package; import static rescuecore2.misc.EncodingTools.readInt32; import static rescuecore2.misc.EncodingTools.writeInt32; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.EntityID; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.Property; import rescuecore2.worldmodel.AbstractProperty; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; /** A property that refers to a list of entity IDs. */ public class EntityRefListProperty extends AbstractProperty { private List<EntityID> ids; /** Construct an EntityRefListProperty with no defined value. @param urn The urn of this property. */ public EntityRefListProperty(String urn) { super(urn); ids = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); } /** Construct an EntityRefListProperty with no defined value. @param urn The urn of this property. */ public EntityRefListProperty(Enum<?> urn) { super(urn); ids = new ArrayList<EntityID>(); } /** Construct an EntityRefListProperty with a defined value. @param urn The urn of this property. @param ids The initial value of the property. */ public EntityRefListProperty(String urn, List<EntityID> ids) { super(urn, true); this.ids = new ArrayList<EntityID>(ids); } /** Construct an EntityRefListProperty with a defined value. @param urn The urn of this property. @param ids The initial value of the property. */ public EntityRefListProperty(Enum<?> urn, List<EntityID> ids) { super(urn, true); this.ids = new ArrayList<EntityID>(ids); } /** EntityRefListProperty copy constructor. @param other The EntityRefListProperty to copy. */ public EntityRefListProperty(EntityRefListProperty other) { super(other); this.ids = new ArrayList<EntityID>(other.ids); } @Override public List<EntityID> getValue() { if (!isDefined()) { return null; } return Collections.unmodifiableList(ids); } /** Set the list of ids. Future calls to {@link #isDefined()} will return true. @param newIDs The new id list. */ public void setValue(List<EntityID> newIDs) { List<EntityID> old = new ArrayList<EntityID>(ids); ids.clear(); ids.addAll(newIDs); setDefined(); fireChange(old, Collections.unmodifiableList(ids)); } /** Add a value to the list. @param id The id to add. */ public void addValue(EntityID id) { List<EntityID> old = new ArrayList<EntityID>(ids); ids.add(id); setDefined(); fireChange(old, Collections.unmodifiableList(ids)); } /** Remove all entries from this list but keep it defined. */ public void clearValues() { List<EntityID> old = new ArrayList<EntityID>(ids); ids.clear(); fireChange(old, Collections.unmodifiableList(ids)); } @Override public void takeValue(Property p) { if (p instanceof EntityRefListProperty) { EntityRefListProperty e = (EntityRefListProperty)p; if (e.isDefined()) { setValue(e.getValue()); } else { undefine(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(this + " cannot take value from " + p); } } @Override public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { writeInt32(ids.size(), out); for (EntityID next : ids) { writeInt32(next.getValue(), out); } } @Override public void read(InputStream in) throws IOException { int count = readInt32(in); List<EntityID> newIDs = new ArrayList<EntityID>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { newIDs.add(new EntityID(readInt32(in))); } setValue(newIDs); } /* @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(getURN()); if (isDefined()) { result.append(" = {"); for (Iterator<EntityID> it = ids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result.append(; if (it.hasNext()) { result.append(", "); } } result.append("}"); } else { result.append(" (undefined)"); } return result.toString(); } */ @Override public EntityRefListProperty copy() { return new EntityRefListProperty(this); } }