package iamrescue.agent.ambulanceteam.ambulancetools; import iamrescue.agent.AbstractIAMAgent; import iamrescue.agent.ISimulationTimer; import iamrescue.agent.ambulanceteam.IAMAmbulanceTeam; import iamrescue.agent.firebrigade.FastFireSite; import iamrescue.belief.IAMWorldModel; import iamrescue.execution.command.IPath; import iamrescue.routing.IRoutingModule; import iamrescue.routing.util.ISpeedInfo; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import java.lang.Integer; import java.lang.Math; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.AmbulanceTeam; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Building; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Refuge; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; public class RScheduler { /** * Variable to print out comments */ private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IAMAmbulanceTeam.class); /** * The current time step */ private int timeStep; /** * The memory of the agent using this scheduler */ private IAMWorldModel memory; /** * The list of ids in my team */ private AmbulanceTeam[] team; /**2 * My index in the SORTED version of the team!! */ private int myIndex; /** * List of all buildings */ private StandardEntity[] allBuildings; /** * The avoid blockage path planner */ private IRoutingModule pathPlanner;//no used /** * The victims from the previous time step */ //private ArrayList<RescueTask> oldVictims; /** * The new Strategy: tasks to execute in the next time window */ public ArrayList<RescueTask> nextTasks; /** * all well-know tasks */ private HashMap<EntityID, RescueTask> allTasks; /** * Matrix of agent's ids: for each ambulance(row) is reported its strategy for the next time window */ public int[][] nextAllocations ; /** * Number of all found civilians */ private int allVictimsSize; /** * dimension of the decision window */ private int window=AladdinInterAgentConstants.ALLOCATION_WINDOW; /** * Determines how frequently strategy should be recomputed */ private double ReAllocProb = 0.9; /** * to obtain random number in [0,1] interval */ private Random generator; /* * deadline function */ DeadlineFunction deadline = new DeadlineFunction(); private ISpeedInfo speed; private FireTracker fires; private ISimulationTimer timer; /** * Constructor for the RScheduler * @param _oldVics - the previous set of victims - empty to start with * @param mem - the memory of the agent * @param planner the avoid blockage path planner * @param _ignorePlanner the ignore blockage path planner * @param _team list of ids in my team * @param index my index in the SORTED version of the team ids * @param time the current time step * @param iSpeedInfo * @param iamAmbulanceTeam */ public RScheduler(ArrayList<RescueTask> _oldVics, IAMWorldModel mem,StandardEntity[]_allBuildings, IRoutingModule planner, int time, ISpeedInfo iSpeedInfo, IAMAmbulanceTeam me, ISimulationTimer timer){ //oldVictims = _oldVics; memory = mem; pathPlanner = planner; timeStep = time; allBuildings = _allBuildings; speed = iSpeedInfo; this.timer=timer; nextTasks=new ArrayList<RescueTask>(); allTasks = new HashMap<EntityID, RescueTask>() ; allVictimsSize = 0; generator = new Random(); fires = new FireTracker(timer, mem); } /** * @return myIndex: the index of this agent in the "team" vector */ public int myIndex(){return myIndex;} /** * This method returns the estimated deadline of a given victim with the assigned ambulances * @param victim - the humanoid * @return - the estimated deadline */ public double getVictimDeadline(Human victim) { return deadline.getDeadline(victim.getHP()); } /** * This method chooses the next victim to rescue. * @return the next victim to rescue */ public Human chooseNextVictim() { Human nextVictim=null; if(nextTasks.size()>0) { nextVictim=nextTasks.get(0).getVictim(); nextTasks.remove(0);//remove the next victim from the nextTasks vector } return nextVictim; } /** * This method chooses what the agent's strategy for the next 'window' time steps. * where 'window' is ALLOCATION_WINDOW constant. * @param allVictims - all found civilians * @param time - current time * @return true if there are some available task, false if nextTasks is empty */ public boolean chooseStrategy(ArrayList<Task> allVictims, int time) { timeStep = time; allVictimsSize = allVictims.size(); if(allVictimsSize>0)//at least one task available { // update nextTasks vector if(nextTasks.size()>0 ) { RescueTask thisTask = nextTasks.get(0); if(thisTask.victim.getBuriedness()==0) while(nextTasks.size()>0 && nextTasks.get(0) == thisTask) nextTasks.remove(0); } StandardEntity pos = memory.getEntity(team[myIndex].getID()); for(Iterator<RescueTask> it=nextTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ AbstractIAMAgent.stopIfInterrupted(); RescueTask task =; if(!task.getVictim().isPositionDefined() || !task.getVictim().isXDefined() || !task.getVictim().isYDefined()){ it.remove(); } else