package maps.convert.osm2gml; import maps.convert.ConvertStep; import java.util.Collection; /** This step computes which edges are passable and sets up neighbours accordingly. */ public class ComputePassableEdgesStep extends ConvertStep { private TemporaryMap map; /** Construct a ComputePassableEdgesStep. @param map The TemporaryMap to use. */ public ComputePassableEdgesStep(TemporaryMap map) { = map; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Computing passable edges"; } @Override protected void step() { setProgressLimit(map.getAllEdges().size()); // For each edge see if it is shared by two road faces // If so, make it passable. int count = 0; for (Edge next : map.getAllEdges()) { int roadCount = 0; Collection<TemporaryObject> attached = map.getAttachedObjects(next); for (TemporaryObject o : attached) { if (o instanceof TemporaryRoad || o instanceof TemporaryIntersection) { ++roadCount; } } if (roadCount > 1) { // Edge is passable. Make the neighbours. for (TemporaryObject o1 : attached) { for (TemporaryObject o2 : attached) { if (o1 == o2) { continue; } o1.setNeighbour(next, o2); } } ++count; } bumpProgress(); } setStatus("Made " + count + " edges passable"); } }