package iamrescue.routing; import iamrescue.belief.IAMWorldModel; import iamrescue.routing.costs.IRoutingCostFunction; import iamrescue.routing.dijkstra.SimpleGraph; import iamrescue.routing.dijkstra.SimpleGraph.Node; import iamrescue.util.PositionXY; import iamrescue.util.comparators.EntityIDComparator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javolution.util.FastList; import javolution.util.FastMap; import javolution.util.FastSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import rescuecore2.misc.Pair; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Line2D; import rescuecore2.misc.geometry.Point2D; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Area; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.Edge; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.FireStation; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntity; import rescuecore2.standard.entities.StandardEntityURN; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; public class WorldModelConverter { private IAMWorldModel worldModel; private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> neighbourCache = new FastMap<Integer, List<Integer>>(); private List<SimpleGraphNode> graphToWorldMap = new ArrayList<SimpleGraphNode>(); private Map<Integer, WorldModelArea> worldToGraphMap = new FastMap<Integer, WorldModelArea>(); // Keeps track of connected components (regardless of weights) private Map<Integer, Integer> routingComponents = new FastMap<Integer, Integer>(); // PositionXYs -> simple node ids. private Map<PositionXY, Integer> pointsToGraphMap = new FastMap<PositionXY, Integer>(); private SimpleGraph graph; private IRoutingCostFunction routingCostFunction; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger .getLogger(WorldModelConverter.class); public WorldModelConverter(IAMWorldModel worldModel, IRoutingCostFunction roadCostFunction) { this.worldModel = worldModel; this.routingCostFunction = roadCostFunction; createGraph(); checkConnectivity(); } /** * */ private void checkConnectivity() { List<StandardEntity> areas = new FastList<StandardEntity>(); areas.addAll(worldModel.getEntitiesOfType(StandardEntityURN.BUILDING, StandardEntityURN.ROAD, StandardEntityURN.FIRE_STATION, StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_CENTRE, StandardEntityURN.POLICE_OFFICE, StandardEntityURN.REFUGE)); int counter = 1; while (areas.size() > 0) { List<StandardEntity> thisComponent = new FastList<StandardEntity>(); thisComponent.add(areas.remove(0)); while (thisComponent.size() > 0) { Area thisOne = (Area) thisComponent.remove(0); if (!routingComponents.containsKey(thisOne.getID().getValue())) { for (EntityID id : thisOne.getNeighbours()) { StandardEntity entity = worldModel.getEntity(id); if (entity != null) { thisComponent.add(entity); routingComponents.put(thisOne.getID().getValue(), counter); } } } } counter++; } } public boolean onSameComponent(int worldID1, int worldID2) { Integer id1 = routingComponents.get(worldID1); Integer id2 = routingComponents.get(worldID2); if (id1 == null || id2 == null) { return false; } else { return id1.equals(id2); } } public SimpleGraph getGraph() { return graph; } private void createGraph() { // Translate nodes to nodes List<StandardEntity> areas = new ArrayList<StandardEntity>(); areas.addAll(worldModel.getEntitiesOfType(StandardEntityURN.BUILDING, StandardEntityURN.ROAD, StandardEntityURN.FIRE_STATION, StandardEntityURN.AMBULANCE_CENTRE, StandardEntityURN.POLICE_OFFICE, StandardEntityURN.REFUGE)); // Sort by ID to make sure all agents get same node ids Collections.sort(areas, new EntityIDComparator()); int idCounter = 0; for (StandardEntity se : areas) { Area area = (Area) se; int id = se.getID().getValue(); // Do we know about this one? // If not, create it WorldModelArea wmArea = worldToGraphMap.get(id); if (wmArea == null) { wmArea = new WorldModelArea(id, new FastSet<Integer>()); worldToGraphMap.put(id, wmArea); // System.out.println("Added " + id); } // All connections that we have already added Set<PositionXY> alreadyDone = new FastSet<PositionXY>(); for (int simpleNeighbour : wmArea.simpleNeighbours) { SimpleGraphNode graphNode = graphToWorldMap .get(simpleNeighbour); alreadyDone.add(graphNode.getRepresentativePoint()); } // Now look at neighbours List<Edge> edges = area.getEdges(); for (Edge edge : edges) { if (edge.isPassable()) { Point2D midPoint = findMidpoint(edge.getLine()); PositionXY intMidPoint = new PositionXY((int) Math .round(midPoint.getX()), (int) Math.round(midPoint .getY())); // Only consider this if we haven't added the connection if (!alreadyDone.contains(intMidPoint)) { // Create new nodes for this int neighbour = edge.getNeighbour().getValue(); StandardEntity entity = worldModel .getEntity(new EntityID(neighbour)); if (entity == null) { LOGGER.warn("Neighbour " + neighbour + " of " + id + " does not exist! " + area.getFullDescription()); continue; } int simpleID = idCounter++; SimpleGraphNode simpleNeighbour = new