if(memory.getEntity(task.getVictim().getPosition()) instanceof AmbulanceTeam && task.getVictim().getPosition().getValue() != team[myIndex].getID().getValue()){ it.remove(); } else if(task.getVictim().getHP()==0){ it.remove(); //} else if(!task.pathStillValid(team[myIndex].getID())){ } else if(!task.pathStillValid(allVictims)) { it.remove(); } } //recalculate the nextTasks vector with ReAllocProbability or if the agent is in a refuge or if nextTask vector is quite empty if(generator.nextDouble() < ReAllocProb || (pos instanceof Refuge) || nextTasks.size() < window*2.0/3) { if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" - calculate strategy victimsize:"+allVictimsSize); nextTasks.clear();//delete the old vector RescueTask task; Task t; Human victim; ArrayList<RescueTask> sortedAllTasks=new ArrayList<RescueTask>(); /* This iterator traverses the list of victims sorted according to shortest deadline first. It creates a RescueTask for each victim and calculates the utility for each task.*/ for (Iterator<Task> it = allVictims.iterator();it.hasNext();) { AbstractIAMAgent.stopIfInterrupted(); t=; victim = t.civilian; if(allTasks.containsKey(victim.getID())) { task = (RescueTask)allTasks.get(victim.getID()); task.path=t.path; } else task=new RescueTask(victim, t.path); task.setMarginalUtility(time); allTasks.put(victim.getID(), task); sortedAllTasks.add(task); } //tasks sorted according to bigger utility first Collections.sort(sortedAllTasks, new TaskComparator()); //decides what it will do in the next time window int k=time+1; //calculate the vector of tasks to executed in the next time window for(Iterator<RescueTask> it=sortedAllTasks.iterator();it.hasNext() && k<time+1+window;) { AbstractIAMAgent.stopIfInterrupted(); task =; if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" saving victim: "+task.getVictim().getID()+" with utility: "+task.marginalUtility); int taskCompletionTime = (int)Math.ceil(task.getCompletionTime(time,true)); while(k<=taskCompletionTime && k<time+1+window) { nextTasks.add(task); k++; } } if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() && k<time+1+window) LOGGER.trace(" - my stategy is shorter that window"); } else //UPDATE the nextTasks vector: add a task, which is choosen in random way { RescueTask randomTask = null; for(int tries=0;randomTask == null && tries < 5;tries++) randomTask = (RescueTask)allTasks.get((allVictims.get(generator.nextInt(allVictims.size()))).civilian.getID()); while(nextTasks.size()<window && randomTask != null) nextTasks.add(randomTask); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" - update strategy victimsize:"+allVictimsSize); } updateNextAllocations(); if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) printMyAllocation(); return true; } else {//no tasks available if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" - in chooseStrategy victimsize:"+allVictimsSize); return false; } } /** * Add the travel time to the strategy of this ambulance * @return strategy - strategy updating with travel time too */ private ArrayList<Integer> getStrategyWithTravelTime() { ArrayList<Integer> strategy=new ArrayList<Integer>(); RescueTask previousTask = null; RescueTask thisTask = null; int thisTaskID; int travelling = 0; for(Iterator<RescueTask> it = nextTasks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { thisTask =; if(thisTask == null) continue; if(thisTask != previousTask) { previousTask = thisTask; travelling = (int)Math.ceil(thisTask.travelTime()); } thisTaskID = thisTask.getVictim().getID().getValue(); if(travelling==0) strategy.add(thisTaskID); else { strategy.add(-1); travelling--; } } // if enough tasks are not there, then add -2 until window which means i'm travelling because I haven't anything to do while(strategy.size()<window) strategy.add(-2); return strategy; } /** * Add this ambulance'id to the strategy of this ambulance, in order to send the strategy to othe ambulances * @return strategy - ambulance'id + strategy updating with travel time */ public int[] getStrategyToSend() { ArrayList<Integer> strategyWithTravelTime=new ArrayList<Integer>(); strategyWithTravelTime.addAll(getStrategyWithTravelTime()); Object[] ar = strategyWithTravelTime.toArray(); int[] ret = new int[ar.length]; for(int i=0; i<ret.length; i++){ ret[i] = (Integer) ar[i]; } return ret; } public int[] encodeStrategyToSend(){ int[] strategy = getStrategyToSend(); //encode this as an alternating array of tasks and durations //-1 -1 -1 123 123 123 123 -1 -1 456 456 456 -2 -2 -2 -2 would become //-1 3 123 4 -1 2 456 3 -2 4 ArrayList<Integer> encoded = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int current = strategy[0]; int time = 1; for(int i=1; i<strategy.length; i++){ if(strategy[i]==current){ time++; } else { encoded.add(current); encoded.add(time); current=strategy[i]; time=1; } } encoded.add(current); encoded.add(time); int[] ret = new int[encoded.size()]; for(int