package rescuecore2.standard.kernel; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import kernel.Perception; import kernel.AgentProxy; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Entity; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.WorldModel; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.ChangeSet; import; import rescuecore2.config.Config; import rescuecore2.view.RenderedObject; import rescuecore2.view.ViewComponent; import rescuecore2.view.ViewListener; import rescuecore2.misc.Pair; import rescuecore2.misc.collections.LazyMap; import rescuecore2.misc.gui.ScreenTransform; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Vector2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.GeometryTools2D; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; import rescuecore2.GUIComponent; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JPanel; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardWorldModel; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Road; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Area; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Edge; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Blockade; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Building; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Human; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.AmbulanceTeam; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.FireBrigade; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntityURN; import rescuecore2.standard.view.StandardWorldModelViewer; import rescuecore2.standard.view.StandardViewLayer; import rescuecore2.standard.view.BuildingLayer; import rescuecore2.standard.view.RoadLayer; import rescuecore2.standard.view.RoadBlockageLayer; import rescuecore2.standard.view.HumanLayer; /** Line of sight perception. */ public class LineOfSightPerception implements Perception, GUIComponent { private static final int DEFAULT_VIEW_DISTANCE = 30000; private static final int DEFAULT_HP_PRECISION = 1000; private static final int DEFAULT_DAMAGE_PRECISION = 100; private static final int DEFAULT_RAY_COUNT = 720; private static final String VIEW_DISTANCE_KEY = "perception.los.max-distance"; private static final String RAY_COUNT_KEY = "perception.los.ray-count"; private static final String HP_PRECISION_KEY = "perception.los.precision.hp"; private static final String DAMAGE_PRECISION_KEY = "perception.los.precision.damage"; private static final IntersectionSorter INTERSECTION_SORTER = new IntersectionSorter(); private int viewDistance; private int hpPrecision; private int damagePrecision; private int rayCount; private StandardWorldModel world; private Config config; private LOSView view; /** Create a LineOfSightPerception object. */ public LineOfSightPerception() { } @Override public void initialise(Config newConfig, WorldModel<? extends Entity> model) { world = StandardWorldModel.createStandardWorldModel(model); this.config = newConfig; viewDistance = config.getIntValue(VIEW_DISTANCE_KEY, DEFAULT_VIEW_DISTANCE); hpPrecision = config.getIntValue(HP_PRECISION_KEY, DEFAULT_HP_PRECISION); damagePrecision = config.getIntValue(DAMAGE_PRECISION_KEY, DEFAULT_DAMAGE_PRECISION); rayCount = config.getIntValue(RAY_COUNT_KEY, DEFAULT_RAY_COUNT); view = null; } @Override public String toString() { return "Line of sight perception"; } @Override public JComponent getGUIComponent() { if (view == null) { view = new LOSView(); view.refresh(); } return view; } @Override public String getGUIComponentName() { return "Line of sight"; } @Override public void setTime(int timestep) { if (view != null) { view.clear(); view.refresh(); } } @Override public ChangeSet getVisibleEntities(AgentProxy agent) { StandardEntity agentEntity = (StandardEntity)agent.getControlledEntity(); Logger.debug("Finding visible entities for " + agentEntity); ChangeSet result = new ChangeSet(); // Look for objects within range Pair<Integer, Integer> location = agentEntity.getLocation(world); if (location != null) { Point2D point = new Point2D(location.first(), location.second()); Collection<StandardEntity> nearby = world.getObjectsInRange(location.first(), location.second(), viewDistance); Collection<StandardEntity> visible = findVisible(agentEntity, point, nearby); for (StandardEntity next : visible) { StandardEntityURN urn = next.getStandardURN(); switch (urn) { case ROAD: addRoadProperties((Road)next, result); break; case BUILDING: case REFUGE: case FIRE_STATION: case AMBULANCE_CENTRE: case POLICE_OFFICE: addBuildingProperties((Building)next, result); break; case CIVILIAN: case FIRE_BRIGADE: case AMBULANCE_TEAM: case POLICE_FORCE: // Always send all properties of the agent-controlled object if (next == agentEntity) { addSelfProperties((Human)next, result); } else { addHumanProperties((Human)next, result); } break; case BLOCKADE: