package iamrescue.communication; import iamrescue.agent.ISimulationTimer; import iamrescue.communication.messages.Message; import iamrescue.communication.messages.MessageChannelConfiguration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javolution.util.FastMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.connection.Connection; import rescuecore2.connection.ConnectionException; import rescuecore2.messages.Command; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKSay; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKSpeak; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKSubscribe; import rescuecore2.standard.messages.AKTell; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; public class RescueCore2IncomingMessageService extends AIncomingMessageService { private CommunicationModule module; private ISimulationTimer timer; private EntityID id; private Connection connection; private Map<Integer, Integer> sizes = new FastMap<Integer, Integer>(); private MessageChannelConfiguration channelConfiguration; public RescueCore2IncomingMessageService(EntityID id, ISimulationTimer timer, CommunicationModule module, Connection connection, ISimulationCommunicationConfiguration configuration) { super(configuration); this.module = module; this.timer = timer; = id; this.connection = connection; channelConfiguration = configuration.getChannelConfiguration(); } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(RescueCore2IncomingMessageService.class); public void flushChannelCommands() { if (getSubscribedChannels().size() + getNumberOfVoiceChannels() < getMaximumNumberofSubscribedChannels()) { LOGGER.warn("Listening to " + getSubscribedChannels().size() + " channels, but maximum allowable is " + getMaximumNumberofSubscribedChannels()); } if (getSubscribedChannels().size() + getNumberOfVoiceChannels() > getMaximumNumberofSubscribedChannels()) { LOGGER.warn("Attempting to listening to " + getSubscribedChannels().size() + " channels, but maximum allowable is " + getMaximumNumberofSubscribedChannels()); } LOGGER.debug("Sending AKSubscribe Command " + Arrays.toString(getChannels())); try { connection.sendMessage(new AKSubscribe(id, timer.getTime(), getChannels())); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void updateSizes(int channel, int size) { Integer prevSize = sizes.get(channel); if (prevSize == null) { prevSize = 0; } sizes.put(channel, prevSize + size); } public void hear(Collection<Command> heard) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { sizes = FastMap.newInstance(); } for (Command c : heard) { if (c instanceof AKSpeak) { AKSpeak say = (AKSpeak) c; module.processIncomingMessage(say.getAgentID(), channelConfiguration.get(say.getChannel()), say .getTime(), say.getContent()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { updateSizes(say.getChannel(), say.getContent().length); } } else if (c instanceof AKSay) { AKSay say = (AKSay) c; // it is assumed that the verbal message channel is at channel 0 module.processIncomingMessage(say.getAgentID(), channelConfiguration.get(0), say.getTime(), say .getContent()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { updateSizes(0, say.getContent().length); } } else if (c instanceof AKTell) { AKTell say = (AKTell) c; // TODO find out what AKTell is module.processIncomingMessage(say.getAgentID(), channelConfiguration.get(0), say.getTime(), say .getContent()); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { updateSizes(0, say.getContent().length); } } else { assert false : "Unexpected message type"; } } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Heard " + heard.size() + " messages."); LOGGER.trace("There are " + module.getUnreadMessages().size() + " unread messages"); for (Message msg : module.getUnreadMessages()) { LOGGER.trace(msg.toString()); } LOGGER.trace("Done"); } if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Total bytes received:"); for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : sizes.entrySet()) { sb.append(" ( "); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append(" -> "); sb.append(entry.getValue()); sb.append(" )"); }; } } }