SimpleGraphNode( simpleID, intMidPoint, id, neighbour); graphToWorldMap.add(simpleNeighbour); wmArea.simpleNeighbours.add(simpleID); WorldModelArea areaNeighbour = worldToGraphMap .get(neighbour); // Do we know about world neighbour? if (areaNeighbour == null) { areaNeighbour = new WorldModelArea(neighbour, new FastSet<Integer>()); worldToGraphMap.put(neighbour, areaNeighbour); } areaNeighbour.simpleNeighbours.add(simpleID); } } } } // Done populating maps // Now add nodes to simple graph graph = new SimpleGraph(); for (int i = 0; i < idCounter; i++) { graph.addNode(); // Also add representative points to a map PositionXY representativePoint = graphToWorldMap.get(i) .getRepresentativePoint(); if (pointsToGraphMap.containsKey(representativePoint)) { LOGGER.warn("Multiple routing vertices share " + "same representative point. " + "That is strange, but should not matter."); } pointsToGraphMap.put(representativePoint, i); } LOGGER .debug("Added " + idCounter + " nodes to internal routing graph."); // Now consider each area and add edges Set<Entry<Integer, WorldModelArea>> areasToCompute = worldToGraphMap .entrySet(); for (Entry<Integer, WorldModelArea> entry : areasToCompute) { recomputeArea((Area) worldModel.getEntity(new EntityID(entry .getKey()))); } } public boolean recomputeArea(Area area) { boolean changed = false; WorldModelArea wmArea = worldToGraphMap.get(area.getID().getValue()); Set<Integer> simpleNodes = wmArea.simpleNeighbours; int[] simpleNodeArray = new int[simpleNodes.size()]; int counter = 0; for (int node : simpleNodes) { simpleNodeArray[counter++] = node; } // Calculate weights for (int i = 0; i < simpleNodeArray.length - 1; i++) { PositionXY originPoint = graphToWorldMap.get(simpleNodeArray[i]) .getRepresentativePoint(); for (int j = i + 1; j < simpleNodeArray.length; j++) { PositionXY destinationPoint = graphToWorldMap.get( simpleNodeArray[j]).getRepresentativePoint(); // Compute cost double cost = routingCostFunction.getTravelCost(area, originPoint, destinationPoint); Node node1 = graph.getNodes().get(simpleNodeArray[i]); Node node2 = graph.getNodes().get(simpleNodeArray[j]); Double cost1to2 = node1.getCostToNeighbour(node2); Double cost2to1 = node2.getCostToNeighbour(node1); if (cost1to2 == null || cost != cost1to2) { node1.setCost(node2, cost); changed = true; } if (cost2to1 == null || cost != cost2to1) { node2.setCost(node1, cost); changed = true; } } // Store weights } return changed; } public Set<Integer> getSimpleGraphIDs(int worldModelID) { return worldToGraphMap.get(worldModelID).simpleNeighbours; } public Integer getSimpleGraphID(PositionXY representativePoint) { return pointsToGraphMap.get(representativePoint); } public Pair<Integer, Integer> getWorldModelIDs(int graphID) { int neighbour1 = graphToWorldMap.get(graphID).areaNeighbour1; int neighbour2 = graphToWorldMap.get(graphID).areaNeighbour2; return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(neighbour1, neighbour2); } public WorldModelArea getWorldModelArea(int worldID) { // System.out.println("Looking for " + worldID); return worldToGraphMap.get(worldID); } public SimpleGraphNode getSimpleGraphNode(int simpleID) { return graphToWorldMap.get(simpleID); } public static class SimpleGraphNode { private int id; private int areaNeighbour1; private int areaNeighbour2; private PositionXY representativePoint; // private Point2D representativePoint; public SimpleGraphNode(int id, PositionXY representativePoint, int areaNeighbour1, int areaNeighbour2) { = id; this.areaNeighbour1 = areaNeighbour1; this.areaNeighbour2 = areaNeighbour2; this.representativePoint = representativePoint; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "SimpleGraphNode[id:" + id + ",n1:" + areaNeighbour1 + ",n2:" + areaNeighbour2 + ",p:" + representativePoint + "]"; } public int getOtherNeighbour(int neighbour) { if (areaNeighbour1 == neighbour) { return areaNeighbour2; } else { return areaNeighbour1; } } /** * @return the representativePoint */ public PositionXY getRepresentativePoint() { return representativePoint; } /** * @return the areaNeighbour1 */ public int getAreaNeighbour1() { return areaNeighbour1; } /** * @return the areaNeighbour2 */ public int getAreaNeighbour2() { return areaNeighbour2; } } public static class WorldModelArea { private int id; private Set<Integer> simpleNeighbours; public WorldModelArea(int id, Set<Integer> simpleNeighbours) { = id; this.simpleNeighbours = simpleNeighbours; } /** * @return the simpleNeighbours */ public Set<Integer> getSimpleNeighbours() { return simpleNeighbours; } } private static Point2D findMidpoint(Line2D line) { return line.getPoint(0.5); } /** * @param value * @return */ public List<Integer> getSortedNeighbours(int worldID) { List<Integer> neighbours = neighbourCache.get(worldID); if (neighbours == null) { WorldModelArea worldModelArea = getWorldModelArea(worldID); neighbours = new ArrayList<Integer>(worldModelArea .getSimpleNeighbours()); // Set<Integer> simpleNeighbours = // worldModelArea.getSimpleNeighbours(); Collections.sort(neighbours); neighbourCache.put(worldID, neighbours); } return neighbours; } }