addBlockadeProperties((Blockade)next, result); break; default: // Ignore other types break; } } } if (view != null) { view.repaint(); } return result; } private void addRoadProperties(Road road, ChangeSet result) { addAreaProperties(road, result); // Only update blockades result.addChange(road, road.getBlockadesProperty()); // Also update each blockade if (road.isBlockadesDefined()) { for (EntityID id : road.getBlockades()) { Blockade blockade = (Blockade)world.getEntity(id); if (blockade == null) { Logger.error("Blockade " + id + " is null!"); Logger.error(road.getFullDescription()); } else { addBlockadeProperties(blockade, result); } } } } private void addBuildingProperties(Building building, ChangeSet result) { addAreaProperties(building, result); // Update TEMPERATURE, FIERYNESS and BROKENNESS result.addChange(building, building.getTemperatureProperty()); result.addChange(building, building.getFierynessProperty()); result.addChange(building, building.getBrokennessProperty()); } private void addAreaProperties(Area area, ChangeSet result) { } private void addFarBuildingProperties(Building building, ChangeSet result) { // Update FIERYNESS only result.addChange(building, building.getFierynessProperty()); } private void addHumanProperties(Human human, ChangeSet result) { // Update POSITION, X, Y, DIRECTION, STAMINA, BURIEDNESS, HP, DAMAGE result.addChange(human, human.getPositionProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getXProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getYProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getDirectionProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getStaminaProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getBuriednessProperty()); // Round HP and damage IntProperty hp = (IntProperty)human.getHPProperty().copy(); roundProperty(hp, hpPrecision); result.addChange(human, hp); IntProperty damage = (IntProperty)human.getDamageProperty().copy(); roundProperty(damage, damagePrecision); result.addChange(human, damage); } private void addSelfProperties(Human human, ChangeSet result) { // Update human properties and POSITION_HISTORY addHumanProperties(human, result); result.addChange(human, human.getPositionHistoryProperty()); // Un-round hp and damage result.addChange(human, human.getHPProperty()); result.addChange(human, human.getDamageProperty()); if (human instanceof FireBrigade) { FireBrigade fb = (FireBrigade)human; result.addChange(fb, fb.getWaterProperty()); } } private void addBlockadeProperties(Blockade blockade, ChangeSet result) { result.addChange(blockade, blockade.getXProperty()); result.addChange(blockade, blockade.getYProperty()); result.addChange(blockade, blockade.getPositionProperty()); result.addChange(blockade, blockade.getApexesProperty()); result.addChange(blockade, blockade.getRepairCostProperty()); } private void roundProperty(IntProperty p, int precision) { if (precision != 1 && p.isDefined()) { p.setValue(round(p.getValue(), precision)); } } private int round(int value, int precision) { int remainder = value % precision; value -= remainder; if (remainder >= precision / 2) { value += precision; } return value; } private Collection<StandardEntity> findVisible(StandardEntity agentEntity, Point2D location, Collection<StandardEntity> nearby) { Logger.debug("Finding visible entities from " + location); Logger.debug(nearby.size() + " nearby entities"); Collection<LineInfo> lines = getAllLines(nearby); // Cast rays // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber double dAngle = Math.PI * 2 / rayCount; // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber Collection<StandardEntity> result = new HashSet<StandardEntity>(); for (int i = 0; i < rayCount; ++i) { double angle = i * dAngle; Vector2D vector = new Vector2D(Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle)).scale(viewDistance); Ray ray = new Ray(new Line2D(location, vector), lines); for (LineInfo hit : ray.getLinesHit()) { StandardEntity e = hit.getEntity(); result.add(e); } if (view != null) { view.addRay(agentEntity, ray); } } // Now look for humans for (StandardEntity next : nearby) { if (next instanceof Human) { Human h = (Human)next; if (canSee(agentEntity, location, h, lines)) { result.add(h); } } } // Add self result.add(agentEntity); Logger.debug(agentEntity + " can see " + result); return result; } private boolean canSee(StandardEntity agent, Point2D location, Human h, Collection<LineInfo> lines) { if (h.isXDefined() && h.isYDefined()) { int x = h.getX(); int y = h.getY(); Point2D humanLocation = new Point2D(x, y); Ray ray = new Ray(new Line2D(location, humanLocation), lines); if (ray.getVisibleLength() >= 1) { if (view != null) { view.addRay(agent, ray); } return true; } } else if (h.isPositionDefined()) { if (h.getPosition().equals(agent.getID())) { return true; } Entity e = world.getEntity(h.getPosition()); if (e instanceof AmbulanceTeam) { return