package rescuecore2.misc.geometry; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** A bunch of useful 2D geometry tools: finding line intersections, closest points and so on. */ public final class GeometryTools2D { /** The threshold for equality testing in geometric operations. Lines will be considered parallel if the D factor is less than this; points will be considered equivalent if their position difference is less than this and so on. */ public static final double THRESHOLD = 0.0000000000001; private GeometryTools2D() {} /** Find the intersection point of two lines. @param l1 The first line. @param l2 The second line. @return The intersection point of the two lines, or null if the lines are parallel. */ public static Point2D getIntersectionPoint(Line2D l1, Line2D l2) { double t1 = l1.getIntersection(l2); double t2 = l2.getIntersection(l1); if (Double.isNaN(t1) || Double.isNaN(t2)) { return null; } return l1.getPoint(t1); } /** Find the intersection point of two line segments. @param l1 The first line segment. @param l2 The second line segment. @return The intersection point, or null if the line segments are parallel or do not intersect. */ public static Point2D getSegmentIntersectionPoint(Line2D l1, Line2D l2) { double t1 = l1.getIntersection(l2); double t2 = l2.getIntersection(l1); if (Double.isNaN(t1) || Double.isNaN(t2) || t1 < 0 || t1 > 1 || t2 < 0 || t2 > 1) { return null; } return l1.getPoint(t1); } /** Are two lines parallel? @param l1 The first line. @param l2 The second line. @return true iff the lines are parallel (within tolerance). Direction does not matter; lines pointing in opposite directions are still parallel. */ public static boolean parallel(Line2D l1, Line2D l2) { double d = (l1.getDirection().getX() * l2.getDirection().getY()) - (l1.getDirection().getY() * l2.getDirection().getX()); return nearlyZero(d); } /** Find out if a point is on a line. @param line The line to test. @param point The point to test. @return true iff the point is on the line (within tolerance). */ public static boolean contains(Line2D line, Point2D point) { if (nearlyZero(line.getDirection().getX())) { // Line is parallel to the Y axis so just check that the X coordinate is correct and the Y coordinate is within bounds double d = point.getX() - line.getOrigin().getX(); double y = point.getY(); double yMin = Math.min(line.getOrigin().getY(), line.getEndPoint().getY()); double yMax = Math.max(line.getOrigin().getY(), line.getEndPoint().getY()); return nearlyZero(d) && y >= yMin && y <= yMax; } if (nearlyZero(line.getDirection().getY())) { // Line is parallel to the X axis so just check that the Y coordinate is correct and the X coordinate is within bounds double d = point.getY() - line.getOrigin().getY(); double x = point.getX(); double xMin = Math.min(line.getOrigin().getX(), line.getEndPoint().getX()); double xMax = Math.max(line.getOrigin().getX(), line.getEndPoint().getX()); return nearlyZero(d) && x >= xMin && x <= xMax; } double tx = (point.getX() - line.getOrigin().getX()) / line.getDirection().getX(); double ty = (point.getY() - line.getOrigin().getY()) / line.getDirection().getY(); if (tx < 0 || tx > 1 || ty < 0 || ty > 1) { return false; } double d = tx - ty; return nearlyZero(d); } /** Find out how far a point is along a line. @param line The line to test. @param point The point to test. @return The t value of the point along the line, or NaN if the point is not on the line. */ public static double positionOnLine(Line2D line, Point2D point) { if (nearlyZero(line.getDirection().getX())) { // Line is parallel to the Y axis so just solve for Y double d = (point.getY() - line.getOrigin().getY()) / line.getDirection().getY(); return d; } if (nearlyZero(line.getDirection().getY())) { // Line is parallel to the X axis so just solve for X double d = (point.getX() - line.getOrigin().getX()) / line.getDirection().getX(); return d; } // Solve for both X and Y double tx = (point.getX() - line.getOrigin().getX()) / line.getDirection().getX(); double ty = (point.getY() - line.getOrigin().getY()) / line.getDirection().getY(); double d = tx - ty; if (nearlyZero(d)) { return tx; } else { return Double.NaN; } } /** Compute the angle between two lines in a clockwise direction. @param first The first line. @param second The second line. @return The angle in degrees measured in a clockwise direction. */ public static double getRightAngleBetweenLines(Line2D first, Line2D second) { return getRightAngleBetweenVectors(first.getDirection(), second.getDirection()); } /** Compute the angle between two lines in a counter-clockwise direction. @param first The first line. @param second The second line. @return The angle in degrees measured in a counter-clockwise direction. */ public static double getLeftAngleBetweenLines(Line2D first, Line2D second) { return getLeftAngleBetweenVectors(first.getDirection(), second.getDirection()); } /** Compute the angle between two vectors in degrees. @param first The first vector. @param second The second vector. @return The angle in degrees. This will be between 0 and 180. */ public static double getAngleBetweenVectors(Vector2D first, Vector2D second) { Vector2D v1 = first.normalised(); Vector2D v2 = second.normalised(); double cos =; if (cos > 1) { cos = 1; } double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.acos(cos)); return angle; } /** Compute the angle between two vectors in a clockwise direction. @param first The first vector. @param second The second vector. @return The angle in degrees measured in a clockwise direction. */ public static double getRightAngleBetweenVectors(Vector2D first, Vector2D second) { double angle = getAngleBetweenVectors(first, second); // Now find out if we're turning left or right if (isRightTurn(first, second)) { return angle; } else { // It's a left turn // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber return 360.0 - angle; // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber } } /** Compute the angle between two vectors in a counter-clockwise direction. @param first The first vector. @param second The second vector. @return The angle in degrees measured in a counter-clockwise direction. */ public static double getLeftAngleBetweenVectors(Vector2D first, Vector2D second) { double angle = getAngleBetweenVectors(first, second); // Now find out if we're turning left or right if (isRightTurn(first, second)) { // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber return 360.0 - angle; // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber } else { return angle; } } /** Find out if we turn right from one line to another. @param first The first line. @param second The second line. @return True if the second line is a right turn from the first, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isRightTurn(Line2D first, Line2D second) { return isRightTurn(first.getDirection(), second.getDirection()); } /** Find out if we turn right from one vector to another. @param first The first vector. @param second The second vector. @return True if the second vector is a right turn from the first, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isRightTurn(Vector2D first, Vector2D second) { double t = (first.getX() * second.getY()) - (first.getY() * second.getX()); return t < 0; } /** Find out if a number is near enough to zero. @param d The number to test. @return true iff the number is nearly zero. */ public static boolean nearlyZero(double d) { return d > -THRESHOLD && d < THRESHOLD; } /** Compute the area of a simple polygon. @param vertices The vertices of the polygon. @return The area of the polygon. */ public static double computeArea(List<Point2D> vertices) { return Math.abs(computeAreaUnsigned(vertices)); } /** Compute the centroid of a simple polygon. @param vertices The vertices of the polygon. @return The centroid. */ public static Point2D computeCentroid(List<Point2D> vertices) { double area = computeAreaUnsigned(vertices); Iterator<Point2D> it = vertices.iterator(); Point2D last =; Point2D first = last; double xSum = 0; double ySum = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Point2D next =; double lastX = last.getX(); double lastY = last.getY(); double nextX = next.getX(); double nextY = next.getY(); xSum += (lastX + nextX) * ((lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY)); ySum += (lastY + nextY) * ((lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY)); last = next; } double lastX = last.getX(); double lastY = last.getY(); double nextX = first.getX(); double nextY = first.getY(); xSum += (lastX + nextX) * ((lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY)); ySum += (lastY + nextY) * ((lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY)); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF:MagicNumber xSum /= 6.0 * area; ySum /= 6.0 * area; // CHECKSTYLE:ON:MagicNumber return new Point2D(xSum, ySum); } /** Convert a vertex array to a list of Point2D objects. @param vertices The vertices in x, y order. @return A list of Point2D objects. */ public static List<Point2D> vertexArrayToPoints(int[] vertices) { List<Point2D> result = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i += 2) { result.add(new Point2D(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1])); } return result; } /** Convert a vertex array to a list of Point2D objects. @param vertices The vertices in x, y order. @return A list of Point2D objects. */ public static List<Point2D> vertexArrayToPoints(double[] vertices) { List<Point2D> result = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i += 2) { result.add(new Point2D(vertices[i], vertices[i + 1])); } return result; } /** Convert a list of Point2D objects to a list of lines connecting adjacent points. The shape will not be automatically closed. @param points The points to connect. @return A list of Line2D objects. */ public static List<Line2D> pointsToLines(List<Point2D> points) { return pointsToLines(points, false); } /** Convert a list of Point2D objects to a list of lines connecting adjacent points. @param points The points to connect. @param close Whether to close the shape or not. @return A list of Line2D objects. */ public static List<Line2D> pointsToLines(List<Point2D> points, boolean close) { List<Line2D> result = new ArrayList<Line2D>(); Iterator<Point2D> it = points.iterator(); Point2D first =; Point2D prev = first; while (it.hasNext()) { Point2D next =; result.add(new Line2D(prev, next)); prev = next; } if (close && !prev.equals(first)) { result.add(new Line2D(prev, first)); } return result; } /** Find the closest point on a line. @param line The line to check. @param point The point to check against. @return The point on the line that is closest to the reference point. */ public static Point2D getClosestPoint(Line2D line, Point2D point) { Point2D p1 = line.getOrigin(); Point2D p2 = line.getEndPoint(); double u = (((point.getX() - p1.getX()) * (p2.getX() - p1.getX())) + ((point.getY() - p1.getY()) * (p2.getY() - p1.getY()))) / (line.getDirection().getLength() * line.getDirection().getLength()); return line.getPoint(u); } /** Find the closest point on a line. @param line The line to check. @param point The point to check against. @return The point on the line that is closest to the reference point. */ public static Point2D getClosestPointOnSegment(Line2D line, Point2D point) { Point2D p1 = line.getOrigin(); Point2D p2 = line.getEndPoint(); double u = (((point.getX() - p1.getX()) * (p2.getX() - p1.getX())) + ((point.getY() - p1.getY()) * (p2.getY() - p1.getY()))) / (line.getDirection().getLength() * line.getDirection().getLength()); if (u <= 0) { return p1; } if (u >= 1) { return p2; } return line.getPoint(u); } /** Compute the distance between two points. @param p1 The first point. @param p2 The second point. @return The distance between the two points. */ public static double getDistance(Point2D p1, Point2D p2) { return Math.hypot(p1.getX() - p2.getX(), p1.getY() - p2.getY()); } /** Clip a line to a rectangle. @param line The line to clip. @param xMin The lower X coordinate of the rectangle. @param yMin The lower Y coordinate of the rectangle. @param xMax The upper X coordinate of the rectangle. @param yMax The upper Y coordinate of the rectangle. @return A clipped line, or null if the line is outside the rectangle. */ public static Line2D clipToRectangle(Line2D line, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax) { // Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithm double x1 = line.getOrigin().getX(); double y1 = line.getOrigin().getY(); double x2 = line.getEndPoint().getX(); double y2 = line.getEndPoint().getY(); double tL = (xMin - x1) / (x2 - x1); double tR = (xMax - x1) / (x2 - x1); double tT = (yMax - y1) / (y2 - y1); double tB = (yMin - y1) / (y2 - y1); double tMin = 0; double tMax = 1; if ((x1 < xMin && x2 < xMin) || (x1 > xMax && x2 > xMax) || (y1 < yMin && y2 < yMin) || (y1 > yMax && y2 > yMax)) { return null; } // Left if (tL > tMin && tL < tMax) { if (x1 < x2) { // Entering left edge tMin = tL; } else { tMax = tL; } } // Right if (tR > tMin && tR < tMax) { if (x1 > x2) { // Entering right edge tMin = tR; } else { tMax = tR; } } // Top if (tT > tMin && tT < tMax) { if (y1 > y2) { // Entering top edge tMin = tT; } else { tMax = tT; } } // Left if (tB > tMin && tB < tMax) { if (y1 < y2) { // Entering bottom edge tMin = tB; } else { tMax = tB; } } if (tMin > tMax) { return null; } return new Line2D(line.getPoint(tMin), line.getPoint(tMax)); } private static double computeAreaUnsigned(List<Point2D> vertices) { Iterator<Point2D> it = vertices.iterator(); Point2D last =; Point2D first = last; double sum = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Point2D next =; double lastX = last.getX(); double lastY = last.getY(); double nextX = next.getX(); double nextY = next.getY(); sum += (lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY); last = next; } double lastX = last.getX(); double lastY = last.getY(); double nextX = first.getX(); double nextY = first.getY(); sum += (lastX * nextY) - (nextX * lastY); sum /= 2.0; return sum; } }