i=0; i<ret.length; i++){ ret[i]=encoded.get(i); } return ret; } public int getMyTeamIndex(int agent){ for(int i=0; i<team.length; i++){ if(agent == team[i].getID().getValue()){ return i; } } return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } public int[] decodeStrategy(int[] encoded){ ArrayList<Integer> decoded = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(int i=0; i<encoded.length;i++){ for(int j=0; j<encoded[i+1]; j++){ decoded.add(encoded[i]); } i++; } int[] ret = new int[decoded.size()]; for(int i=0; i<ret.length; i++){ ret[i]=decoded.get(i); } return ret; } /** * Update the nextAllocations matrix. * It writes the ids of next victims to rescue or -1(for travel time) in the row (myIndex) . */ private void updateNextAllocations() { ArrayList<Integer> strategyWithTravelTime=getStrategyWithTravelTime(); int nextTime = 0; for(Iterator<Integer> it = strategyWithTravelTime.iterator();it.hasNext() && nextTime<window;) { nextAllocations[myIndex][nextTime] =; nextTime++; } } /** * This method the next Victims to rescue * */ private void printMyAllocation() { String output = " nextStrategy: "; for(int i=0; i<nextTasks.size() ;i++) output = output + nextTasks.get(i).getVictim().getID()+" "; output = output+ "\nnextAllocations: "; for(int i=0;i<nextAllocations[myIndex].length;i++) output = output + nextAllocations[myIndex][i]+" "; LOGGER.trace(output); } /** * Compute distance between victim and ambulance based on direct distance * @param victim * @param ambulance * @return distance in mm */ private double computePathDistance(RescueTask victim, StandardEntity ambulance) { if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" in path distance " + ambulance.getID().getValue() + " " + victim.getVictim().getID().getValue()); LOGGER.trace(" locations " + ((Human) ambulance).getPosition().getValue()+ " " + victim.getVictim().getPosition().getValue()); } /*IPath oldPath = victim.path; IPath path; if(victim.getVictim().getPosition().getValue()==oldPath.getLocations().get(oldPath.getLocations().size()-1).getValue() && ((Human)ambulance).getPosition().getValue()==oldPath.getLocations().get(0).getValue()){ //path is still valid path=oldPath; } else { //its not; path= pathPlanner.findShortestPath(ambulance.getID(),victim.getVictim().getID()); this.ambulance.pathCount++; if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" PATH:setting new path in compute distance"); victim.path=path; }*/ double cost = speed.getTimeToTravelPath(victim.path); if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" time to travel is " + cost); } return cost; } /** * Contains the victim and the assigned ambulances. * This class is used by the scheduler to keep track of allocated tasks. */ public class RescueTask { /** * the victim to rescue */ private Human victim; /** * path at start */ public IPath path; /** * d.factor to calculate utility functions */ private double beta=0.9; /** * the ambulance's utility */ private double marginalUtility; /** * The constructor * @param h - the victim */ public RescueTask(Human h, IPath p) { victim = h; path=p; } /** * Return the deadline of this task * @return deadline */ public double getDeadline() { ArrayList<Building> buildings = getFireSites(); double min = Double.MAX_VALUE; double fireSpeed = 2177; for(Iterator<Building> it = buildings.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ Building b =; double time = timer.getTime() + (timeToHere(b,victim)/fireSpeed); if(time<min){ min=time; } } return Math.min(min, timer.getTime()+getVictimDeadline(victim)); } private double timeToHere(Building b, Human victim2) { return memory.getDistance(b.getID(), victim.getID()); } ArrayList<Building> getFireSites(){ ArrayList<Building> fringeBuildings = new ArrayList<Building>(); for (FastFireSite fireSite : fires.getFireSites()) { fringeBuildings.addAll(fireSite.getFringe()); } return fringeBuildings; } /** * Return the victim to rescue * @return victim */ public Human getVictim() {return victim;} /** * Calculate how much time is necessary to reach and rescue the victim. * @return processingTime - time that is necessary to reach and rescue the victim */ private double getProcessingTime() { double distance = computePathDistance(this,team[myIndex]); double travelTime=distance; return (victim.getBuriedness()+travelTime); } public boolean pathStillValid(ArrayList<Task> toDo){ for(Iterator<Task> it=toDo.