package maps.convert.legacy2gml; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import maps.gml.GMLMap; import maps.gml.GMLNode; import maps.gml.GMLRoad; import maps.legacy.LegacyBuilding; import maps.legacy.LegacyMap; import maps.legacy.LegacyNode; import maps.legacy.LegacyObject; import maps.legacy.LegacyRoad; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Vector2D; /** Container for node information during conversion. */ public class NodeInfo { private LegacyNode node; private Point2D centre; private List<GMLNode> apexes; private GMLRoad road; /** Construct a NodeInfo object. @param node The LegacyNode to store info about. */ public NodeInfo(LegacyNode node) { this.node = node; centre = new Point2D(node.getX(), node.getY()); } /** Get the LegacyNode. @return The LegacyNode. */ public LegacyNode getNode() { return node; } /** Get the node location. @return The node location. */ public Point2D getLocation() { return centre; } /** Get the generated GMLRoad. @return The generated road or null if this node did not generate a road segment. */ public GMLRoad getRoad() { return road; } /** Process the node and create GMLRoad objects if required. @param legacy The legacy map. @param gml The GML map. @param roadInfo A map from road ID to RoadInfo. @param buildingInfo A map from building ID to BuildingInfo. */ public void process(LegacyMap legacy, GMLMap gml, Map<Integer, RoadInfo> roadInfo, Map<Integer, BuildingInfo> buildingInfo) { apexes = new ArrayList<GMLNode>(); List<EdgeAspect> edges = new ArrayList<EdgeAspect>(); for (int id : node.getEdges()) { LegacyRoad lRoad = legacy.getRoad(id); if (lRoad != null && roadInfo.containsKey(id)) { edges.add(new RoadAspect(lRoad, node, legacy, roadInfo.get(id))); continue; } LegacyBuilding lBuilding = legacy.getBuilding(id); if (lBuilding != null && buildingInfo.containsKey(id)) { edges.add(new BuildingAspect(lBuilding, node, legacy, buildingInfo.get(id))); } } if (edges.size() == 1) { EdgeAspect aspect = edges.get(0); findRoadEdges(aspect, centre); } else { // Sort the roads CounterClockwiseSort sort = new CounterClockwiseSort(centre); Collections.sort(edges, sort); // Now build the apex list Iterator<EdgeAspect> it = edges.iterator(); EdgeAspect first =; EdgeAspect prev = first; EdgeAspect next; while (it.hasNext()) { next =; Point2D[] newApexes = findIncomingEdgeIntersection(prev, next, centre); for (Point2D apex : newApexes) { apexes.add(gml.createNode(apex.getX(), apex.getY())); } prev = next; } Point2D[] newApexes = findIncomingEdgeIntersection(prev, first, centre); for (Point2D apex : newApexes) { apexes.add(gml.createNode(apex.getX(), apex.getY())); } } if (apexes.size() > 2) { road = gml.createRoadFromNodes(apexes); } } /** Process two incoming roads and find the intersection of the right edge of the first road and the left edge of the second road. @param first The road endpoint to check the right edge of. @param second The road endpoint to check the left edge of. @param centrePoint The centre of the intersection. @return The intersection of the two roads. */ private Point2D[] findIncomingEdgeIntersection(EdgeAspect first, EdgeAspect second, Point2D centrePoint) { LegacyObject firstNode = first.getFarNode(); LegacyObject secondNode = second.getFarNode(); Point2D firstPoint = new Point2D(firstNode.getX(), firstNode.getY()); Point2D secondPoint = new Point2D(secondNode.getX(), secondNode.getY()); // Find the intersection of the incoming road edges Vector2D firstVector = centrePoint.minus(firstPoint); Vector2D secondVector = centrePoint.minus(secondPoint); Vector2D firstNormal = firstVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(-first.getRoadWidth() / 2.0); Vector2D secondNormal = secondVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(second.getRoadWidth() / 2.0); Point2D start1Point =; Point2D start2Point =; Line2D line1 = new Line2D(start1Point, firstVector); Line2D line2 = new Line2D(start2Point, secondVector); Point2D intersection = GeometryTools2D.getIntersectionPoint(line1, line2); if (intersection == null) { // Lines are parallel // This means the normals are parallel, so we can just add a normal to the centre point to generate an intersection point intersection =; } double maxWidth = Math.max(first.getRoadWidth(), second.getRoadWidth()); double distance = GeometryTools2D.getDistance(centrePoint, intersection); Vector2D intersectionVector = intersection.minus(centrePoint).normalised(); double dp1 = firstVector.normalised().dot(intersectionVector); double dp2 = secondVector.normalised().dot(intersectionVector); if (distance > maxWidth && dp1 > 0 && dp2 > 0) { //Cap spikes on acute angles Vector2D cutoffVector = intersectionVector.getNormal().scale(maxWidth); Point2D cutoffStart =; // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber Line2D cutoffLine = new