canSee(agent, location, (Human)e, lines); } } return false; } private Collection<LineInfo> getAllLines(Collection<StandardEntity> entities) { Collection<LineInfo> result = new HashSet<LineInfo>(); for (StandardEntity next : entities) { if (next instanceof Building) { for (Edge edge : ((Building)next).getEdges()) { Line2D line = edge.getLine(); result.add(new LineInfo(line, next, !edge.isPassable())); } } if (next instanceof Road) { for (Edge edge : ((Road)next).getEdges()) { Line2D line = edge.getLine(); result.add(new LineInfo(line, next, false)); } } else if (next instanceof Blockade) { int[] apexes = ((Blockade)next).getApexes(); List<Point2D> points = GeometryTools2D.vertexArrayToPoints(apexes); List<Line2D> lines = GeometryTools2D.pointsToLines(points, true); for (Line2D line : lines) { result.add(new LineInfo(line, next, false)); } } else { continue; } } return result; } private static class Ray { /** The ray itself. */ private Line2D ray; /** The visible length of the ray. */ private double length; /** List of lines hit in order. */ private List<LineInfo> hit; public Ray(Line2D ray, Collection<LineInfo> otherLines) { this.ray = ray; List<Pair<LineInfo, Double>> intersections = new ArrayList<Pair<LineInfo, Double>>(); // Find intersections with other lines for (LineInfo other : otherLines) { double d1 = ray.getIntersection(other.getLine()); double d2 = other.getLine().getIntersection(ray); if (d2 >= 0 && d2 <= 1 && d1 > 0 && d1 <= 1) { intersections.add(new Pair<LineInfo, Double>(other, d1)); } } Collections.sort(intersections, INTERSECTION_SORTER); hit = new ArrayList<LineInfo>(); length = 1; for (Pair<LineInfo, Double> next : intersections) { LineInfo l = next.first(); hit.add(l); if (l.isBlocking()) { length = next.second(); break; } } } public Line2D getRay() { return ray; } public double getVisibleLength() { return length; } public List<LineInfo> getLinesHit() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(hit); } } private static class LineInfo { private Line2D line; private StandardEntity entity; private boolean blocking; public LineInfo(Line2D line, StandardEntity entity, boolean blocking) { this.line = line; this.entity = entity; this.blocking = blocking; } public Line2D getLine() { return line; } public StandardEntity getEntity() { return entity; } public boolean isBlocking() { return blocking; } } private static class IntersectionSorter implements Comparator<Pair<LineInfo, Double>>, { @Override public int compare(Pair<LineInfo, Double> a, Pair<LineInfo, Double> b) { double d1 = a.second(); double d2 = b.second(); if (d1 < d2) { return -1; } if (d1 > d2) { return 1; } return 0; } } private class LOSView extends JPanel { private transient StandardWorldModelViewer viewer; private transient Collection<Ray> rays; private transient Map<StandardEntity, Collection<Ray>> sources; private transient StandardEntity selected; public LOSView() { super(new BorderLayout()); viewer = new StandardWorldModelViewer(); viewer.removeAllLayers(); viewer.addLayer(new BuildingLayer()); viewer.addLayer(new RoadLayer()); viewer.addLayer(new RoadBlockageLayer()); viewer.addLayer(new HumanLayer()); viewer.addLayer(new RayLayer()); rays = new ArrayList<Ray>(); sources = new LazyMap<StandardEntity, Collection<Ray>>() { @Override public Collection<Ray> createValue() { return new HashSet<Ray>(); } }; selected = null; viewer.addViewListener(new ViewListener() { @Override public void objectsClicked(ViewComponent v, List<RenderedObject> objects) { selected = null; for (RenderedObject o : objects) { if (o.getObject() instanceof Human) { selected = (StandardEntity)o.getObject(); viewer.repaint(); } } } @Override public void objectsRollover(ViewComponent v, List<RenderedObject> objects) { } }); add(viewer, BorderLayout.CENTER); } public void clear() { synchronized (rays) { rays.clear(); sources.clear(); } } public void addRay(StandardEntity source, Ray ray) { synchronized (rays) { rays.add(ray); sources.get(source).add(ray); } } public void refresh() { viewer.view(world); } private class RayLayer extends StandardViewLayer { @Override public Collection<RenderedObject> render(Graphics2D g, ScreenTransform transform, int width, int height) { Collection<Ray> toDraw = new HashSet<Ray>(); synchronized (rays) { if (selected == null) { toDraw.addAll(rays); } else { toDraw.addAll(sources.get(selected)); } } g.setColor(Color.CYAN); for (Ray next : toDraw) { Line2D line = next.getRay(); Point2D origin = line.getOrigin(); Point2D end = line.getPoint(next.getVisibleLength()); int x1 = transform.xToScreen(origin.getX()); int y1 = transform.yToScreen(origin.getY()); int x2 = transform.xToScreen(end.getX()); int y2 = transform.yToScreen(end.getY()); g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } return new ArrayList<RenderedObject>(); } @Override public String getName() { return "Line of sight rays"; } } } }