/* * Entagged Audio Tag library * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package entagged.audioformats; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * This class represents a structure for storing and retrieving information * about the codec respectively the encoding parameters.<br> * Most of the parameters are available for nearly each audio format. Some * others would result in standard values.<br> * <b>Consider:</b> None of the setter methods will actually affect the audio * file. This is just a structure for retrieving information, not manipulating * the audio file.<br> * * @author Raphael Slinckx */ public class EncodingInfo { /** * The key for the Bitrate.({@link Integer})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_BITRATE = "BITRATE"; /** * The key for the number of audio channels.({@link Integer})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_CHANNEL = "CHANNB"; /** * The key for the extra encoding information.({@link String})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_INFOS = "INFOS"; /** * The key for the audio clip duration in seconds. ({@link java.lang.Float})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_LENGTH = "LENGTH"; /** * The key for the audio sample rate in "Hz". ({@link Integer})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_SAMPLERATE = "SAMPLING"; /** * The key for the audio type.({@link String})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_TYPE = "TYPE"; /** * The key for the VBR flag. ({@link Boolean})<br> * * @see #content */ public final static String FIELD_VBR = "VBR"; /** * This table containts the parameters.<br> */ private Hashtable content; /** * Creates an instance with emtpy values.<br> */ public EncodingInfo() { content = new Hashtable(6); content.put(FIELD_BITRATE, new Integer(-1)); content.put(FIELD_CHANNEL, new Integer(-1)); content.put(FIELD_TYPE, ""); content.put(FIELD_INFOS, ""); content.put(FIELD_SAMPLERATE, new Integer(-1)); content.put(FIELD_LENGTH, new Float(-1)); content.put(FIELD_VBR, new Boolean(true)); } /** * This method returns the bitrate of the represented audio clip in * "Kbps".<br> * * @return The bitrate in Kbps. */ public int getBitrate() { return ((Integer) content.get(FIELD_BITRATE)).intValue(); } /** * This method returns the number of audio channels the clip contains.<br> * (The stereo, mono thing). * * @return The number of channels. (2 for stereo, 1 for mono) */ public int getChannelNumber() { return ((Integer) content.get(FIELD_CHANNEL)).intValue(); } /** * Returns the encoding type. * * @return The encoding type */ public String getEncodingType() { return (String) content.get(FIELD_TYPE); } /** * This method returns some extra information about the encoding.<br> * This may not contain anything for some audio formats.<br> * * @return Some extra information. */ public String getExtraEncodingInfos() { return (String) content.get(FIELD_INFOS); } /** * This method returns the duration of the represented audio clip in * seconds.<br> * * @see #getPreciseLength() * @return The duration in seconds. */ public int getLength() { return (int) getPreciseLength(); } /** * This method returns the duration of the represented audio clip in seconds * (single-precision).<br> * * @see #getLength() * @return The duration in seconds. */ public float getPreciseLength() { return ((Float) content.get(FIELD_LENGTH)).floatValue(); } /** * This method returns the sample rate, the audio clip was encoded with.<br> * * @return Sample rate of the audio clip in "Hz". */ public int getSamplingRate() { return ((Integer) content.get(FIELD_SAMPLERATE)).intValue(); } /** * This method returns <code>true</code>, if the audio file is encoded * with "Variable Bitrate".<br> * * @return <code>true</code> if audio clip is encoded with VBR. */ public boolean isVbr() { return ((Boolean) content.get(FIELD_VBR)).booleanValue(); } /** * This Method sets the bitrate in "Kbps".<br> * * @param bitrate * bitrate in kbps. */ public void setBitrate(int bitrate) { content.put(FIELD_BITRATE, new Integer(bitrate)); } /** * Sets the number of channels. * * @param chanNb * number of channels (2 for stereo, 1 for mono). */ public void setChannelNumber(int chanNb) { content.put(FIELD_CHANNEL, new Integer(chanNb)); } /** * Sets the type of the encoding.<br> * This is a bit format specific.<br> * eg:Layer I/II/III * * @param encodingType * Encoding type. */ public void setEncodingType(String encodingType) { content.put(FIELD_TYPE, encodingType); } /** * A string contianing anything else that might be interesting * * @param infos * Extra information. */ public void setExtraEncodingInfos(String infos) { content.put(FIELD_INFOS, infos); } /** * This method sets the audio duration of the represented clip.<br> * * @param length * The duration of the audio clip in seconds. */ public void setLength(int length) { content.put(FIELD_LENGTH, new Float(length)); } /** * This method sets the audio duration of the represented clip.<br> * * @param seconds * The duration of the audio clip in seconds (single-precision). */ public void setPreciseLength(float seconds) { content.put(FIELD_LENGTH, new Float(seconds)); } /** * Sets the Sampling rate in "Hz"<br> * * @param samplingRate * Sample rate. */ public void setSamplingRate(int samplingRate) { content.put(FIELD_SAMPLERATE, new Integer(samplingRate)); } /** * Sets the VBR flag for the represented audio clip.<br> * * @param b * <code>true</code> if VBR. */ public void setVbr(boolean b) { content.put(FIELD_VBR, new Boolean(b)); } /** * Pretty prints this encoding info * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(50); out.append("Encoding infos content:\n"); Enumeration en = content.keys(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = en.nextElement(); Object val = content.get(key); out.append("\t"); out.append(key); out.append(" : "); out.append(val); out.append("\n"); } return out.toString().substring(0, out.length() - 1); } }