package maps.gml.formats; import maps.gml.GMLMap; import maps.gml.GMLNode; import maps.gml.GMLDirectedEdge; import maps.gml.GMLCoordinates; import maps.gml.GMLMapFormat; import maps.MapTools; import maps.CoordinateConversion; import maps.ScaleConversion; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Namespace; import org.dom4j.QName; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Collections; import rescuecore2.log.Logger; /** A MapFormat that can handle maps from Japan's Geospatial Information Authority. */ public final class GeospatialInformationAuthorityFormat extends GMLMapFormat { /** Singleton instance. */ public static final GeospatialInformationAuthorityFormat INSTANCE = new GeospatialInformationAuthorityFormat(); private static final String FGD_NAMESPACE_URI = ""; private static final Namespace FGD_NAMESPACE = DocumentHelper.createNamespace("fgd", FGD_NAMESPACE_URI); private static final QName DATASET_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("Dataset", FGD_NAMESPACE); private static final QName BUILDING_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("BldL", FGD_NAMESPACE); private static final QName ROAD_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("RdEdg", FGD_NAMESPACE); private static final QName LOC_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("loc", FGD_NAMESPACE); private static final QName CURVE_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("Curve", Common.GML_3_2_NAMESPACE); private static final QName SEGMENTS_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("segments", Common.GML_3_2_NAMESPACE); private static final QName LINE_STRING_SEGMENT_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("LineStringSegment", Common.GML_3_2_NAMESPACE); private static final QName POS_LIST_QNAME = DocumentHelper.createQName("posList", Common.GML_3_2_NAMESPACE); // Map from uri prefix to uri for XPath expressions and for output private static final Map<String, String> URIS = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { URIS.put("gml", Common.GML_NAMESPACE_URI); URIS.put("xlink", Common.XLINK_NAMESPACE_URI); URIS.put("fgd", FGD_NAMESPACE_URI); } private GeospatialInformationAuthorityFormat() { } @Override public String toString() { return "Japan Geospatial Information Authority"; } @Override public Map<String, String> getNamespaces() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(URIS); } @Override public boolean isCorrectRootElement(String uri, String localName) { return FGD_NAMESPACE_URI.equals(uri) && "Dataset".equals(localName); } @Override public GMLMap read(Document doc) { GMLMap result = new GMLMap(); readBuildings(doc, result); readRoads(doc, result); // Convert from lat/lon to metres double scale = 1.0 / MapTools.sizeOf1Metre((result.getMinY() + result.getMaxY()) / 2, (result.getMinX() + result.getMaxX()) / 2); CoordinateConversion conversion = new ScaleConversion(result.getMinX(), result.getMinY(), scale, scale); result.convertCoordinates(conversion); return result; } @Override public Document write(GMLMap map) { // Not implemented throw new RuntimeException("GeospatialInformationAuthorityFormat.write not implemented"); } private void readBuildings(Document doc, GMLMap result) { List elements = doc.getRootElement().elements(BUILDING_QNAME); Logger.debug("Found " + elements.size() + " buildings"); for (Object next : elements) { Element e = (Element)next; try { Element posList = e.element(LOC_QNAME).element(CURVE_QNAME).element(SEGMENTS_QNAME).element(LINE_STRING_SEGMENT_QNAME).element(POS_LIST_QNAME); String coords = posList.getText(); List<GMLDirectedEdge> edges = readEdges(coords, result); result.createBuilding(edges); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { Logger.debug("Building with wonky outline found: " + ex); } } } private void readRoads(Document doc, GMLMap result) { List elements = doc.getRootElement().elements(ROAD_QNAME); Logger.debug("Found " + elements.size() + " roads"); for (Object next : elements) { Element e = (Element)next; try { Element posList = e.element(LOC_QNAME).element(CURVE_QNAME).element(SEGMENTS_QNAME).element(LINE_STRING_SEGMENT_QNAME).element(POS_LIST_QNAME); String coords = posList.getText(); createEdges(coords, result); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { Logger.debug("Road with wonky outline found: " + ex); } } } private List<GMLDirectedEdge> readEdges(String coordinatesString, GMLMap map) { List<GMLDirectedEdge> edges = new ArrayList<GMLDirectedEdge>(); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(coordinatesString, " \t\n\r"); GMLCoordinates lastApex = null; GMLNode fromNode = null; GMLNode toNode = null; while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String north = tokens.nextToken(); String east = tokens.nextToken(); double x = Double.parseDouble(east); double y = Double.parseDouble(north); GMLCoordinates nextApex = new GMLCoordinates(x, y); toNode = map.createNode(nextApex); if (lastApex != null) { edges.add(new GMLDirectedEdge(map.createEdge(fromNode, toNode), true)); } lastApex = nextApex; fromNode = toNode; } return edges; } private void createEdges(String coordinatesString, GMLMap map) { StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(coordinatesString, " \t\n\r"); GMLCoordinates lastApex = null; GMLNode fromNode = null; GMLNode toNode = null; while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String north = tokens.nextToken(); String east = tokens.nextToken(); double x = Double.parseDouble(east); double y = Double.parseDouble(north); GMLCoordinates nextApex = new GMLCoordinates(x, y); toNode = map.createNode(nextApex); if (lastApex != null) { map.createEdge(fromNode, toNode); } lastApex = nextApex; fromNode = toNode; } } }