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ Task t =; if(t.civilian.getID().getValue()==victim.getID().getValue()){ this.path=t.path; return true; } } return false; } public boolean pathStillValid(EntityID location){ if(path.isValid()){ if(victim.getPosition().getValue()==path.getLocations().get(path.getLocations().size()-1).getValue() && location.getValue()==path.getLocations().get(0).getValue()){ //path is still valid } else { //its not; path= pathPlanner.findShortestPath(location,victim.getID()); } } else { path= pathPlanner.findShortestPath(location,victim.getID()); } return path.isValid(); } /** * Calculate how much time is necessary to reach the victim. * @return travelTime - time that is necessary to reach the victim */ private double travelTime() { double distance= computePathDistance(this,team[myIndex]); return distance; } /** * Calculate the task's utility * @return ask's utility */ private double utility(double completionTime, double deadline) { double utility=0; if(completionTime<=deadline) utility=Math.pow(beta,completionTime); if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) LOGGER.trace(" : "+victim+" has Utility:"+utility+", completionTime:"+completionTime+", deadline:"+deadline); return utility; } /** * Calculate the time that is necessary to complete this task * @param timeStep - the current time * @param partecipation - it is true, if this agent collaborate to the task * @return completitionTime */ private double getCompletionTime(int timeStep, boolean partecipation) { double completionTime=timeStep+1;//minimum value if(timeStep<=3)//at beginning { if(allVictimsSize>0) completionTime=timeStep+this.getProcessingTime()/(team.length/allVictimsSize);//ambulances are shared equally between the victims; } else//during the simulation { if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() && partecipation){ LOGGER.trace(" with me"); } else { if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" without me"); } } int needProcessing=(int)Math.ceil(this.getProcessingTime()); double estimation=(double)needProcessing; if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" " + partecipation + " initial processing time " + estimation); } int j=0; int time=timeStep+1; while(j<window && needProcessing>0) { for (int i=0;i<team.length;i++) if(partecipation) { if((this.getVictim().getID()).getValue()==nextAllocations [i][j]){ needProcessing--; //if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ // LOGGER.trace("reduced processing for true task"); //} } } else { if(i!=myIndex && (this.getVictim()).getID().getValue()==nextAllocations [i][j]){ needProcessing--; //if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ // LOGGER.trace("reduced processing for false task"); //} } } j++; time++; } if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" time digging " + time + " new processing " + needProcessing); } completionTime = time; if(needProcessing>0)//if more processing time is necessary { estimation=((double)window*estimation)/(estimation-(double)needProcessing); if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" still to do " + estimation); } completionTime+=(int)estimation; //completionTime+=((int)estimation-needProcessing); } if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()){ LOGGER.trace(" complete time " + completionTime); } } return completionTime; } /** * Set the agent's utility, which is the marginal utility */ private void setMarginalUtility(int time) { double deadline = getDeadline();//time+getVictimDeadline(victim); double utilityDoing = utility(getCompletionTime(time, true),deadline); double utilityNotDoing = utility(getCompletionTime(time, false),deadline); //deadline = deadline - timer.getTime(); marginalUtility = (utilityDoing - utilityNotDoing)- (0.05*deadline) - (0.95*travelTime());// if(LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() && utilityDoing > 0 && utilityNotDoing == 0) LOGGER.trace(" - SUCCESS marginal utility is useful for task: "+this.getVictim().getID()); } /** * Compares task's utilities * @params a - first task * @params b - second task * @return a negative integer, zero or a positive integer * as the first argument is greater than, equal to o less than the second */ /* private int compareTo(RescueTask a) { if (a.marginalUtility<this.marginalUtility) return 1; else if (a.marginalUtility>this.marginalUtility) return -1; else return 0; } */ /** * Compares this task's victim with task a' victim * @params task a * @return true or false */ /* private boolean equals (RescueTask a) {return a.getVictim().equals(this.getVictim());} */ }//end RescueTask public class TaskComparator implements Comparator<Object> { /** * Compares marginal utilities * @params e1 - first task * @params e2 - second task * @return a negative integer, zero or a positive integer * as the first argument is greater than, equal to o less than the second */ public int compare(Object e1, Object e2) { if(e1 instanceof RescueTask && e2 instanceof RescueTask) { if( ((RescueTask)e1).marginalUtility > ((RescueTask)e2).marginalUtility) return -1; else if( ((RescueTask)e1).marginalUtility == ((RescueTask)e2).marginalUtility) return 0; else return 1; } return 0; } } public void setmyIndex(int myIndex2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub myIndex=myIndex2; } public void setTeam(AmbulanceTeam[] team2) { team = team2; nextAllocations=new int[team.length][window]; } }//end RScheduler