package maps.osm; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.Element; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; /** An OpenStreetMap map. */ public class OSMMap { private static final Collection<String> ROAD_MARKERS = new HashSet<String>(); static { ROAD_MARKERS.add("motorway"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("motorway_link"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("trunk"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("trunk_link"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("primary"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("primary_link"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("secondary"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("secondary_link"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("tertiary"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("unclassified"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("road"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("residential"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("living_street"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("service"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("track"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("services"); ROAD_MARKERS.add("pedestrian"); } private Map<Long, OSMNode> nodes; private Map<Long, OSMRoad> roads; private Map<Long, OSMBuilding> buildings; private boolean boundsCalculated; private double minLat; private double maxLat; private double minLon; private double maxLon; /** Construct an empty map. */ public OSMMap() { boundsCalculated = false; nodes = new HashMap<Long, OSMNode>(); roads = new HashMap<Long, OSMRoad>(); buildings = new HashMap<Long, OSMBuilding>(); } /** Construct a map from an XML document. @param doc The document to read. */ public OSMMap(Document doc) throws OSMException { this(); read(doc); } /** Construct a map from an XML file. @param file The file to read. */ public OSMMap(File file) throws OSMException, DocumentException, IOException { this(); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); Document doc =; read(doc); } /** Construct a copy of an OSMMap over a bounded area. @param other The map to copy. @param minLat The minimum latitude of the new map. @param minLon The minimum longitude of the new map. @param maxLat The maximum latitude of the new map. @param maxLon The maximum longitude of the new map. */ public OSMMap(OSMMap other, double minLat, double minLon, double maxLat, double maxLon) { this.minLat = minLat; this.minLon = minLon; this.maxLat = maxLat; this.maxLon = maxLon; boundsCalculated = true; nodes = new HashMap<Long, OSMNode>(); roads = new HashMap<Long, OSMRoad>(); buildings = new HashMap<Long, OSMBuilding>(); // Copy all nodes inside the bounds for (OSMNode next : other.nodes.values()) { double lat = next.getLatitude(); double lon = next.getLongitude(); long id = next.getID(); if (lat >= minLat && lat <= maxLat && lon >= minLon && lon <= maxLon) { this.nodes.put(id, new OSMNode(id, lat, lon)); } } // Now copy the bits of roads and buildings that do not have missing nodes for (OSMRoad next : other.roads.values()) { List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(next.getNodeIDs()); for (Iterator<Long> it = ids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Long nextID =; if (!nodes.containsKey(nextID)) { it.remove(); } } if (!ids.isEmpty()) { roads.put(next.getID(), new OSMRoad(next.getID(), ids)); } } for (OSMBuilding next : other.buildings.values()) { boolean allFound = true; for (Long nextID : next.getNodeIDs()) { if (!nodes.containsKey(nextID)) { allFound = false; } } if (allFound) { buildings.put(next.getID(), new OSMBuilding(next.getID(), new ArrayList<Long>(next.getNodeIDs()))); } } } /** Read an XML document and populate this map. @param doc The document to read. */ public void read(Document doc) throws OSMException { boundsCalculated = false; nodes = new HashMap<Long, OSMNode>(); roads = new HashMap<Long, OSMRoad>(); buildings = new HashMap<Long, OSMBuilding>(); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (!"osm".equals(root.getName())) { throw new OSMException("Invalid map file: root element must be 'osm', not " + root.getName()); } for (Object next : root.elements("node")) { Element e = (Element)next; OSMNode node = processNode(e); } for (Object next : root.elements("way")) { Element e = (Element)next; processWay(e); } } /** Turn this map into XML. @return A new XML document. */ public Document toXML() { Element root = DocumentHelper.createElement("osm"); Element bounds = root.addElement("bounds"); calculateBounds(); bounds.addAttribute("minlat", String.valueOf(minLat)); bounds.addAttribute("maxlat", String.valueOf(maxLat)); bounds.addAttribute("minlon", String.valueOf(minLon)); bounds.addAttribute("maxlon", String.valueOf(maxLon)); for (OSMNode next : nodes.values()) { Element node = root.addElement("node"); node.addAttribute("id", String.valueOf(next.getID())); node.addAttribute("lat", String.valueOf(next.getLatitude())); node.addAttribute("lon", String.valueOf(next.getLongitude())); } for (OSMRoad next : roads.values()) { Element node = root.addElement("way"); node.addAttribute("id", String.valueOf(next.getID())); for (Long nextID : next.getNodeIDs()) { node.addElement("nd").addAttribute("ref", String.valueOf(nextID)); } node.addElement("tag").addAttribute("k", "highway").addAttribute("v", "primary"); } for (OSMBuilding next : buildings.values()) { Element node = root.addElement("way"); node.addAttribute("id", String.valueOf(next.getID())); for (Long nextID : next.getNodeIDs()) { node.addElement("nd").addAttribute("ref", String.valueOf(nextID)); } node.addElement("tag").addAttribute("k", "building").addAttribute("v", "yes"); } return DocumentHelper.createDocument(root); } /** Get the minimum longitude in this map. @return The minimum longitude. */ public double getMinLongitude() { calculateBounds(); return minLon; } /** Get the maximum longitude in this map. @return The maximum longitude. */ public double getMaxLongitude() { calculateBounds(); return maxLon; } /** Get the centre longitude in this map. @return The centre longitude. */ public double getCentreLongitude() { calculateBounds(); return (maxLon + minLon) / 2; } /** Get the minimum latitude in this map. @return The minimum latitude. */ public double getMinLatitude() { calculateBounds(); return minLat; } /** Get the maximum latitude in this map. @return The maximum latitude. */ public double getMaxLatitude() { calculateBounds(); return maxLat; } /** Get the centre latitude in this map. @return The centre latitude. */ public double getCentreLatitude() { calculateBounds(); return (maxLat + minLat) / 2; } /** Get all nodes in the map. @return All nodes. */ public Collection<OSMNode> getNodes() { return new HashSet<OSMNode>(nodes.values()); } /** Remove a node. @param node The node to remove. */ public void removeNode(OSMNode node) { nodes.remove(node.getID()); } /** Get a node by ID. @param id The ID of the node. @return The node with the given ID or null. */ public OSMNode getNode(Long id) { return nodes.get(id); } /** Get the nearest node to a point. @param lat The latitude of the point. @param lon The longitude of the point. @return The nearest node. */ public OSMNode getNearestNode(double lat, double lon) { double smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE; OSMNode best = null; for (OSMNode next : nodes.values()) { double d1 = next.getLatitude() - lat; double d2 = next.getLongitude() - lon; double d = (d1 * d1) + (d2 * d2); if (d < smallest) { best = next; smallest = d; } } return best; } /** Replace a node and update all references. @param old The node to replace. @param replacement The replacement node. */ public void replaceNode(OSMNode old, OSMNode replacement) { for (OSMRoad r : roads.values()) { r.replace(old.getID(), replacement.getID()); } for (OSMBuilding b : buildings.values()) { b.replace(old.getID(), replacement.getID()); } removeNode(old); } /** Get all roads. @return All roads. */ public Collection<OSMRoad> getRoads() { return new HashSet<OSMRoad>(roads.values()); } /** Remove a road. @param road The road to remove. */ public void removeRoad(OSMRoad road) { roads.remove(road.getID()); } /** Get all buildings. @return All buildings. */ public Collection<OSMBuilding> getBuildings() { return new HashSet<OSMBuilding>(buildings.values()); } /** Remove a building. @param building The building to remove. */ public void removeBuilding(OSMBuilding building) { buildings.remove(building.getID()); } private void calculateBounds() { if (boundsCalculated) { return; } minLat = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; maxLat = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; minLon = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; maxLon = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (OSMNode node : nodes.values()) { minLat = Math.min(minLat, node.getLatitude()); maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, node.getLatitude()); minLon = Math.min(minLon, node.getLongitude()); maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, node.getLongitude()); } boundsCalculated = true; } private OSMNode processNode(Element e) { long id = Long.parseLong(e.attributeValue("id")); double lat = Double.parseDouble(e.attributeValue("lat")); double lon = Double.parseDouble(e.attributeValue("lon")); OSMNode node = new OSMNode(id, lat, lon); nodes.put(id, node); return node; } private void processWay(Element e) { long id = Long.parseLong(e.attributeValue("id")); List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Object next : e.elements("nd")) { Element nd = (Element)next; Long nextID = Long.parseLong(nd.attributeValue("ref")); ids.add(nextID); } // Is this way a road or a building? boolean road = false; boolean building = false; for (Object next : e.elements("tag")) { Element tag = (Element)next; building = building || tagSignifiesBuilding(tag); road = road || tagSignifiesRoad(tag); } if (building) { buildings.put(id, new OSMBuilding(id, ids)); } else if (road) { roads.put(id, new OSMRoad(id, ids)); } } private boolean tagSignifiesRoad(Element tag) { String key = tag.attributeValue("k"); String value = tag.attributeValue("v"); if (!"highway".equals(key)) { return false; } return ROAD_MARKERS.contains(value); } private boolean tagSignifiesBuilding(Element tag) { String key = tag.attributeValue("k"); String value = tag.attributeValue("v"); if ("building".equals(key)) { return "yes".equals(value); } if ("rcr:building".equals(key)) { return "1".equals(value); } return false; } }