package rescuecore2.standard; /** Useful constants for the standard package. */ public final class StandardConstants { /** Config key for the number of fire brigades in the scenario. */ public static final String FIRE_BRIGADE_COUNT_KEY = "scenario.agents.fb"; /** Config key for the number of ambulance teams in the scenario. */ public static final String AMBULANCE_TEAM_COUNT_KEY = ""; /** Config key for the number of police forces in the scenario. */ public static final String POLICE_FORCE_COUNT_KEY = ""; /** Config key for the number of fire stations in the scenario. */ public static final String FIRE_STATION_COUNT_KEY = "scenario.agents.fs"; /** Config key for the number of ambulance centres in the scenario. */ public static final String AMBULANCE_CENTRE_COUNT_KEY = ""; /** Config key for the number of police offices in the scenario. */ public static final String POLICE_OFFICE_COUNT_KEY = "scenario.agents.po"; private StandardConstants() {} }