable(false); for (GMLShape shape : attached) { shape.setNeighbour(edge, null); } } private GMLDirectedEdge findDirectedEdge(List<GMLDirectedEdge> possible, GMLEdge target) { for (GMLDirectedEdge next : possible) { if (next.getEdge() == target) { return next; } } return null; } }