Line2D(cutoffStart, cutoffVector.scale(-2.0)); // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber Point2D end1 = GeometryTools2D.getIntersectionPoint(line1, cutoffLine); Point2D end2 = GeometryTools2D.getIntersectionPoint(line2, cutoffLine); first.setRightEnd(end1); second.setLeftEnd(end2); return new Point2D[] {end1, end2}; } else if (distance > maxWidth && (dp1 > 0 || dp2 > 0)) { // Prevent too distant intersections on obtuse angles // Those usually happen on intersections between roads with (very) different widths. // For now, just use the intersection that would have occured between two roads // of the averages width double avgWidth = (first.getRoadWidth() + second.getRoadWidth()) / 2.0; firstNormal = firstVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(-avgWidth / 2.0); secondNormal = secondVector.getNormal().normalised().scale(avgWidth / 2.0); start1Point =; start2Point =; line1 = new Line2D(start1Point, firstVector); line2 = new Line2D(start2Point, secondVector); intersection = GeometryTools2D.getIntersectionPoint(line1, line2); first.setRightEnd(intersection); second.setLeftEnd(intersection); } else if (distance > maxWidth) { // Inner acute angle: just cut off at twice the max. road width. intersection = * 2.0)); first.setRightEnd(intersection); second.setLeftEnd(intersection); } else { first.setRightEnd(intersection); second.setLeftEnd(intersection); } return new Point2D[] {intersection}; } private void findRoadEdges(EdgeAspect aspect, Point2D centrePoint) { LegacyObject farNode = aspect.getFarNode(); Point2D roadPoint = new Point2D(farNode.getX(), farNode.getY()); Vector2D vector = centrePoint.minus(roadPoint); Vector2D leftNormal = vector.getNormal().normalised().scale(aspect.getRoadWidth() / 2.0); Vector2D rightNormal = leftNormal.scale(-1); Point2D left =; Point2D right =; aspect.setLeftEnd(left); aspect.setRightEnd(right); } private interface EdgeAspect { int getRoadWidth(); LegacyObject getFarNode(); void setLeftEnd(Point2D p); void setRightEnd(Point2D p); } private static class RoadAspect implements EdgeAspect { private boolean forward; private LegacyNode farNode; private RoadInfo info; private int width; RoadAspect(LegacyRoad road, LegacyNode intersection, LegacyMap map, RoadInfo info) { forward = intersection.getID() == road.getTail(); farNode = map.getNode(forward ? road.getHead() : road.getTail()); width = road.getWidth(); = info; } public int getRoadWidth() { return width; } public LegacyObject getFarNode() { return farNode; } public void setLeftEnd(Point2D p) { if (forward) { info.setHeadLeft(p); } else { info.setTailRight(p); } } public void setRightEnd(Point2D p) { if (forward) { info.setHeadRight(p); } else { info.setTailLeft(p); } } } private static class BuildingAspect implements EdgeAspect { private LegacyBuilding building; private BuildingInfo info; BuildingAspect(LegacyBuilding building, LegacyNode intersection, LegacyMap map, BuildingInfo info) { this.building = building; = info; } public int getRoadWidth() { return BuildingInfo.ENTRANCE_SIZE; } public LegacyObject getFarNode() { return building; } public void setLeftEnd(Point2D p) { info.setRoadLeft(p); } public void setRightEnd(Point2D p) { info.setRoadRight(p); } } private static class CounterClockwiseSort implements Comparator<EdgeAspect> { private Point2D centre; /** Construct a CounterClockwiseSort with a reference point. @param centre The reference point. */ public CounterClockwiseSort(Point2D centre) { this.centre = centre; } @Override public int compare(EdgeAspect first, EdgeAspect second) { double d1 = score(first); double d2 = score(second); if (d1 < d2) { return 1; } else if (d1 > d2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } /** Compute the score for a RoadAspect - the amount of clockwiseness from 12 o'clock. @param aspect The RoadAspect. @return The amount of clockwiseness. This will be in the range [0..4) with 0 representing 12 o'clock, 1 representing 3 o'clock and so on. */ public double score(EdgeAspect aspect) { LegacyObject node = aspect.getFarNode(); Point2D point = new Point2D(node.getX(), node.getY()); Vector2D v = point.minus(centre); double sin = v.getX() / v.getLength(); double cos = v.getY() / v.getLength(); if (Double.isNaN(sin) || Double.isNaN(cos)) { System.out.println(v); System.out.println(v.getLength()); } return convert(sin, cos); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber private double convert(double sin, double cos) { if (sin >= 0 && cos >= 0) { return sin; } if (sin >= 0 && cos < 0) { return 2 - sin; } if (sin < 0 && cos < 0) { return 2 - sin; } if (sin < 0 && cos >= 0) { return 4 + sin; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("This should be impossible! What's going on? sin=" + sin + ", cos=" + cos); } // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber } }