package maps.convert.osm2gml; import maps.osm.OSMMap; import maps.osm.OSMNode; import maps.osm.OSMRoad; import maps.osm.OSMBuilding; import maps.convert.ConvertStep; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** This step scans the OpenStreetMap data and generates information about roads, intersections and buildings. */ public class ScanOSMStep extends ConvertStep { private TemporaryMap map; private Map<OSMNode, OSMIntersectionInfo> nodeToIntersection; private List<OSMIntersectionInfo> intersections; private List<OSMRoadInfo> roads; private List<OSMBuildingInfo> buildings; /** Construct a ScanOSMStep. @param map The OSMMap to scan. */ public ScanOSMStep(TemporaryMap map) { = map; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Scanning OpenStreetMap data"; } @Override protected void step() { nodeToIntersection = new HashMap<OSMNode, OSMIntersectionInfo>(); intersections = new ArrayList<OSMIntersectionInfo>(); roads = new ArrayList<OSMRoadInfo>(); buildings = new ArrayList<OSMBuildingInfo>(); OSMMap osm = map.getOSMMap(); setProgressLimit(osm.getRoads().size() + osm.getBuildings().size()); setStatus("Scanning roads and buildings"); scanRoads(); scanBuildings(); double sizeOf1m = ConvertTools.sizeOf1Metre(osm); setStatus("Generating intersections"); setProgressLimit(intersections.size()); setProgress(0); for (OSMIntersectionInfo next : intersections) { next.process(sizeOf1m); bumpProgress(); } setStatus("Created " + roads.size() + " roads, " + intersections.size() + " intersections, " + buildings.size() + " buildings"); map.setOSMInfo(intersections, roads, buildings); } private void scanRoads() { OSMMap osm = map.getOSMMap(); for (OSMRoad road : osm.getRoads()) { Iterator<Long> it = road.getNodeIDs().iterator(); OSMNode start = osm.getNode(; while (it.hasNext()) { OSMNode end = osm.getNode(; if (start == end) { System.out.println("Degenerate road: " + road.getID()); continue; } OSMIntersectionInfo from = nodeToIntersection.get(start); OSMIntersectionInfo to = nodeToIntersection.get(end); if (from == null) { from = new OSMIntersectionInfo(start); nodeToIntersection.put(start, from); intersections.add(from); } if (to == null) { to = new OSMIntersectionInfo(end); nodeToIntersection.put(end, to); intersections.add(to); } OSMRoadInfo roadInfo = new OSMRoadInfo(start, end); from.addRoadSegment(roadInfo); to.addRoadSegment(roadInfo); start = end; roads.add(roadInfo); } bumpProgress(); } } private void scanBuildings() { OSMMap osm = map.getOSMMap(); for (OSMBuilding building : osm.getBuildings()) { buildings.add(new OSMBuildingInfo(building, osm)); bumpProgress(); } } }